10 march namib times e-edition

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Third Oil Discovery In Namibia

The Ministry of Mines and Energy confirmed yet another discoveryoflightoilintheOrangeBasinoffshoreNamibia. The National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR), in partnership with Shell and QatarEnergy, has announcedalightoildiscoveryintheJonker-1Xdeepwater explorationwellintheBlock2913Aand2914(PEL0039)in drilling operations that started in December of 2022 and completed in the beginning of this month in the Orange BasinoffshoresouthernNamibia.TheJonker-1Xdiscovery locatedapproximately270kmoffthecoastofNamibia,isthe thirdwelldrilledonthelicenseheldbyShellwithinayear.A pressreleasebyNamcorreads:

“Located approximately 270 kilometers off the coast of Namibia, in the deep-water offshore, the Jonker-1X discovery is the third well drilledonthelicenseheldbyShellwithinayear.

Continues on page 1

Swakopmund Municipality and Namport CEOs strengthen ties

Swakopmund Municipality's Chief Executive Officer(CEO), MrAlfeus Benjamin and Namport's Chief Executive Officer (CEO),MrAndrewKanimemetforthefirsttimeinacourtesy visit on Friday, 3 March, to strengthen ties between the two institutions, particularly in view of the pivotal roles both Namport and the Swakopmund Local Authority play in the developmentoftheentireErongoregion.

MrBenjaminfamiliarisedhimselfandhismanagementontheoperations ofNamportinthevisitthatincludedatouraroundtheport. LindaMupupa, Public Relations Officer, Office of the CEO at the Swakopmund Municipality told the newspaper Mr Benjamin visited the port to share ideas and discuss opportunities or areas the two organisations can collaborate.MrBenjamin,ontheideathatadryportinSwakopmundis not farfetched stated, “ I see it fit to visit Namport to learn about the business as well as its operations and see how we can leverage on the operationsoftheportasalocalauthority.”MrBenjaminsaiditwouldbe wise to identify activities and projects in Swakopmund which would requirethetowntousetheport.“Theefficiencyandgrowthoftheport increases the visibility and investment of the entire region, including Swakopmund.”

Uphill battle of road conditions in Walvis Bay Electricity for the DRC International Women's Day commemorated at Swakopmund

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7006 FRIDAY 10 MARCH 2023 N$6 inside Page 20 Page 7 Page 2 Page 3 Sports News
Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff

Third Oil Discovery

Continued from page 1

The Odfjell Deepsea Bollsta semi-submersible rig drilled the well to a totaldepthof6168metersinawaterdepthof2210meters.Theacquired dataiscurrentlybeingevaluated,andfurtherappraisaldrillingisplanned todeterminethesizeandrecoverableresourcespotentialofthediscovery 'NAMCORwouldliketotakethisopportunitytocongratulateourpartners Shell(Operator)andQatar-EnergyforsafelydrillingtheJonker-1Xdeepwater well. The encouraging results from the well are a geological testimonyofthesignificanthydrocarbonpotentialinthedeepwaterplayof the Orange Basin. We look forward to the appraisal activities and our collaborative relationship with our Joint Venture partners and our shareholder,theGovernmentoftheRepublicofNamibia,tofullyassess the commerciality of this discovery,' Executive: Upstream Exploration, VictoriaSibeyastated.Commentingonthisannouncement,Mr Immanuel Mulunga, Managing Director of NAMCOR, said, 'we are delighted to announce this third oil discovery after the success of the Graff-1X and Venus-1XdiscoveriesbyShellandTotalEnergiesin2022.Thisdiscovery has proven the exciting and world-class potential of the deep-water OrangeBasin'.

The Joint Venture group comprises of Shell Namibia B.V (45%), QatarEnergy(45%)andNAMCOR(10%).”

TomAlweendo, Minister of Mines and Energy stated the government of Namibiawelcomesthediscoveryandwillcontinuetosupportinvestorsto remain committed and fast track the sustainable develop-ment of the country's oil and gas resources. The discovery confirms hydrocarbon presence in the basin and there is without a doubt significant volume of hydrocarbons in Namibia, revealed a media release by the Ministry of Mines and Energy Commenting on the discovery, Petroleum Commissioner, Maggy Shino said, “we welcome this brilliant and successful exploration campaign that has led to a third discovery in the Orange Basin.” Shino further said with this new discovery, Namibia has becomethenewexplorationhotspotandverysoonthecountrywillbean oil and gas producer The Namibian government is looking forward to furthercooperationwiththeJointVenturepartnerstooptimallyprogress thesediscoveries.

Swakopmund Mobile Food Kiosk Policy

Municipality to support mobile food kiosks

InthewakeofMobileFoodKiosksgainingpopularityandpopping upinmanypartsofSwakopmund,theSwakopmundMunicipality recognisedtheneedtoaccommodateandsupportthesebusinesses byputtingmeasuresandsystemsinplacethatlawfullysupportthe sectortocreateanenablingenvironmentforeconomicgrowthand thecreationof employment.

Mobile food kiosks have over the years added value to the existing food landscapeinSwakopmundbybringingavarietyofspecialgourmetfoodtothe street,generatingemployment,andenablingsmallbusinessestoenterthefood retailing business. Since food trucks provide diverse food options to tourists and locals, mobile food trucks have become increasingly popular in not only Swakopmund but the world. Chief Executive Officer of the Swakopmund Municipality, Mr Alfeus Benjamin currently said the CBD and surrounding areas have seventeen sites for mobile food kiosks. “In spite of these figures, residentswhowishtoopenfoodtruckenterprisesinSwakopmundcontinueto flood the Economic development Services Department with applications and demands,”Benjaminsaid.

On the other hand, the Swakopmund council has received a mass number of complaints from residents , particularly those living near the beach. The residentsrequesttherelocationofmobilefoodkioskforvariousreasons,i.e., disregard of the town planning scheme by allowing mobile food kiosks to operateinthebeachareawithoutfollowingtheproperprocedures.

To better manage the activities and operations of mobile food kiosks in a mannerthatimprovestheimageofSwakopmundwhilstaddressingtheneeds and interests of all the residents, the Swakopmund Municipality has demarcated several sites for this purpose. The Council has also developed a Mobile Food Kiosk Policy which stipulates all operative guidelines. Public Relations Officer/ Office of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Linda Mupupa,toldthenewspaper,“Thispolicywillbeimplementedinphasesyetto beannounced.Councilhoweverintendsonholdingpublicconsultationsinthis regard.”

TheSwakopmundCouncilresolvedamongothers,on 27Octoberoflastyear and23February2023:

Ÿ That mobile kiosk sites be allowed at the following sites – north of the aquarium, tennis court, parking area opposite the Statehouse, Saturday Market(DanielKamhoAvenue)erf118oppositetheSwakopmundPrison, Erf626,Tamariskia,Erf2394,Matutura.

Ÿ Thatexistingmobilekiosksthatneedtorelocateinrespectofthecouncil's decision be given the first preference to reapply and select their preferred sitesinthenewlydemarcatedarea.

Ÿ ThattheMoleandoldskateboardareaonlybeusedforspecialeventsand thecurrentkiosksintheseareasbemovedtothenewlycreatedarea.

Ÿ That the mobile kiosk sites at the DRC Settlement be delayed until the completedecongestionprocesshasbeenfinalised.

Ÿ Thatnosuitabletradingareashavebeenidentifiedatthefollowingsuburbs andareas;IndustrialAre,OceanView,Mile4,DRCandMondesa.

Uphill battle of road conditions in Walvis Bay

Eliphas Sheepo

Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes highlighted the fact the council is currently faced with an uphill battle with the conditions of the town's roads as well as land delivery.

The mayor said the high volume of international traffic, including heavy good transportingtrucks,istakingatollonthetown's roads.N$19millionhasbeenbudgetedforthe rehabilitation and maintenance for 60 roads totaling about 50km The Roads Funds Administration has also pitched in a budget of N$248millionforthenextfiveyears.

Theotherpressingissueislanddelivery The council was under fire by Walvis Bay BackyardTenants(WBBT)whofeelsaddened to learn that so far only fifty beneficiaries are plannedtoberelocatedtoFarm37.Thegroup protested in front of the municipal building andhandedinapetitionwheretheymotioned thattheybeallocatedun-servicedlandforfree atExtension7.Forbessuggesteditmightbea good time for the council to consider making moves to establish a council-owned brickmakingtosupplybricksatthemostaffordable rates. Representative of WBBT, Imanuel Festus said, “council should stop mandatory brick houses altogether and approve cheaper buildingmaterialforconstruction.”Withonly twoyearslefttomakeasignificantchangein thelivesoftheresidentsofWalvisBay,Forbes andcouncilappealtotheadministrationtofast tracktheexecutionoftheseresolutions.

Swakopmund council to improve sanitation

This week the Swakopmund Municipality announced that the construction of seven sanitation centers in the town is nearing completion, this is a short-term solution to improve sanitation in the informal settlements while attempts are beingmadetoprovidecompleteaccesstosewageservices.

