53 minute read



“History always repeats itself twice, the first as a tragedy, the second as a farce. ” Karl Marx


Dr. Carles Hoffe, a family physician from Lytton, British Columbia, told health officials that his patients were suffering adverse effects from mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. Hoffe was quickly accused of causing “vaccine hesitancy” and local health authorities threatened to report him to the licensing body. The spike protein in the vaccine can lead to the development of multiple, tiny blood clots because it becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium; these cells are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly, but the spike protein means there are “spikey bits sticking out”. Hoffe has been conducting the D-dimer test on his patients to detect the potential presence of blood clots within four to seven days of receiving a

COVID-19 vaccine; 62% have evidence of clotting. The longterm outlook is very grim, Hoffe said, because with each successive shot, it will add more damage as you’re getting more damaged capillaries.

Researchers, academics, statisticians and a few journalists are trying to alert the population to the "vaccine mortality", that is to say the deaths caused by the COVID vaccination, which already number in the thousands and which is also accompanied by hundreds of thousands of serious side effects in the world. These people who alert, too few in number if we consider the gravity of the situation, are victims of censorship and the States as well as the pharmaceutical companies, through the mouth of the media, deny or ignore these figures, even though those data are official and accessible if we make the effort to look for them (CDCVAERS, Eudravigilance) and it is estimated that these reports represent only about 10% of the reality.

In fact, we need to discuss the biological mechanisms that may explain the toxicity of vaccines that use mRNA and DNA genetic technologies based on the production by the human body of a close replica of the SARS-CoV2 spike protein. Once this protein is produced, it induces an immune response that allows the development of antibodies against the SARS-CoV2 virus, responsible for the pathology of COVID.

Introduction to the Spike protein

The now famous “Spike” protein allows the SARS-CoV2 virus (the virus that causes COVID) to bind to human cells through its receptor: ACE2.

The ACE2 receptor is a protein that crosses the membrane of the cells that contain it (it is said to be transmembrane), and is called Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2.

Why Spike is toxic

Let's start with the virus. Our ‘bad luck’, as is that the ACE2 receptor is a key protein for our health! It is an enzyme (a protein that facilitates chemical reactions) that has extremely positive and crucial missions for our body: it helps regulate blood pressure and especially, which is particularly key in the pathology of COVID, it is very important to fight inflammation in our body! And COVID is an inflammatory pathology.

The virus therefore binds to a protein that is very useful for the balance of our health. By being solicited/occupied by its link with the virus, ACE2 can no longer play its essential antiinflammatory role. This creates an imbalance with another enzyme with which it is normally in balance: ACE (Angiotensinconverting enzyme) which activates inflammation and which is left free by the virus. The consequence of this ACE2/ACE imbalance is a hyper-inflammation which develops through four major biochemical pathways which will be discussed again later.

So it is precisely by binding to ACE2 that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV2 virus produces a significant part of the inflammation observed in COVID! And that can lead to the famous "cytokine storm", pneumonia and potential acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with clotting and finally death.

And it is this same spike protein that mRNA and DNA vaccines are asked to produce in large (uncontrolled) quantities in our

bodies! With the same affinity for the ACE2 receptor, therefore capable of triggering the same inflammatory processes as the spike of the virus, this being well known in the scientific literature for at least ten years and therefore also by the vaccine manufacturers.

A diffuse toxicity of spike in the body, disseminated by the virus but also by the vaccines! So, the toxicity of spike protein alone is already an acute element of the problem. Studies have shown that the spike protein alone, not associated with the rest of the viral genome, is sufficient to cause the cardiovascular damage associated with covid19 (pericarditis, myocarditis, etc.) and to induce loss of integrity of the blood-brain barrier, leading to possible inflammation in the brain and its vessels. The spike protein is also expressed on endothelial cells; it can activate blood platelets and activate coagulation, which leads to thrombosis (by releasing platelet factor 4 or PF4). This toxicity of the spike protein alone was already known for SARS-Cov-1, more than ten years ago! In conclusion, two very important properties of the spike protein stand out: - The pathogenic effects of SARS-Cov-2 virus are mainly due to the activity of its surface spike protein. - This protein keeps the same affinity for the ACE2 receptor, whether it is associated with the SARS-Cov-2 virus or alone, which makes it capable of triggering, alone, the same inflammatory processes, and this in all organs and tissues where these receptors exist. And it is precisely this same spike protein that gene vaccines (mRNA and DNA) cause to be produced in large (uncontrolled) quantities in the body of the vaccinated!

In classical vaccines, the antigen is injected directly, which is either the whole inactivated virus (Sinovac, Valneva) or the inactivated spike protein (Novavax). The body will then produce antibodies against the virus and the proteins, injected in a defined quantity, are then eliminated. In the new “ gene ” vaccines, the part of the SARS-Cov-2 RNA that causes human cells to produce the spike protein is injected either directly (Pfizer, Moderna) or via another DNA virus (Sputnik, Astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson).

The second very worrying problem that increases tenfold the toxicity of this Spike/ACE2 interaction is that these ACE2 receptors are present almost everywhere in the body: pharynx, trachea, lungs, blood, heart, vessels, intestines, brain, male genital organs and kidneys, and also in body fluids (mucus, saliva, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, sperm and maternal milk) (Trypsteen W et al., 2020)

As a result, the virus is able to create this inflammation in many organs. Moreover, the majority of COVID patients present various other symptoms in addition to respiratory disorders, including neurological, cardiovascular, intestinal and renal dysfunctions (Argenziano MG et al., 2020) (Huang C et al., 2020) (Lin L et al., 2020) (Chu KH et al., 2005) (Mao L et al., 2020)

Since the spike protein is present in SARS-CoV2 (and its variants) and in the vaccines producing it, this toxicity therefore applies both to COVID (severe forms but also long COVID) but also potentially to all vaccines that rely on uncontrolled production of spike protein by cells, as opposed to vaccines that are made from deactivated whole virus or based on deactivated spike protein. Indeed, we now know that after injection of such

vaccines, this spike protein is found both on the surface of the cells (where the manufacturers had told us it would be found) but also in significant quantities, free and circulating in the blood, reaching various organs including the brain. All these organs, including the brain, express ACE2 receptors. Inflammation can take place anywhere, including in vital organs: heart, brain, liver, kidneys...

