30 june namib times e-edition

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Chinese Company Xinfeng Wins Interdict Against Mines Minister in Mining Licence Battle

Eileen van der Schyff

In a recent legal battle between Xinfeng Investments, a Chinese mining company, and Namibia's Ministerof Mines and Energy,TomAlweendo, the company emerged victorious with an interdict granted by acting High Court judge Ramon Maasdorp. The interdict stops Alweendo from implementinghisdecisiontorevokeXinfeng'smininglicenceML243intheDauresconstituency.

Chinese company

Xinfeng Investments hassecuredaninterdict against Namibia's Mines Minister, Tom Alweendo, in a legal

battle over the revocation of its mining licence Acting High Court judge, Ramon Maasdorp granted the interdict, ruling that the

minister did not have the unilateral right to cancelthelicence. Although Xinfeng was foundtobedishonestin its application, it will

face further scrutiny during the main trial. The Ministry of Mines andEnergyhasrespected the court's decision, while the matter re-

mains sub judice. In a press release, the Ministry of Mines and Energy acknowledged the court's decision and stated that they would abide by it. They refrained from commenting further due to the ongoing nature of

NIPDB and Namport Forge Alliances

the main review to be litigated in the High Court.

Continue on page 2

Employees Claim Unfair Labour Practice at Seafresh and Namsov

Eileen van der Schyff

Swakop to Host K2G

Mr & Miss Teen Crowned Nampower Debt Collection Plan

In a peaceful demonstration, more than 200 employees from Seafresh and Namsov Factory, represented by the Namibia Food and Allied Workers Union (NAFAU), gathered at Tunacor FisheriesLimitedandtheOfficeoftheLabourCommissionerinWalvisBaytodeliverapetition.The petition raises concerns over the non-procedural termination of their employment and the subsequentplantotransferthemtoalocallabourhirecompany.

Theemployees,whoare affiliatedwithNAFAU, atradeunionassociated withtheNationalUnion of Namibian Workers, expressed disappoint-

ment and strong opposition to the recent decision by their employers. On May 30, 2023, the employees received individual ter-

mination notices from Seafresh and Namsov Factory, citing economic challenges and market dilemmas faced by the companies

NAFAU, as the recognised bargaining unit, engaged in negotiations with the companies as stipulatedbytheLabour Act No. 11 of 2007,

Section 34. However, the negotiations reached a deadlock when the company disregarded theunion'srequestfora meeting and agreement on the way forward. To theemployees'surprise, on June 22, 2023, the company management reached an agreement

with the concerning labour hire company without the involvement of the employees orthebargainingunion.

The company claimed thatthisdecisionwould be favourable to the terminated employees.

Continue on page 2

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7022 FRIDAY 30 JUNE 2023 N$6 inside Page 18-20 Page 3 Sports News Page 6 Page 8 Page 5

Chinese Company Employees Protest

Continued from page 1

Last October, the Namibian government issued a ban on Xinfeng, an exporter of lithium ore to China, citing irregularities in the shipments. Xinfeng, however, vehemently deniedtheallegations,statingthatthe lithium ore, amounting to 75,000 metric tons, was dispatched to their Chinese headquarters for testing purposestoaidindesigningalithium processing plant within Namibia. Building on this development, Namibia recently enforced a ban on the

export of unprocessed lithium and othercriticalminerals,effectivefrom June 8.The intention behind this ban istofosterlocalprocessing,ensuring that Namibia maximizes the economic benefits derived from its abundantmineralresources.Lithiumholds significant importance for renewable energy storage, while rare earth mineralslikedysprosiumandterbium are essential for manufacturing permanent magnets used in electric carsandwindturbines.

Continued from page 1 service.Thisraisesfears that wages and benefits will be reduced by the labour hire company

However, the employees strongly believethatthisdecision is unfair, procedurally flawed, and a violation of both the recognition and procedural agreements in place, as well as the Labour Act No. 11 of 2007.

Adding to their concerns, the notice of terminationprovidesa fixed package for all employees, disregardingtheirlengthof

Considering these grievances, the employees presented their demandsinthepetition:

1 The company management should reconsider the decision to terminate workers, as it is viewed as unproceduralanddetrimentalto the employees and the nation.

2. The transfer of em-

ployees to the labour hirecompanyshouldbe put on hold until negotiations with the unionarefinalised.

3. Company management must respond to theemployees'concerns by Friday, June 30, 2023.

4 The Honourable Minister, Uutoni Nujoma, is urged to intervene urgently and confirm that his ministryreceivedthetermination notice from Seafresh and Namsov Factory,asprescribedin theLabourActNo.11of 2007. Additionally, the

ministry's role in ensuring that employees are directly recruited by employers, rather than through thirdpartylabourhirecompanies The employees expressed their hope that their demands will be seriously considered and addressed by the company management and the relevant authorities.Theyseek a fair resolution that upholdstheirrightsas workersandensuresa just and equitable workingenvironment.

A royal visit from His Majesty Fillemon Shuumbwa Nangolo, King of Ondonga, to the Namibian Ports Authority

During the visit, the Kingandhisdelegation were provided with a comprehensive presentation on the operations and ongoing projects of theAuthority To showcase Namport's capabilities and efficiency,theKingandhis entourageweretakenon an extensive tour of the state-of-the-artfacilities at the Port of Walvis Bay Elias Mwenyo, Executive: Commercial

Services of Namport said, "Namport remains committed to maintaining strong working relationships with its stakeholders and continually seeks opportunities to showcase what the entity has to offer for Namibia and beyond.”Theroyalvisit from His Majesty, Fillemon Shuumbwa Nangolo serves as a testament to Namport's dedicationtosharingits

development plans with all Namibians Namport appreciates therecognitionandthe opportunity to demonstrate its commitmenttothenation's growthandprosperity Ondonga is a traditional kingdom of the Ovambo people in what is today northern Namibia. Its capital is Ondangwa, and the kingdom's palace is at Onambango.

TheNamibianPortsAuthority(Namport)washonouredbyaroyalvisitfromHisMajesty,Fillemon ShuumbwaNangolo,theKingofOndonga,accompaniedbyhisesteemeddelegationonFriday,23 June 2023. Welcoming the King and his delegation, Mr. Andrew Kanime, the Chief Executive OfficerofNamport,emphasisedthesignificanceofthisvisit,highlightingtheimportancethatthe governmentofNamibiaanditspeople'splaceontheNamibianPortsAuthority

Police Arrest 3 Suspects in Foiled Robbery Attempt, Fake Registration Plates Found

In a significant development on Wednesday morning this week, the police apprehended three local men for their alleged involvement in a plannedrobbery Thearrestsweremadefollowingatip-offreceivedby theauthorities.Thesuspectsnowfacechargesofconspiracytocommit robbery,alongwiththeadditionaloffenseofdisplayingfakeregistration plates.

AccordingtoInspector Ileni Shapumba, the Commander of Community Affairs of the Erongo police, investigations revealed that thesuspectshadrented a Volkswagen Polo, which they had tinted and equipped with counterfeit number plates A dramatic chase unfolded as the police pursued the suspects from Walvis Bay to Kuisebmond. Upon searching the vehicle, law enforcement officers discovered three sets of different number plates This incident sheds light on a growing concern for the police, as cases of

robberiesandattempted robberies involving fake registration plates areontherise.Inspector Shapumba expressed his apprehension regarding the lack of controlovertheacquisition of vehicle registrationplates.Hecalled upon printing shops to enhance their control measuresintheprinting and issuance of registrationplates.

“Individuals should not be issued a vehicle registration plate or number unless they possess authentic proof of ownership from the National Traffic Information System (NATIS),” Inspector Shapumbaemphasised.

The police's swift response and successful operation serve as a reminderoftheircommitment to maintaining public safety and combating criminalactivities.Investigations into this foiled robbery attempt are ongoing, and the suspects will be brought before the court to face the charges against them. The incident highlights the need for heightened vigilance and collaborative efforts to curb crime and ensure the integrity of vehicle registrationprocessesinthe region.

Eileen van der Schyff


NIPDB engages with Walvis Bay Municipal Council to foster growth

Inaunitedefforttopromotesustainableinvestmentsanddriveeconomic growthinNamibia,theNamibiaInvestmentPromotionandDevelopment Board (NIPDB) and the Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) have engaged with the Walvis Bay Municipal Council. These strategic collaborationsaimtounlockthepotentialoftheErongoregionandpropel ittowardsaprosperousfuture.