The sewerage network and several pump stations have been experiencing a disruption in their operations and function which has resultedinseweragefloodingthestreetsroads and even properties. The main areas that experienceacontinuousoccurrenceofflooding are Germina N Shitaleni Multi-purpose Centre,DaurebStreet,NaukluftStreet,Olivia Haufiku Street in Mondesa, various Pump Station throughout Swakopmund, and McHughStreetintheindustrialarea.

Thedisruptioninthefunctionofthesewerage network and the operations of the pump stationsistheresultofsand,rocks,andother foreignobjectsbeingdepositedintothesewer network.Thisresultsintheblockageofpipes and causes damage to the impellers and motorsofthepumps.

To address the sewerage problems and improve the function of the sewer network, the Municipality has implemented a Sewerage Program and has put the following measures in place, Procurement of a New Mobile SludgePump,RelocationofMidblockSewer Lines in the Mondesa and Tamariskia suburbs,ReroutingofthemainsewerattheGerminaNShitaleniMulti-purposeCentre,Construction of a Mechanical Sand trap behind Germina N Shitaleni Multi-purpose Centre,

Procurement of pumps for 9 pump stations, namely Pumpstation 3 (Strand Street), Pump station16(TamariskiaHall),Pumpstation19 (c/o Dr. Schwetering Street and Dr. Eugene Muller street), Pump station 20 (Apex Park), Pumpstation 4 (Paddock Gardens), Pumpstation Mile 4, Pump station at the Raw BalancingTank, Pump station 14 and Pumpstation 09. Appointment of Contractors to attend to the maintenance of pump stations, namely the pumps, sumps/sand traps, and electronicandelectrical.CleaningoftheRaw BalancingTanks at the old plant. Installation of Mechanical screen at the Raw Balancing Tank. Installation of a New Sewer Main in McHughStreetRedirectionofseveralcoastal pump stations, Installation of a New Sewer Main in Nelson Mandela Street from the MondesaTaxiranktoPumpstation9,UpgradingofSewerLineinOliviaHaufikuStreetin Mondesa, Construction and Installation of back-upGeneratorroomforPumpstation16 (TamariskiaHall).

The Municipality of Swakopmund is committed to the delivery of safe, efficient, affordable services and infrastructure to all and has adopted a 5-year strategic plan to ensure key projects and decisions are implemented.

Eileen van der Schyff

Electricity for the DRC

During a Management Committee Meeting last month, it was resolved that the management committee approved a total of N$2 550 000 to be assigned to the electrical supply connections for the informal dwellings in the Democratic ResettlementCommunity(DRC)ProperProject.

The management committee also approvedtheimplementationplanforthe electrical supply connection to the informaldwellingsintheDRCproperto becarriedoutinphases.

In a statement by the Swakopmund Municipality, Public Relations Officer, LindaMupupa,said,duetothefinancial implicationsforallpartiesandtomeetthe councilhalfway,thebeneficiarieswillbe given two options to make their contributiontowardstheelectricalsupply connection.

Thefirstoptionisaonce offpaymentby beneficiarieswhocanaffordtofullypay the electrical supply connection contribution of N$ 2 500. The second option is for beneficiaries to pay off the electricalsupplyconnectioncontribution ofN$2500inmonthlyinstalments.

According to Mupupa, ErongoRed has secured an amount of N$1 587 130 as a contribution to service 200 beneficiaries in DRC Proper This contribution will coverfortheelectricalsupplycablefrom

the nearest kiosk up to two meters into the erf boundary with a prepaid meter-ready box.

Mupupafurthersaid,thereisnoexactdate setforwhentheelectricalconnectionswill commence, but she confirmed that it will happensoon.“Anoticewillsoonbesentout to residents to apply for an electrical connectionandoncethatisdoneonlythen willtheconnectionstart.”

DRClocalityhas850residentswithmostof thehousesconsistingofinformaldwellings and structures. These residents are due to receive ownership certificates from the MunicipalityofSwakopmund.

Late in 2022, nineteen Streetlights in Wagdaar were installed at a total cost of N$1 9000 00. A total of 67 pre-paid waterstandpipeshavealsobeeninstalledin the informal settlement areas of SwakopmundatatotalcostofN$2680000. Twenty-two water standpipes are in DRC Proper, twenty-two in Wagdaar, sixteen in DRC seaside, and seven water standpipes arelocatedintheDRCairportsite.

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Sharlien Tjambari

Rössing offers voluntary separation packages this year

IthasbeenconfirmedbyRössingUraniumnoemployeeswillberetrenched,after the announcement of the Life of Mine Extension (LoME) of Rössing Uranium, rumours that the mine will lay off some of its employees by 2026 started making rounds.

Managing Director, Johan Coetzee told the Namib Times in a telephonic interview,“RössingUraniumemployees are not being retrenched; however, followingtherecentlyannouncedLifeof MineExtension(LoME)bytheBoardon 22 February 2023, the recommended operating model will have an impact on someoftherolesafter2027.”

According to Coetzee, the LoME does not guarantee the continuation of all current jobs beyond 2026, as the operatingmodelandworkforcestructure required for LoME is different. “The contractor mining solution for LoME is regarded as the most appropriate based onthemostresilientfinancialoptionand istheonlynon-valuedestructiveoption.” Coetzee further said, “Rössing is therefore not retrenching employees but is offering Voluntary Separation packages to those employees in the impacted areas, starting 2023 until the endof2026.”

Coetzee further mentioned that the transition plan created for the voluntary separation program is aimed at mitigating the impact of potential forced retrenchments post-2027 by affording every impacted employee the opportunity to benefit from the voluntary separation package offered by the company while pursuing other employment opportunities. TheapprovalofLoMEmeanstheminewill continuetooperateforanextended10year period until end of 2036. The alternative would mean mine closure at the end of 2026, where all Rössing employees would beimpacted.Coetzeesaid,“thegoodnews is that employment and other macroeconomic benefits will continue to exist at Rössingbeyond2026.”

Rossing's Life of Mine Extension (LoME) hasbeenextendedfrom2026to2036,this comes after the bankable feasibility study was conducted by the mine, which the boardapproved.

Put Money Aside For Your Retirement

IfoneweretoaskanordinaryNamibianwhattheyweredoingwiththeirleftover cashattheendofthemonth,theymightjustlookatyouwonderingonwhatplanet youareandwhichbustheyhadmissed.

After a few years of economic downturn and large-scale retrenchments, discretionary income is possibly almost non-existent after average Joe has paid for the necessary cost-of-living expenses,andpossiblysupportedhisorhernextof-kin with buying their groceries and covering otherexpensestoo.

“However,itbegsthequestionastowhetherone should not for a short moment consider the implicationsofnot“payingoneselffirst”,saysMr Enwich Kazondu, principal officer of the Namibia Building Workers Pension Fund (NBWPF). “It is really important to put money aside for when one is retired, even if it is just a littlebit”.

Without any provision for retirement, it would make it very difficult for most to maintain their standard of living once they are retiring. In the financialservicesindustry,oneoftenreferstothe 80 percent rule, which practically means that ideally one should have enough retirement savingsthatallowonetohaveamonthlyincome availablethatwouldbebetween80and85percent ofwhatoneisearningpre-retirement.Thatwould mean, that if one's monthly income was NAD5000beforeretiring,thenonewouldhaveto have between NAD4000 and NAD4500 per monthatone'sdisposalduringretirement.

“Considering that the old age pension for citizen over 67 in Namibia is NAD1100 per month, it is therefore critical, that everyone plans effectively andbuildsalargeenoughnestegg,toavoidthat being left destitute and vulnerable at the end of theirworkinglife,”saysMrEnwichKazondu.

“However, we know there is a degree of scepticismaboutputtingmoneyasideandpaying into pension funds. This possibly has to do with the previously announced legislation which had stipulated that 75% of benefits required to be preserved until after retirement. However, this is not enforced. On the contrary, members of the NBWPF can indeed have their fund credit paid out if they resign or are retrenched, which howeverwouldhavetaximplications.

“Atthesametime,theremightbeagenerallackof understanding of the benefits of paying into a pensionplan.Ontheoneside,ifthepensionfund

is provided through an employer, the employer would have to match the employee's contribution and no tax would have to be paid on this contribution, as they are deducted before being taxedonone'ssalary.”

“InthecaseofNBWPFfortheconstructionsector, the employee pays 4% of his or her pensionable salary and the employer makes an equal contributionof4%.

Therefore, it is important to recognise that this benefit increases the value of one's overall package”.

Regardless, there are some who feel that their moneyisnotsafeandthattheyprefertohavemuch easier access and oversight. Some pension funds, globally, fell also into disrepute due to their underlying investment decisions that were not prudent. However,thatshouldnotunderminethe principal value of making use of pension funds to makeprovisionsforone'sretirement.

Nevertheless,ifthediscretionaryincomeislimited andmanagingone'sdailylifebecomesabalancing act,thefirstthingmightstillbetoputsomemoney aside in the case of emergency into a so-called emergency fund, and to pay off any high interestbearingdebts.

