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IX Useful Crisis

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Useful Crisis

“For the next pandemic, we have a gigantic factory in India....” Bill Gates


Former British Columbia Premier Bill Vander Zalm in Canada denounces the fact that the ultimate goal of the agenda is the total control of the population and the establishment of a dictatorial world government. “Beware: freedom is being taken away and everything will eventually be controlled!” he said.

The most vaccinated place on earth is Gibraltar, its population is fully vaccinated, it also just witnessed a 2,500% increase in Covid cases, are you awake yet or are you going to stay asleep?

As long as there are people who are “manipulated and manipulable” enough to believe that digital technology and contactless payment are signs of progress and modernism...

We will lose our freedom... Let's multiply cash payments, checks... let's turn off our computers, our cell phones, Netflix... video games... Make no mistake: this health crisis is a godsend for the followers of digital surveillance capitalism, who want to facilitate social control by giving each individual a digital identity. By putting our health data on a QR-code, we break the medical secrecy at the same time as we open the way to a total centralization of our data, soon to be financial banking! Pandora's Box of a generalized tracing which has nothing to do with our secular conception of Freedom... we can still make the choice to be a free people!

Gain of Function!

We heard of the mechanic of greedy science through a televised battle of words between Senator Jordan and Anthony Fauci. The public realized something fishy with Fauci’s explanations.

Why is understanding Gain of Function important? While we should learn that SARS-CoV-2 is Man Made and paid for by U.S taxpayers, France, Canada, England, Germany, etc., we must know the gravity of what is in the store for human kind. Let’s see how it all started!

Dr Zhengli and Baric are the ones of the synthetic virus building experts. Professor Ralph Baric is from the University of

North-Carolina, and the greatest coronavirus expert in the world. Together, the two scientists constructed a hybrid virus, the famous chimera. A group of Chinese researchers inserts a protein taken from bats into the SARS virus extracted from rats and a super virus that could strike man emerges. In 2017, the Wuhan team published the sequences of 11 new SARS-type coronaviruses again identified in South China, Yunnan province. Recombining some of these viruses, in another project cofinanced by the American government, the researchers construct 8 different chimeras. Two of them are able to infect human cells. Yet again, the proof that bat coronaviruses are ready to jump without needing to pass from another animal is concluded.

In 1999, U.S Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS) funds research amplifying the infectious character of Coronaviruses.

In May 2000, Ralph Baric successfully uses reverse genetics (cDNA) –Complementary DNA is reverse transcription- to rescue an infectious clone of SARS-CoV Urbani.

In April 2002, Cristopher M Curtis, Boyd Young and Ralph Baric file a patent for recombinant (chimeric) DNA means of producing “an infectious, replication defective, coronavirus.” Funded by NIH Grant GM63228. Same year, Dr Shi Zhengli and colleagues increase infectivity by combining an HIV pseudovirus with SARS-CoV-1.

In 2003, Dr Ralph Baric and UNC Chapel Hill receives a NIH grant AI23946-08 officially classified as affiliated with NIAID. Baric works on synthetically altering Coronaviridae. In 2006, Researchers combine HCV, HIV-1, SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2.

In 2007, NSF grant IIS-0513650 (Italy, France and Indiana University) study addresses ‘First Critical Step’ to control a pandemic –Shut down International Travel. Given this knowledge why did Dr Fauci tell Trump a Travel Ban was unnecessary?

In 2011, Scientists express Concerns about GoF after Labs in Wisconsin and Netherlands mutated already lethal H5N1Asian Avian Influenza Virus (Bird Flu) increasing infectivity.

In 2013, a Middle East Respiratory Virus (MERS) outbreak with 30-40% fatality in Saudi Arabia (2014) and South Korea (2015)! Rhesus macaques show early treatment with interferon and ribavin critical to treatment success.

Baric and Chinese scientists isolate 3 coronaviruses from bats with HKU4 spike protein –unable to infect human cells.

In 2014, CDC accidentally exposes workers to Anthrax; ships deadly flu virus. NIH finds 50 years old forgotten vials of smallpox. Obama Administration halts Gain-of-Function Research. Then in 2015, Dr Zhengli et al “reengineered HKU4 spike aiming to build its capacity to infect human cells.” To this end, we introduced to single out mutations … mutations in these motifs in coronavirus spikes have demonstrated dramatic effects on viral entry into human cells.”

