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III Manipulation

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IV The Great Reset

IV The Great Reset


In 1933, Hitler created the “Ahnenpass,” a genealogical passport that certified that the holder was Aryan. This passport gave access to museums, public buildings, theaters, studies and work.


A people who forget their past are condemned to relive it. George Santayana, American philosopher, in his book "A Life of Reason", 1905

U.S. health officials have reportedly admitted that the Covid-19 death toll is vastly overstated, nearly 20 times higher than it actually is. Inflated, exaggerated, manipulated ... On social networks, many are the Internet users who question the human toll of the epidemic. The death count would be false, especially in the United States, indicate publications widely relayed. A television report in English accompanies these messages,

supposedly lending credibility to these claims. So, the death toll is real or fake?

What are the arguments? The publications indicate that the CDC, the American federal agency in charge of public health protection, admits “that 94% of the deaths attributed to Covid are not, but should have been attributed to other diseases”. In short, deaths would have been largely “made up” to let the general public believe that they were the result of the coronavirus. An analysis for the least misleading of official figures published already long months ago was known. We rarely die from Covid alone. This is not the first time that this 94% figure has been put forward. English-language media outlets looked into it more than six months ago, after Donald Trump relayed it on his (now defunct) Twitter account. To affirm that the epidemic's toll was overestimated, official data published by the CDC are put forward as proof. A “confession” that apparently does not suffer from any dispute: we can read that among the people who died from Covid-19, only 6% had the virus as a cause of death.

This demonstration constitutes the heart of the report broadcast by One America News Network (OAN), relayed by Frenchspeaking Internet users. A video that follows the analysis: it concludes that if Covid-19 is not the only cause of death, it is because the victims died of the other causes mentioned.

This is a curious reasoning since it is known that many aggravating factors can be observed in patients with the virus or the vaccine. We usually mention the “co-morbidity” factors of the patients, such as obesity, respiratory diseases, heart diseases, diabetes, cancer or multiple sclerosis. These are all elements that

will logically appear on a death certificate, but that are not allowed by state agencies or government in the case of Canada and France.

For Anthony Fauci, the mortality rate has “undoubtedly” been underestimated without mentioning obviously the most evident: it is not a pandemic. Bob Anderson, head of mortality statistics at the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), explained that it is essential to list these co-morbidities, in particular so that an accurate profile of vulnerable individuals can be developed. Failing to list them would contribute to missing critical information, as it would be impossible to educate or prioritize the most at-risk audiences for vaccination.

“We rarely die from Covid-19 without it having caused complications”, this specialist told AFP, pointing out that the virus itself often causes certain diseases. Pneumonia for example, which can be then considered as co morbidity because it will have been able to play a role in the death.

In fact, it seems logical to observe that Covid-19 is rarely identified as the sole cause of death. Since the beginning of the epidemic, health professionals have regularly highlighted the over-representation of certain patients among those who develop severe cases. In particular, diabetes has been described as a major co morbidity, along with hypertension or cardiac pathologies.

Several months after the first occurrence of these misleading publications on social networks, the claims that the toll would be greatly overestimated with only 6% of "real" deaths related to

the virus remain false. The Health Pass or vaccine passport is the opportunity for vaccinated people to spread the Covid-19 while enjoying life, while those who are hostile to the vaccine but not infected can die with their mouths open. At the time of the writing and according to US News and world report, today in the world, 97 countries had ZERO Covid deaths. 59 had less than 10, and only 19 countries out of 250 had more than 100. France had 241 deaths, Africa 282! India which treats like Africa with hydroxychloroquine and other products had 171.

Some doctors don’t bend

According to the head of the Department of Pathology at the University of Heidelberg, many deaths caused by the vaccination campaign are probably never reported because autopsies are not performed in most cases.

According to Dr. Peter Schirmacher, head of the Department of Pathology at the University of Heidelberg (Germany) and member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, there is an urgent need to perform autopsies much more often on vaccinated persons who died within a period of time that would indicate a prima facie link to the vaccine.

Dr. Schirmacher told the Deutsche Presse Agentur (DPA) that the number of deaths caused by the current vaccination campaign is unknown but probably high: “(...) we pathologists receive no information in the majority of cases where a patient dies as a result of, and presumably because of, the vaccination. ”

According to the Augsburger Allegemeine Zeitung, Dr. Schirchmacher is keen to investigate the rare but very serious side effects of vaccines, such as strokes or autoimmune diseases.