So? Why do the files of the vaccine companies (Moderna, Pfizer) only give (very incomplete) information on the toxicity of the mRNA? And nothing about the safety of the spike protein!? Perhaps because researchers have shown that the spike protein alone can induce thrombosis. And we are talking about spike alone, without the whole virus, as in the case of mRNA and DNA vaccines producing spike (Nuovo GJ, et al., 2021). It has been shown that some of the spike proteins synthesized by the vaccine target cells are found in free form and circulate in the blood where they can interact with the ACE2 receptors expressed by various cells, including platelets, thus promoting the inflammatory phenomena mentioned (Angeli F et al., 2021) (Zhang S et al., 2020)

According to leaked documents from Pfizer, the highest concentrations of lipid nanoparticules of the Vaccine in animal models after 2 days were in the following locations: Injection site:165u/g Liver:24.3 Spleen:23.4 Adrenal glands:18.2 Ovaries:12.3

A very interesting study showed that using a pseudo-virus on whose surface the spike protein of SARS-CoV2 was expressed but lacking viral RNA, inflammation and damage was induced in the arteries and lungs of mice exposed intratracheally (Lei et al., 2021). The same was observed in human epithelial cells (those lining our vessel walls) with attack on mitochondria (the cell's energy-producing compartment). This work clearly shows that the spike protein alone, not associated with the rest of the viral genome, is sufficient to cause the cardiovascular damage associated with COVID-19. The implications for vaccines are obviously of great concern!

At least as concerning, in an in vitro study, researchers showed that spike alone induced a loss of integrity of the bloodbrain barrier (which separates the vessels irrigating the brain from the central nervous system) in a model reconstituting this barrier, suggesting the possibility of inflammation in the vessels of the brain and in the brain itself (Buzhdygan et al, 2020).

This blood-brain barrier crossing was confirmed in mice and the spike protein was observed on neurons throughout the brain (Rhea EM et al., 2021). This is very disturbing because it is known that vaccine mRNA can reach the brain (Bahl et al., 2017), as also stated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) up to 2% of the plasma concentration (European Medicines Agency, 2021). This mRNA can produce spike protein there, and since ACE2 receptors are very numerous in the brain, we can expect problems of nervousness or degeneration... especially of cells that are not renewed.

On the other hand, the spike protein of SARS-CoV2 and the vaccine by mobilizing ACE2 also induces a decrease in seroto-

nin, which aggravates or can cause depressive or even suicidal states (Klempin F et al., 2018) (de Melo LA et al., 2020).

Also of note, loss of smell (anosmia) has been described following vaccination in COVID-negative subjects, showing that COVID-identical symptoms can occur and have been triggered solely by the spike protein (Konstantinidis I et al., 2020).

In view of this work easily accessible on databases or even Search Engine ... any conscientious researcher or physician should ask about the toxicity of the spike protein in vaccines. The declarations of the AFP or Reuter, of the politicians whatever their function, or of the famous “fact checkers” must be ignored in favor of a real critical research... because the health of most of the humans on this planet is at stake, including children, since we have entered into a mass vaccination “logic.”

In fact, many researchers and doctors in the world are aware of and observe the toxicity of these new gene therapies, but they are given little space in the media within the very controlled framework of the COVID doxa and of vaccination as the only solution to the crisis we are going through, as evoked in the video of the Independent Scientific Council of April 29, 2021(see Internet).

The Institut Pasteur study, published on June 29, 2021, is titled “Epidemiology of Sars-cov-2 in a partially vaccinated population [...]” .

This is a prepublication, not a peer-reviewed study. One of its sources is a study on household contamination. But the Pasteur study is about outdoor contamination. This is a bad start!

The second problem is that only people who were tested spontaneously were taken into account. Vaccinated people are less likely to be tested. So how can we know if they are contaminated? This is impossible. Fortunately, other studies have systematically followed all the people in the household. They observed the viral load (one of the causes of contamination). And the result is different: the viral load is higher in vaccinated people. My conclusion: what good is the Vaccine Passport?

Another study concludes in favor of vaccination: there is four times less risk of being infected (and not of producing symptomatic forms), if you are vaccinated. Yes, but... the study does not focus on people at risk, nor on elderly people or people with major co morbidities. The participants of the study are the people least at risk (except for children): 84% of the participants are working women (health care workers). However, twice as many men die from covid. Another problem: the study was done for the English variant (alpha). However, it is the delta variant that was in circulation at the time of publication. Too late!

The CDC studied the vaccine effectiveness for the delta variant. Its conclusion: there is a 66% risk of catching the covid if you are vaccinated (90% at the beginning of the year). The study also suffers from the same biases and notes this in its report. It is based on active women, on too few cases and too short an observation period to produce serious figures. Finally: 9 infections in the cohort of 4,500 people with a margin of error of 26 to 84%. No comment...

Dr. Ryan Cole, an Idaho physician, reports a 20-fold increase in cancer and autoimmune disease in vaccinated patients.

“I have been warning for over a year: these gene therapies called “vaccines” are going to make the number of cancers (and sterility) explode. Indeed, we do not know at which position in the 6 billion nucleotides of our DNA the insertion of the piece of DNA which codes the Spike will be done. This piece of DNA is brought by the chimpanzee adeno-virus for AstraZeneca.This is the big drawback of these gene therapies. Sometimes the insertion will awaken a dormant ontogeny, an inactive gene, which will produce a cancer. Moreover, with the ADEs (infectionfacilitating antibodies) produced by the vaccines, I recommend (like Prof. Peronne, in France) to the vaccinated this winter to be very careful because they are much more likely to have serious infections than the non-vaccinated!”

What is striking at present is, on the one hand, the great similarity between the symptoms of the disease and the undesirable effects of the gene vaccines, and on the other hand, the fact that a large number of vaccinated people find themselves ill with covid-19, sometimes in severe forms, even leading to death. I can, at first, conclude that these vaccines are ineffective and dangerous; but I will try to go further by studying the biological mechanisms that can explain the toxicity of gene vaccines. A virus is not self-sustaining; in order to survive, it must hijack the cellular machinery of the cells it infects, to make its proteins and multiply. SARS-Cov-2 can anchor itself to a human cell using its spike surface protein, which binds to its ACE2 (Angiotensin-converting enzyme2) receptor on the cell surface. The virus can then enter the cell where it will replicate before invading other cells.

Legitimate concerns about the topic sometimes get through the filter, like this letter from Dr. J. Patrick Whelan of the University of California in a December 2020 letter to the FDA: https://www.regulations.gov/document/FDA-2020-N1898-0246

“As important as it is to stop the spread of the virus quickly by immunizing the population, it would be far worse if hundreds of millions of people suffered lasting, even permanent, damage to their cerebral or cardiac microvascular systems as a result of a short-term failure to appreciate, an unintended effect of the advanced, full-length protein-based vaccines on these other organs.

Particular caution will be needed with regard to potential largescale vaccination of children, before there is real data on the safety or efficacy of these vaccines in pediatric trials that are just beginning.”

That's just common sense, ethics, and first of all a little literature research since his letter is backed up by publications.

