21 jul namib times e-edition

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Rössing Offers Lucrative Separation Package

Rössing Uranium Limited has since March this year offered a very lucrative separation package with a threeand-a-half-year time frame for employees to find alternative jobs untiltheendof2026.

Theyear2026iswhenRössingUranium'scurrent mining operations come to an end, and the ChineseMiningContractor,BeifangwithwhomRössing signed a 13-year contract worth N$12.8 billion,willassumeoperationsinextractinguranium from the longest-running open-pit mine in the world.

Thiscomeswithadownfallasthecompanyisset toletgoofallminingpersonnel.Asaresult,Rössing Uranium Limited has introduced a comprehensive workforce transition plan, offering attractive separation packages and employment support to its around 400 mining personnel. Managing Director of Rössing Uranium, Johan

Shakwa Nyambe Advocates for Independent Upstream Regulator to Safeguard Namibia's Booming Oil and Gas Industry

InthewakeofNamibia'spromisingoffshore oil and gas discoveries, attention hasturnedtothecrucialneedforanindependent upstream regulatory body. Shakwa Nyambe, the accomplished Managing Partner at SNC Incorporated based in Windhoek and reappointedforathirdtermtoservethe African Chapter Board of the Association of International Energy Negotiations (AIEN), is at the forefront of the advocacy for such an agency to safeguardthenationfromtheresource curse and ensure responsible developmentofitspetroleumresources.

The Association of International Energy Negotiations (AIEN) is a non-profit profes-

Karibib Police Intercept Cannabis Concealed in Sealed Chip Packet at Holding Cell

Continues on page 2 Continues on page 2

Tragic Accident Claims Two Lives GERP to Reemployed Fishermen

sional membership organisation that provides support and

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7025 FRIDAY 21 JULY 2023 N$6 inside Page 2 Page 3 Sports News Pages 18 - 20
Photo Rossing Uranium Rudi Bowe Eileen van der Schyff
Photo: Energy Voice

Rössing Offers Lucrative

Continued from page 1

Coetzeeexplained,undertheapprovedoperatingmodeltherewillbecertain redundancies.“Atransitionplanhasbeenputinplacetoachievethedesired workforcestructureandtermsofemploymentby2026inconsultationwithall stakeholders.Retrenchmentwillremainthelastresortforanypositionsthat become redundant and will only take place once other options for redeploymenthavebeenexhausted,”hesaid.

AccordingtoCoetzee,thetransitionplancreatedforthevoluntaryseparation programmeisaimedatmitigatingimpactonpotentialforcedretrenchments post 2027 by affording every impacted employee the opportunity to benefit from the voluntary separation package offered by the company while pursuingotheremploymentopportunities.“Avoluntaryseparationprocessis where an employee has the right to enquire on his or her package, if the employeetakesupthepackage,itisavoluntarydecisiontomutuallyseparate from the Company for whatever reason, such as i.e., new employment opportunities,earlyretirement,butnotduetoretrenchmentorredundancy,” Coetzee said. According to Coetzee, the Life of mine extension does not guaranteethecontinuationofallcurrentjobsbeyond2026,astheoperating modelandworkforcestructurerequiredforlifeofcouldextensionisdifferent. Alternatively, the mine will close at the end of 2026, which will impact all employees.

Coetzeesaid,“LoMEdoesnotguaranteethecontinuationofallcurrentjobs beyond 2026, as the operating model and workforce structure required for LoME is different. The transition plan created for the voluntary separation programmeisaimedatmitigatingimpactonpotentialforcedretrenchments post-2027 by affording every impacted employee the opportunity to benefit from the voluntary separation package offered by the company while pursuingotheremploymentopportunities.”

Coetzeehighlightedthatemployeeswhosecureemploymentelsewherewill stillreceivethepromisedseparationpackageandemphasisedthecompany's commitmenttofacilitatingasmoothtransition,stating,"Ourultimategoalis to reach the end of 2026 without any of our valued employees remaining unemployed."

Since opening of the Voluntary Separation process started many Rössing employees have applied and have been approved for voluntary separation. Theapplicationsareopenuntil theend of 2026.

Karibib Police Intercept Cannabis Concealed in Sealed Chip Packet at Holding Cell

AdisturbingincidentcametolightattheKaribibPolicestation whenasuspectwascaughtattemptingtosmugglecannabisinto theholdingcelldisguisedwithinasealedpacketofSimbachips onSunday,16July

The suspect's audacious act of attemptingtodeliverthecontraband to an inmate in the holding cell has raised serious concerns among law enforcement authorities. Inspector Ileni Shapumba, Unit Commander ofCommunityAffairsattheErongo police, stated, "we don't know what kind of risk-taking this was, but an incidentofcontrabandsmakingtheir wayintothecellsisconcerning."

DuringaroutinesearchoftheSimba chips intended for delivery to an inmate, police officers made the alarming discovery of cannabis

Shakwa Nyambe Advocates

enhances the effectiveness of international energy negotiations worldwide. With its headquarters in Houston, Texas, USA, the AIEN creates widely accepted model contracts used in the international energyindustry

With the major offshore discoveries by TotalEnergiesandShellin2022,Namibiaisonthebrink of becoming a significant oil and gas producer However, the potential for prosperity also carries risks like corruption, environmental degradation, and non-sustainable exploration of hydrocarbons.

To address these challenges, Nyambe stresses the importance of a robust legal and regulatory frameworkthatfollowsindustrybestpracticesandinvolves all relevant stakeholders, including indigenous people,localcommunities,andlocalgovernment. The establishment of an independent upstream regulatory agency is a widely adopted approach in many countries. Such agencies ensure independence,attracttechnicalexpertise,andreducepoliticisation that often plagues governmental departments. Nyambe believes that an independent regulator would play a crucial role in monitoring industry participants, ensuring compliance with regulations and policies, and promoting a level playingfieldamongplayersintheindustry Nyambe points out that Namibia's past attempts to separate policymaking and regulation, as reflected intheWhitePaperonEnergyPolicyof1998,were steps in the right direction. However, considering the evolving petroleum industry, including institutions like the Petroleum Training and Education

Fund (PETROFUND) and the National Energy Policy of 2017, the need for a fully independent regulatorhasbecomemorepressing.

To ensure an operational and effective regulator, Nyambeemphasisestheimportanceofdesigninga tailoredregulatoryframeworksuitedtoNamibia's specific needs. Such a regulator would undertake vitalfunctions,includinglicensingandpermitting, monitoring petroleum activities, ensuring technical and safety standards, compliance with laws, and promoting local content development and environmentalprotection.

Drawing upon successful international examples, NyambehighlightstheBrazilianNationalAgency ofPetroleumNaturalGasandBiofuels(ANP)and theUK'sOilandGasAuthority(OGA)asmodels for Namibia to consider These independent regulatorybodieshaveproveninstrumentalinenhancing professionalism, attracting investors, and maximizingtheircountries'hydrocarbonresources while maintaining transparency and good governancepractices.