“Weneedtoreallybecomemoreawarenotonlyof ourcurrentfinancialneedsbutalsoaboutwhatwe can expect our spending needs to be in the future, when we are no longer earning an income. It is reallyatoughcalltomake,consideringourcurrent economic environment. But we always need to remember,itisnevertoolatetostartputtingmoney aside.Atthesametime,thesooneronestarts–even very early in one's work life - the better, as the benefits of compound interest over the years, will dotheirwork.

“Yes, we are also aware that pension fund contributionsarenottheonlywaytomakesurethat one has enough to live comfortably when one retires. Although pension funds are an optimal vehicle for what one aims to achieve, there are otheroptionsaswell,butthesearebesttobepartof an overall personal financial strategy, and it may wellbeprudenttoseekadvicefromanindependent financialadvisor”.

Two suicides at coast this week

Twomenagedthirtyandthirty-onerespectivelycommitted suicide in two separate incidents, one at Swakopmund and theotheratKuisebmondonWednesdaythisweek.

In the first incident, 30-year-old Nelson Karipose jumped into theoceanfromtheSwakopmundJettyanddrowned.Karipose's bodywasretrievedfromtheoceanbyagoodSamaritanwhowas in the area at the time of the incident. Erongo Police's Unit Commander of CommunityAffairs, Inspector Ileni Shapumba said, “the man jumped into the sea to save Karipos's life but regrettably it was too late.” The deceased was taken to the Swakopmund state hospital where he was declared dead upon arrival.Nosuicidenotewasleft.

In the second incident, Shigwedha Agas Karuvaru was found hanging from a tree at the Kuisebmond Soccer field, when a municipal garden worker followed the sound of a ringing cell phone. The gardener reported the matter to the Community AgainstCrime'sofficeandthepolicewasinformed.Nosuicide notewasleft,andnofoulplayissuspected.

Walvis Bay Municipality warns residents about fraudulent activities

TheWalvisBayMunicipality,inanoticethisweekinformed residents,themunicipalitydoesnotappointotherpartiesto selllandonbehalfoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay,afterit hascometotheattentionofthemunicipalitythatindividuals are collecting funds on behalf of the mayor or the municipalityforthesaleofland.

“Residentsarethusurgedtotakecautionandnotpartwiththeir hard-earned money when approached by individuals undertaking these fraudulent activities. Like with any illegal activity,residentsareurgedtoreportfraudtothenearestpolice station. Municipal housing initiatives are implemented within theboundariesofWalvisBayandannouncementsaremadeonly throughourformalcommunicationchannels.”

Namport hands over educational toys to the NamSov Centre

TheNamibianPortsAuthoritythroughitsSocialInvestment Fund donated educational aid to the NamSov Center in Walvis Bay, Erongo region earlier this week. The donation valued at N$10 000 comprises of educational supplies at the Centre.

Speaking at the handover, Ms Pesat, NSIF Working Committee said, NamportthroughourSocialInvestmentFundis“cognizantoftheneed for and importance of early childhood development and the entity is resoluteinplayinganactiveroleinproliferatinggovernment'sagenda ofensuringallchildrenenjoyequalopportunities”.

Receiving the donation, Ms Isabel Uiramas said, learning is a multifaceted discipline and “the toys received today will not only be used outsideattheplaygroundbutcanalsobeusedintheclassroom,thiswill allowforacompleteappreciationofthedonation”.

MsIsabelUiramasAdministratorandMsJuchresiaArmasHeadofthe NAMSOV Center are all smiles as they receive the donation from Namport reaches out to Namibian communities through its Social InvestmentFund,whichwasestablishedin2006onfouridealswhich are;

∙ EntrepreneurialandSmallandMediumEnterprises(SME)Development,

∙ Health,

∙ QualityEducation,and

∙ Environment

NSIF to date has spent over N$ 25 million investing in the United NationsSustainableSDGno.4,QualityEducationacrosstheNamibian education fraternity as the Fund continues to play an active role in supportingtheeducationsectoracrossthecountry


Namport responds to the plight of flood victims from the Okatjali Constituency

TheNamibianPortsAuthorityyesterday,08March2023donated life jackets valued at N$210,000.00 to flood victims from the OkatjaliConstituencyintheOshanaregion.Theconstituencyhas beenhithardbytherecentfloodsrecordedinthenorthernpartof thecountry.

Receiving the life jackets, Honorable Joseph Mupetami, Regional CounciloroftheOkatjaliConstituency,saidthatthegenerousdonation fromthePortsAuthoritycameattherighttimeasOkatjaliConstituency is impacted due to the heavy rainfall received in the southern part of Angola, causing rivers to end up in Ohangwena and Oshana regions respectively

During the handover, Ms Tana Pesat Manager: Corporate CommunicationsstatedtheNamibianPortsAuthorityasaresponsible corporate citizen is committed to addressing the plight of community membersinNamibiawheneverpossible.MsPesatfurtherreiteratedthe assistance reflects the Authority' devotion to help and support government's efforts in dealing with the challenges resulting from floods.

Ms Isabel Uiramas Administrator and Ms Juchresia Armas Head of the NAMSOVCenter are all smiles as they receive the donation from Ms Tana Pesat,Manager:CorporateCommunications

Port of Walvis Bay news

BULKCARRIER, NORDDUBAI(IMO:9894612), sailing under the flag of Panama docked at the Walvis Bay port on 7 March to load 4 000 Metric Tons (MT) Copper Cathodes. Her carrying capacity is 37 662 t Deadweight Tonnage (DWT) and her current draught is reported to be 9.5 meters. Her length overall(LOA)is179.97metersandherwidthis29meters.

OILPRODUCTSTANKER,SHERLOCK(IMO:9878046), sailing under the flag of Liberia is on a voyage from Durban, SouthAfricatothePortofWalvisBay Thevesselwilldockatthe porton14Marchtodischargepetroleumproducts.Hercarrying capacityis34800tDeadweightTonnage(DWT)andhercurrent draught is reported to be 9 meters. Her length overall (LOA) is 154.31metersandherwidthis36meters.

SELF-DISCHARGING BULK CARRIER, SOLANJO (IMO: 8028486), sailing under the flag of Guinea-Bissau is currentlydockedatthePortofWalvisBay,originatingfromPort Matadi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The bulk carrier is loading Bulk Salt and will depart today Her carryingcapacityis1450tDeadweightTonnage(DWT)andher current draught is reported to be 5.3 meters. Her length overall (LOA)is67.77metersandherwidthis13.82meters.

Aself-discharger or self-unloader discharges its cargo using its owngear Themostcommondischargemethodforbulkcargois to use an excavator that is fitted on a traverse running over the vessel'sentirehatchandisabletomovesidewaysaswell.

Invest In Namibia - Round Table On Latest Developments In The Namibian Energy Sector

The Government of the Republic of Namibia hosted an indepthconversationonthelatestdevelopmentsintheenergy sector and about how Namibia is exploring and exploiting her comparative advantages across its energy sector and across fourkey areas namely recent oil and gas discoveries, green hydrogen value chain, world-class renewable energy resourcesandinternationalcarbonmarkets.

NamibiaiswellpositionedtobecometheenergyhubofAfricaand aspirestobecomethefirstcarbonneutralcountryonthecontinent by 2040. Coupled with the significant discoveries of oil & gas, Namibia'seconomyissetexpandinthecomingyears.

TheEnvironmentalInvestmentFundofNamibiaChiefExecutive Officer Mr Benedict Libanda together with other speakers from bothprivateandpublicsectordiscussedthecurrentdevelopments intheNamibianenergysector,emerginginvestmentopportunities and the various interventions being implemented to catalyse the attainment of Namibia's bold ambitions of becoming the sustainableenergycapitalofAfrica.

Theroundtablediscussiontookplacetoday,8thMarch2023atthe AfricaEnergyIndabathatiscurrentlyunderwayattheCapeTown International Convention Centre, Cape Town, SouthAfrica. The roundtable was held under the theme “ Namibia -Becoming the sustainableenergyhubofAfrica”.

In case you missed the discussion, find link below for ease of followingtheroundtablediscussion https://youtu.be/UcBswx76xCI


International Women's Day commemorated at Swakopmund

Namibians joined the international community in commemorating International Women's Day at Swakopmund on Wednesday this week, to honour women's social, economic, cultural, and political achievements; to reflect on the progress made towards achieving Gender Equality, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determinationbyordinarywomen.

International Women`s Day is a global event focusing on women's rights and gender equality The commemoration of this day dates back to 1909 when the firstever National Women`s day was recognised in the United StatesofAmericaon8 March.

In her keynote address the Deputy Minister of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication, and Social Welfare, Bernadette Maria Jagger said, “while International Women's Day celebrates how far women's rights and Gender Equality have come,itisalsoimportanttorecognisewhat still needs to be done. Gender inequalities suchasGenderBased Violence, especially against women and children, discrimination on the basis of one`s sex, and gender pay gaps still exist. Hence, the need to commemorate International Women's Day yearly to raise awareness on these issues and provides platforms for people to get involved with creatingchange.”