What is even more serious is that spike toxicity alone (as in vaccines) has been known for over a decade (Chen IY et al., 2010) with SARS-CoV1! And the spike protein of SARS-CoV-1 is 7678% identical to that of SARS-CoV-2 (Wan Y et al., 2021). Thus, in vivo studies have shown that the SARS-CoV-1 spike protein exacerbates acute lung failure through inflammatory pathways similar to SARS-CoV2 (Kuba K et al., 2005) (Patra T et al., 2020).

Even worse, studies also dating back to MERS-CoV and SARSCoV-1 infection showed that vaccines based on the whole spike protein induced a strong immune inflammatory response in many organs and in particular in the lung and liver (Czub M et al., 2005) (Weingartl H et al., 2004). In these in vivo studies in ferrets, not only did vaccination not prevent infection, but vaccinated animals showed significantly stronger inflammatory responses than control animals and focal necrosis in liver tissue!

These and other studies have shown that it is very difficult to vaccinate against coronaviruses (Jaume M et al., 2012. Even Peter Daszak, the director of EcoHealth Alliance who served as a financial conduit between Dr. Fauci's US NIAID in collaboration with Ralph S. Baric (University of North Carolina) and the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, and who most likely led to the uniqueness of this SARS-Cov2, wrote about coronaviruses that "some of them can cause SARS disease in humanized mouse models. They are not treatable with therapeutic monoclonal antibodies and you can't vaccinate against them with a vaccine.

Which vaccines spread the spike and what are the consequences?

Indeed, it is this great difference that we must understand between vaccines: the so-called "classic" vaccines where the antigen is injected directly, which is either the whole virus deactivated and containing all the proteins of the virus (the Chinese vaccine Sinovac, the French vaccine Valneva), or a protein (Novavax), which is to date the spike. In both cases, the quantity of spike present is limited (and deactivated); this will cause the body to produce antibodies against the virus, but these injected proteins are in defined quantities and will then be eliminated.

Vaccines where mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna) or DNA (Sputnik, Astrazeneca, Janssen) is injected, will make the human cells produce the spike protein, which then becomes the antigen indirectly. It should be added that we do not know precisely which cells will do this and that it is not their normal function anyway! A Pfizer study shows that mRNA was detected in most tissues within the first few moments after injection (15 minutes) and the results confirm that the injection site and the liver are the main sites of distribution (EMA, 2021). Low levels of radioactivity were detected in most tissues, with the highest levels in plasma, observed one to four hours after the dose. After 48 hours (with maximum levels observed 8 to 48 hours), this mRNA is found primarily in the liver (up to 21.5%), adrenal glands, spleen (≤ 1.1%), and ovaries (≤ 0.1%).

Thus, what looks “beautiful” on paper, to many scientists, also looks totally inconsiderate and potentially very dangerous, apart from even the clearly established toxicity of spike to many other scientists! Even if too many of the latter remain silent.

In reality, the production of spike protein by this mRNA is done in an anarchic way and we do not know precisely how long this toxic protein is produced and remains present in the cells of our organs but also in the bloodstream. It seems that it is found after several weeks with the possibility of producing chronic inflammation in many organs.

In addition to spike being free and circulating, spike is also expressed on endothelial cells and can activate blood platelets and activate coagulation, which also leads to thrombosis (by releasing platelet factor 4 or PF4) (Hermans C et al, 2021) (Greinacher A et al, 2021).

The problem is therefore that vaccines that induce spike protein production have a very strong inflammatory and oxidative potential, and over a period of time that is still difficult to assess, since this is not precisely known from the manufacturers' very incomplete safety studies. Almost the whole of humanity is being clinically tested. We will see! One study showed that the protein was found for at least 15 days after vaccination for Moderna, with a peak between one and five days at 68 ng/L (nanogram = billionth of a gram per liter of plasma) (Ogata AF et al., 2021). More studies are needed of course but this work should have been done and published by the companies themselves, given the known toxicity of this protein, and this did not shock the FDA, the EMA or the WHO!

With the second injection (from 21 days) it is a new spike boost that is produced while the antibodies and the organism are working to eliminate this protein. Even if Ogata and his team observe a much shorter presence than for the first dose (a few days), we potentially have an inflammation that can be chronic and spread over several weeks, thus being able to destabilize the inflammatory balance in the blood vessels, the liver, the brain, the kidneys etc.

We are therefore talking about the possibility of causing the same symptoms as COVID but also potentially promoting all inflammatory diseases in the medium and long term (cardiovascular, neurological, cancer, autoimmune), particularly in subjects who already have an inflammatory background (e.g. diabetes) or a history of it. “We should carefully monitor the long-term consequences of these vaccines, especially when administered to otherwise healthy individuals” (Suzuki YJ, Gychka SG, 2021).

Vaccines: serious side effects, vaccine deaths and inflammatory pathologies in the longer term. In the short term, we observe a significant mortality largely underestimated by the States and the media, with about 1000 deaths already in France. Many people had foreseen this under-estimation, since pharmaceutical companies were not responsible for the serious sideeffects of the drugs, and the States did the same with the citizens. This explains to a large extent why it is estimated that reports of side effects represent only about 10% of the reality. Among these serious effects, we know in particular that thrombosis is directly due to vaccination, as well as myocarditis and pericarditis, stroke, etc. with high levels of D-dimer (coagulation marker) and CRP (C-reactive protein: marker of inflammation) (Greinacher A et al., 2021) (Diaz GA et al., 2021) (Dionne A et al., 2021) Thrombosis is the abnormal presence of a blood clot that leads to partial or total occlusion of either a vein (venous thrombosis or "phlebitis") or an artery (infarction, stroke). Myocarditis is an inflammation of the myocardium (muscle that, by contracting, allows blood to circulate in the blood vessels and feed the body's organs) leading to the destruction of its cells and thus decreasing its capacity to contract and provide a blood supply. Gradually, the heart is no longer able to pump blood. Inflammation can spread to the entire heart muscle or be limited to one or a few areas. Extensive inflammation throughout the heart can lead to severe heart failure, serious heart rhythm problems and sometimes sudden death.

The inflammation at the root of these phenomena most likely occurs, as previously mentioned, when circulating spike proteins react with the ACE2 receptors that are ubiquitous in the body and upset the ACE2/ACE balance (Seneff S and Nigh, 2021)

(Ogata AF et al., 2021). And precisely, it is known that in almost all pathological conditions, especially those of the cardiovascular system but also neurodegenerative, there is a decrease in the ACE2/ACE ratio within organs (Bernardi S et al., 2012) (Lavrentyev EN et al., 2009) (Mizuiri S et al., 2008) (Yuan YM et al., 2015) (Kehoe PG et al., 2016).

In a post-vaccination study with AstraZeneca vaccine thrombosis was observed in eleven subjects (between 22 and 49 years, mean 36 years) who developed venous thrombosis including neus cerebral, three with pulmonary embolisms. Six of the patients died from these serious side effects, at an age when people almost never die from COVID (Greinacher A et al., 2021).

