OMTimes Magazine March B 2023 Edition

Page 103


Herodotus, Greek historian of the


5th century BC. C. was perhaps the


first scholar to document concepts ccording to metaphysic

of reincarnation. According to

studies, we are beings

him, reincarnation is part of the

of matter and spirit. A

Egyptian doctrine, which states

portion of a sentient

that reincarnation occurs exactly at

being can exist after our physical

the moment of physical death, that

body's death, which may be called

the body reincarnated into a being

spirit, soul, or consciousness. The

that was being born, which could

death of the physical body does not

be a creature of earth, water, or air.

demand the death of the soul. It can

According to Egyptian wisdom,

successfully associate with other

all souls traversed all spectrum

bodies for specific purposes, such as

of sentience in a journey of 3,000

for greater self-knowledge, evolution


or to annul karma. Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher, Many people think they know

and mathematician born in 570 BC.,

reincarnation is when the soul

also defends with a philosophical

leaves a body that has passed away

character the logic of reincarnation

and incarnates in another that has

that today is the basis for several

just been born. But the meaning

modern religions and philosophies.

of reincarnation is much greater

Resurrection is the key element

than that. It has been studied for

that connects and is part of

thousands of years and is the central

the religions of Ancient Egypt,

idea of many philosophical and

Hinduism, Buddhism, the Cult of

religious systems. Learn a little more

Tradition to the Orixás (Af rican),

about reincarnation below.

Indigenous Cults, Jewish Kabbalah, Spiritualism, and its dissidents.

"As a man, casting off worn-out garments taketh new ones, so


the dweller in the body entereth into ones that are new."

Reincarnation in children should

― Epictetus

not be seen as mere chance. When OM TIMES | March 2023

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