In conclusion, Nyambe asserts that the establishmentofanindependentupstreamoilandgasregulatoriscrucialforeffectivegovernance,promoting faircompetition,andsafeguardingtheinterestsof allstakeholders.AsNamibiacontinuestodevelop itspetroleumindustry,Nyambecallsforprovisions for an independent regulator in the proposed amendments to the Petroleum (Exploration and Production)Actof1991.

Sources: EnergyVoice,SNCIncorporated

Tragic Accident Claims Two Lives

cunningly concealed within the sealed chip packet, held together with glue. The suspect's brazen attempt to slip illegal substances pastauthoritieshighlightstheneed for heightened vigilance and security measures within the holdingcells.

InspectorShapumbasternlywarns against engaging in such illicit activities. "For whatever reason it may be, we are warning the communities not to bring contrabands to people detained at police holdingcells,"heasserted.Instead, individuals who receive requests from inmates to transport contrabands should immediately report such information to the police. This will enable law enforcement to investigate the facilitation of such communication and take necessary actions to prevent furtherincidents.

A devastating accident occurred approximately 10 kilometers before Usakos from the Arandis direction, resulted in two fatalities and left three other passengers with seriousinjurieson Sunday, 16 July.

The incident involved a Toyota Wish 7-seater, registered under N 10007 S, which tragically overturned.

According to initial reports it is alleged, the driver of the To y o t a W i s h attempted to overtake a truck when he noticedanoncoming vehicle approaching. In a desperate effort

to return to his lane safely,helostcontrol of the vehicle, leading to the heartwrenching overturningincident.

Regrettably,theaccidentclaimedthelives oftwoindividuals.

The deceased have been identified as Nghivafe Wilhelm Shikonyeni, a 48-

year-old Namibian maleandthedriverof the vehicle, and young Cayden Scott, a7-year-oldboy

The tragedy did not spare the other passengers, as three individuals sustained severe injuries. They were immediately rushed to Usakos State Hospital for

medicalattentionin stable conditions Police investigationsareongoingto comprehensively understand the factors that led to the unfortunate overturning of the vehicle.

from page 1
Photo: West Coast SafetyInitiative Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff

Namibia's Mines Minister to Showcase Exploration and Production Efforts at African Energy Week (AEW) 2023

The upcoming African Energy Week (AEW) conference, scheduledtotakeplacefrom16to20October,willwitness Namibia'sMinisterofMinesandEnergy,HonTomAlweendo,deliverakeynoteaddress,sheddinglightonthesignificant discoveries and initiatives in Namibia's energy sector. TheMinisterwillemphasisethecountry'smajoroilandgas discoveries, its green hydrogen agenda, and the vital role thatbothhydrocarbonsandrenewableswillplayinmeeting regionalenergydemand.

Hon.Alweendo,sincehisappointmentasMinisterofMinesandEnergyin February2018,hasmaderemarkablestridesinexpandingNamibia'senergy sector Hisexpertiseinplanningandleadershiphascontributedsignificantly tothesuccessfulimplementationofoilandgasprojectsinNamibia,aswell asfosteringpositiverelationshipswithneighbouringcountries.WithNamibia experiencing new discoveries and pursuing a green hydrogen agenda, Hon. Alweendo's contribution is crucial to ensure long-term growth and successintheenergysector

Namibiahasemergedastheregion'sexplorationhotspot,andatAEW2023, the Minister will spearhead discussions on the progress of significant discoveriessuchasVenus-1X,Graff-1X,andtherecentlyunveiledJonker1X.TotalEnergiesandShellmadetheVenus-1XandGraff-1Xdiscoveriesin 2022,whilethenationaloilcompanyNAMCOR,inpartnershipwithShell and Qatar Energies, announced the Jonker-1X discovery in March 2023. These findings are expected to contribute to increased oil production, both for domestic consumption and for regional and global exports, leading to enhancedstabilityinNamibia'senergysector

In addition to these discoveries, the Ministry of Mines and Energy has launchedasubstantialgreenhydrogenprojecttoleverageNamibia'sresourcesanddiversifytheeconomy Hon.Alweendoiscollaboratingcloselywith globalplayerstoestablishagreenhydrogenhub,enablingthesetupoflargescaleprojectswithinthemarket,attractingnewbusinessesandstakeholders. HonAlweendo's participation inAEW 2023 will strengthen regional partnershipsandreaffirmNamibia'svitalroleinensuringenergystabilityinthe region.TheMinister'spresencewillencouragelocalandinternationalstakeholders to invest in infrastructure that supports the country's growth in oil, gas,andrenewableenergysectors.

NJAyuk, Executive Chairman of theAfrican Energy Chamber (AEC), expressedsupportforHon.Alweendo'sefforts,stated,"theAECispleasedto haveHonAlweendospeakatAEW,andwecommendhiscontinuedendeavoursinbecomingacompetitiveoilandgasproducerwhileattractinginvestmentsthatfostereconomicgrowthandenergysecurityacrosstheregion."

DuringAEW2023,HonAlweendowillprovideupdatesontheoilandgas discoveries, the progress of Namibia's green hydrogen agenda, and the multitude of investment opportunities available. Through various investor summits,paneldiscussions,andnetworkingforums,theMinisterwillshare crucialinsightsintoNamibia'senergyagenda,layingthefoundationfornew dealsthatwillacceleratethemarket'sgrowthtrajectory


The Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations, and Employment Creation, Utoni Nuyoma and Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Derek Klazen, at a media conference held in Walvis Bay GERP

to Re-employed Fishermen

The government, through the Government Employment Redress Programme (GERP)hasenabledthere-employmentabout1000fishermenwhowerepartofan illegalstrikein2014,alsoincludingthosewhowereretrenchedin2017.

ThisafterCabinetdirectedtheMinistryofFisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to address the plight of the affected fishermen. The ministry embarksonatransparentpublicprocesstoappoint competent companies to employ workers, which began in November 2022 with a public call for interest.Theresponseswereevaluated,andrecommendations reported back to Cabinet. Helgoland Fishing (Pty), Trilliant Investment CC, Iyaloo WomenInvestmentGroup(Pty)Ltd,BlueChromis, RukatukaInvestment(Pty)Ltd,AlubeFishing(Pty) Ltd and Namfi Fishing Movebaai Joint Venture demonstratedcapacityandreadinesstoprovidethe required jobs. These companies will soon receive lettersindicatingquotaamountsequaltothenumber of jobs being provided. This was recently announcedbyMinisterofFisheriesandMarineResources (MFMR),DerekKlazen,atamediaconferenceheld in Walvis Bay Klazen said that the recruitment process has already commenced following the Cabinet'sapprovalofsevensuccessfulfishingcompaniestoemploythefishermen."Iwishtoreiterate thismessagetotheworkerswhoareparticipatingin thisprogramme: thattheyshouldbearinmindthat the government has really done all it can to ensure that these workers are employed,” Klazen said. Klazen further explained that when a worker loses hisjobduetomisconductorresigns,thatwillmean the end of their participation. “As such, I want to make it clear that the government will no longer presentnewopportunitiestothisgroupofpeopleif andwhentheyneglectthisone.Onceanagreement

is signed, the companies are expected to pay the salariesofthefishermenbytheendofthismonth,” Klazensaid.AccordingtoKlazen,6224hakeand 11 250 horse mackerel quotas has been allocated to these companies, who will be expected to pay theover1000fishermen'sfirstsalariesbyendof July2023.