He deplores the fact that when a vaccine recipient dies, it is usually without any clinical observation. “The doctor called to certify the death will not make the link with the vaccination; he will certify that the cause of death was natural death, after which the patient will be buried. Or he will state that the cause of death is uncertain; at that point, the prosecutor, having found no culpability on the part of a third party, will authorize burial of the body. ”

Dr. Schirmacher works in the state of Baden-Wuertemberg alongside local prosecutors, police and physicians. He has already performed autopsies on more than 40 people who died within 15 days of vaccination. In his opinion, the vaccine was responsible for the deaths of between 30% and 40% of these people and he concludes that the fatal consequences of the vaccination are underestimated.

This interview with the DPA caused quite a stir in Germany and was widely quoted.

For the Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, his statements are “politically controversial at a time when the vaccination campaign is stalling, the Delta variant is sweeping the country and restrictions on non-vaccinated people are under discussion” .


The White House is forcing vaccination on millions of federal employees: military, police, and intelligence... except for itself. Yes, you read that correctly. White House staff is not bound by any vaccination requirements or other binding rules.

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki acknowledged this in a press conference when asked about this surprising exemption.

Clarification: under the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the federal government has no authority over health care in the 50 states. For each state, health policy is the responsibility of the Governor. The Governor of Florida, for example, has ruled against mandatory vaccination by law. The Biden administration can only act at the federal level. Yet, all federal employees must be vaccinated but the White House staff? How convenient!

“In order to become the master the politician poses as the servant. ” General Charles De Gaulle

The Pasteur Institute in France recognizes the effectiveness of Ivermectin. A single dose could eradicate all SARS covid-19 genetic material in some people. A single dose of Ivermectin is able to eliminate the virus in vitro in 48 hours. However, the governments rushed to ban it on the national territories. The

same was true in England and Scandinavian countries. Why prevent doctors from prescribing drugs to patients at the beginning of their illness? Simply because it is not profitable if the operation is intended to control the population with a digital passport under the pretext of public health. Hydroxychloroquine, although authorized on the European and American markets for 70 years, is no longer authorized.

Examples abound; the scandal of the ivermectin ban in France!

Indian states that have made extensive use of Ivermectin have very low covid19 mortality rates.

In India, in the state of Uttar Pradesh which has a population of 240 million people and only 5.8% of its population fully vaccinated compared to 60% in the US, the government has widely promoted the use of Ivermectin to treat Wuhan virus patients... the state leaders have just declared that Uttar Pradesh is now officially Covid free.

Only he who refuses to see does not see today... When one learns about all that is happening in the world and the inexpensive treatments such as Ivermectin, this molecule used in more and more countries like India and Japan and which demonstrates its effectiveness, one must be crazy or completely unconscious to accept to inject oneself with any umpteenth dose of a product in experimental phase and of which one hears about the damage caused every day on the short term already.

“It is easier to deceive people than to convince them that they have been deceived” said Mark Twain...

Nations, which refused it and adopted Vaccine Passport, have much higher rates. It also shows that the smear campaign of some French media about the results of Ivermectin in India was based on ‘fake news’: allegations about Covid victims burning at the stake, or about the alleged falsity of Indian statistics validated by the WHO. Note that the Indian state government of Uttar Pradesh (population 205 million) formally recommends the use of Ivermectin for prophylaxis and to bring down the mortality rate of covid19. It is a question of forcing the population, if necessary, to submit to digital control for everything and forever! What proof do we have? The big pharmaceutical companies have all, without exception, liens to Governments and most of all, Bill Gates Foundation, Klaus Schwab and his World Economic forum, Soros and his empire and all the billionaires of the GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon).

What we have been experiencing for the past year is a crime against humanity, let there be no doubt. This operation has been planned for years. And if despite all the evidence that we independent journalists and whistleblowers bring every day, there is still a doubt in the minds of some, I want to provide you with another indisputable fact that appears in all letters in a book by Michel Salomon published in 1981. Jacques Attali, 1981, then adviser to François Mitterrand, in a book of interviews by Michel Salomon, said this: “In the future it will be necessary to find a way to reduce the population.” Although some interpretation might change the way Attali was trying to hide his thoughts, it was clear his ideas were to politically oriented at a reduction of the world population.