Baric and Zhengli announce they can make a more dangerous, virulent and infectious virus.

In 2017, Gain-of-function Research Ban was lifted.

In 2018, Zhengli presents research at Shanghai Jao Tong University on 14 of November, entitled “Studies on Bat Coronavirus and its cross-species infection.” This presentation has since been deleted from the University website.

In 2019, Summer deletion of Wuhan Institute of Virology Corona Virus data bank. December 31 Wuhan Municipal Health commission report discussing COVID-19 pneumonia was deleted.

“The chances of dying if you are under 70 and have contracted this virus is 0,05% to 0,07%.” Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi on the Laura Ingraham Show! Bhakdi, who warned of an impending “catastrophe” in an interview on Fox News that went viral! He calls for criminal prosecution of those responsible and an immediate halt to this global vaccination experiment. Among other concerns, massive and deadly blood clotting and adverse immune reactions are expected to destroy the human body from within. What damage do mRNA vaccines do to the human body? The damage caused to the human body by mRNA vaccines is explained in terms and analogies for better understanding. Designed and sponsored by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Gates, Soros, Schwab and others, that crisis is a god’s send for the New World Order. They have tried many times before, to say the least! What Pfizer just said about their own vaccine is absolutely frightening! “Vaccine study participants become superspreaders of something, they don't say what it is, but it triggers secondary adverse events in people who have never had the vac-

cine when they are exposed to people who have had the vaccine.” Bhakdi resume. In effect, participants in the vaccination program become great propagators of something, which they don't say what it is, but which triggers secondary adverse events in people who have never had the vaccine when exposed to people who have had the vaccine. For eugenics, this is the perfect method to reduce the population by 90% and eradicate humanity. Not to mention the immense inhuman suffering they are exposed to.

Italy ‘mon amour’ …! The media of shame hide this information or try to minimize or disguise it. In Italy, where it is claimed that the vaccination campaign is a success, the Draghi government does not know how to push the citizens to get vaccinated...

Everywhere the same mistrust, everywhere the same recalcitrant’s! And while the non-vaccinated are made to look like a minority of idiots or conspiracy theorists, the massive demonstrations that are taking place in the country against vaccination and the health pass, are gaining more and more momentum and show that the minority are the vaccinated.

The vaccine passport is used as a means of pressure to make life impossible for the anti-vaxers. The filthy Draghi even demands it so that people can use the transport, go to the restaurant or access the company where they work, showing that not only the vaccination campaign is a failure but above all that the govern-

ment and the media lie about the figures of the vaccinated, as they lie about the figures of the contaminated.

The red line seems to have been crossed because our transalpine neighbors have decided to demonstrate every day and even to blockade the country. The Italians have understood that they are faced with a choice: save their social life or save their life. And among rational people, this choice is quickly made because the number of thrombosis explodes and many suffer side effects that range from paralysis to stroke, myalgia, arthralgia, premature births or menstrual dysfunction. Vaccine-related lethality is greater than Covid-related mortality. Very serious sequelae, including death, disability and life-threatening conditions, more than doubled between May 27 and July 1, 2021 for the Pfizer vaccine alone. The Italians are like us, they have understood that the objective of their criminal government is not to fight a supposed virus but rather what obsesses the political class of the NATO countries: overpopulation. And they have no desire to go to the slaughterhouse of their own free will.

In Java (political center of Indonesia), people are relentlessly in the streets to depose the president, “dear” Joko Widodo, for corruption, and that they will not give in as long as he remains in power. The health passport has been completely rejected there and they want the borders to be reopened. In Brazil, the court suspends the requirement of a vaccination passport in the city of Rio. In the decision, Judge Paulo Rangel states that the passport is a “sanitary dictatorship” and then makes an analogy with slavery. “If in the past there was the branding with iron and fire of slaves and cattle, today it is the vaccination book that sepa-

rates society. Time passes, but the abusive, illegal and backward practices are the same. ” How surprising !