TheMinisterofLabour,IndustrialRelations,and Employment Creation, Utoni Nuyoma, commended the efforts of the line ministries in addressing unemployment in the country "We havesignedthisagreementinordertostabilisethe industrial relations in Namibia and also to encouragetheemployerstostrengthentheirbusinessesaccordingtobestpractisesandgoodgovernance,aswellastheunionsthatrepresentthebest interestsoftheworkers,sothatweworktogether wheneverchallengesarise,"Nuyomasaid. ArepresentativeoftheFishermenWorkersUnion, Daniel Imbili expressed his satisfaction with the latest development. "We as trade unions feel honoured,andfeelthatthefishermen,shouldnot make the mistake the second time, it is clear that thequotaisnotforindividuals.Ithasbeenagreed betweenthegovernmentsandthecompaniesthat ifoneresignsorisdismissedformisconduct.The quota remains with the company for the season, and it goes back to the government." The Ministries of Fisheries and Labour will soon sign an agreementwiththesuccessfulfishingcompanies, pending the Attorney General's review of the contracts.

Eileen van der Schyff Rudi Bowe




ShiyukifeniImmanuel(31),appearedoncharges of reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertain damages sustained. The matterwaspostponedto23Augustforfurther investigations. The accused has been warned.

Chris Van Tonder (28), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto25 March2024forpleaandtrial.Theaccusedis onbail.

Machendry Meyer (42), appeared on a chargeofdealingincocaine.Thematterwas postponed to 30 August for legal aid. The accusedisonbail.

JasmineLeratoHarases(25),appearedona chargeoffraud.Thematterwaspostponedto 6Novemberforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedis onbail.

RidrickKwant(41),appearedonachargeof theftfromanemployer Thematterwaspostponedto4Octoberfortrial.Theaccusedison bail.

Shikongo Wanifeni (23), appeared on a charge of possession of cocaine. The matter waspostponedto23Augustforlegalaid.The accusedisonbail.

Mathewe Kasheta (25), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 23 Augustforcontinuationoftrial.Theaccused isonbail.

IvanNowaseb(33),appearedonachargeof rape.Thematterwaspostponedto2October for prosecutor general's decision. The accusedremainincustody

Natangwe Kalipi (38) and Namutenya Rosa Shilyatukeni (38), appeared on chargesofdrivingundertheinfluenceofintoxicating liquor and reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 2Augustforplea.Theaccusedareonbail.

Heinz Werner Galant (19), appeared on charges of possession of dependence-producingsubstanceandpossessionofcocaine.

Thematterwaspostponedto16Augustforlab results.Theaccusedisonbail.

MosesNakatawa(44),appearedonchargesof reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertain injuries sustained. The matter was postponedto7Augustforfurtherinvestigation. Theaccusedisonbail.

Wilhelm Tuyoleni Iputa (22) and Lionel Afrikaner (21), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence-producing substance. The matter was postponed to 30 August for legalrepresentation.Theaccusedareonbail.

Alban Garab (23), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 30 August for further investigation. The accused remains incustody

BrancoAraeb (21) and Weldus Tsuseb (34), appeared on charges of robbery, malicious damagetoproperty,andassaultwithintenttodo grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponedto21Augustbecausethedocketwasnot atcourt.Theaccusedareonbail. SamHalupe(59),appearedonachargeofrape. The matter was postponed to 18 August for continuationoftrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Karl Andre Celliers (56), Werner Yambeka (20)andEthanCarloSam(19),appearedona charge of fraud and money laundering. The matterwaspostponedto31Octoberforfurther investigation.Theaccusedareonbail.

ShikongoImmanuel(39)andAnnaShipahu (29), appeared on charges of possession of dependence-producing substance and possessionofillicitgoods.Thematterwaspostponed to22January2024forpleaandtrial.Shikongo Immanuel is on bail and Anna Shipahu have beenwarned.

Angula Kleopas Shea (51), appeared on a charge of anti-corruption act- for corruptly using office or position for gratification and defeating or obstructing the course of justice. Thematterwaspostponedto2Augustforplea intermsofsection119.Theaccusedisonbail.

CarlosAron(22)andRomeldaOxurub(20), appearedonachargeofrobbery.Thematterwas postponed to 23 August for further investigation.Theaccusedremainincustody

RonaldoAubeb(22),appearedon achargeofrobbery Thematterwas postponed to 17 January 2024 for pleaandtrial.Theaccusedremains incustody

Shipopyeni Namene (22), Ronaldo Murorua (21), and Simaneka Frans(20),appearedonachargeof further investigation. The accused


True Gart Heitage (39), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm readwithprovisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act4of2003.The matter was postponed to 31 Augustfortrial.Theaccusedison bail.

Mondesa Murder Suspects Make First Court Appearance

Sharlien Tjambari

The six Mondesa murdersuspects connected to the murder of22-year-oldPeterBocckyAmwaalwafounddeadinapool of bloodon1July,madetheirfirstappearanceintheSwakopmundMagistratesCourtonMondaylastweek.

ThesuspectsLindenDuwe(27),SidneyJooste(24),JohnMeriri(25), and a 17-year-old minor were arrested and appeared in the SwakopmundMagistrateCourt.Thestate,representedbyAnitaLikius deniedtheaccusedpersonsbailandtheprosecutionsaidgrantingthe accused bail would not be in the interest of the admi-nistration of justiceorthepublic.Thematterwaspostponedto30Augustforfurther investigations and juvenile screening. The accused are remanded in custody

Amwaalwawasfoundwithfatalstabwoundsbymembersofthepolice who were patrolling Mondesa on the morning of 1 July, in Dr Frans IndongoStreet,Mondesa.

OnthefollowingWednesday,policearrestedJoramGariseb(18)and Lucky Gamatham (41), also known as Oom P Both Gariseb and Gamatham appeared in the Swakopmund Magistrate court on Thursday,13Julyonthesamechargeastheirco-accusedandwilljoin themincourton30August.

Deputy Commissioner of the Erongo Police, Erastus Iikuyu said, “investigations done so far revealed that during the incident the deceased was walking with an unidentified young girl who was also robbedofhersmallsmartphonebythesamesus-pectsbeforesheran away She is wanted to assist the investi-gation team with investigation.”

Thesaidyoungladyoranyonewithknowledgeofherwhere-aboutsor have information regarding the incident is urgently requested to contact Deputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu on 081 246 4757 or DetectiveWarrantOfficerGersonNuxabon0812131891.