The NIPDB's familiarisation visit to the Erongo region commenced with a meeting at the Office of the Governor, joined by esteemed local leaders such as Her Worship

Hon Dina Namubes and CEO of Swakopmund Municipality, Archie Benjamin. The NIPDB team presented their mandate, emphasising the importance of synergy between local authorities and the investment promotion agency The Erongo Regional Governor, Hon Neville Andre expressed the need for collective involvement,stating,"it is important that all community leaders are involved in these conversations as the economy continues to grow." This sentiment underscores the collaborative approach required to attract investments and create sustainable opportunities for Namibians. During the productive meeting with the Walvis Bay Municipal Council, MayorCllrTrevinoFor-

bes extended a warm welcometotheNIPDB, highlighting the significance of forging a strong relationship Mayor Forbes stressed the importance of attracting committed investors who undergo thorough background checks, ensuring positivecontributionstothe town's development andthenation.

NangulaUaandja,CEO and Chairperson of NIPDB,emphasisedthe objective of these engagements, stating, "ourpurposeistogaina comprehensive understandingoftheregional business climate and address any challenges hindering progress "

Uaandja further emphasised the commitment of the Executive Committee in promoting Namibia holistically, while recognising the unique investment potential and comparative advantagesofeachregion.

In addition to the meetings with the municipal council, NIPDB extended its engagement to the

business community in Walvis Bay, solidifying their dedication to fostering growth and prosperityintheregion.

These initiatives align with NIPDB's strategic goal to attract sustainable investments and contribute to the country's economic development.

The collaboration between NIPDB and Namport signifies the convergence of efforts towards economic growth in Walvis Bay Namport's state-of-theart facilities and logistical capabilities align perfectly with the NIPDB's mission to attract and promote investment opportunities in Namibia

This partnership holds tremendous potential for job creation, infrastructure development, and overall prosperity in the region. As Namibiaadvancestowards a brighter future, the NIPDB and Namport continue to work hand in hand, forming alliancesthatwillshape the country's economic landscape and benefit

itspeople.Theseefforts reflect a shared vision of fostering growth, attracting investments, and positioning Walvis Bay as a gateway to


Namibia's journey towards prosperity relies on collaborative endeavours, with the NIPDB and Namport

leading the way in harnessing the full potential of the Erongo region. The dedication of both entities, as well as the support and

insights from local leaders and stakeholders, ensures a promising future for Namibia and its communities.


Court SwakopmundCourtReport


Terence Jerix Kamupone (24), George Jora Akawa(29),andJamesShangura(20),appeared onachargeofpossessionofpotentiallydangerous dependence-producing drugs. The matter was postponed to 19 July for co-accused to be rearrested. Terence Kamupone remain in custody andhisco-accusedareatlarge.Awarrantofarrest hasbeenissued.

MarkusMika(35)andShaunChippaMpaleni (23), appeared on a charge of driving under the st influence of intoxicating liquor, 1 alternative to count 1- driving with an excessive breath alcohol level.The matter was postponed to 20 September forfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedareonbail.

Dennis Robert Kauzuu (47), appeared on a chargeofdrivingwithanexcessivebreathalcohol level.Thematterwaspostponedto6Julyforplea. Theaccusedisonbail.

Ruben Gowaseb (32), appeared on charges of theftandassaultwithintenttodogrievousbodily harm. The matter was postponed to 17 July for plea.Theaccusedremainincustody

Hoandib Heister (29), appeared on a charge of assault common read with the provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003. The matter waspostponedto4Julyforplea.Theaccusedison bail.

BassonBranden(22),HelmutNaruseb(31)and Zidane Khariseb (22), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 29 June for plea. The accusedremainincustody

Toivo Kashihala (23) and Nambambo Kamati (25), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence producing substance.The matter was postponedto14Septemberforpleaandtrial.The accusedareonbail.

Ronaldo Naruseb (21), appeared on a charge assaultwithintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.The matterwaspostponedto2Augustforlegalaid.The accusedisonbail.

PaulinaPetrus(20)appearedonachargeassault withintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.Thematter waspostponedto23Octoberforpleaandtrial.The accusedisonbail.

Martin Abner (29), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 31 July for further investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Elton Naus Oab (45), appeared on a charge of assault by threat read with the provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003. The matter waspostponedto9Augustforcontinuationoftrial. Theaccusedremainsincustody

Frieda Kalekela (56), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property The matter was postponedto16Augustforlegalaid.Theaccused isonbail.

UndjeekujeRijarua(29),appearedonchargesof reckless or negligent driving and failure to ascertain damages sustained. The matter was

OfficialWorkingVisitStrengthens Namibia-AngolaRelations

postponedto31Julyforlegalrepresentation.The accusedisonbail.

VilonelJosephJohannesJacobus(35),appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and drivingwithanexcessivebreathalcohollevel.The matterwaspostponedto16Augustforlabresults. Theaccusedisonbail.

A 15-year-old boy, appeared on charges of robberyandrape.Thematterwaspostponedto31 Julyforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremains incustody

Mario Eiseb (37), appeared on a charge of possession of potentially dependence-producing substance. The matter was postponed to 16 Octoberforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Peter Mwahaluka (55), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property The matter was postponed to 11 September for continuation of trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Naftal Nikolaus (34), appeared on charges of displayingalicencediscnotapplicabletoamotor vehicleandbribery Theaccusedisatlarge,anda warrantofarrestwasissued.

Yvan Gluim (27), Ziggy Nawaseb (26), and Bongani Tsuseb (30), appeared on a charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 30August forcontinuationoftrial.Theaccusedareonbail.

EltonMatheus(20),appearedonachargeassault withintenttodogrievousbodilyharm.Thematter waspostponedto18Septemberforcontinuationof trial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Eddison /Auxab (32), appeared on a charge of possession of potentially dependence-producing substance.Thematter was postponed to 8August forfixingoftrialdate.Theaccusedisonbail.

Dawid Guiseb (22), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property The accused is at large,andawarrantofarrestwasissued.

BillClintonKapukare(24),appearedonacharge of theft of a motor vehicle. The matter was postponedto29Augustforlegalaid.Theaccused remainsincustody

Jason Mvula (35) and Samuel Kanime (36), appearedonachargeofhousebreakingwithintent tostealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto23 Augustforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.

Matheus Vatileni Nuuyoma (47), appeared on charges of assault common read with the provisions of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003, and malicious damage to property The matter was postponed to 5 September for legal representation.Theaccusedisonbail.

Andreas Tate Bunda (40), appeared on a charge of receiving stolen property (common law). The matter was postponed to 23 August for further investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Atutale Shanungwa (33) and Angula Herman (32),appearedonachargeifresistingamemberof the police. The matter was postponed to 27 September for plea and trial. The accused are on bail.

FollowingthefruitfuldiscussionsbetweenHon.Dr.DiamantinoAzevedo, Minister of Mineral Resources, Petroleum and Gas of Angola, and Namibian officials during his visit to Namibia inApril 2023, a Working Group was established to operationalise the actions outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 29th November 2022. As a result, the Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Hon. KorneliaShilunga,accompaniedbyadelegation,paidanofficialworking visit to Luanda, Angola that started on 18 June and concluded on 27 June.

The visit, at the invitation of Hon. Dr Diamantino Azevedo, aimed to strengthen the existing relations between Namibia and Angola The delegation's schedule was packed with various engagements, which beganonnMondaythis week. The group was divided into two teams, with one focusing on learning from their Angolancounterpartsin the oil and gas sector, whiletheotherexplored Angola's diamond cluster One of the key objectivesoftheDeputy Minister and her delegationistogaininsights into Angola's expertise in the oil and gas industry, including skills development, the legal framework, policy guidelines, and operational models employed in the sector Andreas Simon, spokesperson for the Ministry, emphasisedtheimportance of understanding An-

gola's unique qualities as a long-standing producer country, with companies operating for over 70 years. The delegation also aims to identify key players, including oil and service companies, and explore potential areas ofcollaboration.

Discussions included the possibility of the Namibian government acquiring shares in the Lobito refinery, although any commitmentswillbesubjectto Cabinet approval after thorough assessment of conditions, benefits, andrequirements.