In the face of the deafening silence and denial of politicians, television set doctors with multiple conflicts of interest, it is finally the researchers who express their fears in the face of these serious effects and ask that at least a post-vaccination follow-up be done: “The evaluation should include a complete blood count, D-dimer analysis, fibrinogen, coagulation panel, renal and hepatic functions and electrolytes, as well as a PF4-heparin ELISA test if available” (Long B et al, 2021).

In terms of neurotoxicity, severe post-vaccination side effects may likely be related to the circulation of mRNA to the brain but also to the circulation of free spike in the blood that crosses the blood-brain barrier (Buzhdygan et al., 2020) (Rhea EM et al., 2021). In addition to the neurological effects observed (including Bell's palsy) in the early months of vaccination, neurodegenerative diseases will be monitored in the coming years. (See Stéphanie Seneff SARS-Cov2 Vaccines & neurodegenerative disease)

Hepatitis too is observed following vaccination potentially involving autoimmune reactions (Bril F et al., 2019) (Rocco A et al., 2021) some of them fatal (Rela M et al., 2021). The authors are almost apologetic in expressing this (here AstraZeneca): “While one patient recovered uneventfully, another succumbed to liver disease... We hope that our report will not deter COVID vaccination campaigns. However, we also hope to raise awareness of its potential side effects and the increased role of pharmacovigilance in guiding treatment. ”

It is worth noting that preliminary vaccine studies, such as AstraZeneca for example, were done on fairly young subjects and excluded participants with severe and/or uncontrolled cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hepatic, renal, endocrine/metabolic diseases, neurological diseases, as well as immunocompromised individuals, pregnant women (Voysey M et al., 2021). It is therefore a way to minimize serious side effects and in the end these populations are the first to be massively vaccinated because they are fragile...

It is also important to remember the phenomenon called ADE, when one has defective or not competent enough antibodies (they are called facilitators), the immune cells carrying antibodies against the virus recognize it, but instead of destroying it, will “ingest” it and ultimately contribute to its spread. The production of facilitating antibodies has been observed in many viral diseases and/or after vaccination (dengue virus, Zika, Ebola, HIV, SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, measles, feline infectious peritonitis, etc).

This has been brilliantly popularized by Dr Fantini and Dr Sabatier (Univ Aix- Marseille) in this article: In summary, there are three categories of antibodies produced following a viral infection or a vaccination:

“Antibodies that have no effect on the viral infection (neutral antibodies) Antibodies that block the viral infection (neutralizing antibodies), Antibodies that facilitate viral infection (facilitating antibodies). In the current context, if the antibodies that are acquired by people who are vaccinated with the current vaccines, based on the mRNA and DNA of the original SARS-CoV2 (February 2020), become ineffective in destroying the delta variant or future variants (because these viruses would have evolved too much, mutated), then these variants would multiply even more easily when in contact with these antibodies (then called facilitating antibodies), and the infected people can often make a more severe form. ” (A study published in “NATURE” explains how the top protein that Vaccines focus on has mutated; exactly what so-called Scientifics ‘complotists’ were telling! The vaccines remain the same and the Covid-19 virus has mutated. You can inject as many doses as you want nothing will do! Vaccines are useless except for causing deaths and adverse reactions!)

The authors of this article have also published their modeling work, which shows that the antibodies facilitating the diffusion of the virus (ADE), have more affinity with the spike protein than the neutralizing antibodies with regard to the delta variant (contrary to what is observed with the original SARS-Cov2 strain of 2020, Wuhan/D614G)!

Hence the authors' conclusion, “We therefore suggest that the neutralization/ADE balance on the Delta variant be evaluated as soon as possible in sera (Antibody detection in sera stays positive for years even after recovery) from vaccinated individuals. ” (Yahi Net al., 2021). This could explain the ineffectiveness of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (used in Europe) on contamination. As for the evolution of the pathology into severe forms, it is a little early to talk about the efficacy of vaccination, and the official data lacks transparency; we will know later in perhaps 2022.

This phenomenon occurs much more frequently with vaccines than with antibodies produced during an infection (Ulrich H et al., 2020) (Lee WS et al., 2020) (Cardozo T et al., 2021). It is also a phenomenon that could explain in part the very large number of vaccinated people who develop COVID and die from it, as do non-vaccinated people (e.g. Israel, UK, Iceland). It is not ideal, or even dangerous, to vaccinate in the middle of an epidemic.

Possibility of integration of RNA into DNA

All scientists recognize that the long-term risks of this vaccine are unknown. The biggest would be that this mRNA or DNA integrates into our genome and produces spike protein. This kind of phenomenon, in addition to producing spike continuously, can also interfere at the genome level on tumor promoting genes and induce cancers. This is a possible and described phenomenon, performed by reverse transcriptase enzymes (from RNA to DNA).

Now, the role of spike protein in vaccine adverse events is amazingly evident! Studies on MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV-1 infection had shown that vaccines based on the whole spike protein induced a strong immune inflammatory response in many organs, especially in the lung and liver. Other studies have shown that it is very difficult to vaccinate against corona viruses. These results did not discourage the designers and manufacturers of vaccines against covid-19, who launched into the “rush” manufacture of these products, never yet used on humans, and then tested them on a large scale on populations.

The manufacturers of the current covid-19 vaccines had hypothesized that the spike protein produced would remain primarily at the site of the vaccine injection, in the shoulder muscle. However, a Japanese bio-distribution study has shown that the spike protein enters the bloodstream and circulates there for several days after vaccination, and then accumulates in organs and tissues (brain, liver, ovaries, etc.) So, under the reassuring name of “vaccine”, a dangerous product is injected which will make the body's cells produce a highly toxic protein, having exactly the same inflammatory effects as in covid-19. This production is uncontrolled and it is not known how long this toxic protein is produced and remains present in the bloodstream and in the cells of the organs. It is therefore not surprising that it causes the same symptoms as covid-19, but also potentially all inflammatory diseases in the medium and long term (cardiovascular, neurological, cancer, autoimmune, neurodegenerative), especially in subjects who already have an inflammatory background (diabetes for example) or a history of it. We are currently witnessing an outbreak of covid-19 cases, often serious, and extremely diverse and sometimes unexpected adverse effects (stroke, pericarditis,

myocarditis, generalized micro thrombosis, with high levels of D-dimer, skin diseases, zonas, blindness, resurgence of cancers, etc.) The list of these effects is very long! And it is in the countries with the highest vaccination rates (Israel, Singapore, Seychelles) that the numbers of serious cases and deaths are the highest. The worst possibility would be that RNA could become permanently integrated into DNA (at least two enzymes in the human body are capable of doing this) (Zhang, L et al., 2021). There, it would then be an outbreak of cancers that could be observed between one and ten years. Neurological and autoimmune diseases may also result (Seneff S and Nigh, 2021).

