Africa Mining Insight May/June 2022 Edition

Page 7


Solving the challenges of mining communications Modern mine operators are increasingly recognizing the need for technologically advanced communica on systems for both worker safety and opera onal efficiency. Keeping workers connected and informed is key to a safe and efficient workplace and communica ons play a vital role in ensuring opera onal coordina on. We have asked Regional Director Carsten Laursen and Regional Sales Director Stuart Will from DAMM Cellular Systems how their communica on solu ons conform to these requirements. Fail-safe voice and data communica ons Why should mining companies consider a DAMM radio communica on solu on? “DAMM fully understands the cri cal importance of fail-safe voice and data communica ons. We specialise in providing equipment perfectly suited to the remote, harsh environments and severe working condi ons of mining opera ons. Our solu ons provide crucial communica ons integra on between the mining site, rail and port opera ons and centralised administra on, enhancing both efficiency and the safety of personnel,” says Carsten. When communica on systems fail, mining companies have to stop opera ons, which costs millions a day. The decentralized architecture of the DAMM system combined with a fully redundant setup prevent down me, even if the network is hit by lightning. Along with high availability, DAMM's system includes a wide range of other safetyenhancing features, including clear voice

Carsten Laursen Regional Director

quality even in noisy environments, emergency calls, man-down func onality,

Easy to deploy, move and maintain

geo-loca on services, mul ple pre-emp ve

How are DAMM's products specifically useful

and low temperatures. Their compact design

calls, broadcast messaging alerts and direct

for the mining sector?

and low weight make them easy to mount

alarm dispatch to emergency units.

environments from high heat and dust to rain

“Our IP65-protected outdoor base sta ons

directly in masts, providing coverage for the

are built for remote areas, harsh

en re mining site. In addi on, their design


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