Rollover Accident on B2 Coastal Road

An unfortunate rollover accident was reported on the B2 route, approximately 12 kilometers from Swakopmund towardsLangstrand onSunday,16July AccordingtoinitialreportsfromtheWestCoastSafetyInitiative,thedriverofthevehiclelostcontrol,causingthevehicleto veerofftheroadandoverturn.Theimpactoftheaccidentresulted in some occupants being catapulted from the overturning vehicle, leading to serious injuries. In response to the emergency,threeambulanceswereswiftlydispatchedtothesceneto attendtothoseinjured.

As per the latest reports, five people sustained injuries in the crash.Thenatureoftheirinjurieswasdescribedasserious,less serious,andminor,respectively.

Amidst the critical situation, the West Coast Safety Initiative expressed deep appreciation to the medical doctor who providedvaluableassistancetotheinjureduntilthearrivalofemergency service personnel at the scene. Nampol Traffic, SwakopmundFireandRescueServices,E-MedRescue,StGabriel Ambulance Service, the State ambulance service, and AJ's Towingrespondedtotheaccidentscene.


Second Swakopmund Breakfast Meeting

The 2nd Annual Swakopmund Breakfast Meeting for 2023 has kicked off this week at the MTC Dome Swakopmund. The Swakopmund Municipality in conjunction with the Swakopmund Business Chamber is committed to fostering cooperation between stakeholders, improving the business climate,andprovidinga widerangeofservicesto the business community This event is an opportunity for stakeholders to network with other business leaders, learn about the latest developments in the local economy, and provide feedback to the Swakopmund Municipality

Photo: West Coast Safety Initiative

NFCPT donates computers

TheNamibiaFishConsumptionPromotionTrust(NFCPT) donatedtencomputers,includingMicrosoftsoftwarepackages, to the Ohangwena and the //Karas regions worth N$211 433, and an additional five computers to the two institutionsduringthenextfinancialyear.

NFCPT CEO Victor Pea said education is the foundation on which a prosperous and sustainable futureisbuiltupon.“In today's rapidly evolving world, intergrading technology into education has become a necessity ratherthanaluxury.”

Pea said, “access to computersinschools and ICT transcends

geographical barriers, bringing the world to our communities and nurturing a generation of digitally proficient citizens ” He added thesecomputerstothe NYC's Oranjemund Youth Forum is to set up computer classes for the youth in the coastal diamond town and the school infrastructure improvement initiative through the

officeofthegovernor of the Ohangwena region as we take a significant step toward bridging the digital divide in our communities.

The Director of the NationalYouthCouncil Calista SchwartzGowases who except the donation on behalf of the Youth Council in particularly the Oranjemund

constituency said that thisdonationofdesktop computerswillgoalong way to help to meet the movingtargetofchanging the livelihoods of ouryouth.

Schwartz-Gowases said, “I am of the view, that these computers will provide our youth withthenecessarytools

to partake in the world of technology marked by the interconnectedness of the digital space. Proficiency in computers is an absolute requirement for successintoday'stechnology-driven environment. However,manyyouths simply do not know

howtouseacomputer, therefore your support indeed is for a good courseasitwillhelpto change this by providing basic computer trainingtotheyouthin Oranjemund,”

A c c o r d i n g t o Schwartz-Gowasesbasiccomputertrainingis in great demand, pro-

Port Log

viding a much-needed foundation and equipping them for future success. “I would like to reiterate my sincere gratitude to the National Fish Consumption Promotion Trust, for their generous support to the Oranjemund Constituency Youth Forum,” SchwartzGowasessaid.

Hon. Walde Ndevashiya Governor of Ohangwena region, Chief Executive Officer of the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust, Mr Victor Pea, The Director of the National Youth Council Calista SchwartzGowases and Chair-person of Oranjemund Constituency youth forum Nestor Sheimi at the handover of ten computers to the Ohangwena and the //Karas regions
whether you’re in Engineering, Fishing, Construction or Mining business or you’ve made a promise to the wife at home. We have what you need at No. 31, 10th street East, Walvis Bay or call 064-203132 We deliver anywhere and everywhere. DesertIron &Steel DesertIron &Steel Need Mild Steel, Stainless Steel, Special Steel, Aluminium, Pipes and Fittings, need a special grade or dimension! Tel +264 203 132 Fax +264 206 810 ·sales@desertironnamibia.com 31, 10th Str East IndustrialArea ·PO Box 2258, Walvis Bay, Namibia A member of the Deamaru Group Rudi Bowe

Cran Lifts the Stand-still Period for the Application of Broadcasting and Telecommunications Service Licences

The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) imposed a stand-still period (commencing 1 October 2022) on the consideration of applications for Broadcasting and Telecommunications Service Licences. After various stakeholder consultations in 2021, CRAN was imploredtoconductamarketstudyfortheTelecommunication andBroadcastingsectors.

The aim of the research study was to determine the current market level of competition, mark-et saturation, and any existing barriers to entry It was appropriate that CRAN maintainastillmarket,intermsofmarket players, whilst conductingthestudy

Therefore, CRAN as of October 2022 was not accepting applications for new broadcasting, and telecommunications licences.

The stand-still period was imposed to enableCRANtocollect data from the market to assess whether the marketsaresaturated. The study was

conducted based on a fixed data set, particularly the number of telecommunications and broadcasting service licensees currently inthemarket,andhence the stand-still period. The data collection has been completed and CRANwillresumeconsiderationofnewapplications.“Thestand-still period for applications for Broadcasting and Telecommunications Licences will be lifted effective 1 October 2023 Thereafter, all applications for Licences in these categories shall be accepted and considered,” states Katrina Sikeni, Executive: Communication and Consumer Relations. “CRAN did not

and will not accept or consider new applications for Telecommunications and Broadcasting Service Licences between 1 October 2022 to 30 September2023.

CRANonlyconsidered applications for the amendment, withdrawal, transfer, and cession of existing telecommunications or broadcasting service licences when practically possible, and if suchshallnotresultina changeofthedataset,” addedSikeni.

Moreover, CRAN accepted and considered applications for Spectrum Licences from existing service Licenseesandaccepted Spectrum applications

for bands that are service licence exempt Hence from 1 October 2023, CRAN will now accept ap-plication for servicelicensees. Sikeni states that it is paramount that CRAN continuously studies

market dynamics to align the regulatory frame-work to best practices and emerging trends in regulation to ensure fair competition and facilitate investments into thesector

Mrs Katrina Sikeni, Executive: Communication & Con-sumer Relations, CRAN
Email all your news to newsdesk@namibtimes.net or call Eileen van der Schyff at 081 725 8068 Rudi Bowe at 081 725 8066 or mail to: journalist5@namibtimes.net Sharlien Tjambari at 081 325 9372 or mail to: sharlien@nambitimes.net Website: www.namibtimes.net



AsportscarbuiltfortheroadanddevelopeddirectlyfromToyota’schampionship-winningWorld Rally experience; the all-new GR Yaris Rally was designed with only true performance-driven individualsinmind.Lightweight,rallycompetition-inspired,andgloballyrecognisedastopinits class,theGRYarisRallyhasanunmatched1.6-litrethree-cylinderturbochargedengineoffering unbridledpower,andaGR-Fourall-wheeldrivesystem,echoingtheessenceofGazooRacing.A tributetothe‘goldenera’ofJapaneseperformancecars,theall-newGRYarisRallyisaoneofa kind.