In Poland, the Constitutional Court, the country's highest legal authority, ruled that some of the European treaties are incompatible with the Polish Constitution, thus affirming the primacy of Polish law over European law. Sweden, Denmark and Finland suspend the Moderna vaccine for those under 30. In Sweden, this decision is motivated by a risk of heart inflammation in young people. However, the Swedish health authority underlines that this side effect is ‘very rare’ . Finland suspended the use of Moderna's COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine in men under the age of 30 on October 2021. It is based on preliminary data, suggesting that it may be linked to a slight increased risk of heart inflammation in this population.

And meanwhile in France...The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) unanimously declared on October 7 ‘inadmissible’ the application against the Vaccine passport, filed by a law professor, Guillaume Zambrano, and the 18,000 ‘standard applications’ that accompanied it. The applications are inadmissible because of “the nonexhaustion of domestic remedies and the abusive nature of this approach aimed at causing a bottleneck, congestion, flooding of the services of the ECHR. ” The ECHR specifies that the laws at issue do not provide for any general obligation to be vaccinated and mentions 3 possibilities:

- The result of a virological screening examination, - Proof of vaccination status or - A certificate of recovery from an infection. On August 25, the ECHR also rejected the request of 672 firemen against the vaccination obligation in France.

Once the health hysteria has subsided, the climate hysteria will be able to resume, at an unprecedented level. Google is already working on it, the media too: the little music of the “environmental pass” is slowly being put in place. Rejoice: the next dictatorship, in addition to being sanitary, will be resolutely green, and you will have voted for it. It's simple: just “follow the science” and everything will be fine, right? However, as the weeks and months go by since the beginning of the pandemic, it becomes difficult to see who is “following the science”, and not to see who chooses instead to follow a political agenda that is more and more liberticidal, authoritarian or even downright dictatorial.

Thus, the “Vaccine pass” ,

“Sanitary pass”, etc. declined in different versions with names each more imaginative than the other, continues its extension in the most industrialized countries, even though its justification has completely evaporated as it was proven that the vaccines, whose injection these passes intend to demonstrate, did not allow in any way to stop the contaminations.

The reality is implacable. Vaccinated people transmit the virus just as much as unvaccinated people, who are therefore, in an equivalent epidemic situation, put at risk by the use of this pass:

the latter are indeed tested regularly, whereas the wriggling pass holders are not and can therefore generously distribute their miasmas without anyone stopping them.

It is this same reality that leads to the mediocre efficiency (two months) of vaccines which, despite a first shot and a booster, now require a third injection to the point of invalidating after six months, as in Israel, the passes of millions of individuals who have had only two injections. We can feel a solid subscription coming on, with, after 10 passes, attractive discounts on intravenous anti-coagulants (whose sales are doing well, thank you). Moreover, these vaccines, probably too safe and too effective, are progressively and very discreetly withdrawn from some countries (Iceland, Ontario, Sweden, Finland, Denmark ...). A passing fad, no doubt!

And despite this reality, the pass craze continues, stronger and stronger, further and further away.

Little by little, the sanitary assessments disappear, as well as any debate on the factual information on the more and more debatable efficiency of all the measures deployed until now against the corona virus.

Little by little, the excuses that were used to track down the populations, to close the borders, to prevent them from circulating or working as they please, and the debates on these excuses disappear as well. The only thing we talk about, vaguely, is the new, less and less gentle coercion that is being put in place “for your own good” . All this can only end well, of course.

Mea Culpa

In Canada, the Judge Adam Germain, the judge who sentenced Pastor Artur Pawlowski for refusing to close his church during the lockdown, has just published his decision from yesterday in writing. In the decision, he sentenced the Christian pastor to a bizarre form of censorship. It's actually worse than censorship, its forced speech: every time Pastor Artur speaks in public about the pandemic, government blockades, or forced vaccines, he must then immediately repudiate his own views and express the official government opinion.

Whenever the pastor speaks, in his church or elsewhere in public, he is legally obligated to say the following words, “I am also aware that the opinions I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be those of the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts support social distancing, masking and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program, except for a valid religious or medical reason, you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been statistically proven to save lives and reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.” (As written by Justice Adam Germain). Basically, as the Chinese did under Mao (and still do today), as in the good old days of communism when people had to recant and do their mea culpa in public, the judge forces the defendant to read something that is the opposite of his own words and opinions. This is Canada. This is Alberta.

