Central Shielding Measures for the INTERBUS Central Shielding Measures For the commissioning phase, a large surface area connection should be made between each cable shield and ground (FE/PE rail) directly after the cable enters the switch cabinet. Static Discharge Very long bus cables, which have been laid but not yet connected, are discharged as follows. Step
Begin with the static discharge with the INTERBUS plug nearest to the FE/PE rail.
Touch the FE/PE rail of the switch cabinet with the metal of the plug case.
Then plug the bus plug into the device, but only after this has been statically discharged.
Discharge the cable’s other INTERBUS plugs in the same way and then plug these into the device.
Notes for Connecting the Cable Shield with Earth NOTE: The metal guide of the INTERBUS plug is internally connected with the cable shield during the construction of the cable. If the bus cable plug is plugged into the module’s INTERBUS interface, a short connection is automatically established between the shield and PE.
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