Inadditiontotheoiland gas sector, the Namibian delegation visited renowned diamond companies such as Endiama, Sodiam, and ADPA to gain valuable insights into Angola'sdiamondvalue chain.Thefocuswason benchmarking and understanding the full scope of Angola's

diamond hub, from upstream operations to downstream activities suchassorting,cutting, polishing, sales, marketing, logistics, and security Namibia plans to establish its own diamond hub and views Angola's expertise as crucial in this endeavour Andreas Simon expressed confidence in Angola's continued support and expertise, stating, "We hope to learn from Angola, as they have excelled in these sectors, and we trust and rely on their assistance."

The official working visit serves as a significant step towards enhancing cooperation and knowledge-sharing between Namibia and Angola. By building on existing relations, both countries aim to further develop theirrespectivesectors and foster mutual growthandsuccess.

Call Eileen van der Schyff for all your coastal news at 081 725 8068 or email to newsdesk@namibtimes.net


Sharlien Tjambari

Swakopmund has been selected as the host town for this year's eagerly anticipatedKnow2GrowNextGenEntrepreneursShowcase2023,taking place from 2-4 November. The event aims to celebrate the resilience, innovation, and potential of the country's incredible MSMEs (Micro, Small,MediumEnterprises).

The exciting news was announced by Dino Ballotti, the Executive DirectorofMSMEDevelopment, Innovation, andAcceleration at the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB), during the International MSME Day, which is annually commemorated on 27 June.Thethemeforthis year's showcasing is "Sustaining Communities, Unlocking Growth,andPromoting Inclusivity." According to Ballotti, this theme intends to celebrate the achievements and potential of Namibia's vibrant MSME sector

It also aims to foster a sustainable ecosystem that promotes the flourishing of communities throughthesupportand advancement of MSMEs. Ballotti emphasised the importance of inclusiveness, stating that the event

seeks to provide equal opportunities for women and youth entrepreneurs. The goal is to empower them to contribute not only to the economic development of Namibia but also to unlock new engines of growth "The unemployment pandemic provides opportunities for us to be targeted in implementing solutions suchasthisshowcasing, which we believe creates scale opportunities for MSMEs, whichinturnwillcreate new job opportunities but also inspire young people to be entrepreneurial,"addedBallotti.

Coca-Cola Beverages Africa has allocated the full budget of N$550 000, allowing the organiserstomakethe2023 NextGen showcasing biggerandbetter

Addressing entrepreneurs on behalf of the Swakopmund Mayor, Councillor

Claus-Werner Goldbeck, Goldbeck expressed the town's commitment to supporting their growth by offering mentorship programs, access to finance,andanurturing environment He encouraged everyone to utilise the platform to learn from one another, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful partnerships.

The Swakopmund Municipality sponsored N$10 000 towards the event. Commenting on Coca-Cola's sponsorship,theGovernorof ErongoRegion,Neville André Itope, represented by Michael Jimmy,emphasisedthat it represents a partnership built on shared valuesandabeliefinthe potentialoflocaltalent. The showcase will take place at The MTC DomeinSwakopmund.

The Know2Grow NextGeneration Entre-

preneurs Showcase was launched last year in Tsumeb under the theme "Scaling through Innovation,ValueAddition,andCooperatives."

Ballotti highlighted the importance of embracing innovative approaches to business growth and leveraging value-addition stra-

tegies to enhance products and services. The focus on cooperatives underscores the significance of collaboration and mutual support

among businesses, creating a synergistic environment for collectivesuccess.

Contact our Swakopmund branch at 064-461866 or visit them at Ané Court no. 13 opposite Namib High School


In a recent press release, Namibia Power Corporation (NamPower) announceditsDebtCollectionPlanaimedatrecoveringoutstandingdebts exceeding N$1 billion. As part of the plan, power supply interruptions wereimplementedonJune5,2023,affectingelectricityconsumersinthe areas of defaulting distribution licensees. During a four-hour window between17:00and21:00,residentsexperienceddisruptionsintheirpower supply.

Followingpublicbacklash and concerns regarding the economic impact, NamPower issued a subsequent communication on June 12, 2023, revealing the suspension of theplanuntiltheendof August 2023 This move was intended to allow the government

enough time to implementinterventionsto assist NamPower in recovering the owed funds from its customers. The issue at hand originates from two main sources: NamPower's failure to strictly implement its own credit control policy and the consistent

delay in settlement of NamPower invoices by distribution licensees over an extended period. The potential consequencesincludearisk to the country's power supply security, hindering NamPower's ability to purchase or generatesufficientelectricity to meet national


The Electricity Control Board (ECB) holds the responsibility of balancing the interests of all stakeholders within the Electricity Supply Industry ECB-approved tariffs provide enough revenue for distribution licensees to settle their NamPower bills and ensure a safe and reliable electricity supply totheircustomers. However, interruptions caused by NamPower's Debt Collection Plan have had severe consequences for the eco-

nomy, including disruptions to critical services like medical care and hardships for electricity consumers The ECB emphasiseditsrefusalto support any debt recovery plan that compromises essential services or disrupts customersingoodstanding. Acknowledging the positive intervention by the government, which led to the suspension of the Debt Collection Plan,theECBhopesfor a lasting solution by the

endofAugust2023.The ECB has also been invitedtoparticipateina committee established by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development to address theissuesathand. In conclusion, the ECB urges all customers to pay for the electricity they consume and advises distribution licensees to implement strict credit control policies. This would ensure immediate discontinuation

of electricity supply to non-paying customers, prompt payment by all customers, and the proper allocation of revenue to NamPower

The ECB also plans to engage with NamPower and other licensees to optimise cost structures, improve operational efficiency, and ensure the reliable and affordable supply of electricity to customers in future tariff reviews.

NamibiaandDutchPartnersSignAgreement forGreenHydrogenProjects

The Government of Namibia has reached significant milestones in the development of its green hydrogen sector by signing a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU)withacoalitionofDutchpartnersonTuesday,20 June. The agreements include the establishment of Namibia's sovereign wealth fund, SDG Namibia One, and the government's option to take a 24% interest in the first project by Hyphen, a green hydrogen developmentcompany

A press release issued by Lot Ndamanomhata

Manager Corporate Communications&ICT Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) reveals these

achievementsalignwith Namibia's Harambee Prosperity Plan II (HPPII) and the Southern Corridor Development Initiative (SCDI), whichaimtoharnessthe potential of the green hydrogen sector for the country's benefit. The Government has strategically sought partnerships with the European Union (EU), the Netherlands, and Germany to mobilise funding without burdening the national budget SDG Namibia One, a blended financing vehicleforgreenhydrogen investments, will be managed by Nam-H2 Fund Managers, a partnership between Namibia's Environmental Investment Fund, Climate Fund Managers, and Invest International from the Netherlands Initial funding of N$850 millionwillbeprovided as a grant by Invest International,withplans toraiseadditionalfunds locallyandglobally

Inaddition,anMOUhas been signed between Namport, the Port of Rotterdam, Hyphen, Gasunie, Nampower, and Invest International to collaborate on the development of the SCDI. The SCDI aims to be a sustainable hydrogen development spanning the Kharas Region, with an annual production capacity of three million tonnes of green hydrogen The project will initially focus on the Port of Lüderitz, with plans for hydrogen pipelines to

connecttoSouthAfrica in the future The successful establishment of SDG Namibia Oneandtheexerciseof the government's equity interest in Hyphen's project mark significant milestones in Namibia's journey towards a thriving SyntheticFuelsSector The partnerships with Dutch organisations and international investors will support Namibia's economic development, combat climate change, and drivethetransitiontoa low-carbonfuture.The collaboration between countries, industry stakeholders,andinternational players will contribute to the advancement of green hydrogen development and the establishment of a sustainable hydrogen economy The government's vision includes energy selfsufficiency, regional energysecurity,andthe supply of clean hydrogen to international ports, including the PortofRotterdam.

The partnerships with Climate Fund Managers, Invest International, and other stakeholders demonstrate the commitment to mobilising capital and building capacity intheNamibianpublic sector Withthesupport of strategic alliances, Namibia is wellpositioned to harness the transformative potential of the green hydrogen sector and achieve its sustainable developmentgoals.

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Eileen van der Schyff


The much-anticipated Mr and Miss Teen Walvis Bay competition unfoldedinadazzlingdisplayoftalentandambitionataglamorousevent organised by the Junior City Council. Held on Friday, 23 June, the prestigious competition brought together seventeen remarkable youths from Walvis Bay who competed for the highly sought-after titles. The TownHallservedastheperfectbackdropforthisthrillingevent,leaving attendeesinaweoftheincredibleperformances.