Jagger mentioned the

day is also commemorated to attract all Namibians to be active participants in the fight against Gender-Based Violence (GBV), particularly violence againstwomenandchildren; to create awareness and mobilize men and boys to be active agents in the fight against GBV; and also, to condemn GBV, especially against women and children in our societies.

AccordingtoJagger,the theme for this year is “#DigitALL: InnovationandTechnologyfor Gender Equality”. This theme is aligned with the priority theme for the upcoming 67th Session of the Commission ontheStatusofWomen (CSW-67), which is “Innovationandtechnological change, and education in the digital age for achieving Gender Equality and the empowermentofallwomenandgirls”.Thepurpose of this theme is to exploretheimpactofthe digital gender gap on widening economic and social inequalities. This theme also highlights the importance of protectingtherightsofwomen and girls in digital spaces and addressing online and Information

and Communication Technology (ICT)-facilitated Gender-Based Violence,especiallythat whichaffectsouryoung girls.

Jagger further said, “we need to develop knowledgeandskillsaimedat preventing and eliminating Gender Based Violence facilitated through technology We need to strengthen measures aimed at addressing women's and girls' barriers to digital inclusion. We need to encourage gender-

balanced cross-functional innovation and involvewomenandgirls in ICT at all levels in order for us to achieve our desired goals on GenderEquality.”

Jagger said there is, therefore, a need to strengthen efforts to achieveGenderEquality for a sustainable tomorrow A gender-responsive approach to innovation, technology and digital education can help us to increase the awareness of women and girls regarding their


Jagger said, “by celebrating International Women's Day, as a nation, we are improving our collective awareness of women's historyandincreaseour understanding of bias, discrimination,andinequity This awareness pushes individuals including all of us to take actionablestepsthatcan lead to communal change for our future generations.”

The Governor of Erongo Region Neville

Andre Itope mentioned that Women and girls remain under represented across the creation, use and regulation

of technology They are less likely to use digital services or enter techrelated careers, and significantlymorelikelyto face online harassment andviolence.Thislimits not only their own digital empowerment but also the transfor-

mative potential of technology as a whole. Itope said, “life starts with a woman The greatest love of all startswithHer Apprecatingandloving everything that women give us each and every dayisourduty.”

Sharlien Tjambari

Join the Rössing fun walk this Saturday

TheannualRössing5kmFunWalkinaidoftheCancerAssociationofNamibia(CAN)inthefight againstcancerwillbetakingplacethiscomingSaturday,11MarchinSwakopmundandmembers ofthecommunityareurgedtoparticipate.

The 5km Fun Walk forms part of the Annual Rössing Marathon. Registrations for the fun walk will take placeattheracevenue, at Strand street car parkingareanexttothe Tennis Courts from

16:00to20:00ontoday, Friday, 10 March, and 6:00 to 8:45 on the day of the fun walk. The entry fee is N$20 per walker (human and animal).

Additional donations to CAN are encouraged

butistotallyvoluntary Giveaways in the fun walk competition with the following categories are up for grabs, Best themes /most original costume, Funniest hat, Youngest walker, Oldest walker,

and Cutest pet walker The competition prizegiving ceremony starts at 10:00 on 11 March and every human walker will receive a medal.


In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the Estate specifiedbelowwillbe open for inspection for all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or longer if specifically stated), fromthedatespecified or from date of publication hereof, which ever may be the later, and at the offices of the Master of the High Court. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master's concerned during the specific period, the executor will proceed to make p a y m e n t s i n accordance with the accounts Registered number of estate E 3310/2021.

Surname: Rukero

Christian Names: Christine Idnr:54112400217

Marital Status: Unmarried,female LastAddress: Walvis Bay, Erongo Region.





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ikoujo@yahoo.com CellphoneNo: 081 2066707

Progress made on Mass Houses

The Swakopmund Municipality announced this week all renovations and constructionofmasshousesinthetownareingoodprogress.SwakopmundMunicipal Councilannuallyworksonimprovinghousing,sanitation,safetyandthewell-being of the residents of the town through various developmental projects, this week councilprovidedanupdateontheprogressofhousinginthetown.

According to the Public Relations Officer of the SwakopmundMunicipality,LindaMupupa,theprogressof319housesisspreadasfollows:111houses are completed with painting. However, water and electrical connections are still outstanding. Out of the 111 houses, 64 are prioritized to be completed within the next two months. 83 houses are under constructionatvariousstagesuptorooflevelwhereas125housesareatdifferentstagesoffoundations.

The319housesarepartofthe891housesthatwere expectedtobeconstructedatSwakopmundthrough the mass housing program in 2013. Of the 891 houses,505areatSwakopmund,362inWindhoek, and24atOpuwo.Theremaining186housesarestill




Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: Civic CentreStreetNo.8.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:PlaceofInstruction(HomeSchool). Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre. Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 24 March 2023.


NadjaOosthuizen,POBox3804,WalvisBay email:oosthuizennadja@gmail.com

thesubjectofdisputesandnegotiations. The Minister of urban and rural development Erastus Uutoni handed over the 319 half-build housestoNewEraInvestmentsforcompletion. Mupupasaid,anotherprojectwhichthecouncilis busy with is the construction of 79 houses for the Built Together Project houses, this project commencedinJanuary2023with32housescompleted and a total of 16 ervens belonging to the Shack Dwellers Federation has been approved.In addition, it is Council's mission to provide safe, efficient, reliable, and affordable services as well as infrastructure including homes to all the residentsofSwakopmund.

Residents are hereby informed that Council will conduct a series of budget consultative meetings with residents in different residential areas. All residents are welcome to attend and share their input.

NAMIBTIMES9 10MARCH2023 Municipality of Walvis Bay Public Relations & Customer Service Division Tel: +264 64 201 3111 Fax: +264 64 205 590 Email: pr@walvisbaycc.org.na
Meetings 22 – 24 March 2023 AGENDA BUDGET 2023/2024 DATE VENUE
22 March Immanuel Ruiters PS Hall
23 March Narraville Community Hall
24 March Civic Centre
Side Hall
o ce)
Sharlien Tjambari

Namport staff members collect school shoes for learners at the Omhanda Combined School

NamportstaffmembersfromthePortofWalvisBaycollected 65pairsofschoolshoesvaluedatN$9990 duringthemonth ofFebruaryaspartofcelebratingthemonthoflove.

TheinitiativewasrecommendedbyaNamportstaffmemberpreviously employed at the Omhanda Combined School, Eenhana CircuitsituatedaruralareainOhangwenaRegion.

Namport employees did not hesitate to dig deep into their own pocketsforthisimportantandmuchneededdrive.The65pairsof shoes,pairsofsocksandcashdonationwillensurethatwehave happyfeetwithinoureducationsystem."Thisprojectformspart of an extension of our values as a Ports Authority which are Connected, Caring, Collaboration, Creative and Committed", saidMrAndrewKanime,CEOofNamport.

Last year, Namport staff members from both the Port ofWalvis Bay and Port of Lüderitz held a similar initiative and collected cannedfoodinsupportoftheWorldFoodDayprogrammecelebrated annually on 16 October Namport handed over 520 food canstoHonorableNevilleAndre,GovernoroftheErongoregion aspartoftheAuthority'scontributiontoNamibiancommunities bysupportinggovernmentalinitiatives.

Duetothesuccessandimpactfulresultsofbothinitiatives,Namporthasdecidedtomakebothdrivesanannualoccurrenceasthe entity continues to live out its corporate values within the community

Namport staff members collect school shoes for learners at the Omhanda Combined School MrAndrew Kanime, CEO of Namport leading by example Namport staff member happy to ex-tend a helping hand

Wêreld biddag vir Vroue in Narraville gevier

Wêreldbiddag virVroue is 'n wêreld wye ekumeniese bewegingvanChristenvroue,hetsyouma,ma,ofdogterjaarliks vanoralindiewêreldinongeveer170landesamekomstereël virhierdiedagvangebed.

Ongeagwaaronsindiewêreldwoonofwattertaalonspraat,ons vormdeelvanhierdiemagtigegebedskettingwatonsverlossing inJesusChristusvier

Ongeveer240vroueonderleidingvanDsMBenzvandieRynse Kerk in Narraville het op Vrydag, 3 Maart in die Narraville Gemeenskapsaal saam getrek om eer en lof aan ons Hemelse VadertegeevirSyGoedheidenGetrouheidonderdietema“Ek hetvanJulleGeloofGehoor”.

DietemaEkhetvanJulleGeloofGehoor,isgebaseeropPaulus segebedinEfesiërs1:15-19(AFR1983)viralmalinEfesewat aan God behoort en in Christus Jesus glo: Daarom, vandat ek gehoorhetvanjullegeloofindieHereJesusenvanjulleliefdevir aldiegelowiges,houekooknieopomGodvirjulletedanknie. Wanneerekinmygebedeaanjulledink,bidekdatdieGodvan ons Here Jesus Christus, die Vader aan wie die heerlikheid behoort,deursyGeesaanjullewysheidgeeenHomsoaanjulle openbaardatjulleHomwerklikkanken.