The chapter in the 1999 book “Dictionnaire du 21e siècle” devoted to ‘the epidemic’ reads in full:

“In the game of nomadism, of people, goods, and species, great epidemics could reappear. For example, the H5N1 virus could prove to be as dangerous as the one that, in the winter of 19181919, affected almost half of humanity and killed forty million people. The measles virus will continue to be devastating. Epidemics will start by destroying protective ecological niches for certain species. In accordance with the law of the market, it will be preferable to treat rich people with a disease than to vaccinate poor people before they get it. The result will be a hecatomb in the South. We will start with the old, because as soon as he exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than he produces and he costs society dearly. We won't be able to test the intelligence of millions and millions of people either, you can imagine! We will find something or we will provoke it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe in it and will ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have foreseen the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of the stupid will be done by itself: they will go by themselves to the slaughterhouse. ” The future of life - Jacques Attali.

Many doctors no longer trust forced vaccination among the world’s leading scientists. To name a few: Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize of medicine. Luc Montagnier is a French virologist and joint recipient, with Françoise Barré-

Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen, of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus.

Tasuku Honjo, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018.

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist ... Recipient of the 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Michael Levitt, FRS is a South African-born Jewish biophysicist and a professor of structural biology at Stanford University. He is a co-winner Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2013 with Arieh Warshel et Martin Karplus.

Didier Raoult is a French physician and microbiologist specializing in infectious diseases. In 1984, Raoult created the Rickettsia Unit at Aix-Marseille University. He also teaches infectious diseases in the Faculty of Medicine of Aix-Marseille University. John P. A. Ioannidis is a Greek-American physician-scientist, writer and Stanford University professor who has made contributions to evidence-based medicine, epidemiology, and clinical research. Ioannidis studies scientific research itself, metaresearch primarily in clinical medicine and the social sciences.

Robert Malone—a medical doctor and an infectious-disease researcher—recently suggested that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines might actually make COVID-19 infections worse.

It indeed represent seminal work in the field of gene transfer, according to Rein Verbeke, a postdoctoral fellow at Ghent University, in Belgium, and the lead author of a 2019 history of

mRNA-vaccine development. (Indeed, Malone’s studies are the first two references in Alain Verbeke’s paper, out of 224 in total. University of Calgary). Malone and his co-authors “sparked for the first time the hope that mRNA could have potential as a new drug class,” though we should note that “the achievement of the mRNA vaccines of today is the accomplishment of a lot of collaborative efforts. ”

When 75 doctors walk out of a hospital because they won’t treat people that haven’t been vaccinated for a virus with a 99.8% survival rate, they don’t give a shit about your health, they only care about the kick backs they get from big pharma.

That's why I refuse this vaccine. Because I see the factory to create consensus by censorship, threat and destruction of careers!

According to Prof. Didier Raoult, the risk of relapse is greater in patients who have received vaccines than in those who have been ill with Covid. Moreover, he warns of the drifts of medicine currently practiced which, based on numerical data more than on the reality of the field, announces hasty conclusions that tend to move away from the truth.

“Natural infections are at least ten times more protective than vaccine infections. This means that relapses are very rare compared to vaccination. ” Didier Raoult

Dr. Robert Malone, creator of the mRNA, says the spike protein is dangerous in humans. The maker of the PCR test Kary Mullis, says it was never intended for the Covid test because it produces

false positives and negatives!!! Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee, says the secret commercial ingredient in the toxic vaccine is graphene oxide poison. Imagine that, they call it a trade secret in order to hide the toxin in the vaccine!!! Why the hell don't people check this out!!! If we can't believe the manufacturers, the inventors of the mRNA and PCR test, who the hell are we fact checking?!