The stage was set for an unforgettable evening as the contestants showcased their remarkable skills and charisma. Among the standout competitors, PreciousAndré claimedthespotlightasshewascrowned MissTeen,capturingheartswithher grace and poise. Felan Shipena earned the honourable position of 1strunner-up,impressingthejudges withherremarkablepresence.Inthe male category, Gabriel Shikongo wowed the audience and judges alike, securing the prestigious title of Mr Teen. His exceptional talent and captivating stage presence set him apart from the competition. Johannes Shindume showcased his skills and charisma, securing the well-deserved position of 1st


Thecrowningofthewinnersmarked the culmination of weeks of hard work and dedication by all the contestants. Their impressive performances and unwavering determination captivated the audience, showcasing the immense talent and potential within the youth ofWalvis Bay In recognition of their achievements, the newly crowned MrandMissTeenWalvisBaypaida courtesy visit to the office of Mayor Forbes on Tuesday this week MayorForbeswarmlycongratulated the winners and shared words of wisdom and encouragement, emphasising the importance of embracing opportunities and pursuingtheirdreams.

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Email all your school news to desiree@namibtimes.net


Telecom Namibia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with CENORED to commemorate the journey towards cooperation in areas that embrace Namibia's future towards digital transformation and innovation. The objective of the MoU is to set out areas of mutual cooperation between Telecom Namibia and CENORED as it pertains to supplying consistent and reliableelectricityandrelatedservices.Inturn,theMoUwillenableTelecomtoprovidereliableand consistenttelecommunicationsservicestotheNamibiannation,andwithminimaltozeroelectricity disruptions.

Telecom Namibia was represented by Chief Executive Officer Dr StanleyShanapinda,while CENORED was representedbyChiefExecutive Officer, Mr Fessor Mbango, at a signing ceremonyheldattheTelecomNamibiaHeadOffice in Windhoek on Tuesday, 20 June 2023. According to CENORED CEO, “the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding between our two institutionstodaysymbolisesa partnership which I strongly believe will lead tomanynewjointresearch initiatives that produce newsynergiesintheyears ahead ” Mr Mbango further stated that calls to rethinking the ways CENORED conducts business in the everchanging competitive and modern business environment are increasinglygrowing.Asa business, they are under constant pressure to keep pace with technology

Therefore, CENORED Management remains cognizant that technological innovation provides opportunities for digitisation and automation of business processes that improve efficiency and reduceoperationalcost. Electrification is associated with a broad range of social and economic benefits. Electricity is a basic necessity for quality of life and equality These goals contribute to attainingthehigh-levelnational objectives and contribute immensely to the industrialisation of the country Therefore, they need to strengthen and encourage public-private partnerships, with the primary goal of better understanding our respective contributions towards common development objectives.

Moreover, Mr Mbango said “in recent years the growth of each course requires continuous enhancement of technological capacity and capability to serve their customers first, fast, efficiently, and effectively

What is increasingly clear is that, as an organisation, wecannotcontinuetorely on tariff increases to ensureourcompanymaintains a healthy position.

This is not sustainable as particularly our large customers will find alternative supply sources to meet their needs. On 1 September 2019, the revised market rules for the Electricity Supply Industry (ESI) were implemented, following Cabinet approval The Modified Single Buyer market model brings the opportunity for the REDs to find alternative supply sources to ensure we maintain tariffs that are competitive and sustainableforourcustomers. So,thereisaneedforusto

align ourselves with strategic partners such as Telecom Namibia to help us enhance service delivery meeting our customer's expectations through technological advancements.” Telecom Namibia's CEO expressed that this mutual cooperation would ensure effectiveandefficientprovision of services to both public and private institutions, as this strategic collaboration will facilitatetheprovisionofdigital solutions and innovation.

“As we transition towards the 4th Industrial revolution (4IR), Telecom Namibia remains committed tobeingattheforefrontof the technology frontier in enablingNamibiatoreach itsdigitaleconomygrowth needs, to both public and private institutions. The MoUwillserveasaframework and guide on how both parties will jointly identify areas of cooperation and development, especially in the areas of Digital Transformation, as it relates to ensuring reliable electricityconnectivity.”

Telecom Namibia's CEO expressed his satisfaction with the leadership that CENORED has shown in recent weeks in regard to reducing electricity downtimes that has an effect on Telecom's services He stated: “We are happy to announce that since January this year, when the downtime was at its highest at 25,124 minutes, ithasdroppedinApriltoa downtime of 4,055 minutes. With this MoU we expect to reduce the downtimeevenfurther We arehappythatCENORED has taken its obligations seriously, and despite its challenges has made paymentstoNamPowerto ensure stable electricity supply, that will in turn ensure stable telecommunications connectivity, that is required for us as Telecom Namibia to provide essential telecommunications services.” He congratulated the CENORED leadership in this regard, and implored the other REDS, Regional Councils, municipalities, and village councils to follow in the footsteps of the CENORED leadership.

CENORED ensures that with this collaboration, Telecom Namibia will continue to enhance customer service experience and enrich customer satisfaction, with the provision of stable electrical and related services, quick response on down times and feedback within reasonable expedited time frames to restore services.

CENORED will also provideelectricitytoidentifiedTelecomsolarsitesat a discounted rate and provide access to dark fiber as an alternative to

Telecom's network on various routes, ensuring redundancy for telecommunications services over CENORED's optical ground wire (or OPGW).

The sharing of public infrastructure is the cornerstone of the Harambee ProsperityPlanII(HPPII), and the two entities are deliveringonthatmandate with this MoU. In return, Telecom Namibia will provide CENORED with digitalandinnovativetele-

communication solutions on terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties and will further explore the possibility of laying aerial fiber in areas that have CENORED infrastructure.Kindlynote thatinthemediastatement we had stated that Mr Fessor Mbango is the Acting CENORED CEO. Mr Fessor Mbango is not the Acting CEO but the CEOofCENORED.

Promotion only applicable to Buco stores and is valid until 19 July 2023, or while stocks last. Selected products might not be available at all stores and promotional stocks are limited.


Namib Poultry (Pty) Ltd is a fully integrated broiler production operation established in 2012 and situated 30 km north of Windhoek on theA1 Highway on the farm Klein Okapuka. Namib Poultry (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer with the following vacancy available. Interested and suitablyqualifiedcandidatesaswellascandidatesfromthedesignatedgroupsareinvitedtoapply













•PerformgeneralHRfunctionssuchasrecruitment,appointment,discipline,training&performance management.





•Six(6)yearsexperienceinenvironmentallycontrolledbroilerhousesandrelevantexperience withintheIndustry







The company offers a competitive salary and market related employee benefits. Candidates who qualify for above position, should send a short CV to the HR department.

Email: HRsalaries@npi.com.na



We are an Equal Opportunity Employer seeking to employ an: TECHNICAL MANAGER

(Grade D2)

We are seeking an experienced and knowledgeable individual as Technical Manager As a member of the team, you will oversee and manage the technical department including the fleet of vessels to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of the factory and vessels. You will lead and manage a team of technical employees, providing guidance, mentorship, and support. This role requires a deep understanding of fishing vessels and processes, equipment maintenance, quality control and compliance with industry regulations. Key responsibilities include: obtaining maximum efficiency of the fleet and factory technical outputs; collaborate with cross-functional teams, including production, quality and logistics to define project requirements and deliverables; job planning and control; cost management and control; project management; reporting to senior management; conduct performance evaluations and foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

If you honor our values

We care● We serve● We think smart● We grow people● We talk to each other● We walk the talk

· A Degree in Engineering

And have the following skills:

· Minimum of 5 years' proven experience as Technical Manager in a manufacturing environment with 3 years proven experience on a managerial level

· Must be able to work on a strategic level, formulate strategies and concepts in order to create meaningful / strategic goals for the Technical Department and relevant projects

· Must have excellent practical experience and knowledge of machinery and utensils used in the day-to-day operations and fleet operations.