Ek bid dat Hy julle geestes oë so verhelder dat julle kan weet watter hoop sy roeping in hou, en watter ryk dom daar is in die heerlike erfenis wat Hy vir die gelowiges bestem het, en hoe geweldiggrootsykragiswatHyuitoefeninonswatglo. Volgende jaar word dieWêreld biddag virVroue deur dieAGS KerkinNarravilleaangebied.

Ds Benz en Rynse Vroue Nag Groep wie verantwoordelik was vir reëlings Die vroue by die Wêreldbiddag vir Vroue

Westside High Awards Academic Excellence


Mr. Matroos. Westside High recently hosted its annualPrizeGivingCeremonyforthe year2022,theschoolawardeditsmost meritoriousstudents.

The event commenced with a very inspiring speech by Mrs S !Gawises, about “RedefiningCharacter”.

The principal of West side High School Ms. Rheeder further stated “Character is a tool needed to set goals and achieve excellence. Thereare4P'sthatyouneedtoequipyourself with to achieve your goals and it consists of Perseverance, Patience, Persistence and Passion”.

The event was blessed with a song by the Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Matroos. There was a lot of suspense and excitement as the studentsdidnotknowwhattoexpect.

The awarding ceremony started off with Lindy Bock receiving the award for Most VersatileLearner,whichencourageslearners to take initiative and help where needed. There were certificates and medals awarded forthedifferentsubjects.

The top performer per subject were also awarded with sponsored prizes, which includeddictionariesandcashprizes.

Today's learners struggle with, “Not being attentive peer pressure and giving up” accordingtoGideonNuseb.“Istruggledwith alackofmotivationbutovercameitbygiving myselfcreditforthelittlethingsIdid”,stated Benhard Eelu. “My advice is that we can all achievegoodresultsifweworkhardandstay positive, by not letting our negative surroundings define our future”, said FranklinCoetzee.

Thankyoutoalloursponsorswhichinclude Waltons, Bank Windhoek, FNB and The Potter's House as well as the Planning Committee for making this event possible. Your efforts are seen and appreciated. We would also like to encourage our learners to persevere and be resilient.At the end of the day,hardworkpaysoff.


Grade8:ElnicCoetzee(71.5%),Innocencia Januarie(70.8%),MarthaShipo(66.5%)

Grade 9: Benhard Eelu (78.9 %), Gideon Nuseb(70.8%),GizzyHaingura(69.9%)

Grade10:FranklinCoetzee(75%),Monalisa Garises(71%),LusiaHaita(68%).

First date of publication:6 March 2023


Debmarine Namibia is seeking an experienced service provider to provide SAP Consulting Service for the Plant Maintenance (PM) Project Systems (PS) and Materials Management (MM) module of the SAP system.


The service provider must perform the following services:

1. Configuration and support of the PM, PS and MM module

2. Identifying trends and user needs

3. Conduct Training and compile training material

4. Engagement of stakeholder’s education and awareness plan

5. Recommendation of SAP standard solutions

6. Identify areas of business process improvements

7 Identifying and introduce enhanced functionalities

8. Knowledge of all other modules in SAP

9. Project Management

CLOSING DATE: 31 March 2023 at 12h00.

REQUEST FOR ELECTRONIC TENDER DOCUMENT: Registered businesses interested in providing such services are requested to obtain a tender document with reference number DBMNE0466 SAP Consultancy Services.

Tender documents should be requested by the above date and time from Tenders@debmarine.com

Subject line: DBMNE0466 SAP Consultancy Services.

ENQUIRIES: The Procurement Officer Tel: +264 61 297 8460

Email: Tenders@debmarine.com

Subject line: DBMNE0466 SAP Consultancy Services.


Debmarine Namibia shall not be responsible for any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of a response to this tender and furthermore reserves the right not to extend this tender into any future tenders, negotiations and or engagements Debmarine Namibia shall not accept submissions rendered after the closing date and time

is never too late to dream big and work hard", stated
(Ltr): Ms Karises, Franklin Coetzee, Benhard Eelu, Elnic Coetzee and Mrs Gawises Most Versatile Learner - Lindy Bock with Ms. Titus
School News
Principal Ms Rheeder presenting an Appreciation award to the bank manager of First National Bank, Mr Eugene Cloete




We invite suitable and committed candidates to apply for the following position:


Ensurethatalladministrativefunctionsaredoneplusrecordkeepingarekept uptodateonaday-to-daybasisapplicable


· NamibianCitizen

· Grade12

· CodeBEDriverslicense

· 5yearsofficeadministrationexperience

· Experienceinfishingindustrywillbeanadvantage

· MUST be Computer Literate with a good working knowledge of MicrosoftOfficeapplications(Words/Excel/Power Point/Publisher/Outlook

· Hours08:00to17:00,butwillingtoworkflexiblehours


· Goodplanning,administrativeandorganizationalskills

· Accurate–Attentiontodetail

· Workunderpressure

· Goodnumericandverbalabilities

InterestedcandidateswhomeettherequirementsshouldsubmittheirCVwith supportingdocumentsto:


ClosingdateforsubmissionofCV's: 24March2023



Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of t h e L o c a l Authorities Act 1992(Act23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease by private transaction a portion of Remainder Farm38WalvisBat to Manale Trading EnterprisesCC.

Description: RemFarm38

Area: 15.000m² Rental

Amount/Month N$13,200 00 Plus 15%VAT

Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interestedpersonsuntil *Tuesday, 28 March 2023 at

room 29, Municipality Offices, Kuisebmond For more information MrsSSatchipiacan be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.

Written objections,

duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 *Friday, 31March2023.


Career Opportunity

Regional Manager

Accountant Marketing Technician

What will you do:

- Advise Supervisor on all levels

- Assist customers where applicable

What we are looking for:

- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

- A self-starter and an enthusiastic team player

- An honest and reliable candidate


- Must have complete Grade 12

- Must have a valid Drivers License

- Must be Computer literate

- Minimum 6 months' experience in a similar role

- Previous banking experience

Applicants need police clearance not older than 3 months.

Send application to: Regional Manager: cv.manager@tassi.biz

Accountant: cv.accountant@tassi.biz

Marketing: cv.marketing@tassi.biz

Technician: cvtechnician@tassi.biz




Nangolo Mbumba Drive

PrivateBag5017 WalvisBay




Team Leader - Engineering (Workshop) Mechanic (Drill Rig & HME)

Company: GMS Mining Services Pty Ltd Husab Site (Erongo Region)

Interested candidates should forward the applications to Email: gmshr@expl.cn

We welcome further inquirers




Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act. 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell by private transaction

Portion 233 of Walvis Bay Town and Townlands No.1 to Diabate Health Centre Namibia.



Area: 50000m²

PurchasePrice: N$1,500,000.00

Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons

until *Tuesday, 28 March 2023 at room 29, Municipality Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information MrsSSatchipiacanbe contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.

Writtenobjections,duly motivated,totheintended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 *Friday, 31 March2023.


CivicCentre Nangolo Mbumba Drive PrivateBag5017 WalvisBay Fax:(064)209714


Large Shipping Company seeks a SalesDevelopmentManager for their Namibian operation. The role entails Sales, Sourcing, Developing and Managingnewbusiness.

Experience required - 5 -7 years Sales, Shipping, Landside Logistics and valid Driver'sLicense.

Applicants can email their CV to: Shivani.pillay@msc.com th ClosingDate:24 ofMarch2023

Only Short-Listed candidates will be contacted.


Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the regional Liquor Licensing Committee,RegionErongo.

1 Name and postal address of applicant: La Marmite Royale cc P.O.Box 96143, Windhoek.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Erich’s Restaurant

3 Address/location of premises to which appli-

cation relates: Daniel Tjongarero Street, Erf 214, no. 21 Swakopmund.

4. Nature and details of application:Application for change of trade namefromErich’sRestaurant to La Cuisine D’Afrique 5.Clerkofthecourtwith whom the application will be lodged: Clerk of theMagistrate'sCourt, districtSwakopmund

6. Date on which the application will be lodged:13March2023. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before thedateofthemeeting the Committee at which the application will heard.


Location: Walvis Bay

Your Responsibilities:


· Reporting to the HR manager, the HR business Partner assists with the tacticalimplementationofHRgoalstothebusiness

· Assists with formulating goals and strategies / costs / inputs / monthly reporting

· LiaiseswithdepartmentstoimplementandstreamlineHRprocessesand Procedures

· Ensures compliance with Employment equity and the labour Act –identifiesrisksandmakesproposalsonmanagingtherisks

· Develops and conducts organisational knowledge and training for front linemanagement

· Develops employee attraction programs, manages and conducts recruitmentandselection

· Managescontracts

· Managesdisciplineanddisciplinaryprocedures,trainsandadvisesfront linemanagementinlinewithpoliciesandprocedures

· Assistswithwagenegotiationsandunionmeetings

· Assistwith managementandimplementationoforganisationalstructure, performancemanagement,changemanagementinitiatives

· Assists with climate surveys, employee engagement and motivational programs

· Givesinputintomonthlyreporting


· Grade 12 certificate, and a Honours / 4 year degree Industrial / OrganisationalPsychology/HR

· At least 3 years' experience in a manufacturing environment (preferably foodprocessing)

· ExcellentknowledgeofLabourlaws,disciplinaryprocesses

· Excellentanalyticalandadministrativeskills(attentiontodetail)

· ExcellentknowledgeofMS–Office

· Excellentstatisticalknowledgeandresearchcapabilities

· Excellentskills:leadership,planningandorganisation,deliveringresults, andreporting

· Problem-solvingorientationandexcellentcommunicationskills

· Showsstronginitiativeandlikestoworkwithpeople

· Highlyethicalandprincipled


· Market–relatedremuneration

· Medicalaid

· Pension

· Workinginawell-establishedfactory

Please send your comprehensive application per-email to professionals@iop.com.na by not later than 23 March 2023

Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned.You may undergo psychometric assessments.