Professor Raoult jumps into the arena with both feet! He has just published a new shocking book: “Beyond the chloroquine affair”: How the pharmaceutical industry perverts our health systems and puts ours in danger. In it, he denounces the biggest scandal of this Covid crisis: the refusal to treat patients with effective molecules like hydroxychloroquine. In fact, with more than 200 published scientific studies, there is no longer any doubt that hydroxychloroquine slightly reduces the risk of contamination (and in prevention), and clearly reduces the risk of hospitalization and death (in early treatment). This was what Prof. Raoult had foreseen, as early as February 27, 2020, when he announced to the world the probable efficacy of chloroquine, based on the Chinese trials. And yet... you know the rest: Not only will hydroxychloroquine not be selected, on March 11, 2020, by our TV minions “official scientists” in charge of testing anti-Covid remedies (they have favored less promising and much more expensive drugs) but hydroxychloroquine will be banned for general practitioners on March 27, 2020, in the middle of an epidemic, and reserved for critical cases (and the elite, of course) in hospitals. Without this dramatic ‘mistake’, the pandemic would have been felt as a ‘bad flu’ episode, a bit like the Hong Kong flu in 1968. For by generalizing hydroxychloroquine

from March 2020, as proposed by Prof. Raoult, we could probably have: half the number of Covid deaths; reduce by at least half the number of hospitalizations and resuscitations; and thus avoid the devastating confinements, without the slightest risk of hospital overcrowding. This is a criminal error, but it is not the only one, far from it. Other major errors in the choice of treatments have aggravated the epidemic. They are less known, but you will see, they are extremely shocking too: First, the massive use of ‘rivotril’ to put people out of their misery in Nursing Home rather than trying to treat the sick. The case of the injectable drug ‘rivotril’ in Senior Home is quite unheard of. At the end of March 2020, a decree authorized the exceptional use of rivotril aimed at plunging into ‘deep sedation’ the seriously ill patients of Covid, to relieve them at the time when their lungs are failing, in respiratory distress. In itself, the use of ‘palliative care’ is not shocking if the objective is to alleviate the suffering of critically ill patients who are too old to be accepted in intensive care. But what is more than disturbing is that ‘rivotril’ does not only ‘relieve’: it also leads to shortening the life of patients by accelerating death! This is not a ‘conspiracy theory’ .

The drug's package insert spells it out: “Never use Rivotril 1 mg/1 ml, solution for dilution in ampoules if you have severe respiratory failure (severe lung disease).” Was there no other medication available to improve the comfort of severely ill Covid patients? And rather than giving lethal injections, why not try to treat and cure? It should be noted that the “rivotril decree” was issued at the end of March, two days after the decree prohibiting doctors from prescribing hydroxychloroquine, including in nursing homes!

Raoult: “In fact, these were paradoxical injunctions. I am not allowed to prescribe something that could treat people if they were affected (hydroxychloroquine). But I am allowed to take them off, gently as they say. I am still shocked. That they dared to ask us to inject our patients to make them leave more quickly is unbearable. It is a feeling of horror” Yes, it is “horror”: they preferred to “finish off” patients rather than try a drug that had a chance of curing them! And as if that wasn't enough, they didn't even try to give patients in nursing homes a preventive remedy as simple and effective as... vitamin D!

Raoult: “Second; it’s criminal! Refusing to recommend vitamin D to the elderly! What happened with vitamin D is at least as bad. As early as March 3, 2020, I urged all my readers to fill up on vitamin D. Because many studies have shown that vitamin D reduces the risk of being infected by respiratory viruses; And because vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, which is valuable in avoiding severe forms and the famous immune storms (which the Academy of Medicine will confirm two months later). The great advantage of vitamin D is that it can be taken in high doses without any short-term danger. There is therefore “nothing to lose”. In the elderly, there is even ‘everything to gain’. ”

How many times has big Pharma said their drug was safe only to find out later that it wasn't! They get sued for millions but get away with billions!!! And no one goes to jail for maiming or killing people!

How many times has the government lied to us and said it was safe, that is.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study comes to mind or agent orange, or smoking !!!!

How many times does Big Pharma and the government have to lie to you before you start to open your eyes! Remember big Pharma does not make money if you are healthy, but rather if you keep taking the drugs for life!

Mark my word; you will have to get a lifetime of annual or semiannual vaccination!

This toxic vaccine was passed by an emergency act because they said there was nothing to cure Covid, it is an experimental gene therapy with no short or long term studies! We are the study!!!

Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are both generic drugs that Big Pharma can't make a profit on, but can alleviate symptoms without side effects, but no one in the mainstream media is looking at the effectiveness. Ivermectin is a dewormer and has been used for 4 decades with 4 billion doses without side effects. Now that's a solid record to hold and I'll take that over any toxic vaccine! Another thing, according to the CDC, Covid vaccine is not safe for children under 12 due to insufficient studies.

Again, they are okay with pregnant women getting the vaccine! Does this even make sense?! Isn't a fetus in a womb under 12 years old?! Do you see the contradictory lies?!

Double shot people should always wear a mask, get tested, distance themselves socially and continue to have revolutionary cases! So I ask you what is the difference between double shot

and no vaccine?! If the vaccine is so safe, why can't we sue the manufacturers, why can't they stand behind their vaccine, put their money where their mouth is?! It's because they know it can (and probably) harm!

The injected..... Adverse reaction census...

Thrombosis; C.V.A. (Cerebral vascular accident); T.I.A. (Transient Ischemic Attack); O.A.P. (Acute Lung Edema)/Pulmonary Embolism/Pneumothorax; Aneurysm Rupture, Aneurysm; Unexplained Aortic Collapse; Hypertension (very high above 20), Hypotension; Infarction; Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Inflammation of the pleura, Pleural effusions, Pericardial effusions; Arrhythmia, Tachycardia, Bradycardia; Coagulation disorders: thrombocytopenia, purpura; Vasculitis, phlebitis; Autoimmune reactions: skin rash, zonas, urticaria, Guillain Barré syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis attacks; hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism; Hypermegalia: abnormal lumps especially in lymph nodes, edema of limbs, edema of lips, tongue, eye area, face etc. Chondrocalcinosis; renal insufficiency, hepatic insufficiency, acute pancreatitis; Allergic reactions, edema of quincke; Neurological reactions: epileptic seizures, acute polyneuropathy... Bell's palsy; Vascular facial pain; Blindness and/or deafness due to thrombosis and then tissue necrosis; Retinal occlusions; Loss of visual acuity, visual discomfort (filaments, flies, spots ... ), retinal detachment; Diabetes; Hyponatremia; Reactivation of cancers in remission, exacerbated body electromagnetism (patients magnetize metallic objects at the point of injection and even at the level of the heart ...); Multiple sclerosis; Radiculitis; Capsulitis; Encephalitis; Meningitis; Peritonitis; Vasculitis; Idiopathic myelitis; Miscarriages, premature deliveries, sterility ...

Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia; Tinnitus, hyperacusis, diplopia; Dysphasia; "Brain-fog": loss of memory + confusion + depersonalization, disorientation, apathy etc. ...; Hypoesthesia, tingling, numbness of limbs, spasms, muscle contractures, cramps ...; Tissue necrosis (legs etc ... ), phlegmon; Colic, rectorrhagia; Acute asthmatic bronchitis; Shortness of breath, shivering, vertigo, Meniere's syndrome, nausea, headache, asthenia, dyspnea, sensations of disseminated burns, diarrhea, arthralgia, joint effusion, epistaxis, hematoma, otorrhagia, suicidal ideations, depression, psychological to psychiatric disorders (paranoia ...), anxiety attacks, dementia .

Another thing; so if the double vaccinated thinks the vaccine is going to protect them, why are they afraid of the nonvaccinated?! If it is a legitimate vaccine, they shouldn't have to worry about getting vaccinated right? It's crazy to twist it so that the non-vaccinated can spread the virus to the double vaccinated unless they think they can still catch Covid-19, in which case why the hell did they take the vaccine! What happened to the regular flu? Did we suddenly cure it miraculously?! What happened when the doctors told us to let our kids get dirty so they could build up their immunity? Now we have to wrap our kids in bubbles! What happened to being proactive and eating healthy, getting plenty of exercise and sleep! Get some fresh air and sunshine! Take vitamins B,C,D, Zinc etc... ah, well, all that doesn't bring in much pharma money!

