District Joins Town in Celebration of Arbor Day Unity Park added some significant new elements to its history during the fall. Argyle ISD and the Town of Argyle partnered on Friday, Nov. 5 for the Arbor Day Tree Dedication. Four new trees were planted in Unity Park and a dedication was held and included students in attendance from nearby Argyle Intermediate School. The ceremony also included the recognition of two AIS students who were honored for winning the Arbor Day art content. Argyle ISD Superintendent Dr. Telena Wright, Argyle Mayor Bryan Livingston, and Argyle ISD School Board President Sam Slaton spoke during the ceremony. The four new trees were planted behind the outfield fence of the baseball field near the Crawford Road entrance to the park. All of the students and teachers at Argyle Intermediate School attended the ceremony. Gracie Hemmen won first place in the Arbor Day art contest and Luisa Neves Costa was second. Dr. Wright, Mayor Livingston, and Argyle ISD Administrative Assistant Yvolene McGarvey served as the judges.
• Argyle Insights • Spring 2022