CONSENT:HomeBaseOffice(CashLoan) ON ERF NO: 7448 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: McnamaraNgaamwaStreet.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme,noticeisherebygiventhatI/we,the undersigned,haveappliedtotheWalvisBay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establish on the site a/an: Home Base Office (Cash Loan).

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre.

Any person having any objection to the approvalofthisapplication,mustlodgesuch objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing,notlaterthan24March2023.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: MuchilaBollenTongo,POBox4792,Walvis Bay


CONSENT:AccommodationEstablishment(B &B) 490 ONERFNO: TOWNSHIP/AREA: Langstrand Foreshore STREETNAME&NO: 9,Ext2,Langstrand.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:AccommodationEstablishment(B &B).

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre. Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneral Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 24 March 2023.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: SanetPretorius,POBox99292,Windhoek email:sanet@naankuse.com

An Equal Opportunity Employer and leader in the Namibian Fishing Industrty

C l a s s i f i e d s





Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522

email:nktransportnam @gmail.com




0817056382 kansiebinvestmentc c@gmail.com



Building,tiling,painting, stastostones









Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs


Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.




Weoffer:*Interlock, layingandpaving



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Walvis Bay





Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’Power - Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. WalvisBay& Swakopmund.

Cell: 0812017887




ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADC countries,suchas bringingbacklostlovers in4days.Removalof badluck,verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtoget aman/womanyouwant ofyourchoice. Pregnancyproblems, jobsandpromotions, business,protectionof bodiesandhousesfrom witchcraft,protectionof kraalsfarmsfrom thieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillnever regret.



DrAtwabi; payafter success,samedayresults

Bringbackyourlost loverthesameday,geta loverofyourchoice,get marriedquicklytoaman orawomanofyour choice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandmake himorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoa richmanorwoman,all pregnancyproblems, hipsandbreast enlargement,financial problems,magicwallet, chitakawallet,clear debts,manhood enlargementStoXLand muchmore....CallDr Atwabi0812337274



ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingbacklost loversin4days.Removal ofbadluck,verytough andchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly And togetaman/womanyou wantofyourchoice. Pregnancyproblems,jobs andpromotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast.I knowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome.Come andexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.

Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102

TraditionalDrHerbalist DrLovemoreBenBanda

(Theoldman)From MalawiisinWalvisBay with30yearsvast experienceinvarious problems&diseasessuch asbringingbacklostlover, togetanewjob,towin courtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyourbody, topassexams,topass driving,toprotectyour bodyfromwithcraft,to boostsmallbusinesstobe bigbusiness,tobeliked withpeople,towin contractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmoking anddrinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyousleep nicelyinyourhouse,to stopbaddreams,amanto bestronginbedduring sex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingof yourbody,madness, epilepsy,jointspain, pregnancyproblems,if youneedanewbaby, periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife, youwillneverregret.

Smsorcall:0816431482 findtheOldmanin Kuiseb,MassHouses,at

DoctorChinombaisin WalvisBayforthefirst timewithstrongand powerfulmedicine specialisinginvarious problems&diseasesto mentionafew:(a) Bringingbacklostloverin 4daysonly,bindingyour loverandtobeyoursonly; andtostophim/herfrom cheating.(b)Removalof badluckndtowintough andchallengingcourt cases.(c)togeta man/womanofyour choice.(d)jobsand promotions.(e)pregnancy problemsandwinning tendersandcontracts, protectionofbodies,house ofwitchcraft,revengeand rapasule,rejuvenatepower duringsexandboostweak erection.Paints,headache, epilepsy,swollenlegsand feet,manhood enlargement,recoveringof stolenpropertyandmany moreothercomplicated problemsanddiseasesyou mighthavebeenletdown byotherdoctorsnthepast. “StopCrying”nowit’s yourtimetocomeand experiencethewonderful miraclehappeninginyour lifeandyouwillnever regret.Forany appointmentcallDoctor Chinomba 0817677045


DoctorNALA..areyou experiencing problems..lost love..marital problems..pregnancy problems,.court cases..promotionsand manymore..stopsuffering andcallthehealernowon 0857778296


Luckymeansbeinginthe rightplaceattheright time, Thinkabouthowmuch youlosttomanyDoctors withoutsuccess.Hereisa powerfulDoctorwhois afteryourfastreliesnot cash.LOVEISSUES:*I challengetobringback yourbacklostloverand makehim/herapologise andbeunderyourfeet forever.*Getaloverof yourchoiceorwithout proposing(usingupileoil) *pregnancyproblems

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DRRINGAZIPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlostlover thesameday,getaloverof yourchoice,getmarried quicklytoamanorwoman ofyourchoice,stopyour partnerfromcheatingand himorhertoloveyouonly, getattractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financial problems,magicringfor money,chitakawallet,clear debts,manhoodenlargement mtoxl,hipsandbreast enlargement,badlucksand manymore.CallDr Ringazi:0812049299







Unwantedpregnancy& miscarriage

Sexualsatisfactionbothmen andwomen














Doyouhavepiglice problems















Finishunfinishedjobsby otherdoctors



Callorwhatsapp+26481 2549875


TORENT:Narraville, WalvisBay

Neatandprivateone bedroombackyardflat Spaciousopenplanwith builtincupboards, bathroomandkitchen.

W/E incl.

Extras: Cameraanddetectorfor security

Aluminiumdoorsand window




N$300.00W/E Nopets.

Seriousandsoberpeople only




Singlepersononly availableasfrom




Shower/toiletfullytiled N$3000.00p/m









Modern3bedroom,2 bathrooms,bigkitchen, lounge,2garages,big privatecourtyard.

Blinds,G4SandN$200 freewater.Dishwasher/ stove.Noanimals.Strict selection


Availablefrom1March 2023








Total 342m², ground floor 272m², mezzanine floor

70m², 2 x offices with A/C, 2 toilets, kitchenette, secure complex with 24h video surveillance and alarm

Contact: 081 128 8211

WalvisBay:ToRent: TWOBedroomflat. Nr4–55,SamNujoma

Ave-Spaciousandsunny twobedroom withbothen-suite bathrooms.LotsofBIC, openplankitchen, sittingroom.Stove.Big outsidebraaiwithseating. Alarm.Singlegaragewith remotedoor.Prepaid electricity.Pensioners friendly.Sorry–nopets.

Nomunicipalconnection fees.N$6500.00p/mplus depositAvailable immediately



Backyardonebedroom flat.Available immediately


BIC,Stove&Alarm. W/Eincl.Nopets.

Contact:0812373492 0811276112

TORENT: Swakopmund Tamariskia

Three-bedroomhouse (N$8350.00)andonebedroomflatwithanopen plankitchen(N$3500.00) forrentwaterand electricityincluded. Availableonthe31st March2023.

Contactus: 0812898668or



1bedroomnewlybuild toiletandshower Kitchen/loungewithbic Garage


Water included

Prepaid electricity

AvailableatMatutura, Swakopmund

Contact:0812949278 0811248739



Central, 265m property ² features.

Newly renovated , 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge and single garage. PLUS detached flat of 2 bedrooms with 1 bathroom, kitchen, lounge and single garage.

Property has high boundary walls. Generates good rental income.

Price N$ 870 000.00 (excluding transfer costs). Price slightly negotiable. Only bank pre-approved or cash clients.

Contact: 0813772781.




3unitflats,unitaunitB eachhave2bedrooms, 1toilet/shower Loungeandkitchen,1 garage, has1 unitE bedroom,1toilet/shower loungeandkitchen, 1garage.

Potentialnewdevelopment Openareaavailable Erfalreadyre-zoned. Areaperm²523,95m²



0852347880 Granaatstreeterf6025, WalvisBay,Kuisebmond.





3spaciousbedroomswith BIC’s,2fullbathrooms, openplanlounge/kitchen (plentycupboardspace) Balcony,doublegarage (tandem). Beautifulunitinaquiet/safe complex,1minutefrom beach,idealforinvestment andtorentouttoholiday makers.




Narraville central, Walvis Bay, close to shops and schools.

4bedroomswithBIC, 2bathrooms,openplan kitchenwithBIS,spacious livingroom, 2xbachelorflats,high boundarywall.Selling belowvaluation




Kickboxing Tatami Regionals

Rudi Bowe

TheNamibianKickboxingFederationrecentlyhostedtheKickboxingTatamiRegionalsatthe SwakopmundHotelandEntertainmentCentreinSwakopmund.