Florida Governor Ron De Santis in a speech: “You can't have a robust society with real debate if free speech is controlled by half a dozen Silicon Valley oligarchs. ”

Covid and American military research

The first point to be noted, indisputable and factual, that laymen had not noticed: the American army is very interested in the question of viruses, in the fight against viral epidemics, and in the transmission of viruses from animals to humans. This is the object of a very interesting organization, the DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, created in 1957 to take up the challenge of space conquest. This DARPA launched the PREEMPT (Preventing Emerging Pathologic Threat) program in 2017. PREEMPT is a program that looks suspiciously like a preparation against the 2019 Coronavirus outbreak from China. Here's how the DARPA website presents this program: “PREEMPT builds on recent advances in understanding host genetic interactions and adaptation mechanisms across species, emerging analytical tools to predict what species might carry potential human-pathogens, and novel capabilities to predict geographic “hot spots” where an animal-to-human viral jump is likely. ”

“Transmission of pathogens from animals to humans, places where this could happen, predicting the evolution of epidemics: these words resonate with a strange topicality in the minds of contemporaries!”

The strange specialties of PREEMPT.

One must go to the PREEMPT PROJECT website to understand the exact nature of the work carried out by this mysterious organization attached to the American army.

While one of PREEMPT's primary vocations has been to research the Lhasa virus and Ebola virus, one of the organization's main concerns is the development of aerosol vaccines that would prevent the circulation of pathogens among animal species. It is interesting to note an article from February 6, 2020 entitled: “Could self-carrying vaccines stop a Coronavirus pandemic?”

Here we find the rather natural obsession with inventing medical devices to fight epidemics in an industrial way. But the wrong minds will suggest that they can also be tools, inversely, intended to disseminate epidemics... In any case, PREEMPT has been concerned since the beginning with the transmission of animal viruses to humans, and with the means to contain the phenomenon.

The strange call for contributions in 2018 As part of this research, DARPA issued a call for papers in 2018 that raises many questions today. Here is how it is worded: “DARPA is soliciting innovative proposals for research to develop new tools and models to quantify the likelihood of a virus to jump from an animal host into humans, and to develop and validate new scalable technologies to target potential humancapable viral pathogens in wild reservoirs and/or mosquito vectors to prevent transmission to humans. ”

Again, this call dated January 19, 2018, 18 months before the quasi-official appearance of Covid-19, is an even more troubling element because it comes from the US military. It contains the ingredients of everything that will make Covid: a virus passing from an animal host to humans, new technologies, wild reservoirs, and, novelty! Mosquito vectors that would prevent

transmission to humans! A real science fiction movie... or a real contemporary dystopia!

EcoHealth Alliance's alleged response... Information is lacking as to which project DARPA funded under this call for proposals. But, according to Drastic Research, one of the applicants called EcoHealth Alliance proposed a project called Defuse, meaning “defusing”, whose content is chilling. Before examining the substance of ‘Defuse’, it is perhaps necessary to give some details on the nature of the NGO EcoHealth Alliance. First of all, it should be noted that the object of this organization is a synthesis of all the fashionable subjects within the globalized caste: to fight against pandemics and to save both nature and the planet. How to resist so many good feelings? The illintentioned will speak of a real organized subsidy search. The list of Alliance partners is not without interest. It includes several companies such as Johnson & Johnson, manufacturer of the anti-Covid vaccine that financed Joe Biden's campaign, but also the University of Eastern China (in Shanghai) and the very official CDC. In other words, the EcoHealth Alliance is one of those meeting places where companies in need of influence meet with public authorities to spread their good ideas... and, so often, the banknotes that help them spread. But what is most intriguing about the EcoHealth Alliance is the personality of its president, Peter Daszak, whose actions are becoming better known to insiders. He is best known for having been part of the WHO mission to investigate the accidental or non-accidental origin of the epidemic, and has been accused of having pushed the investigation team to conclude that there was no accident. He is also known to have co-authored an article in

The Lancet stating that any questioning of the direct transmission of the virus from animals to humans was conspiracy.

This astute mind was not then discovering the Coronavirus, as in 2014 he received funding to work on the emergence of bat virus risks. The program for this study stated:

“Project Summary: Understanding the risk of bat Coronavirus emergence Emerging zoonotic CoVs of bat origin pose a significant threat to global health and food security as the cause of SARS in China in 2002, the ongoing MERS outbreak, and a recently emerged swine. Acute Diarrhea Syndrome in China. In a previous R01, we found that bats in southern China harbor an extraordinary diversity of SARSr-CoV, some of which can use human ACE2 to enter cells, infect humanized mouse models causing SARS-like disease, and escape available therapies or vaccines. ” It is quite curious that this study announced in 2014, with an announced end date of 2026, received its first budgets in July 2019, i.e., a few weeks before the start of the Wuhan outbreak...

