Africa Mining Insight May/June 2022 Edition

Page 32

Mining- Solutions

Lubrication Solutions to Wear Rate Reduction By Chuck Strait

Petron Corpora on, located in New Berlin,

equipment owing to their ever-increasing

Formula ng our products with primarily

Wisconsin, USA, has over 50 Years of


heavy viscous oils, in many cases above

experience manufacturing high performance

Some historians call pin and bushing joints

50,000 cSt, along with a light carrier oil,

lubricants focusing on surface mining,

the first type of bearings. They have been

allows Petron lubricants to have the

underground mining, and ore processing.

around for thousands of years and were

characteris cs of a much lower “apparent”

Petron Corpora on's specialty lubricants

originally used in applica ons such as

viscosity lubricant. This lower “apparent”

excel in lubrica ng equipment such as

rota ng wheels on wooden axles. However,

viscosity lubricant will flow readily into a load

Draglines, Electric/Hydraulic Shovels, Loaders,

in today's mining world there are hundreds of

zone, deposi ng select addi ves and high

Haul Trucks, and any other mobile pit

machines that use various materials and

viscous oil molecules right where they are

equipment, as well as Crushers and all types

configura ons for their pins and bushings.

needed the most, while remaining viscous

of Mills.

Though material construc on has changed

enough to eliminate the need for large

from the original plain wood pins and

amounts of soap to hold the oil in

Let's face it

bushings, providing a lubrica ng film and


Mining Equipment is designed to have parts

elimina ng contamina on between the pin

This lubricant film then separates even the

wear out while s ll maintaining the machine

and bushing has not.

highest loaded surfaces, greatly reducing the

integrity. While it is beneficial that high wear

How is Petron Corpora on different? Petron

possibility of contact wear, while the light

items can simply be replaced, it is also

has pioneered the development of specific

carrier oil washes the would-be

detrimental if these parts wear out too o en.

high viscosity lubricants that greatly reduce

contamina on out of the load zone and safely

Early wear causes loss of up me and

wear on slow moving gears, pins, and


throughput, which nega vely impacts the

bushings. Tradi onally, these applica ons

company's bo om line.

were lubricated with a Mul -Purpose Grease

Wear reduc on is the key

A classic example of this would be the pins

with a soap addi ve. This soap, much like a

Today's mining equipment uses the most

and bushings used in almost all mining

sponge, holds the base oil and addi ves in

sophis cated form of bronze pin bushings,

equipment. Petron Corpora on has

suspension un l sufficient force is applied to

and their ability to reduce wear is impressive.

recognized that the tradi onal lubrica on

squeeze out the oil into the load zone. By

Even though bronze is extremely reliable and

techniques and products no longer provide

their nature Mul -Purpose Greases do not

durable, it is s ll designed to be a “wear”

the protec on needed in modern mining

flow due to their high soap content.

material. The purpose of wearing is to


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