Atotalof20fightersfromtheregionparticipated in40boutsacrossallagegroupsinPointFighting and Light Contact Styles divisions (according to WAKORules).

We would especially like to congratulate the juniors who courageously participated in this event and showed true sportsmanship and camaraderie.

NFK Secretary General Jackeline Sass said that theyarepleasedwiththeattendanceofspectators at the event, with over 60 showing their support fortheathletesandsport.

“Our heartfelt appreciation is extended to Swakopmund Hotel & Entertainment Centre for hostingthetournament.Asalwaystheirattention to detail and professionalism only aids in the successfuloutcomeofourevents,”Sasssaid. Sass added, “We would like to convey our gratitudetotheathletes,officials,supportersand sponsors for assisting to ensure that these events are successful, and look forward to developing the athletes and sport of martial arts together in Namibia.”



Children; 1st Alexander Stauder 2nd Duhan




Younger and Older Cadets; 1st Kamwi Matt






Veterans; 1st Jannie Gouws 2nd Pieter van Heerden


Younger Cadets; 1st Anastasia Sass 2nd HaileyMariPretorius

Older Cadets and Juniors; 1st Taleila Sass 2nd


Juniors & Seniors; 1st Beatha Shimooshili 2nd TaisaMateus

Seniors; 1st Bianca Hellwig 2nd Jacky Sass 3rd CordulaStauder




Older Cadets; 1st Stephanus du Toit 2nd Alanzo


Younger and Older Cadets; 1st Kamwi Matt


Juniors; 1st Liam Blaauw 2nd Ryan Roux 3rd KaydenNolte

Seniors; 1st Festus Djuluume 2nd Art Thiele 3rd ShgyrSmith

Veterans; 1st Jannie Gouws 2nd Pieter van Heerden


Younger Cadets; 1st Anastasia Sass 2nd HaileyMariPretorius

Older Cadets and Juniors; 1st Taleila Sass 2nd ZiandrieWille

Juniors and Seniors; 1stBeathaShimooshili2nd TaisaMateus

Seniors; 1st Jacky Sass 2nd Bianca Hellwig

Newspaper Cup launched


Vacancy : PA to GM/Owner

Requirements :

Grade 12 with secretarial/administrative qualifications

3-4 years' experience in the similar position

Code B driver's license

Responsibilities of a Personal Assistant:

· Schedule meetings and manage calendars

· Take accurate and comprehensive notes at meetings

· Help with daily time management

· Run errands as requested

· Day to day administrative work

· Coordinate events and speaking engagements

· Draft correspondence such as emails and company letters

All CVs should be forwarded to Enghimtina@gmail.com

Closing date: 17 March 2023


BEST CHEER INVESTMENTS NAMIBIA (PTY) LTD an equal opportunity employer, have a vacancy for a ACCOUNTANT in WALVIS BAY


1) Bachelorsdegreeinaccountingorothersimilarqualification.

2) Completedarticlesatanaccounting/auditingfirmwillbeadvantageous.

3) PreviousworkingexperiencewithPastelPartner

4) DriversLicence

5) Position is based in Walvis Bay, but the candidate should be willing to traveltoKaribibonaregularbasis.


1) Maintenance of fixed asset registers of our group of companies in Pastel Evolution.

2) MonthlyreconciliationoffixedassetregisterwithPastelPartner

3) Once off process to physically inspect all existing fixed assets and identifythelocation.

4) Implementingandmaintainingasystemofinternalcontrolforourthree consumablesandsparepartswarehouses.

TheNetballandFootballyouthsportcompetition thatsawabout10000playerscomethroughthis tournament will start on 7 April at the Paresis Sportsground.

Thedrawforthetournament,whichisscheduled for the Easter weekend, looks attractive as Netball been divided in two groups and football intofourgroups.

Otjozondjupa governor James Uerikua said that his region stands firmly behind the organisers, andthepeopleofthisregioncommitthemselves todeliveraremarkableeventforyou.

OtjiwarongomayorGottliebCandyShivutesaid they are ready to host the prestigious event. “I welcome you all to Otjiwarongo, which will be fullofeuphoriafrom7to10April.Weregardyou asimportantguests”Shivutesaid.

Netball Namibia (NN) president Rebekka Goagoses said with Netball added to the roster fouryearsago,amovethathasseenparticipation inthecodeincreaseexponentially.

Goagosessaid,“NetballremainsindebtedtoThe Namibian for including Netball in the competitionasNNhavecreatedexcellentplayers who represent our country internationally

She stated that NN will not disappoint the sponsors,pleasekeepyourassociationwithus. Namibia Football Association (NFA) secretary generalJochenTrautsaidthatTheNewspaperCup is100%alignedwithyouthfootballdevelopment and creating ongoing competition exposure for young players who are ready to exhibit their best skillsduringthesefourdays.



GroupA- Otjozondjupa, Kavango East, Hardap, Zambezi, Omusati, Kavango West, Khomas; Group B - //Kharas, Kunene, Erongo, Oshikoto, Oshana,Omaheke,Ohangwena.


Group A - Omaheke, Kavango East, Oshikoto, KavangoWest; Group B - //Kharas, Zambezi, Khomas, Otjozondjupa ;


; GroupD-Erongo,Ohangwena,Oshana

5) Provide assistance to the warehouse managers to ensure the correct transactionflows.

6) Attendance at unpacking of import containers to ensure the correct allocation of consumables and spare parts items between the different warehouses.

7) ProcessingofallimportsupplierinvoicesinPastelPartner

8) Attendtopaymentprocedures,includingthecompletionofBOPforms, forimportinvoices.

9) Arrange the annual and bi-annual inventory counts of the three consumablesandsparepartswarehouses.

10) Reconciletheresultsoftheinventorycountswiththeinventoryrecords asperPastelPartnerandinvestigateanydifferences.

11) Processing of goods issue notes from the different warehouses in the relatedcompaniesPastelPartner

12) Assisting the external auditors with all matters relating to consumables inventoryaswellasfixedassets.

Then kindly forward your CV to: vacancies@bestcheer.com.na or post your CV to HR at



The 2023 edition of the popular Namibian Newspaper Cup Powered by Standard Bank was launchedonTuesday,7MarchattheattheCesiBonBonHotelinOtjiwarongo.

Moller to compete at world stage

Rudi Bowe

Cyril Moller a Pool player from C e l t i c P o o l C l u b i n Swakopmund will represent Namibia at the International HeyballPoolAssociation(IHPA) (Chinese 8-ball billiard) grand finalefrom20Marchto6Aprilin the port city of Qinhuangdao in China.

Moller the number one player in the country, also known as Terminator, is the first Namibian pool player that will represent Namibia Pool and Billiards Federation (NPBF) at a world stage. He will compete against 64 of the world best professional players.

Moller fell in love with pool at a tenderageofjust13yearandsince thenachievedseveralmilestonesin thecountryandabroad.

Coastal corporate and social 7-a-side

Thefirsteditionofthecoastalcorporateandsocial7-a-sidesoccertournamentwitharecordtotal of13teamswasheldonSaturday4MarchattheVinetaNorthSportStadiuminSwakopmund. CR7beatSwakopUraniumintheinthefinaltowalkawaywiththewinner'strophy

The event was well attended by the members of the public that came out to support their colleagues, friendsandfamily

The tournament was a stepping stone for the upcoming Coastal corporate and social 7-a-side league (FRIDAYNIGHTLIGHTS)thatwillkick-offinMarch.

The coastal corporate and social Seven-A-side tournament is to bring corporate and business teams togethertofightforthebraggingrights.Thetournamentprovidesaplatformforemployeestogettoknow andlearnfromeachotherwhencompeting.

Theorganisersofthiseventwanttothankeveryteamthatwaspartoftheeventandwanttogivethanksto alltheplayersfordisplayingexcellentsportsmanshipthroughoutthegames.


“BeinginvitedtoparticipateintheIHPAislikeadreamthatcometrue.Iam truly honoured to represent the Namibia Pool and Billiards Federation (NPBF) and to put my country on the map at this prestigious event” Moller said.

Cyril van Rooi, the interim president of the Namibia Pool and Billiards Federation(NPBF)willaccompanyMollerasaguestattheIHPAtournament. AccordingtoVanRooi,thisinvitationwilldefinitelyputNamibiaonthemap inpoolballanditwillbethestartofmanyinternationalcompetitionsofthis magnitude. "As president of the NPBF, I am honoured and excited to be presentatthishistoricevent."

For Moller to represent the country he needs about N$40 000.So far he has raisedjustover50%withthehelpofthememberfromCelticPoolClub Shouldheraisethefunds,hestandsachancetowinR13400000. Moller said if she won the ultimate prize, he would like to give back to her communitybycreatingopportunities.

Interested sponsors that would like to assist can contact Moller at 081 333 5422ortheNPBFpresidentat0814857704.

Beautiful Birds fly high

Rudi Bowe

Blue Waters striker Junior Petrus hattrick and goals from Erastus KululaandIsraelShikongosawtheBeautifulBirdsjumpedtosecondon thelogoftheDebmarineNamibiaPremierLeague.