· Must be able to conduct engineering drawings and be able to read wiring diagrams

· Must be highly entrepreneurial and business orientated

· Excellent computer skills on an advanced level (MS Office)

· Good knowledge of various legislations

· Must have proven leadership abilities and be able to lead a team

· High ability to think analytically and creatively to resolve complex problems

· Able to take initiative and decisions

· Have a high attention to detail and accuracy

· Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

· Have high integrity and adhere to principles and values

· Be able to cope with a demanding work life

· Must have excellent numeric and verbal abilities (preferably multi-languages)

· Must have excellent planning, organisational and administrative abilities

· Must be able to cope with pressure and set backs

· Must be a Namibian citizen with a valid driver's license

Please email your resume, cover letter, and any relevant supporting documents to: yvonne@gendev.com.na by no later than 10 July 2023.


Initial Contact / Preliminary Enquiry

* Obtain filing guidelines / regulations

* Request filming application form

Filmmakers scout locations and confirm suitability

* Filmmakers liaise with Local Authority regarding proposed filming

* Filming Liaison Office advises filmmakers of foreseeable concerns/sensitivities with location and any known event clashes

* Informal site inspections with Local Authority may be required.

Formal Application

* Filmmakers apply using formal application and supplies all additional information (as advised on the application form e.g. parking plan, traffic management plan)

* Filming Liaison Office acknowledges receipt of application within two business days.

* Filming Office advises if any scheduled meetings need to take place prior to decisioneither with filmmakers or within Local Authority (e.g. Traffic Properties) Local Authority Consideration

* Filming Office liaises with relevant departments/section within the Local Authority that may be affected by the proposed filming (e.g.. Waste removal, Traffic, Engineering, Properties, Events/Venue Management)

* Additional Services - With Council should Filmmaker require additional services (e.g. Cleaning, Banner placement equipment, street closure or effect of normal business operations)

* Filming Office liaises with Filmmakers if it is envisaged to conditions need to be imposed on approval or aments made to filming proposal

Application Approved / Issue Invoice

* Filming Office advises Filmmaker of approval in writing

* Permit contains terms and conditions of approval including approved filming dates and activities, approved parking arrangements and traffic management plans.

* Amounts invoiced must be applied in terms of Council’s Annual approved tariffs

After Shoot

Application Declined

* PLEASE NOTE: an approval should be granted unless exceptional circumstances apply

* Filming Office to advise Filmmaker of decline as soon as possible

* Written reasons for decline to be given to Filmmaker

* Film Office and Local Authority staff may undertake a site inspection with the Filmmaker, if required.

* Filmmaker reports any damage of the site to the Local Authority - Filming Office

* The Filmmaker, in consultation with Council/Local Authority performs site remediation



In the estate of the late MAGDALENA

SIFAFURE, Identity Number 680618 0023 3, married in community of property to PAULUS KATANGASIFAFURE, Identity Number 660123 0056 5 of ERF NO 5, MONDESA, SWAKOPMUND, NAMIBIA, who died on 23 JUNE 2021 (Master's Reference E 666/2022)

In terms of Section 35 (5) ofAct 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FINALLiquidation and DistributionAccount in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court WINDHOEK and the Magistrate's Court SWAKOPMUND, NAMIBIA.

Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.






TEL. (064) - 405051

(REFERENCE: HV/LMEST264/0001-70)

Acquire Council’s Official Event Application form from Swakopmund Municipality’s Economic Development Services Department or download it from the website: www.swkmun.com.na

Submit a complete application with all required supporting documentation well in advance to the Municipality, either by emailing it to / and/or rshipunda@swkmun.com.na ahaufiku@swkmun.com.na or deliver to the offices. swkmun@swkmun.com.na

Applications will be assessed for compliance, completeness and availability of the required site/venue. Assessment and approval administration takes up to 3-4 weeks before approval or rejection.

Approvals/Permits and/or rejections will be communicated to the applicant in writing. Any event approval is subject to full payment and compliance of additional requirements as communicated before any access to the venue or commencement of the event. Non-adherence to Council’s approval polity will lead to immediate cancellation of the approved event!

ALL Event Applications considered for 2023 until 31 January 2024 on Local Authority property needs to be submitted on/before 31 August 2023. NO APPLICATIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED AFTER THE CLOSING DATE

Economic Development Services / Events Office

Ms Rauna Shipunda: Economic Development Officer Tel: 064-4104612 / Email: or at Tel: 064-4104600 / Email: ahaufiku@swkmun.com.na rshipunda@swkmun.com.na

Registration No:2017/0334



CONSENT: Ocean View Academy ON ERF NO: 5369 TOWNSHP/AREA: KuisebmondSTREETNAME&NO:WakunaStreet,Extention18

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiventhat I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for permission to establish on the site a/an: Ocean View Academy Kindergarten,Pre-Primary,Day-Care.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Room101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,mustlodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay andtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan:21July2023





Location: Walvis Bay

Your Responsibilities:

· Reporting to the COO you are responsible to manage and control all KPIs of the maintenance department

· Obtain Maximum efficiency of the factory and related equipment.

· Job Planning and Control of all activities

· Manage budget, costs and effectiveness and quality of workmanship

· Manage a bigger team of qualified members effectively and in line with best HR practices

· Manage and plan new projects in line with best project management skills

· Conduct effective maintenance planning

· Crafting a Maintenance strategy for the business

· Ensure effective functioning of the CMMS

· Evaluate and manage contractors, vendors and contracts

· Manage all health and safety aspects

· Manage continuous improvement programs

· Ensure compliance to IFS Standards

· Report on all KPIs and efficiencies to the COO and management


· A minimum qualification: qualified artisan with further technical diploma or an engineering degree and a minimum experience of at least 8 years with 3 years on a managerial level in a highly technical environment (similar to vessel and factory environment)

· Must be able to work on a strategic level and formulate strategies and concepts in order to create meaningful / strategic goals for the Maintenance Department and relevant projects

· Must have excellent knowledge of Health and Safety legislation, and Labour Law, quality standards (ISO 9001)

· Must have an excellent practical experience and knowledge of machinery and utensils used in the day to day operations.

· Must be able to conduct engineering drawings and must be able to read wiring diagrams

· Must be highly entrepreneurial and business orientated

· Must have excellent computer skills on an advanced level

· Must be able to lead a team and must have proven leadership abilities

· Must have a high attention to detail

· Must have high integrity and adhere to principles and values

· Must have excellent presentation, negotiation and communication skills

· Must be stress resilient and must work according to strict deadlines

· Must be able to plan, organise, control and direct

· Must have excellent numeric and verbal abilities (preferably multi-languages)

· Must be highly analytical and creative in resolving complex problems

· Must have a driver's license

Your benefits

· Market – related remuneration

· Medical aid

· Pension

· Working in a well-established factory

Please send your comprehensive application per-email to recruitment@catofishing.com by not later than 10 July 2023

Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments

BankmedNamibiaFacesDissolutionDue toHighClaimsandDecliningSolvency

BankmedNamibia,aprominenthealthcarefund,isfacingacriticalsituationasexceptionallyhigh claimshavesignificantlyimpacteditssolvency.TheFund'sboardoftrustees,ledbyChairperson AndreSmit,hascommunicatedtheurgentneedtoaddressthisissuewiththefund'smembers.Ina letter, Smit announced that the trustees are recommending the dissolution or liquidation of the Fund,whichwasputtoavoteduringtheAnnualGeneralMeetingonJune28,2023.Theproposed dissolutiondateiseitherAugust31orSeptember30,2023.

Toalleviatethedecliningsolvency and ensure coverage for essential medical services, the Board of Trustees has implemented several measures.Firstly,stricterapproval processeshavebeenputinplaceto managehighclaimsandguarantee that the Fund can fulfill its obligations until the dissolution date.Secondly,allbenefits,except for chronic medication, oncology treatments, and HIVbenefits, will be prorated for the remainder of theyear Prorated benefits imply that the valueofbenefitshasbeenadjusted according to the time period remaining. The calculation takes into accountthe full year's benefit value divided by 12 months, multiplied by the number of monthsfromJanuary1toJuly31, 2023, minus the benefits already

utilised.Forinstance,iftheday-todaybenefitsonEssenceamountto N$13,250 per family per year, the available benefit for the period would be (N$13,250 / 12) x 7 = N$7,729.17, minus the benefit alreadyused. It is crucial to note that members will only have access to benefits that they have contributed towards. The Board of Trustees, composed of Andre Smit as Chairperson, A Botha, J du Plessis as Vice Chairperson, E.T Kamati, J.C. Kruger, G. Loubser, A. Simasiku, T Veii, and A. Shikongo, along with Principal Officer E. Fahl, emphasise that starting from August 1, benefits will be prorated on a monthly basis This means that the calculation will be adjusted each monthaccordingly

Furthermore, only emergency or medically necessary procedures will be authorised and honored. Members and healthcare professionals share the responsibility to ensure prudent utilisation of benefits,limitingservicestothose that are critical or emergent in nature. The Board of Trustees pledgestokeepmembersinformed of further developments as they unfold.