Resistance from Russia? Meanwhile in Russia; Vladimir Putin: “In Russia, the situation with the corona virus is stabilizing; the restrictions imposed in connection with the pandemic can be gradually lifted. In general, the epidemiological situation in the country is gradually stabilizing. This morning I listened to the reports: we already have the number of cured people higher than the number of sick people. The number of infected people is decreasing, it is less than 20 per thousand. This makes it possible to carefully remove the restrictions imposed. ”

Currently in most regions of the Russian Federation there are already very few restrictions since last summer, compared to Western countries: All services and businesses are working (bars and restaurants must in many regions close at 23 hours ... in theory. In practice, many only close at dawn...). The only limitations are the (also very theoretical) obligation to wear a mask in transport and stores, and the 50% occupancy limit in cinemas, museums etc. In addition, most of the population does not follow the stupid instructions: the mask is rarely worn, or under the chin. As for the “social distances” ... The significance of Vladimir Putin's statement is in fact very political: it shows the globalist clan in Russia, led by the mayor of Moscow who wants to strengthen measures to align with Western countries that their game is over. In August, it was already Vladimir Putin who ordered the mayor of Moscow to lift the quarantine (The mayor had received a phone call in the middle of a meeting to prepare the announcement of the continuation of the quarantine and had already started sending SMS messages to inform the population. According to a witness, the mayor said

nothing for 2 to 3 minutes and at the end of the communication declared that the quarantine was lifted). Last week, the president ordered the mayor of Moscow to stop the “distance” education program that he had introduced in October for a large number of students. Today, President Putin is declaring, on a national level, that things have gone on long enough.

If there is certainly an electoral justification for this decision, by the fall in popularity of the mayor of Moscow to 80% of dissatisfied which translates into the fall in popularity of Putin with a huge 40% of dissatisfied, it seems clear, while the Western countries compete in paranoia to know who will lock up their population the most harshly and for the longest time, that Vladimir Putin is putting Russia outside the globalist plan. One should also recall the new measures that Russia has written into its Constitution (for example, marriage = Man plus Woman exclusively, the reaffirmation of faith in God, the predominance of Russian laws over international laws, etc.) which clearly show the path chosen, the antipodes of the globalist project of society.

The electoral hold-up carried out by Biden and his accomplices in the United States will rapidly drag Western Europe into a forced globalization. Macron pledged his allegiance to Biden during their first telephone conversation. Russia will then assert itself as a sovereign oasis in a crazy world. It is to avoid this that the globalists are forcing the attempts of uprising fomented by the “5th column"” led by Navalny and some oligarchs. But, as Konstantin Sergeyevich said here: “Russia has the human, financial and military means to make its way regardless of the reactions of the globalists. ” In the same article, Konstantin Sergeevich wrote: “If we do not react quickly, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, the worst is already planned”. Vladimir

Putin's statement on the end of the covid madness shows that there is a reaction, which should be followed by others in the coming weeks or months.

The mask of the failure of the international financial system is on. The small elite that is using the man-made crisis for a jump into to unknown through political suicide has been reinforced by the global financial crisis of 2008, where we have seen systemic weaknesses bring rich countries to the brink of bankruptcy. They are determined to go towards this new world order which is nothing but to hide the ruin of that system. The collapses of the interwar and Bretton Woods’s monetary regimes with FIAT money have been understood as evidence that international monetary regimes fail when sudden economic shocks destabilize governments and parties. Governments are afraid of the collapse of the first world and the loss of their own perks if the system crashes. So, they will go to any way to protect their assets. Even if it means impoverishing their citizens with “the great rest”!

Wikipedia: “Too big to fail” (TBTF) is a theory in banking and finance that asserts that certain corporations, particularly financial institutions, are so large and so interconnected that their failure would be disastrous to the greater economic system, and that they therefore must be supported by governments when they face potential failure. The colloquial term "too big to fail" was popularized by U.S. Congressman Stewart McKinney in a 1984 Congressional hearing, discussing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's intervention with Continental Illinois. The term

had previously been used occasionally in the press, and similar thinking had motivated earlier bank bailouts.

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