Do You Have
Text Neck?
By Theresa Edmunds, CHC
“The headforward position has become much more frequent since we started using cell phones. There is even a new term used to describe the headforward posture: text neck.” —Theresa Edmunds
t’s hard for us to know just how good our posture is…or isn’t. We don’t always have good perspective on this since we can’t see ourselves from a 360º angle. The best way for us to really see our own posture is in a mirror or a photo. Have you ever noticed your posture in a photo? Not always flattering!
Posture Is a Real Problem
When we’re texting, Googling, emailing, or reading from our phones, we’re often slumped down, shoulders rounded, belly out, head forward. This posture is becoming very common. In fact, the head-forward position has become much more frequent since we started using cell phones. There is even a new term used to describe the head-forward posture: text neck. Tilting the head forward to use devices directly affects the spine. Angling the head forward to 15 degrees places about 27 pounds of force on the neck and becomes incrementally worse the further
forward the neck moves. This positioning can change the curvature of the neck and often results in cervical and shoulder pain, headaches, and excessive curvature of the thoracic spine. This changing posture is a significant concern for younger people, as they tend to spend much more of their time on a device. Muscles like the trapezius, rhomboids, and shoulder external rotators often become weak, and the tension this posture creates can cause suboccipital muscle tightness, leading to headaches.
Avoid Text Neck
Being aware of this is a good first step toward correcting the problem. Think about your posture when you are using your phone. Try to bring your phone to eye level. Make sure you aren’t spending an excessive amount of time on your phone. Choose to do some of your web surfing on a computer that is at eye level. Be aware of laptops, too. Bending forward to look down at a computer on your lap can create similar issues.