BlueWatersmadethemostofhomeadvantage,edgingMightyGunners1-0 onSaturdayandrompingtoa4-0winonSundayagainstafalteringOkahandja UnitedatJanWilkenstadiuminWalvisBay

Afterasuccessfulweekendonhomesoilthecoastaloutfitaresecondonthe logwith31pointsfrom17games. Theyhoweverneedtoimprovetheiraway form as they lost most of their games away from home GoalsfromAngeloKuezi,FestusRivaandanowngoalbyCaviKumbaravi saw Eleven Arrows beat Okahandja United 3-0 but were dealt another 2-0 defeat by the visiting Mighty Gunners in the Debmarine Namibia Premier LeagueatJanWilkenstadiuminWalvisBay

ElevenArrowsisstillintherelegationzoneofthelogwith16pointsfrom17 games,weredealtanotherdefeatbyavisitingMightyGunnersside. The coastal teams Eleven Arrows FC and Blue Waters FC will host Tura MagicFCandUNAMFCtomorrowandSundayattheJanWilkenStadiumin WalvisBay


ElevenArrowsFCvs TuraMagicFCat 14:00

BlueWatersFCvs UNAMFCat17:00


BlueWatersFCvs TuraMagicFCat 13:00

ElevenArrowsFCvs UNAMFCat16:00



NAMIBTIMES19 10MARCH2023 School News
Thewinningteamofthecoastalcorporateand social7-a-sidesoccertournamentCR7

namib times Sport Send your sports news

Sports Club and School sign MoU

Coastal town to host African Cup

CoastalrugbygiantsFNBKuduRugbyClubandWalvisBayPrimary Schoolsigned a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that will allow the rugby club to use the school's sports field as their practice ground andinreturnberesponsibleforthedevelopmentofrubyattheschool.

This top-class competition sanctioned by World Triathlon and organics by the Namibian Triathlon Federation(NTF)isoneofseveralinternationaleventsin whichathletescancompeteforworldrankingpoint'sand with the Olympic Games and Commonwealth Games beckoning, participant can qualify for these prestigious competitions.

NTFPresidentRoualSpangenbergsaidthat2022wasa great success with 40 Elite athletes participating in this event. “This year the elite men's field will see 26 men from14nationsand17womenfrom11differentnations battle it out to be crowned the king and queen of Swakopmund.”

According to Spangenberg this is arguably the largest fieldofindividualeliteathletestohaveevercompetedon Namibian shores To give Namibian athletes the opportunitytoraceonaworldclasscircuitwewillalso hosttheNamibianagegroupsprinttriathlononthesame day “Wewillcaterforallagesfrom12to65plus.Weexpect around 100 triathletes to race in the streets of Swakopmundonthe25thofMarch2023.Swakopmund istheperfectlocationforaneventofthismagnitude,with itsfantasticlocationandfacilitieswearesuretohostan unforgettableevent”Spangenbergsaid.

This announcement was recently made by the Vice-chairperson of FNB Kudu Rugby Club,LovinaPlatoand the Director of Walvis Bay Primary School

Charl Theron at the school's sports field in WalvisBay

With the Narraville sport stadium still not available after the rugby field was damaged and still no permanentsolutionfor the more than 50 peoplefromNarraville housed at the sport stadium and club house FNB Kudu Rugby Club is still experiencing the same problemsasinthepast year, no suitable practice ground in WalvisBay

Itisforthisreasonthat theclub'smanagement reachouttotheschool.

Vice-chairperson of FNB Kudu Rugby ClubLovinaPlatosaid thattheplayerswillbe allowed to practise three times a week on the school's sports

field, and in return the club will, provide coachingtotheschool's rugbyplayers. Plato said "In return, we will assist the schoolwithdeveloping rugby skills for rugby players as young as sevenyearsold.”

“The school was experiencing a lack of proper coaching, and that is how we came to the understanding to utilise the school's sports field as our practisegrounds”Plato explained.

The Director ofWalvis Bay Primary School

CharlTherondescribed the agreement as an "historic event for the schoolasit'sthefirstof itskind.“Itisanhonour toshakehandswiththe FNB Kudus Rugby Club."

According to Theron the school and club are embarking on an exciting journey together "Ifweserveas enablers to enable the youngsters to achieve higher heights, then I

wecan,lateron, look back and say that we had a positive impact on these kids that look up to us for opportunities such as this.”

“As a school, our first priority is academics, butwealsowanttohelp the youngsters develop in other ways, for instance, through sports"Theronstated.

Kudus head coach, Gawan Esterhuizen, extended a word of appreciation to the school for allowing themtheopportunityto use their sports field and help with the development of future Kuduplayers.

The coach added "As a club, we take pride in giving back to the community as we are a community club. The fact that we can uplift our community, by helping youngsters from a young age how to maintain a healthy body and mind, is a huge achievement for theclub.”

“The Africa Cup sprint triathlon is one of three Africa TriathlonsanctionedeventstobehostedintheSouthern AfricanRegion,theotherbeingMaselspoortinZAand TroutbeckinZimbabwe.”Spangenbergadded.

He said that by the look of our starting list Namibia is quicklybecominganathlete'sfavouriteandwehopethat wecanbuildonthis.“OverthelastthreeyearstheNTF togetherwithourssponsorshaveembarkedonaprogram tomaketriathlonamainstreamsportinNamibia,since 2020wehavehostedanAfricaChampionshipDuathlon andanAfricaCupTriathlonevent.”

“WeareprivilegedtobeabletoseeformerOlympicand WorldChampionsinactionwithathletesfromFLDthe Netherlands, Finland, Austria, Chile, Australia, Bermuda, Japan, Britain, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Barbados,IrelandandMauritiusthatentered"hesaid.

Spangenberg stated that the competition will start and endattheMolewiththeeliteandage-groupathletesface theAtlanticOceaninananticlockwisedirection,witha triangularlayoutfortheswimmingdiscipline.

He added that the NTF described the technical but exciting routes to be fun for participants, and will provide enough space for them to shake off or catch up withcompetitors.

“Thesupersprintconsistsofone375meterlap,andthe sprint consists oftwo 375-meter laps (for a total of 750meters) whilst the cycling be completed overa 5kilometre round in the vicinity ofthe Mole. The super sprint competitors are set to complete two 5-kmlaps (total 10 km) while the sprinterstackle four 5-km laps (total20km)”hesaid.

Spangenberg said “Participants will run from thetransition area to Theo Ben GurirabStreet, jog left down Ludwig KochStreet, turn left again into StrandStreet,wheretheywillmakeaU-turnandturnon the taps in a southerly direction towards the transition areatocompleteonelap.”

“Thesupersprintistwotimes1.25km(foratotalof2.5 km) and thesprint is four times 1.25 km (for atotal of 5 km)headded.

“We believe that by bringing world class races to

Namibia we can grow homegrown talent. Since hosting these events Namibia has really started raking in the“ Spangenbergsaid.

Spangenbergsaidstatedthatthestartfinishandtransition areas as well as a spectator area will be at the Mole Parking area Infront of the An der Mole holiday apartments.Allroadsthatformspartoftheracetrackwill be completely closed off to ensure the safety of ours athletes.

Spangenberg said “Events of this magnitude are not possible without sponsorships and I would like to thank our two anchors sponsors Prosperity Health and RMB. These two dynamic companies have seen the marketability of triathlon and the opportunity it offers. ThankyouverymuchIwouldalsoliketothankTheMTC Domeforcomingonboardthisyear,notjusttomaketheir facilitiesavailablebutalsoassistinorganisingtheevent, wehopethattheskillstransferwillallowthemtoarrange events of this magnitude in the future. Deopharma has beenthesupplementsponsorforNTFforthelast2years. Herman Maritz and his team are doing a great job in ensuring we offer the best supplements on the market in the form of Electro Boost to our athletes. Mannies Bike Meccawillprovidethebestmechanicserviceonraceday toourathletesandalsoensurethatthetechnicalofficials are equipped with E bikes to cover all areas of the race course Special thank you to Swakopmund Municipality, thistownhasavisionlikenootherandtheyhaveensured thatweofferthebestpossibleracecoursetoourathletes.” “Iwouldliketoinviteeveryonetoattendthisraceandwe look forward to showcase a world class event on local soil”Spangenbergsaid.

The men's open sprint division for 16 years and over winnersofthe2022ProsperityHealthAfricaTriathlon Cup with Paul Ingpen, Nathan Chase and Jan Louis Mostert

The men's supersprint winners of the 2022 Prosperity Health Africa Triathlon Cup Stefan Kruger, Micah ChaseandJonasNghinanamunha

SwakopmundwillbehostoftheRMBandProsperityLifeAfricaTriathlonCuponSaturday,25Marchin andaroundthecoastaltown. FromlefttorightareKudusheadcoachGawanEsterhuizen,FNBKudus Vice-chairperson Lovina Plato, The Director of Walvis Bay Primary School Charl Theron and Walvis Bay Primary School Board VicechairpersonHannesVanWykatthesigningoftheMoU believe

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