The all-new GR Yaris Rally is Toyota's first authenticGR-Fourall-wheeldrivesportscarand isbornfromToyota'stitle-winningexperiencein the one and onlyWorld Rally Championship. In theToyota Gazoo Racing spirit of making everbetter cars, this vehicle brings motorsports technology and design directly to the everyday driver,givingthemtheopportunitytoexperience the true essence of Toyota Gazoo Racing, firsthand.


The all-new GR Yaris Rally has a 1 6 turbocharged engine that is compact, lightweight, and responsive, making it the

world's most powerful three-cylinder engine, and the smallest and lightest 1.6 turbo. The engine delivers an impressive rally-inspired 198kW of power,andwheningeartheGRYarisRallycango from zero to 100 kilometres in 5.5 seconds. The vehicle also comes with a 6-speed manual transmission,produces360Nmoftorque,andcan goontoatopspeedof230kilometresanhour


TheGR-Fourall-wheeldrivesystemisdesignedto optimise driving power to each wheel, while the driving experience remains simple and lightweight.Thedistributionoftorquebetweenthe frontandrearaxlesisgovernedbyahigh-response coupling, but the driver is always in control – the drivercanadjustthefour-wheeldriveperformance to suit their preference or the driving situation by simplyusinga4WDmodedialswitch.Allsenses, suitablyengaged.


The all-new GR Yaris Rally is uniquely styled; however,itisstilldistinctlyToyotaGazooRacing inspired.Withathree-doorbodyandaroofwhich has been lowered by 91mm, as well as frameless doors, the all-new GR Yaris Rally has an eyecatching coupe silhouette. It comes with 18-inch alloywheels,unmatchedonanyroad,andithasa rear spoiler and carbon-fibre reinforced Polymer roof,whichbothmakeastatement,evenbeforethe engineisengaged.

Make a turn at Indongo Toyota in Walvis Bay for more information on this beauty Contact them on 064-203 561

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The German Embassy is providing a grant of 145 000 Namibian dollars (7 250 euros)tosupportthetrainingofteacherswithafocusonthesubjectGerman.

German Embassy Sponsors Scholarships to Support German Language Teaching

Namibiahasashortageofqualifiedandexperienced German teachers. The profession is paid relatively poorlyandthussuffersfromlowsocialprestige.Asa result, many no longer aspire to become a teacher, whileothersquitforpersonalorfinancialreasonsin ordertopursueworkthatismorelucrative.Inaddition, many teachers who entered the profession before1980areretiring.Thus,vacanciesattheCurriculum Planning Department and at the University of Namibia can no longer be filled by Germanspeakingorindigenousprofessionals.

The Association of German School Societies in Namibia (AGDS) has been working for a long time to recruit school graduates for the teaching profession. To this end, it awards scholarships to student teacherseveryyear TheAGDSpaystheregistration andtuitionfeesofthescholarshiprecipientsaswell asN$9000livingallowanceeveryhalfyear ApplicantsmaybeenrolledattheUniversityofNamibiaor SouthAfrican universities.TheAGDS enters into a contract with each applicant and the sponsored scholarship holder thereby commits to teach at a school affiliated by the AGDS through its school

associationforatleastasmanyyearsasheorsheis grantedascholarship.Threeofthesescholarships arefundedwiththehelpoftheGermanEmbassy's sponsorship, which aims to contribute to the promotion of the German language and the teaching professioninNamibia.

AGDShasbeenactiveinNamibiasince1956and has been financially supporting teacher trainees since1988.Withthisproject,theAGDSwouldlike tosupporttheNamibianeducationsystemandthe Ministry of Education and contribute to the preservationoftheGermanlanguageandculture.

The AGDS is the umbrella organisation of German school associations in Namibia. It oversees eleven schools that are administered or coadministered by its member associations, plus aboutanother50schoolsthatarenotaffiliatedwith theAGDSbutwhereGermanistaughtasaforeign language.

Coastal Poetry Movement's Revival Event Showcases

Talented Artists in Walvis Bay

TheeagerlyawaitedCoastalPoetrymovement eventmadeatriumphantreturntotheRendezvous building in Walvis Bay's Hermes area after a hiatus since February Residents of Walvis Bay, hungry for an arts experience, flockedtotheeventonthefirstSaturdayofthe month,witnessinganeveningofrawcreativity andpassion.

Enthusiastic and aspiring artists from all corners of Namibia came together to share their talents with a captivated audience. The Coastal Poetry movement, in collaboration with the Walvis Bay Harmony School of Music, provided a platform for spoken word performers, musicians, singers, andcreativestoexpresstheirartistry

TheWalvisBayHarmonySchoolofMusic,established in 2022 by the award-winning Namibian band G3, played a pivotal role in the event. Studentsfromtheschoolshowcasedtheirremarkable progressinvariousmusicaldisciplines.Thecollaboration between Coastal Poetry and the Harmony School of Music has created a nurturing environmentforartiststoshineandberecognised fortheircraft.

Withthebeliefthatmusicisauniversallanguage, the Harmony School of Music has a mission to provide a safe, fun, and inspiring learning environment for students of all ages and skill levels. Their slogan "Simplified. Achievable. Practical"embodiestheirapproachtomusiceducation,makinglearningenjoyableandstress-free.

"Wesimplifythelearningprocesssothatyoucan focus on making progress and achieving your musical dreams," says John James Pickering, a key figure at Harmony School of Music. The schooloffersawiderangeofprograms,including vocal/singing,songwritingandcomposition,guitar, piano, drums, and more, with future plans to expandtoadditionalinstrumentslikeviolin,saxophone, and marimba. The event's collaboration withRendezvousmediaandCoastalPoetryprovided a powerful platform for musicians to showcasetheirtalents.BenjaminSmithJnrfromRendezvous media, Obedine Tsuses from Coastal Poetry, and Tapuwanashe Ngarande from HarmonySchoolwereinstrumentalinorganisingand makingtheeventaresoundingsuccess.

As the Coastal Poetry movement gains momentum,thoseinterestedinparticipatinginupcoming eventsandjoiningthemovementareencouraged tofollowthemonsocialmediaforupdates.