A study in Israel focuses on the difference between the vaccinated and the naturally immunized. It therefore recognizes that there are in fact three categories (non-vaccinated, vaccinated, naturally vaccinated). Moreover, it is a retrospective study (therefore more reliable than a prospective one) and it was done on more than one million people! The figure of its conclusion is very precise: there is 13.06 times less risk of catching covid for a naturally vaccinated person than for a vaccinated person (margin of error - acceptable - from 8 to 21 times). This is a courageous team that does not hesitate to contradict BigPharma by taking into account natural immunization. But their boldness has limits, leading them to conclude that people who received a dose after being naturally infected are less likely to get it than those naturally vaccinated. There are no figures or statistics to back this up, just an observation: in fact, we don't know. This “we don't know” doesn't appear in the summary... How strange!

Once upon a time, a study by the Pasteur Institute concluded that ivermectin was effective. On this occasion, the AFP showed with vivacity that it also knows perfectly well how to verify methodological weaknesses. What a pity that it did not also do it for the study on contamination. Ah! the laboratories might not have appreciated it.

The statistics of the Pasteur Institute are top secret. We do not have access to the model. They are therefore not reproducible (and therefore not scientific). However, they are only statistics, not trade secrets. Too bad because, according to an expert, his equations are incorrect or incomplete! A good example of how, under the guise of science, by dint of almost true biases, one arrives at a false result. The Pasteur Institute's study is an example of all the studies brought to the forefront by the media propaganda. Social control is based on false figures, but, repeated endlessly, they become almost true...

Note on adjuvants

Some of the nanolipids used by Pfizer or Moderna to encapsulate mRNA, have never been used, neither in injection nor orally, and not presented on the ECHA reference site (ALC1059 type nanolipids) whose by-products are as known potential carcinogens (N,N-Dimethyltetradecylamine) (EMA, 2021).

There is also the presence of allergenic adjuvants, such as PEG, which can cause up to anaphylactic shock (Shiraishi K et al., 2019) (Kounis NG et al., 2021)

A point of concern, in addition to spike toxicity, is that these nanolipids are also known to cause clotting problems. In fact, Moderna admits this, even if you read the patent on nanolipid encapsulated mRNA vaccine injection, which is the basis of the current vaccine technique: “WO 2017/099823 Al. COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS FOR DELIVERY OF THERAPEUTIC AGENTS. 15 June 2017.”

“In some embodiments, the adverse effect includes coagulopathy, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), vascular thrombosis, complement activation-related pseudoallergy (CARPA), acute phase response (APR), or a combination thereof. ” There are even plans in this patent to add anticoagulants, antiallergic! :

“In some embodiments, the agent (molecule that can be added) inhibits platelet activation. In some embodiments, the agent is a platelet aggregation inhibitor. In some embodiments, the platelet aggregation inhibitor is aspirin or clopidrogrel (PLAVIX®). In some embodiments, the platelet aggregation inhibitor is selected from aspirin/pravastatin, cilostazol, prasugrel, aspirin/dipyridamole, ticagrelor, cangrelor, elinogrel, dipyridamole and ticlopidine. In some embodiments, the agent inhibits CD36” (MODERNA, 2017).

It is clearly noted that the adverse effects of these nanolipids have much in common with those of COVID, including in their inflammatory mode of action (complement pathway) (BumillerBini V et al., 2021)!

For all the reasons explained and supported by the scientific literature, I realize that the severe forms and deaths observed, in

particular with mRNA and DNA vaccines, which are called vaccines a bit quickly, even if they produce antibodies directed against the SARS-CoV2 virus, can be explained by biological and biochemical mechanisms.

This toxicity, in particular due to the spike protein, has been known for more than ten years. Some of the adjuvants and nanolipids surrounding the mRNA are also of concern and may contribute to the serious side effects observed, including, in particular, thrombosis.

We do not have enough experience with these gene technologies, as the inventor himself, Robert Malone, calls them. It would be wiser to recommend conventional vaccines (despite the risks of ADEs) or vaccines with a deactivated spike protein and safer, known adjuvants. This could also encourage many citizens, informed or not, to be vaccinated.

We are therefore witnessing a total blind experimentation on a planetary scale and this is unacceptable, because the risk is totally unconsidered, especially in view of the low mortality and lethality of this disease of COVID. The lethality (mortality in people who contract the virus) is on average, worldwide, between 0.5 and 1% against 0.1% for influenza (John Hopkins data, July 2021).

Moreover, with the second, third and etc. injection, a new boost of spike protein is produced each time, even though the antibodies and the body are working to eliminate this protein. This is like adding fuel to the fire!

The new gene vaccines against covid-19 have succeeded in making the cells of the vaccinated people produce the protein responsible for the pathogenic effects of the disease; in other words, the vaccines inoculate the vector of the disease! And, with each new dose injected, the process is restarted! It is therefore obvious that these injections are not vaccines at all! Let us recall the legal definition of a vaccine: “any substance intended to be administered to a human being for the prevention of one or more diseases”. A vaccine is intended to protect against a disease with a high mortality rate, for which there is no effective treatment. But it can only be marketed if it has been proven to be effective and safe. In the case of covid-19, none of these three conditions are met! Let me conclude with these words from Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Medicine: “In the name of the precautionary principle, all anti-covid-19 vaccinations using the spike protein must be stopped immediately. ”

And from Robert Malone, pioneer of mRNA vaccines: “I declare that the native spike protein is toxic.”

A note on variant: Coronavirus A.30 variant ‘efficiently evades’ antibodies induced by Pfizer & AstraZeneca vaccines – lab study! The variant so far detected in Angola and Sweden mostly, is highly resistant to antibodies induced by the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines, a new lab study has shown. A team from Germany reviewed the first infection recorded in Tanzania and later detected it in several patients in Angola and Sweden this spring. They compared the mutation to the Beta and Eta variants. According to the study published in the peerreviewed journal Cellular & Molecular Immunology this week,

the A.30 variant showed improved ability to enter most host cells, including kidney, liver, and lung cells. The mutation “enters certain cell lines with increased efficiency and evades antibody-mediated neutralization,” the study found. A.30 has so far not been listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a variant of interest or concern, due to its low prevalence. The Delta variant represents almost all circulating viruses, i.e. more than 99% of the sequenced viruses. The L452R mutation (mainly carried by the Delta variant) was detected in 96% of positive samples. The A30 variant from Great Britain is significantly more dangerous. Immune defenses are weakened by repeated injections of so-called vaccines and the state promises more injections, pills and the like.

