thermography ask the physician who does their annual gynecological exams how to best incorporate it into their breast care plan; a plan which should include mammography for most women over 40. Many of my patients have perimenopausal or menopausal concerns. Some women want to consider hormone replacement as part of their treatment plan. The question often arises if hormone replacement therapy will increase their risk of getting breast cancer. In 2002, the Women’s Health Institute published findings that menopausal women on PremPro had more diagnosed breast cancer incidence then women not on PremPro, or women on Premarin alone. (Premarin is a combination of several estrogens from pregnant horse urine and synthetic progesterone (progestins)). Further follow-up on this study has shown that women on synthetic progesterone as part of their hormone therapy are at risk for more breast cancer. Studies also indicate that women who have taken birth control pills, which contain synthetic estrogens and progesterone, for 10 years or more, have a slightly higher breast cancer risk. I’m often asked if bio-identical or natural hormones are safer than synthetic hormones. This is a long, complicated, and highly debated topic. It is apparent that synthetic progesterone is problematic. It’s not entirely clear that natural hormones are safer. Even estrogen therapy slightly increases the risk of breast cancer. Estrogen and progesterone probably don’t cause breast cancer, but most breast cancers have estrogen and progesterone receptors that, when stimulated
On...Nutrition & Cancer The foundation of cancer prevention and treatment should start with nutritional and lifestyle changes. They have a powerful impact without unpleasant side effects
Vicki Kobliner, MS RD |
3 Hollyhock Rd. • Wilton, CT • 06897 • 203-834-9949 •
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