Instructor for vocal and guitar courses, John James Pickering Eileen van der Schyff

My Oranjemund - a community photography

exhibition at the 2023 Diamond Festival

Duration: 2-6 August


Forthe2023DiamondFestivalformerandcurrentresidentsofOranjemundwere invitedtosubmitphotographsofplacesinandaroundthetownthattheytreasure, withthequestions“WhichareasofOranjemund,orthesurroundingareasbring youjoyeverytimeyougothere?Whichplacebringsyoupeaceandmeansmostto you?” The response was both diverse and joyful, with amateurs, hobbyists and professionals,usingeverythingfromcellphonecamerastohighendequipmentto captureandsharetheirfavouritepartsofthetown.

Withseventy-fourphotographsondisplay,itis clear that the residents of Oranjemund find value in a wide diversity of places. Aerial photographs of the suburbs, the golf course andtherivermouthprovideacharmingoverviewofthetown,withstillmorephotographs of the beach, the riverbanks and the dunes competing for prominence. Many people chosetosubmitphotographsofinteriorscenes like a cosy living room, a radio presenter's placeofwork,aneventatthecommunitycentre and a visit to the Jasper House Museum. AlongsidethemuchlovedandiconicOranjemundOryxwearealsopresentedwithphotos of owls, pigeons, pets and seabirds. Another prominent feature of the photographs displayed is the recurrence of various pieces of public art that were produced as part of the “Art Can Transform Project” initiated by OMDis Town Transformation Agency This projectstartedinJune2021andsawthetown transformed through the addition of public sculpturesandmurals.

Thisyear'sDiamondFestivalwillrunfrom2-6 August under the theme “Creating a sustain-

ablefuturethrougheconomicdiversification” andisawonderfulopportunityfortouristsand localsaliketocometogetherandcelebrateall thatOranjemundhastooffer Thiscommunity exhibitionprovideslocalOranjemunderswith the opportunity for reflection and self-recognition, while also providing tourists with the rare opportunity to see the more intimate and per-sonal aspects of the town from 'insider perspec-tives.Theexhibitionwillopenwitha public event on 1 August at Beronnies' in Oranjemundandwillremainopentothepublic forthedura-tionofthefestival.

Images for media use can be found here. Photo-graphers' names can be credited accordingtothecaptionsintheimagetitle.


For more information about the exhibition pleasecontactHelenHarris: info@startartgallery.com +264813376582

For more information about the Diamond FestivalpleasecontactFanaHarases: fana.harases@ormdtc.com.na +264813236809




Noticeisherebygiventhat an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Rodrey Shafuda, P O Box 3774, WalvisBay,Namibia.

2 Name of licensed business to which application relates: Oryx Bar2.

3 Address/location of licensedpremisestowhich application relates: Erf 5827, Kuisebmond, WalvisBay.,Namibia.

4. Nature and details of application: Transfer of Special Liquor Licence

FROM: Fanuel Indongo (Licencee) TO: Rodrey Shafuda(Transferee).

5. Where application will be lodged: Walvis Bay Magistrate Office, Clerk ofCourt

6. Date on which applicationwillbelodged:24July 2023.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section28inrelationtothe applicationmustbesentor deliveredtotheMagistrate oftheDistrict,toreachthe Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.



Noticeisherebygiventhat an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Rodrey Shafuda, P O Box 3774, WalvisBay,Namibia.

2 Name of licensed business to which application relates: OkalongoImageBar.

3 Address/location of licensedpremisestowhich application relates: Erf

5799, Mica Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay.,Namibia.

4. Nature and details of application: Transfer of Special Liquor Licence

FROM: Alex Gregorius (Licencee) TO: Rodrey Shafuda(Transferee).

5. Where application will be lodged: Walvis Bay Magistrate Office, Clerk ofCourt.

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 24 July2023.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section28inrelationtothe applicationmustbesentor deliveredtotheMagistrate oftheDistrict,toreachthe Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.



Noticeisherebygiventhat an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of theDistrictof

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Rodrey Shafuda, P O Box 3774, Walvis Bay, Namibia.

2 Name of licensed business to which application relates: Cash MoneyVIPBar

3 Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf 5827, Kuisebmond, WalvisBay.,Namibia.

4. Nature and details of application: Transfer of Special Liquor Licence FROM: Fanuel Indongo (Licencee) TO: Rodrey Shafuda(Transferee).

5. Where application will be lodged: Walvis Bay MagistrateOffice,Clerk ofCourt

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 24 July2023.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section28inrelationtothe applicationmustbesentor deliveredtotheMagistrate oftheDistrict,toreachthe Magistratenotlaterthan7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.


obtain the RFP document from the Manager Property by email.


A non-refundable document processing fee of NAD 5000.00 incl. VAT is payable, proof of payment of which must accompany all RFP submissions. Please contact the Manager Property to arrange for payment by EFT, credit card etc.


Bidders are required to formally register as a bidder before they will receive the bid documents or any correspondence.

RFP SUBMISSION CLOSING DATEAND TIME Closing date and time for RFP bids submission is Monday, 16 October 2023 @ 12:00 noon, (Namibian time). RFP bids should be submitted by depositing it in the tender box at Namport head office reception at No. 17, Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Walvis Bay before the closing date and time. Electronic submissions will not be accepted.


All enquiries on this RFP must be directed in writing to :

The Manager Property Ms. Justina Iiyambo E-mail: j.iiyambo@namport.com.na & Copied to elzevir@namport.com.na

No verbal telephonic enquiries will be responded to.

DEVELOP AND OPERATE A SHIP REPAIR YARD INCLUDING A GRAVING DOCK AT THE PORT OF WALVIS BAY NORTH PORT The Namibian PortsAuthority (Namport) hereby invites substantive and compliant proposals from entities to lease prime port property at the Port of Walvis Bay North Port on a medium to long-term basis in order to develop and operate a world class Ship Repair Yard which must include a suitably sized Graving dock, in the Port of Walvis Bay This new shipyard will be developed on land to be reclaimed in the bay REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) DOCUMENTATION Interested entities may




MSCNamibiaseeksan forImportController ourWalvisBayoffice.

The role entails Vessel Documentation, Customs documentation registration, Import releases, Documentation Processing, Customerreceptioncounteretc.

Minimum of 3 years' experience in shipping/forwardingrequired.

Applicants can email their CV to : shivani.pillay@msc.com

Closing Date: 25 of July 2023 th

Only hort-isted andidates ill e ontacted. s l c w b c

Notice is given that an applicationintermsofthe Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below,willbemadetothe regionalLiquorLicensing Committee, Region Erongo.

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Negumbo Eliaser P.O.Box1532Oshakati.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: ClubCascadest/aChezNtemba

3 Address/location of premises to which

application relates: Erf 3181, Marula Street, Ongwediva.

4. Nature and details of application: Application forchangeoftradename from Club Cascades t/a Chez-Ntemba to Cascades/AceClub.

5. Clerk of the court with whom the application will be lodged: Oshakati MagistratesOffice.

6 Date on which the applicationwillbelodged: 21July2023

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 daysbeforethedateofthe meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.



