Choice of Transparent Factory electric wiring Screened cables The choice of screen quality depends on the type of connection. SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC defines the cables for each field bus and each local network in order to ensure the installation's electromagnetic compatibility. A screened cable provides excellent protection against electromagnetic disturbance, especially at high frequencies. The efficiency of a screened cable depends on the choice of the screen and, to a greater extent, on how it is implemented. NOTE: Transparent Factory cables have a ring and a braid. Ring cables The problem with ring cables is that they are fragile. The HF protective effect of a ring cable is damaged through the general handling of the cable. Always reduce any pulling or twisting of Transparent Factory cables to a minimum, especially on installation. The protective effect can reach several hundreds with a simple braid from a few MHz upwards, when the screen connections are acceptable. NOTE: Bilateral connection of the screen to the exposed conductive parts protects against the most severe disturbance. This is why it is essential to properly equip each end of the Transparent Factory screened cables with RJ45 screened connectors. Twisted pair, screened and ring cables
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