Africa Mining Insight May/June 2022 Edition

Page 14


Variant Mining Technologies SAFETY RELIABILITY ACCURACY First-of-its-kind ore handling solu on puts safety first Mining companies are digging deeper than ever to maximize output, what starts as an open-pit mine o en extends underground. “As mines get deeper, extrac on of valuable ore becomes more costly,” said Derek Meloche, manager of business development, Variant Mining Technologies. “In addi on, safeguarding personnel from underground hazards is a cri cal concern.” Located in the Sudbury basin in Ontario, Canada, Variant Mining Technologies specialize in solu ons for underground hard rock mining. The company works to solve one of the industry's biggest challenges – moving material underground safely and efficiently. Block Caving Challenges Transpor ng ore underground presents significant challenges, depending on the excava on method used. In block caving, a large sec on of rock is undercut. The ore then collapses – or “caves” – gradually under its own weight. The resul ng rubble funnels through a series of ver cal ore passes at various levels in the mine. A chute system is located at the bo om of each ore pass. “The chute is a device that allows ore to be transferred safely to the haulage vehicles,” Meloche explained. “It controls the flow so haulage equipment can be loaded quickly and safely.” Trucks collect the material from a chute at the haulage level and transport it to conveyance systems, which bring the ore to a centralized crusher and/or to the surface. Safety First We are focused on crea ng a produc ve mining environment that mi gates and eliminates risk – and is an a rac ve place to work. Tradi onally, underground ore chute systems have been viewed as steel fabrica ons, with very limited control. However, Variant brings control technology to the forefront to help make equipment safer, more efficient, and more reliable.

A Two-Fold Control Solu on Successful opera on of the ore loading system depends on the coordinated control of the ore chutes and haulage vehicles. Variant is charged with supplying the ore chutes – and a safety control system that meets func onal safety requirements. To achieve a func onally safe system, in this case a system that meets SIL 3 ra ngs, the design considered the process that encompasses the bin, chutes and trucks. The control system is built on pla orm Featuring, designs that eliminate hazards, safety-rated controllers, and HMI interfaces. The system is designed with a controller and HMI in each chute and aboard each truck. For fail-safe communica on, the integrated system uses safety-rated protocols running on an Ethernet wireless network. Enabling Smart Technology To op mize the system, Variant incorporated several technologies that are not new in other industries but new to underground mining. For example, the vehicle detec on system in the chute loading area detects a truck's presence and posi on – while RFID technology determines the vehicle model and type.


“This technology allows operators in the truck cabs to control the chutes in a safer manner,” Meloche said. “The chute will not operate unless a haulage truck is present and in the correct posi on. Jeeps or other vehicle types cannot trigger opera on.” The system also includes fallen object protec on. A gate at the end of the chute contains any loose rocks from the previous load to help safeguard approaching vehicles and personnel. “And our system monitors the ore bins associated with each chute to make sure they don't run empty,” Meloche said. “We keep material in the bins at all mes to serve as a buffer – so ore falling 150 feet doesn't come out of the chute like a rocket.” Exceeding Expecta ons Our Team of Cer fied Machine Safety Experts CMSE™ design ore handling systems that improve operator safety while op mizing mine throughput. Variant an cipates the system will enable significantly be er traffic control and equipment u liza on than other systems on the market. “Overall, mining companies are most concerned about safety – and produc vity,” said Meloche. “Our safety-rated SIL 3 system is designed to improve both.” This truck loading control system is currently patent pending.

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