ESTATE NO. E 47/2022

In the estate of the late Werner Russmann, Id Nr 490803 0013 6, of 144 Libertina Amadhila Avenue, Kramersdorf, Swakopmund, who died on 17 July 2021 (Master's Reference E47/2022), and who was married out of community of property

In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate's Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.

H E AHRENS Agent of the Executor c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona

2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Tel. (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Reference: HEA/AW EST263/0001-50)

NAMIBTIMES17 21JULY2023 IN LOVING MEMORY OF JACQUES JACOBS 5 JULY 1969 - 17 JULY 2023 THE MEMORIAL SERVICE WILL BE HELD ON 22 JULY 2023 14:00 PM AT SWAKOPMUND AIRFIELD Contact our SWAKOPMUND BRANCH @ 064-461866 or visit No.13 Ané Court opposite Namib High School SWAKOPMUND @ No.13 Ané Court opposite Namib High 3


The Namib Diesel Social Squash League 2023 (NDSL) hosted by the Buccaneers Club in Walvis Bay kicked off on Wednesday, 12 Julywithnineteamsvyingforthetitle.

Itwassogoodtoseetheteamsintheirsponsoredgearandcompetitivein actionmodeagain,forwhat'sgoingtobeagoodsocialyearwithactionhot on the courts. There is no two ways about it; squash has really been exciting and awesome to watch, with even the reserves proving their worth.Theteamthatwillholdthetrophyaloftwillbeannouncedattheend oftheleague.























WalvisBaySaltEaglesReadyforU19Men's CricketWorldCupQualifiersinTanzania

Cricket Namibia recently held a capping and send-off ceremony for the Walvis Bay SaltEagleswhowillbeparticipatinginthe u19 Regional World Cup qualifiers in Tanzaniaattheendofthismonth.

The final 14-man squad that will participate in the qualifiers from 21 to 31 July was also announced this week at an event held in Windhoek.

ThepresidentoftheCricketNamibiaboard,Dr Rudie vanVuuren in a statement congratulated the team for making it to the qualifiers and emphasisedwhataspecialteamtheyare.

“The energy and the commitment you have shown in your team is something very rare. It givesateamthatX-factor YouguyshavethatXfactor There is incredible talent among you, there is incredible leadership among you,” he said.

Van Vuuren also noted that after the failure of thepreviousU19teamtomaketheWorldCup, Cricket Namibia identified areas of improvementthatwouldleadtosuccess.

“Oneofthoseareasincludedtheneedforafulltimehigh-performancecoach.Thatpositionhas since been filled by Oscar Nauhaus, who also tookuptheU19coachingposition,”headded.

To prepare the squad ahead of the regional qualifiers, where they will face Nigeria, Sierra Leone,Kenya,Uganda,andthehost,Tanzania, the Namibian squad embarked on various warm-upgamesinSouthAfrica.

The participating teams at the regional qualifiersarevyingforaspotinthe2024World Cup in Sri Lanka, where they will join the 11 Full Member cricket nations that have automaticallyqualifiedfortheevent.

ThefollowingarethemembersoftheNamibian squadfortheregionalqualifier: Alexander Volschenk (captain); Gerhard Janse van Rensburg (vice-captain); Adriaan Louw; Faf Du Plessis; Franko Bergh; Hanro Badenhorst; Hansie De Villiers; Jack Brassel; Junior Kariata; JW Visagie; Peter Daniel Blignaut; Ryan Moffet; Woutie Niehaus; ZacheoJansenvanVuuren.









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18 NAMIBTIMES 21JULY2023 School News
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Rudi Bowe

The Namibia Sports Commission (NSC) announced on Tuesday, 18 July, this year's Namibian Sports Expo and the Annual Sports Awards (NASA) will be held at the MTC Dome inSwakopmundfrom25to28October.

The 4th edition of the Namibian Sports Expo under the theme 'High Performance Sports in Africa'willtakeplacein from 25 to 27 October, whilst the 19th edition of NASSA under the theme 'Celebrating Sporting Excellence' willbeon28October

The chief administrator of the Namibia Sports Commission, Freddy Mwiya said the events are being held simultaneously to create synergies and ensure cost effectiveness “NSC during the crafting of the annual plan deliberated on this matter from all angles and finally decided to have a unified project modelasthetwoevents complements one another We are therefore equally insisting that cooperate institutions supportourevents.Asa custom and tradition when it comes to the sportaward,mostofour

giants are still here to support us to ensure we award and appreciate our athletes for the outstanding work in the year under review "

Mwiya added that Namibia has graduated from participation and moved to a competitive nation. “We now focus on podium finishes in whatever we do. It is therefore worth recognisingourathletesaswe are a country that sets standards To ensure that the industry grows, a need to expose the activitieswedo,andthe services rendered by several sports suppliers and others need to be showntotheentiresport fraternity, hence the need to have the sport expo co-hosted by the MTC Dome,” Mwiya said Mwiya emphasised the significance of both the expo and the awards in terms of promoting and developingsports.

Hestressed,“rewarding talented athletes is a motivation for current and aspiring athletes to excel in their respective fields,”Mwiyastressed.

“Theseinitiativesplaya vitalroleinourmission to develop more sportsmenandwomen.Itisan honour for us to continue recognising and awarding our top athletes. For instance, we recentlyhadapara-team that competed in France, and they truly deservethisrecognition and reward,” Mwiya said.

MTCDome'sChiefExecutive Officer, Fanus

Engelbrecht said at the same event that Namibia needs to latch onto and embrace the high-performance culture. “Talentedathletes in Namibia require a conducive environment to unlock their full potential By recognising this, we can cultivatealargerpoolof athletes competing at the highest level. Establishing relationships with all federations is crucial to ensure athletes can utilise the facilities and enhance performancesintop-tier competitions,” Engelbrecht said. High-per-


formance sport needs a sport ecosystem where all the various entities are inter-dependent and workingtogetherforthe goal to maximise the potential in our talent andfuturestars.”

Sport Expo Project Director, Tjeripo Musutuasaidallconference speakers and whatever isgoingtohappenatthe expo will centre around the theme “We are inviting exhibitors and all those in the sporting fraternity to showcase what they have on their table.”

Musutua, said four federations have already confirmed their participation in the fourth edition of the event. “These are the Namibia Chess Federation (NCF), Namibia Kickboxing Federation, Namibia Ice and Inline Hockey Association, and NamibiaArchery.”

Nasa 2023 will be “an exciting” affair guided by a fair adjudication process of the achievements of the country's highest performing athletes and officials overa12-monthperiod.

The Project Manager of Nasa 2023 Chalo Chainda expressed his excitement for this year's NASA. “We anticipate an extraordinary and distinctive eventthisyear.”

