Catálogo BFM (BOGOSHORTS Film Market) 2020

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Apertura BFM / BFM Opening event Masterclass de Guy Nattiv: El arte que enfrenta y desafía el racismo / Masterclass by Guy Nattiv: Art That Confronts and Challenges Racism Mié. 9 de Diciembre / Wed. December 9

Con el apoyo de: / Supported by:

7:00 p.m.

Evento híbrido. Solo para acreditados Industria BFM con registro previo / Hybrid event. Only for BFM Industry accreditation with pre-register

Para la inauguración de nuestro 4 o BFM - BOGOSHORTS Film Market, el cineasta israelí Guy Nattiv presentará el masterclass: “El arte que enfrenta y desafía el racismo”. Este evento de apertura es también la oportunidad para lanzar SHORTS X CHANGE, un nuevo componente de nuestra agencia de cortometrajes BOGOSHORTS Film Agency, una iniciativa que busca, con proyecciones temáticas y estrategias educativas e informativas, visibilizar problemáticas sociales globales. Creemos en el formato corto y su capacidad de generar cambios. En el masterclass se abordará el formato corto y su potencial de transformación social. En un mundo tan incierto, los cineastas tienen la responsabilidad de generar conversación; de reconocer el cine como una herramienta de educación. A través de historias innovadoras y profundamente conmovedoras, se pueden transmitir mensajes sociales y políticos que generen un cambio positivo en el 10

For the opening of our 4 o BFM - BOGOSHORTS Film Market, the Israeli filmmaker Guy Nattiv will present the masterclass: “Art that confronts and challenges racism”. This opening event is also the opportunity to launch SHORTS X CHANGE, a new component of our short film distribution agency BOGOSHORTS Film Agency, an initiative that seeks, with thematic screenings and educational and informational strategies, to make global social issues visible. We believe in the short format and its ability to generate change. The masterclass will address the short format and its potential for social transformation. In such an uncertain world, filmmakers have a responsibility to generate conversation; to recognize cinema as an educational tool. Through innovative and deeply moving stories, social and political messages can be transmitted that generate a positive change in the viewer. Throughout his film career, Guy Nattiv has questioned the nature of hatred within traditional belief systems, and that it has been re-emerging, such as anti-Semitism and racism. In this way, he uses the short format as a means

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