Africa Mining Insight May/June 2022 Edition

Page 36

Mining- Solutions

LIBS chemical sensing applications in the mining and minerals industry The mining industry is faced with an increasing scarcity of natural resources. At the same me, the global demand for resources keeps growing and the requirement to reduce the environmental footprint of mining becomes more important. This creates the need to develop innova ve solu ons that increase the

Example of part

efficiency and sustainability of mining natural

of the output of


a drill core scan (warmer colors are

Mining opera ons deal with huge quan

higher concentrations)

es of

excavated material with varying mineral concentra ons and economic value. Increased knowledge about the composi on of this material provides opportuni es to improve decision making for stockpiling, sor ng, and mineral processing. However, no systems currently exist that can be used to measure the chemical composi on of large material

several different elements and for some

(fast) moving raw material. The sensor

es in real- me. LIBS chemical sensor

minerals the rela ve quan ty of these

features our unique IRIS spectrometer with

technology provides a solu on, because no

elements can vary. Depending on the size of

world-class signal-to-noise (S/N) ra o, rugged


sample prepara on is required and

the mineral grains, a single LIBS measurement

pulse laser source and highly efficient op cs.

measurements can be performed at rela vely

can represent one or several minerals.

The design allows for flexible integra on into

high speeds. At SPECTRAL Industries we work together with

Development of advanced data processing

industrial equipment and can be mounted in

techniques is therefore required in order to

any orienta on. Suitable for a wide range of

provide quan ta ve composi onal

environmental condi ons, it offers low

the mining industry to develop LIBS-based

informa on that meets the required accuracy.

maintenance cost and improves processes by

sensor applica ons for the mining

Addi onally, calibra ons need to be tailored to

delivering real- me informa on. SPECTRAL

environment. Examples of applica ons are in-

the geological se ng of a specific mineral

delivers its unique sensor systems for the

line conveyor belt analysis, scanning exposed

deposit to take all the varia on between rock

following applica ons:

rock surfaces (see Figure 1) and scanning drill

types and mineralogy into account.

chips from blasthole drilling. Addi onally, we

Drill core scanning

Rock surface mapping

also work on applica ons that improve the

The results obtained using LIBS chemical

Drill cu ngs analysis

explora on for new mineral deposits such as

sensing on ore samples from ac ve mining

Ore, concentrate and slag

Muck pile characteriza on

the scanning of drill cores (see Figure 2). We

opera ons show that LIBS can be used to

develop the best LIBS sensor for a specific

provide the informa on that is needed to

applica on using our in-depth exper se of

improve the efficiency and sustainability of

lasers, spectrometers and data processing.

future mining.

characteriza on

The LIBX sensor can be applied for automated ore sor ng, that separates valuable from

One of the major challenges of using LIBS for

SPECTRAL Industries is a new chemical sensor

non-valuable rocks to prevent unnecessary

characterizing the mineral quan ty in rocks is

developer and manufacturer, with a focus on

cost for processing worthless ore and

the heterogeneity of this material. Rocks are

applica ons in the mining and minerals

maximize return on investment. The

composed of many different minerals with

industry. SPECTRAL's chemical sensors are

technology is highly scalable as the hardware

various grain sizes. Each mineral consists of

robust, mobile & fast: they can be applied on

is suitable for any type of ore and materials.


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