“The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 variant A.30 is heavily mutated and evades vaccine-induced antibodies with high effi-

ciency” (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41423-021-00779-5)

It is still time to face the real benefits and risks of this vaccination, especially among young people, who are very little affected by the disease, and that vaccines do not prevent contamination. Let's not lose sight of the fact that vaccination, apart from populations at risk, is aimed at healthy subjects, to whom ethics dictate that they should not run any risk, primum non nocere.

Anthony Fauci, the scientist President Trump's supporters loved to hate, by all accounts exchanged emails last year that would constitute an admission by him that the virus was made in a Chinese lab, that hydroxychloroquine works (In 1910, important medical literature already recommended taking Quinine for un-

known fevers with respiratory effects), and that through his inaction he would be personally responsible for millions of deaths. In reality, the emails in question contain no such thing, the swamp (and media) says. So, if we have to listen to the condescending know-it-all self righteous American Press, Fauci is never wrong. Notwithstanding the fact that Anthony Fauci contradicted himself hundreds of times, the congressman Rand Paul had publicly made the demonstration in public. Anthony Fauci, who has been the head of a federal government infectious disease agency since 1984, became one of the most recognizable scientific faces in the United States last year, when the pandemic began and he found himself speaking in every forum - including, on a few occasions, alongside President Trump.

In an episode of “Conversations That Matter,” in America, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told host Alex Newman that Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, and their allies are using COVID to place humanity under a global totalitarian regime. Kennedy, president and chief legal counsel of Children's Health Defense, is the author of the best-selling book “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health” . Kennedy told Newman that Fauci - the “J. Edgar Hoover of Public Health” - has a dark history that must be revealed. Kennedy said: “[Fauci] orchestrated the transformation of HHS [US Department of Health and Human Services] from a public health agency to a pharmaceutical incubator and promoter of the Big Pharma agenda” . “He managed to stay in power for 50 years, I show in my book, not by achieving measurable public health successes - public health has declined dramatically under his regime - but rather

by serving the interests of pharmaceutical companies - helping to make this the most pharmaceutically dependent country in the world”

As of June 1, more than 3,000 emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci, dated from January to June 2020, were the subject of stories by BuzzFeed, the Washington Post and CNN. None of these reports were accusatory ("Anthony Fauci's emails reveal the pressure that fell on one man" was the headline on BuzzFeed), but this did not prevent the keywords #FauciLeaks and #FauciGate from being among the most popular on Twitter a few hours later. These documents were obtained by these media under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act, which allows, like its equivalent in Canada, to request documents produced by a federal government employee. Anthony Fauci is the director of a federal government agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and is therefore subject to the Act.

The 3,000 emails represent his correspondence on the subject of COVID during the first six months of the pandemic. On hydroxychloroquine, for example, he replied on March 25, 2020 to the president of the French scientific council, Jean-François Delfraissy, that he too had no solid clinical data to decide, despite the "strong pressure" to which he was subjected, Donald Trump having praised this "treatment" a few days earlier.

On the Chinese lab, one of the emails that have attracted the most attention is not from him, but from Kristian G. Andersen, a virus evolution specialist at the Scripps Research Institute. Responding on Jan. 31, 2020, to a Science journal article on the likely natural evolution of the Covid virus, the biologist

acknowledged that the issue is difficult to decide, but that he and his colleagues consider some parts of the genome "to be inconsistent with what we expect from evolution." But he adds that they need to continue their analysis and that their opinion may well change. Fauci offers to discuss this with him over the phone.

The result of Andersen's subsequent research appeared six weeks later, in the form of a letter in Nature Medicine, where the authors dismissed the hypothesis of laboratory manipulation. Which in a matter of weeks were proven wrong! The American senators have since received news that it was, indeed, well documented in China that the virus came from the same lab.

If Fauci is accused of having ‘known’ that the virus had been manufactured or manipulated in a laboratory - which this e-mail does demonstrate partially, since it only puts forward one hypothesis among many others that were circulating at the time - it is also important to know that part of the allegations is fuelled by the fact that there is a link between the organization at the heart of health research in the United States, the NIH, and the famous Wuhan laboratory. The NIH (a collection of 27 agencies, including NIAID) had been funding a program since 2014, run by the U.S. nonprofit EcoHealth, to collect blood, saliva, and bat fecal samples from around China, looking for traces of a possible new coronavirus (in 2002-2003, the coronavirus responsible for the SARS outbreak came from bats). The key partner in this project was the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the same institute that is now accused of being responsible for the epidemic.

As it became clear that the funding for this program would be cut off (the decision would be announced on April 24, 2020),

EcoHealth's president, Peter Daszak, made his case in several forums. An email from Peter Daszak to Fauci on April 18 thanked Fauci for reiterating that the available science points to rather a man-made origin of the virus (without proving either way).

In the end, the only email that can be seen as contradictory to Fauci's current statements is one from February 5, 2020, where, in response to a citizen's question, he said he did not recommend using a store-bought mask many times on TV (as opposed to medical masks). But he never made any secret of having subsequently changed his mind often.

When asked about the email on CNN on June 3, he defended the fact that in February 2020, he had done the best he could with the limited knowledge everyone had at the time.

If there is so little in these emails, then why have they caused such a stir in the U.S. and even in French-language social media? We should always be reminded of the importance of verifying the source of information before sharing it. For example, it was the Gateway Pundit site - described even by Wikipedia as a rightist propagandist site - that published a text accusing Fauci of being responsible for "millions of deaths". It was Fox News polemicist Tucker Carlson who called for a "criminal investigation". And many "Trump-supporting Republican politicians" have, Vox magazine summarizes, "taken advantage of the moment" to accuse Fauci, while launching a fundraising campaign for themselves. While none of pro-Fauci supporters could prove his innocence, the leftist American media

dared to protect the bureaucrat Fauci. Reasonable people might disagree about the extent to which Fauci has been honest overall in his various pronouncements, but there can be no reasonable doubt, at this point, that on at least two occasions, Fauci looked a member of Congress directly in the eye, while under oath, and told a deliberate lie.

Vaccine? What Vaccine ?

You will discover below the report of Dr. Robert Q. Young who analyzed with great detail and technical means the composition of the 4 pseudo vaccines against covid; that of Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Moderna and Janssen!

Beware, hang on because you are about to enter the horror! - Trypanosoma Crusi = is an elongated body of 50 microns, a parasite of which several variants are lethal and constitute one of the many causes of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS. On August 30, a report was published by Dr. Robert O. Young, an American microbiologist and chemist. He and his team have analyzed the composition of these “vaccines” and have discovered that they are in fact conglomerates of nanoparticles, some of whose adjuvants, which were not declared in order to obtain their respective patents, are particularly toxic and lethal; in particular, graphene oxide (already discovered by a Spanish laboratory) as well as an extremely virulent parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, which is one of the main causes of the AIDS virus (which Professors Montagnier and Fourtillan had already concluded in their declarations.)