Bankmed Namibia, which has providedcrucialhealthcarecoverage to its members, now faces a challenging period. The proposed dissolutionoftheFund,ifapproved, will mark a significant transition in the healthcare landscape. Theboard'srecommendationsaim tomitigatethesolvencyissuesand continue delivering essential servicesuntilthedissolutiondate.

NamibianChangingLivesCharityTransforms LivesandMakesaDifference

NamibianChangingLivesCharity(NAMCL),aphilanthropicorganisationbasedinWalvisBay,is dedicatedtobringingpositivechangetothelivesofchildrenandyoungpeopleacrossthecountry

Established on 2 January 2022, under the name "For All Namibian," the organisation initially focused on assisting young entrepreneurs in promoting their businesses and facilitating job opportunities. However, after witnessing the plight of young individuals living in challenging circumstances, NAMCL made a profound decision to shift its mission towards charitable endeavours.

Under its new name, accepted by the Business and Intellectual Property Authority (BIPA), NAM Changing Lives Charity (NAMCL), the organisation is committed to transforminglivesbysupporting programs in the arts, sports, and culture.

Moreover, NAMCL recognisestheimportance of providing essential everyday items to learners, such as sanitary pads, school shoes, uniforms, pens, and even toiletpaper Theiraimisto ensure that children and young people have the necessary resources to thrive and pursue their dreams. With more than five executives and eight ordinary members, NAMCL boasts a dedicated team of individuals passionateaboutmakinga difference. Led by Mr ShikongoJeremiaAupaas the Founder and Managing Director, and Mr Hilarious Nghikelwa as

the Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, the organisation operates under the guidance of experienced professionals from various fields. Over the years, NAMCL has undertaken several initiatives to positively impact the community Notably, CEO Mr Hilarious Nghikelwa has actively supportedstudentsatIUM Coastal Campus by providing essential items suchassanitarypads.The organisation has also assistedstudentsinapplying for NSFAF loans, enabling them to pursue higher education without financial constraints

Currently, NAMCL is actively involved in two key projects The first project, aptly named "SaveaChild,"focuseson assisting school-age childrenbetweentheagesof3 and 13 during the winter season. Recognising that some parents are unemployed and unable to

provide warm clothing, NAMCL aims to collect and distribute jerseys and gloves to ensure the children's comfort and well-being. The second project, titled "Sharing is Caring," targets students in Grades 8 to 12, as well as those attending tutorial colleges.The objective of thisinitiativeistoprovide additional educational support and guidance, including career counselling and advice on navigating the education system. To maximise the impact of this project, NAMCLplanstocollaborate with reputable institutions such as IUM, UNAM, NUST, NIMT, Tulipohamba, I-care, Atlantic, Triumphant, Lingua,andmanyothers.

NAMCLextends an open invitation to everyone willing to participate in their projects or join the organisation Collaborationanddonationsare warmly welcomed, as

they play a vital role in furthering the organisation's goals and making a meaningful impact on the lives of youngNamibians.While headquartered in Walvis Bay, NAMCL also has branches in Windhoek andOndangwa,ensuring its reach extends across the country Through their unwavering commitment and compassionate initiatives, Namibian Changing Lives Charity is empowering children and young people, nurturing their talents, and providing essential support for a brighter future By uniting with NAMCL, individuals and communitiescancollectively make a significant difference and uplift the livesofthoseinneed. NAMCLcan be reached at 085 754 3059 Managing Director, Shikongo JeremiaAupa.

An Equal Opportunity Employer and leader in the Namibian Fishing Industry Eileen van der Schyff

C l a s s i f i e d s





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Keepyourrecordsand taxesuptodateand contactusforallyour accountingneedson081 7533610OR081333 5230orvisitourwebsite on www.sraccountingservices. com



ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingbacklost loversin4days.Removal ofbadluck,verytough andchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly And togetaman/womanyou wantofyourchoice.

Pregnancyproblems,jobs andpromotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast.

Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillneverregret.



DrAtwabi; payafter success,samedayresults

Bringbackyourlost loverthesameday,geta loverofyourchoice,get marriedquicklytoaman orawomanofyour choice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandmake himorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoa richmanorwoman,all pregnancyproblems,hips andbreastenlargement, financialproblems,magic wallet,chitakawallet, cleardebts,manhood enlargementStoXLand muchmore....

CallDrAtwabi 0812337274


Tiredofrunningupand down,goingeverywhere butnotachievingyourreal goals,hereisyourdoctorto proveeverythingforyou. Hehelpswithdifferent typesofproblemssuchas courtcases,loveaffairs, marriageproblems,weak erectionswhichisunableto satisfyyourwoman,vagina tightnessformantofeel alwaysattractedtoyou houseproblems,alltypesof transmittedsickness,high bloodpressure,asthma, headaches,chestpains, chasingofbadluckspirits, jobproblems,stoplover fromcheatingyou[manor woman]Business improvements,alltypesof goodluck.pregnancy problems,haveprotected life,nevergiveupyourlife, yourdoctorishereto cleanseandliftyouup. Comeat471MandumeYa NdemufayoStreetMondesa Swakopmundorcall:



DoctorChinombaisin WalvisBayforthefirsttime withstrongandpowerful medicinespecialisingin variousproblems& diseasestomentionafew:

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DoctorChinomba081767 7045

DRRINGAZIPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlost loverthesameday,geta loverofyourchoice,get marriedquicklytoamanor womanofyourchoice,stop yourpartnerfromcheating andhimorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoarich manorwoman,all pregnancyproblems, financialproblems,magic ringformoney,chitaka wallet,cleardebts, manhoodenlargementmto xl,hipsandbreast enlargement,badlucksand manymore.CallDr Ringazi:0812049299



TraditionalHealerin Namibia



ExpertinHealingusing naturalremedies

Highbloodpressure, diabetes,strokes,asthma, epilypsy.Mentaldiseases, wounds,chronicheadache

Bodypains,swollen legs/stomach.Menstrual problems.Manpower,extra strength,morerounds,strong andharderections Healsoperformspowerson: Lostloverstocomeback immediately.Protectionof propertyandpersons,work matters.Unfinishedjobsand manymore.Heisherein town,WalvisBay Callfor appointmentand consultation0817407321



(Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,towin courtcases,tocleanoutbad luckfromyourbody,topass exams,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourlovertobe stingywithmoney,tomake yousleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbaddreams,a mantobestronginbed duringsex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret. Smsor call:0816431482findthe OldmaninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet


Luckymeansbeinginthe rightplaceattherighttime, Thinkabouthowmuchyou losttomanyDoctorswithout success.Hereisapowerful Doctorwhoisafteryourfast reliesnotcash.LOVE ISSUES:*Ichallengeto bringbackyourbacklost loverandmakehim/her apologiseandbeunderyour feetforever.*Getaloverof yourchoiceorwithout proposing(usingupileoil)


*Manhoodenlargementinall sizesandstrongerinbed*Fix financialproblems,get moneyinyourbankaccount usingchida,*Wintenders winlottoandgamblingand contracts*promotionatwork

*Iamgoodinmakinga womantobeexcellentinbed, tobesweeterforgood,*Pass exams,Iamlookingforthose peoplethatotherdoctors failedtoassist,finish unfinishedjobandmany more.MailOrder


ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingbacklost loversin4days.Removal ofbadluck,verytough andchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly And togetaman/womanyou wantofyourchoice.

Pregnancyproblems,jobs andpromotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret.









