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Golf - Seniors Mounties


Well this is now the second year which has been affected again due to the Covid 19.

Our last AGM meeting was held on the 24th Nov last year and we were supposed to have our AGM on the 20th July this year but it has been put back again due to Covid 19 . Congratulations to the new incoming committee members and a special thanks to the outgoing committee The club championships were held with the winner again this year was Norm Simpson with a score of 317 The runner was Fred Vella with a score of 335

The A grade championship was won by Norm Simpson with a score of 273 and the runner was Fred Vella on 280

The winner of the B Grade championship was won by Charlie Vella with a stroke score of 384

The runner up was Nino Anter who scored 390 The B Grade winner was Nino Anter who scored 274 and the runner up was Charlie Vella with a score of 280 Our Match play was played over 4 games this was won by Allen Gallard who defeated Eddie Chambers

Our Yearly trek down to Calderwood valley was a Hugh success again with a total of 32 players who competed for the Calderwood cup, This was won by Vic Bartolo with 46 points On the 4th of May we held our Chris Murphy Memorial golf day where we also had a BBQ after the game The eventual winners were Eddie Chambers with his partner Kevin Morgan with a score of 57 Nett We should be playing our 2 Ball Best Ball championship now but this has also been affected due to Covid 19 This will have to be played later in the year.


(Old Fox)

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