The term “vaccine” is not at all appropriate for this filthy mixture, but it has been named in this way with the obvious aim of deceiving the vigilance of specialists and above all of the people, the majority of whom associate, in the collective imagery, the name of vaccine with the power to eradicate a disease. Thus we can deduce that the real goal of these pseudo vaccines is to poison the population that will give in to the sirens of vaccination. These manufacturers and their sponsors are therefore liable to genocide against humanity as well as all those who have helped, favored and encouraged these criminals and in particular the governments. It will be necessary to establish the scale of responsibility in a future Nuremberg II, which we hope will take place as soon as possible. In the meantime, everything must be done to stop this massacre, especially with young people who, carefree and often easily manipulated, throw themselves into this trap without thinking, to do “like the others”, to avoid being excluded from social networks, or encouraged by imbecilic parents.

A deadly combination of scientific fraud, institutional coercion, corruption, Big Tech censorship, and government force and media propaganda is bringing the world to its knees. There is no real data showing that covid-19 vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. Right now, hospital data from the UK is shocking the world, providing serious evidence of vaccine failure and vaccine-induced deaths. In the UK, up to 80% of the deaths due to Covid are currently from vaccinated people. Covid deaths across the UK are now 3,000% more common than they

were at the same time a year ago when the population was unvaccinated.

For over a year, the efficacy of the vaccines was tirelessly promoted, even though the absolute risk reduction for all Covid vaccines on the market was less than 2%, a meaningless number. To make matters worse, vaccines increase iatrogenic mortality and make more people susceptible to severe respiratory disease, setting up human cells for antibody-dependent improvement.

The UK's Yellow Card Scheme, a vaccine injury and medical error surveillance system, shows a clear pattern of vaccine failure. Covid vaccines increase hospitalizations and deaths of people who could have easily continued their lives, healthy and without the VAX. Instead of being forced into risky and complex vaccine experiments, thousands of sick and dying people could have faced potential infection and recovered with natural, lasting immunity.

Data from British hospitals show that deaths from covid-19 are 3,000% higher now than at this time last year, and it's not the “unvaccinated” that are dying in greater numbers. The latest data from Public Health England shows just how dangerous the cult and coercion of vaccines is. From February 1, 2021 to September 12, 2021, the unvaccinated accounted for only 28% of Covid deaths while the vaccinated accounted for 72% of deaths!

Public Health Scotland confirms the same pattern of vaccine failure. From August 14, 2020, to September 12, 2020, Scotland recorded only seven deaths from Covid-19. After forcing a large portion of the population to take the Covid vaccines, Scotland

recorded 222 Covid-19 deaths a year later during the same period. This spike in Covid-19 deaths is 3,071.4% higher after a mass vaccination campaign. Most shocking of all: 80 percent of these deaths occur among the vaccinated AND the “fully vaccinated” will experience increased illness when re-exposed to new corona virus variants. The presumed 95% vaccine effectiveness is a complete fraud in the real world; it actually increases risk of death!

Although the unvaccinated are forced to test more frequently for travel, education, and work, their numbers are still similar to the “fully vaccinated. ” The data show that Covid cases are relatively equal among the vaccinated and unvaccinated. From August 21 to September 17, 2021, there were 69,639 positive cases among the unvaccinated population and 79,613 cases among the vaccinated population, with 60,923 of these cases coming from the “fully vaccinated. ” Clearly, the vaccine does not prevent Covid and may even be a driving force for new infections among the unvaccinated. Most shockingly, the death rate is not 95 percent lower in the vaccinated group. From August 14 to September 10, 2021, there were 208 deaths from Covid-19 in Scotland. There were 41 deaths among the unvaccinated, 9 deaths among the partially vaccinated, and a shocking 158 deaths among the fully vaccinated. If the 95 percent vaccine effectiveness were true, 95 percent of deaths would occur among the unvaccinated and only 5 percent among the vaccinated. However, up to 80 percent of deaths are among the vaccinated and only 20 percent of deaths are among the unvaccinated. Vaccines actually increase the risk of death in the UK by 400%!

Fully vaccinated people develop acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), according to a comparison of official British government reports. The latest figures from the UK PHE vaccine surveillance report on Covid cases show that twice vaccinated 40-70 year olds have lost 40% of their immune system capacity compared to unvaccinated people. Their immune systems are deteriorating at about 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues, 30-50 year olds may have 100% immune system deterioration, no viral defense by Christmas and all double vaccinated people over 30 will perhaps have lost their immune system by March of next year.

People between the ages of 40 and 69 have already lost 40% of their immune capacity and are progressively losing it by 3.3% to 6.4% per week.

Weekly decline in the doubled performance of the vaccinated immune system compared to unvaccinated individuals is anyone’s concern. Anyone over the age of 30 will probably have lost all of their total immune capacity (against viruses and some cancers) within 6 months. People between the ages of 30 and 50 will have lost the majority of their immune capacity by mid-2022 or later. These people will then have Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and will destroy the NHS. Vaccine booster shots must be identical to the vaccines themselves, because it takes forever to do clinical trials and get approval for a different product. So if you get a booster shot, these numbers show that you are setting yourself up for an even faster progressive form of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (after a few months of effectiveness).

Cases reported by sample date between week 32 and week 35 2021 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/syst em/uploads/attachment_data/file/1016465/Vaccine_surveillance _report_-_week_36.pdf

Cases reported by sample date between week 33 and week 36 2021 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/syst em/uploads/attachment_data/file/1018416/Vaccine_surveillance _report_-_week_37_v2.pdf

Cases reported by collection date between week 34 and week 37 2021https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upload s/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1019992/Vaccine_surveil lance_report_-_week_38.pdf

Cases reported by collection date between week 36 and week 39 2021https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upload s/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1023849/Vaccine_surveil lance_report_-_week_40.pdf

Pfizer originally claimed 95% efficacy for their vaccine. The numbers shown in those documents indicate that their numbers may well have been correct immediately after vaccination (the youngest age groups received the vaccine for the shortest time). But the numbers also show that vaccines do NOT simply lose effectiveness over time until they reach zero effectiveness, they gradually damage the immune system until negative effectiveness is reached. They are currently leaving anyone over the age of 30 worse off than they were before vaccination.

Note: The MP assassinated by an Islamist was investigating over-medicalization, the abuses of pharmaceutical companies and he belonged to a committee against the vaccine pass.

The masks are starting to fall off! The Wuhan Chinese biological laboratory is owned by GlaxoSmithKline, which (fortuitously) owns Pfizer! The one that makes the vaccine against the virus that (by coincidence) started at the Wuhan biological laboratory and was (out of the blue) funded by Dr. Fauci, who (accidentally) promotes the vaccine!