Unwantedpregnancy& miscarriage

Sexualsatisfactionboth menandwomen














Doyouhavepiglice problems






Skinproblems,long periods










Finishunfinishedjobsby otherdoctors





Wellexperiencedtraditional Doctorwhodestroysall typesofwitchcraftpower thatishappeninginpeople's lifeandhebringsbackall yourluckwhichistaken throughwitchinghe genuinelyhelpswiththe followingproblems:

1.Removingbadluck completely


3.Destroystokoloshiinyour life

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6.Breakingthechainsof familyproblemsand diseases

7.Providepowerful protectionagainstyour enemies

8.Blockingyourpartnernot tocheatonyou

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10.Bringsbackfinancial happiness


12.Customerattraction boostyourbusiness






18.Treatingcancer,TB, diabetes,Epilepsy,stroke, Bp,wombpain,jointpain, gout.

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Don'thesitatetocontacthim nowto witnesstheendofyour problems.




Property offers 16-Rooms accommodation, monthly rental income - N$17,000

Each room separate prepaid electricity 2080sqm plot

Selling price: N$1.4mil

Contact E Smit 081 325 0189




KitchenwithBIC&BIS, Livingroom. Singlegarage. Boundarywall. Alarm(G4S) ForN$1,415.00including transfercost.

Interested contact 0812962199/ 0811412365





Garage,Tenantinplace SellingN$550000 0815544888or 0812957837


C l a s s i f i e d s





Maritimeshortcourseson demand2023!


N$2300.00 (on special)












Basicfirepreventionand fightingN$650.00

Guideonsafetymooring operationsandprocedures




Recoveryofpersonsfrom waterincident


Safetyfoodsanitation systemN$1850.00

OccupationalHealthand Safetymanagement










Whitebuildingnextto KFCWalvisBay



Modern3bedroom, 2bathrooms,big kitchen,lounge,2 garages,bigprivate courtyard.

Blinds,G4SandN$200 freewater.Dishwasher/ stove.Noanimals.Strict selection


Availablefrom immediately





WalvisBay, Kuisebmond


onebedroomflatwith openplankitchenand livingroomwithprivate bathroominaveryneat andsecurearea.High fencedwallsandfully interlocked.Nogarage. Idealforasingleperson oracouple.

W/E incl.






"The Lifelong Right of Occupation”

1 x One Bedroom Flat

West-side Lookout –st1 Floor 12 37m²

N$ 700.000.-

1 x One Bedroom Flat

West-side LookoutGround Floor 8 35 m²

N$ 500.000.-

1 x One Bedroom Flat

West-side Lookout –st1 Floor 11 35m²

N$ 640.000.-

1 x One Bedroom Flat

Southside Lookoutst1 Floor S.5 33m² N$ 580.000.-

1 x Studio Bachelor Flat Northside Lookout into –Ground Floor S.3 29m²

N$ 550.000.-

1 x Studio Bachelor Flat East-side – Ground Floor S 4 28m² N$ 495.000Situated in the heart of town.

22 DanielTjongareroAve, Swakopmund

Retirement Home: 65 years and older to qualify

For enquiries and conditions, contact the Manager atAntonius Residenz OldAge Home tel. (064) 403415 Monday – Friday between 8h00 - 16h00 Or email: manager@antoniusreside nz.com / office@antoniusresidenz. com


PHYSIOTHERAPY post available at Anna-Mart Kruger Physiotherapy cc inWalvisBay,Namibia.

Are you a dynamic hardworking individual with a passion for your patients?

Join our multi-disciplinary practice for a full-time positionasPhysiotherapist.

Requirements: Completed BSc Physiotherapy Four Year Degree and the candidate must be registeredwiththeHPCNA (Namibia) or HPCSA (SouthAfrica).

Level 1 Dry Needling course certificate is required.

Preference to be given to Namibian citizens. Postgraduate OMT or NDT qualificationspreferrable.


Formoreinformation regardingthepractice pleasevisitourwebsiteat www.healthzone.fitness

PleaseemailyourCVto: amk.joanne@outlook.com




Experienceinretail deliveries.Mustreside inWalvisBay.EmailCV to adriaan@aatsouth.com/ 0812244965


Opportunity | Duty Description

· Provide the highest level of patient care

· Ensure that quality and practice standards are met at all times

· Perform procedures such as administering medications, wound dressing, taking measurements, cannulation, calibrating equipment and helping patients with hygiene, feeding and other activities.

Opportunity | Duty Requirement(s)

· Current nursing registration with HPCNA

· A caring, responsible nature and the ability to provide the highest quality of care and customer service.

· Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

· Outstanding negotiation, conflict resolution and problem-solving skills

· Ability to multi-task, work quickly and efficiently, be organised and thoroughly, work in team and follow instructions

· Minimum of 12 months of practical work experience, plus medication endorsement

· Understanding of aged care standards

· Code B- Drivers Licence

· Namibian/ Permanent Residence

· Ability to speak English, Afrikaans, German will be an advantage

Closing Date: 14-07-2023 @ 19:00

Email Address: office@antoniusresidenz.com or frailcare@antoniusresidenz.c om

Enquiries: Lutisia Swartbooi or Cassifa Abrahams Phone #: 064 403415


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God be with you Until

Verlangend jou man Okkie Theron



Namibia's Petroleum Commissioner, Maggy Shino, emphasised the country's openness for investment during a webinar hosted by the African Energy Chamber (AEC) and S&PGlobal Commodity Insights this week Tuesday Shino provided updates on Namibia's exploration activities, stating that the government is committed to maintaining an open market for investment as new exploration campaigns begin. She highlighted ongoing drilling campaigns, seismic surveys, and upcoming drilling projects, demonstrating Namibia's growing potential as an attractiveE&Pmarket.

Shinosharedduringthe webinar, "we have an ongoing drilling campaign with three rigs currently busy drilling appraisal and exploration wells. "Shino also emphasised Namibia's attractive fiscal and regulatory environment, which has garnered heightened interest from global players. The country's latecomer status has allowedittoincorporate environmental provisions into its legislation, ensuring both industry growth and environmental sustainability Namibia is actively working with civil society to improve laws and protect the environment through the Environmental Management Act Recognising the need for inclusive growth, Namibia is implementing local content mechanisms and prioritising economic diversification The government is learning from neighbouring countries, such as Angola, Nigeria, and Equatorial Guinea, to strengthenlocalcontent and enhance value addition. Additionally, Namibia is considering OPEC membership, seeing value in the organisation's ability to manage market dynamics effectively Comparisons were drawn between Namibia and Guyana in terms of their exploration efforts. While their offshore basins have few geological similarities, both countries experienced a similar trend of limited

results after years of exploration, followed by a rapid acceleration of developments and E&P campaigns after major discoveries. Namibia's recent discoveries,suchasVenus and Graff-1, have unlocked its deepwater potential, with the Orange Basin presenting significant unexplored prospects Joaquim de Azevedo, Principal Petroleum Economist at S&P Global,highlightedthe positive impact of the oil and gas sector on GDP growth and the well-being of the population in both Namibia and Guyana Erik Meyer, Senior Technical Research AnalystatS&PGlobal, underscored the immense potential in Namibia's Orange Basin and predicted future large-scale discoveries Both Namibia and Guyana are among the world's top 25 basins by identified reserves, attracting global investors with their attractive fiscal terms. They are also prioritising the development of gas-toshore facilities to meet local demand using domesticresources. The webinar provided valuable insights into the respective upstream markets of Guyana and Namibia, allowing Namibia to learn from Guyana's experiences and further solidify its position as an attractive destination for investment in the oil and gas sector

(Source: African EnergyChamber)

Nicci, my liewe vrou jy is nou 2 jaar by Jesus. Ek sal jou altyd mis. Jy is, was en is baie spesiaal.
we meet again.


After a stellar inaugural Brandberg Backyard Ultra(BBU) in 2022 in NamibiatheorganisersRianaandNicoScholtzfromNamibiaUltraTrails in partnership with Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) Namibia will host it againon29JulyinUisNamibia.

Lastyear'sAndréRoss, the 50-year-old Swakopmunder, completed 20 laps (134 km) and was crowned last person standing after Frans Amakali (41) conceded by 19 laps. Kirsty Brits (42) was thelastladytoclockout after she completed 8 laps (54 km) A backyardultraisaform of ultramarathon race where competitors have one hour to run a loop of 6,706 km, starting a new loop on top of the hour, every hour When each lap is completed, the re-

mainingtimewithinthe hour can be used to rest and recover The loop distancethatisruneach hour is set at 6,706 meters, which was calculated by dividing 100 miles by 24 hours.