“Through these awards, we celebrate excellence insportsandensurethat those who have worked hard are properly rewarded for their immense efforts. We are committed to fairness and impartiality, ensu-

ring that deserving individuals receive the recognition they deserve” Chainda said. Thereare19categories for which nominations opened Tuesday 18 July and close on 19 August. The Deputy Chairperson of the awards' judging panel IlkePlattsaid,“guided bytheNasaRulebook, we are sure the efforts made by our sportswomen and men is recognised The adjudication process will look at national, regional and international competitions, the issue of national colours and international participation granted by NSC will form part of the adjudication process,” Plattsaid. Contact sugnet@thedomenamibia com for more information ontheSportsExpoand visit the wwwnascportal org for more information on howtoentertheSports Awards.


Close but no cigar went to Wayne HartandJonasNiilengewhoended on70,butfortheireffortstheywon first and second in the stableford competition respectively Two clubs were recorded by Grant Mather[twice]andChrisHeunis. Thanks to MULTISAVE and their team for the sponsorship of our medal events. The RACE FOR MEMBERSHIP final was won by Johnny Borges. For his effort he won membership and annual green fees The new RACE FOR MEMBERSHIP started on 1 July

The popular flags event sponsored byWBMwillbetomorrow22July It is medal and you add 72 to your

handicap and then deduct six. The third leg of the DEWRO BRINGA BUDDY/NON-GOLFER or a Junior with a handicap higher than 18 will be on Saturday 29 July and theTSUMEBSAGESwillbeonthe weekend of August 12. Senior golfersgolfdaysareeveryThursday from8:30for9:00.TieniedeWetis thechairmanwithDawnDippenaar as his vice and Rory Wolhuter the secretary /treasurer] of the SENIORScommittee.

The SPCAGolf Day Rocco Mama and the local sages will be on the weekend of 4,5 and 6August. The AGM has been set for Wednesday th16 August.

Rudi Bowe

Newcomers to the NRU Women's league

OceansRugbyClubfromWalvisBaymovedto fifth on the log after Rehoboth Bokkies withdrew from last Saturday's fixture against thecoastalteaminWalvisBay.

Oceans Rugby Club with 14 points on the log, fourpointsbehindlocalrivalsKuduBokkieswho arefourthonthelogwith18points.OnSaturday, 22July,OceansRugbyClubwillbeupagainstlog

leadersWanderers Bokkies inWindhoek, whilst Kudu Bokkies will host bottom of the Grootfontein Bokkies, at the Jan Wilken Stadium.

Oceans Rugby Club still has to play Unam Bokkiesathomeon29JulyandUnitedBokkies away on 12 August, whilst Kudu Bokkies will host Unam Bokkies on Saturday, 5 August and RehobothBokkiesawayintheirlastgamebefore thesemi-finals.

Picture Above:

Shane Westerdale and RACE FOR MEMBERSHIP winner

Johnny Borges

Picture right:

Shane Westerdale and the winner of the MULTISAVE MEDAL Nardo Sardinha

NAMIBTIMES19 21JULY2023 School News
ThispastweekendNardoSardinhawonthecountoutfromEckhardt DreyerandWilmadeWet-thirdallonanet69ingoodweatherforgolf attheMULTISAVEMEDALattheWalvisBayGolfClub. The players of Oceans Rugby Club and Kudu Bokkies

namib times Sport

Namibian Touring Squad of 35 Selected

Namibia the second-best African test team will compete in the Nations Cup in South America from23Julyto12August.

Coach Allister

Coetzee selected 35 of Namibia's best Rugby players that will compete in the Nations Cup in Uruguay, where Namibia will play test matches against Uruguay and Chile and a non-capped match against the Argentina XV in the neutral locationofMontevideo.

The national squad of 35 players will depart for Uruguay on 23 July wheretheywillcomeup against an Argentina XV on 29 July, and the national teams of Uruguay on 5 August and Chileon12August.

Namibia is ranked 21st intheworld.Uruguayis 17th and Chile is 22nd.

All three will compete at Rugby World Cup 2023. It will be the seventh Rugby World Cup for Namibia. The African country has competedateverytournament since debuting together with Uruguay in1999.RWC2023will bethefifthforUruguay andthefirstforChile. Thenationalsquadwill

leave for France on29Augustfor

play against Italy on 9 September, New Zealand on 15 September, France on 21 September and Uruguay on 27 September The Namibian touring squad is Jason Benade, Torsten van Jaarsveld,Aranos Coetzee, Wian Conradie, Divan Roussouw, Damian Stevens, Adriaan Ludick, Tjiuee Uanivi, Johan Retief, Richard Hardwick, Tiaan Swanepoel, JC Greyling, Danco Burger, Johan Deysel,GershwinMouton, Jay Cee Nel, Desiderius Sethie, Louis van der Westhuizen, Casper Viviers, PJ van Lill, Tiaan de Klerk, Prince !Goaseb, Max Katjijeko, Adriaan Booysen,Andrevander Bergn,HelariusKisting, Le Roux Malan, Chad Plato, Shifuku Haitembu, Gihard Visagie, Herman Agenbag, Jacques Theron, Johan Luttig,RuanLudickand MahepisaTjeriko

Senior Classics Tennis Challenge at the Coast

Rudi Bowe

CentralTennisClub(CTC)fromWindhoekdefeatedWalvisBayTennis Club15-10inaSeniorClassicsTennisChallengeheldattheWalvisBay TennisCourtson15July.

A member of Walvis Bay Tennis Club Paul Fisher said they all must lift the spirit of Tennissothatthesport they all love can prevail “The spirit of tennis should fly high andthatitshouldnever leave us wherever we aregoing,”Fishersaid. He added, “we have grossed the line of friendship and playing tennis should not stop here.”

Fisher thanked CTC for accepting the challenge. Sam Kaulinge the President of the Namibia Tennis Association and member of Central Tennis Club

event like this is very good for the sport and invited all clubs to host such events. Kaulinge thanks Walvis Bay Tennis Club for hosting them and promises to invite them soon to Windhoek for a similar event.

In the meantime, the Namibia Tennis Association (NTA) will host a junior tennis tournamentfrom28-30Julyin the capital and is appealing for sponsorship fortheevent.

The chairperson of the Junior Tennis Committee of the NTA, Santie van der Walt, saidtheassociationisin

urgent need of a lead sponsor, highlighting the importance of ensuringasuccessfultournament. The registration for the tournament that will be held at the Police Club, Central TennisCourts,andDTS is open, and interested players can still register and pay a N$300 entry fee. She was optimistic about attracting a large pool of players for the event. “We expect the tournament to attract a huge number of players who will compete for thehonours.Wearealso expecting stiff competition from players.”

Van derWalt added that

it is going to be a tough contest among the players as we anticipate participants from various age groups, ranging from U/9 to U/17, entering this exciting tournament She is happy with the state of tennis, and this kind of tournamentassistsinthe development of the players.

to journalist5@namibtimes.net
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Rudi Bowe Players from Walvis Bay and Central Tennis Clubs
the Rugby World Cup where Namibia will
Fraunsch Odiawo received the winner's trophy from Ashley Maclobo

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