GlaxoSmithKline is (by chance) managed by the financial division of Black Rock, which (inadvertently) manages the finances of the Open Foundation (SOROS Foundation), which (unintentionally) manages the French company AXA!

Billionaire Soros (by mistake) owns the German company Winterthur, which (unintentionally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German Allianz, which (by coincidence) has Vanguard as a shareholder, which (fortuitously) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which (by chance) controls the central banks and manages about a third of the world's investment capital.

Black Rock is also (unexpectedly) a major shareholder in MICROSOFT, owned by billionaire Bill Gates, who (coincidentally) is a shareholder in Pfizer (which - remember? sells a miracle vaccine) and (by accident) is now the number one sponsor of the WHO! I understand why revolutions are merciless to rulers. They come in response to years of rage and anger caused by odious elites.

Many people wrongly imagine that because it advances everything and its opposite, the government is incompetent. But everything has been done to deliberately confuse the French, the Canadians or the Americans etc., who have been subjected to numerous “paradoxical injunctions”, also called “double constraints ” . A notion theorized in the 50's within the ‘Palo Alto’ school by the anthropologist Gregory Bateson, at the origin of mental disorders like schizophrenia.

It is a situation in which a person is subjected to two contradictory or incompatible constraints or pressures. If the person is or feels trapped in the situation, especially if he or she is unable to communicate about it, this makes the problem intractable and leads to both mental disorder and suffering.

There are countless examples in the management of this pandemic: Confine yourself, but go to work; Don't meet ‘in person’, but support each other; stay at home, but play sports; the mask is useless, but it is nevertheless compulsory; to protect our children, let us accept to mistreat them; To save our elders, let them die of loneliness; To avoid crowds, let's close the small stores; To preserve our health, let's close the gyms; To save our hospitals, let's destroy our economy...

In reality, it is a perfectly mastered technique of manipulation and one of the great insidious springs of totalitarianism, which makes the mass of brains weary of so many paradoxes, they break down in order to better submit and dominate them. And we have to admit that this strategy is extremely efficient, since

most people lose all critical thinking and are as if dazed, incapable of the slightest reaction. It is thus an insidious psychological war which is delivered to us, a very unhealthy and highly perverse little game.

Just as the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was unveiled to the world in late 2019, a team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has conveniently deployed a new injectable tagging method to label, identify, and track people based on their “vaccination” status. Funded in large part by billionaire eugenicists Bill and Melinda Gates, the transdermal patch technology contains special quantum dots that are inserted subcutaneously into the body. Although invisible to the naked eye, these patches are easily scanned with special equipment. Think of it as an invisible tattoo that a person might inject into, say, the right hand or forehead. When paying for groceries, for example, these tattoos can be scanned and verified as part of the “Vaccine passport” systems that are currently being deployed around the world.

Bill Gates announced digital vaccine passports during a March 2020 TED Talk interview, “…eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person” and “so eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.” This sentence on “digital immunity proof” was edited out by the TED Talk producers, but the sentence remained in a full audio version of the interview. Such ‘vaccine passports’ are a key component of the biometric ID2020 project run by the “Digital Identity Alliance”, which was founded by Bill Gates – via Microsoft and GAVI – and the

Rockefeller Foundation, which is itself linked to the ‘Known Traveler’ program initiated by the World Economic Forum. The idea of using a pandemic to impose tighter top-down control, modeled after the Chinese ‘social credit’ system, was first described in a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report (the so-called ‘lock step’ scenario).

The generalized acceptance of the most absurd rules can only work thanks to the conformism and the herd instinct of most individuals. A very powerful factor, which in most people hinders any form of discernment and personal judgment and which can explain a lot about the passivity of the present situation!

What we have been going through collectively these last months, looks like a gigantic social control and submission of the population, like the famous “Milgram Experiment”. Thus, one must blindly obey the most aberrant decisions, in the name of respect for the superior authority, because it is the one who would be the holder of the scientific expertise, the competences and the knowledge, in spite of obvious conflicts of interest.

A submission that culminated in the absurd, with the ubiquitous and deeply humiliating necessity to have oneself signed a waiver of exit authorization as it was in France, during the confinement phases. Official derogatory travel certificates, which in reality were not compulsory, as was later admitted by the Council of State! In this way, we have become the guardians of our own prison. What a twisted idea and what a perversion! A brilliant initiative that we owe to the consulting firm ‘McKinsey & Company’, specialized in “Nudging”, that is to say, in incentive marketing techniques, based on social engineering and

behavioral economics, in order to induce certain actions in the population by manipulating it in a subconscious way!

Never has the role of the media as messenger of the government's word appeared with such clarity. All the missteps of the power at the beginning of the crisis and even afterwards have remained in the background of a smooth presentation of any asperity.

Certainly the appearance is saved behind a concert of voices mimicking animated debates. In this saga, the variety of subjects on the front page maintains the illusion of a lively news subject for discussion, a pretense that does not call into question an editorial line that is more than ever submissive. In doing so, the media have set an example for the citizen, giving government options an immunity status and delivering them to the public, given credibility by cenacles of do-gooders.

Of course, the analysis of opinion movements is far from easy. Polls remain today the reference measurement tool. But the public expression of ideas takes place on various stages and with predilection on social networks, thanks to which myriads of voices, anonymous or not, can be identified, drawing a variety of currents that do not lend themselves well to a systematization.

We underwent in a relative passivity a long confinement and then the so-called barrier-measures of which the generalized wearing of the mask. The debates on the news channels only served the governmental proposals.

However nothing was imposed at first sight. Containment is not free of criticism and lacks scientific basis. The same reservations apply today to the mask.

Have we seen any real contradictory debates on the subject, or even any questioning of the measures taken? In any case, no germ that has really tainted the decisions of the authorities! Everyone has fitted into a mold bearing the health label. Faced with the threat, our protection was assured. Who would think of complaining under these conditions?

All sense of measure and relativity of things in life has been lost because, once again, of this fear that has appeared as a contemporary feature of our comfort society.

Finally, what dictator in the making would not dream of such a watchword to put a people under his control? The health crisis has thus revealed the flaws of a democracy that is quick to fall into the bafflegab, the submission to orders, the hunting of dissidents, and this in the name of a supreme good that does not require any debate.

Science served as an alibi, a priori untouchable and above all suspicion. Beyond the strictly medical conflicts that have been at the heart of the news and whose elucidation is far from being completed, the impact of the crisis on our society must more than ever be the object of attention and analysis, which will track down its sources in order to better guide the future.

The government now has two conflicting tasks that are difficult to accomplish at the same time: convince the non-injected that the injection works so that they get vaccinated and convince the injected that the injection does not work so that they receive the booster shots!

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