Race Director Riana Scholtz said that they are doing it again, and this time they are bucklingupforthelong haul Our top ultra runners are returning to Uis with a vengeance, now with some experience and hindsight and they are bringing challengers Scholtz said, “Namibia joined

the ranks with its first affiliated backyard ultra, bringing the tally of countries with affiliated races to 72 with over 400 races. The Brandberg Backyard Ultra (BBU) and is now considered a Silver Ticket event, which could affordthewinnerofthis year'sBBUaspotinthe Namibian team to enter the World Championships in the US in 2024. We expect sensationalresultsfromthe number and calibre of runners that have alreadyenteredthe2023 event. As such, more than10entrantsrecently completed the Comrades Marathon (90 km ultra) recently, while another handful competedin100milers(160 km), 100 K events and multiday events. To say thatweareexcitedabout what is to unfold at the event is a complete understatement.”

The male side has an exciting lineup of top runners who will all be gunning for gold at the 2023 Brandberg Backyard Ultra. The winner and“assist”ofthe2022 BBU, Andre Ross and Frans Amakali, will both return to battle it out,aswellascloserunners up Johan Bronkhorst and Harmen Potgieter In addition, wehave37-year-oldLes Trollope, former South African National short distance champion and silver medal stand top50 finisher at the 2023 TwoOceansUltramarathoner, as well as PC

Visser, ultra runner and currently training for the UTCT 100 miler, with Buks Gouws, who has completed several solo multiday-runs morethan100kmeach. On the female side we will be watching veteran ultrarunner and Comrades bronze medalist Kirsty Britz, whowillbereturningto not only to defend her title as last woman standingbuttocompete for outright first place this year She will be challenged by the speedy, highly talented Comrades silver-medallist Risa Dreyer and

accomplished ultrarunner Liezl Swanepoel, both BBU returnees Marietjie de Chavonnes Vrugt, recently crowned second femaleattheUltraTrail Cappadocia, a 120 km trail run in Turkey, will beliningupforherfirst BBUandissuretobring her A game to the challenge.

The winner of the Brandberg Backyard

Ultrawillreceiveacash prize of N$5 000

Should the distance complete exceed 100km, the prize will increasetoamountN$8 000 in total, and in the

grand event if the total distance should exceed 100miles(160km),the winner will walk away withNS10000. Furthermore, there are many spot prizes that will be handed out to best funny-dressed runners and best supporters.

BBU being a silver ticket event, runners who manage to run 24 loops (24 hours) will also make it too the finalists' list for a spot in the 2024 world championshipsatBig's Backyard Ultra, the original event, in TennesseeUSA.


The Namibia Martial Arts Academy (NMAA) conducted its first belt grading of 2023underSenseiDelanoMulleronSaturday,17June,inWalvisBay

ThekickboxinggradingexerciseatNMAAaimedtoassessstudents'progressthroughout theyear Beltgradingsystemsareutilisedbykickboxingacademiestoinspirestudents andshowcasetheiradvancementsinthesport.Toearnthenextcolororgrade,students mustperformallrequiredtasksandpassaseriesoftestsanddrills. Thechallengesand requirements vary among kickboxing schools, with some institutions having different levelswithineachgradetoindicatethetrainee'simprovementbeforemovingon tothe nextgrade.Thisensuresthatthetraineeiswell-equippedandcompetentwhilewearing their belt, with corresponding exercises, requirements, sparringmatches,andtestsalong the course. Twenty kickboxing students participated in the grading,andallofthemreceived a belt, proudly walking out as champions.Itisnoteworthythat the youngest student was only five years old. Sensei Delano Müller expressed his determinationtoguideateamof students to the Olympic Games. He is committed to providing coaching and teaching fighters thevalueofhardwork,practice, and achieving their goals. The Namibia Martial Arts Academy is an all-inclusive Martial Arts dojo offering Kickboxing, Boxing, Fitness, Jiu-Jitsu, and Self-Defense.Itisaffiliatedwith the Namibian Kickboxing Federation, which gained acceptance from the Namibian NationalOlympicCommitteeon November 24, 2022, with IOC (International Olympic Committee)status.

Here is the list of students who achieved their respective belt grades:


AlanzoSitzer,EmilyMcGregor, Koos Blaauw, Kate McGregor, KeaganAppollis, VilhoEmbashu,ZiandrieWille

Green: CorneLiebenberg, CornelleLiebenberg

Blue: FestusDjuulume

Brown: DawnSpangenberg, HeinrichAndreas, MichealSmit,NathanSlinger

NAMIBTIMES19 30JUNE2023 School News

namib times Sport Send your sports news to

Kudus Back on Top

Rudi Bowe

Kudus 1 returned to the top of the Namibia Rugby Union's Premier Leaguelogstandingsafteracommanding39-21victoryagainstUnited lastSaturdayatTamariskiaStadiuminSwakopmund.

The bonus-point victorysawcoachGawan Esterhuizen's team reach 34 points after eight games on the log, while Wanderers dropped down to second place with 33 pointsafterbeingheld to a 25-25 draw by Rehoboth Justin Newman scored two tries, with Rayton Paulse, PJ Walters, and Geraldo Beukes each scoring one try Aurelio Plato added four conversions and two penalties for a personal tally of 14 points. United's two tries were scored by Reinold Benade and hooker Gerhard Thirion,whileRenierBenade was successful with three penalties and one conversion.

Kudus II defeated United II 31-0 to strengthen their position in the Reserve standings with 35 points, only one point

behind Wanderers II Irongwa Atshivudhi, Jayden Bussel, Michael Tjazerua, and William Lottering scored tries forKudusII,withScott Winborn converting one and Irongwa Atshivudhisuccessfully kicking a penalty Trustco United ladies secured a 19-0 victory against the Kudus Bokkies in the NRU Women's League To-

Namibian Karatekas Scoop 42 Medals

Rudi Bowe

Namibia finished fourth at the just-ended African Union Sports Council (AUSC) championshipheldinHarare,Zimbabwe. The Namibian karate team, consisting of 56 athletes,liveduptotheirpromiseandwonatotalof 42 medals, including four gold, 14 silver, and 24 bronze. The gold medal winners were Maria-Lisa Shikalepo in the children's female Kumite section for ages 10-11 and weighing above 40 kg, Wehan AlderdtGroenewaldinthechildren'smaleKumite section for ages 10-11 and weighing above 45 kg, ErmanoHadrianvanWykinthemaleU/14Kumite section below 53 kg, and Cayden Jose Poulton for theU/14individualmaleKata.Approximately500

karatekas from Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, and Zambia participated in the championship. South Africa emerged as the tournament's winners, securing a total of 149 medals, including 56 gold, 37 silver, and 56 bronze medals. Botswana finished second with47medals,including22gold,14silver,and11 bronze medals. The host nation, Zimbabwe, claimedthethirdpositionwith40medals,including fivegold,10silver,and25bronzemedals.Namibia finished fourth, earning 42 medals, including four gold,14silver,and24bronzemedals,whileZambia securedthefifthspotwith23medals,includingtwo gold,sevensilver,and14bronzemedals.

Namibia Scoops Gold and Bronze in Tunisia

morrow, the FNB Kudus Premier and Reserve league teams will travel to Rehoboth to play against Reho Falcons, while Kudus 3 will take on the Etosha Lions in Tsumeb.

The Kudu Bokkies will clash with the OceansRugbyClubin aCoastalDerbyatJan Wilkens Stadium in WalvisBay

The Promiseland Trust herewith wishes to invite you/your organisation to enter our Fundraiser Golf Day, in so doing, extending a helping hand to the vulnerable children in our Walvis Bay Community.

Swakopmunders Phillip Seidler and Suzelle Pronk flew the Namibian flag high at the second edition of the African Beach Games, which kicked off on Friday evening in Hammamet,Tunisia.

Open Water Swimmer Phillip Seidlerwongoldinthe5kmOpen Water Swimming contest and advanced to the last round Meanwhile, Namibia's top karateka, Sensei Suzelle Pronk, made it through the group stages. Her outstanding performance earned her the prestigious bronze medalafterdefeatingaSenegalese challenger Seidler and Pronk are the only Namibian athletes who competedinthesecondeditionof the African Beach Games (JAP2023),whichwillconcludetoday

Photos: Namibia National OlympicCommittee

7452 or Email: management@promiseland.com.na romiselan caringforvulnerablechildren
+264 81 356
Email all your sport news to journalist5@ namibtimes.net or call Rudi Bowe at 081 725 8066

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