Let's keep these things in mind: the study officially began on June 1, 2014, but the first budget is dated July 24, 2019, with a completion date of June 30, 2022... In this case, $660,000 was paid to The Alliance. As we can see, as early as September 1, 2019, the journal Biosafety and Health published an article titled: “Human-animal interactions and potential spread of bat Coronavirus among farmers in southern China” that has some strange overtones. The Covid epidemic started one or two months later.

Disturbing, isn't it?

What is in the Defuse project?

The Defuse project submitted (and rejected) to the DARPA call for papers proposing a comprehensive study of the Coronavirus that will send a chill down the spine of any thriller fan. Indeed, the EcoHealth Alliance project consists in...creating a Coronavirus in a bat cave in Wuhan! As explained in the EcoHealth Alliance's (purported) response to the call for papers, the Alliance has been working on the topic of bat Coronavirus for 14 years, and holds 180 strains of Covid. The response states that the Alliance has a test cave in Yunnan Province, with a “population assemblage that contains all the genetic components of the Covid epidemic...”

How much clearer can it get?

Here is the very significant passage: “We have already published clear evidence of transmission of a new Covid in Yunnan Province, China, near a set of caves where we have isolated strains that produce Coronavirus disease in humanized mice without being susceptible to antibody treatment or vaccination. These viruses are an immediate danger to our military and global security because of their circulation and mutation in bats and their mutations in humans.”

Recall that this text is from the winter of 2018, eighteen months before the outbreak we are experiencing. Its predictive nature is truly striking, and the fact that EcoHealth Alliance is highlighting its mastery of local “ caves ” and its possession of Coronavirus strains sows confusion.

Of course, the EcoHealth Alliance points out the danger of this Coronavirus for the American armed forces. The search for funding on the part of the army takes precedence here. But how can we not remember that one of the theories about the spread of the virus is that the Military Olympics will be held in Wuhan in October 2019?

Did EcoHealth Alliance manipulate Coronavirus strains? The question remains: did EcoHealth Alliance simply study the Coronavirus strains it had at its disposal after 14 years of studies, or did it carry out some risky manipulations that would have gone wrong, in the hope of making a vaccine? In any case, the following passage from the (putative) response to the call for papers is perplexing:

“Comprehensive inventory of bat SARS-COV quasi species in our test caves, Yunnan, China. To feed the data to configure and validate our model, and as a basis for our immune modeling trial (TA2), the DEFUSE study field will target high-risk caves in Yunnan province, where we will conduct our trials, and where we will have previously identified and isolated high-risk Covids. ”

I leave the reader to make up their own mind about the rest of the text. However, the Alliance clearly acknowledges that it has three test caves near Wuhan, and claims to be able to identify and isolate high-risk Coronaviruses.

All of this proves (if the response to the DARPA call for projects is genuine) that, by 2018, at least one U.S. NGO was capable of handling Coronavirus, and had 180 identified strains.

One step closer to understanding the story In my opinion, the information disseminated by Drastic Research is very likely and authentic (unless I am mistaken, which I will gladly acknowledge). In this complex file, it is sure and indisputable that the American army is interested in the means to fight against an epidemic that would be the result, natural or artificial, of a contamination of humans by endemic viruses in animal species.

From my point of view, it is also very likely that Peter Daszak has strains of Coronavirus near Wuhan, which his team manipulated shortly before the explosion of the epidemic. History will undoubtedly take care of clearing up one after the other the gray areas that remain around this troubled time.

Dr. Peter McCullough: We Could Have Stopped 85% of Covid19 deaths with early treatment! “It seems to me early on there was an intentional very comprehensive suppression of early treatment in order to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization, and death. And it seemed to be completely organized and intentional in order to create acceptance for and then promote mass vaccination. ”

We live in a world where the masses are truly delusional. They have been manipulated by media hysteria into believing in an invisible “pandemic” that will kill them if they don't comply. At first, the demand for compliance was something like: “wear these masks; you only have to wear them until there is a vaccine!” Once the vaccine was available, the compliance request changed to “give two shots and we'll be back to normal.” Now, of course,

at the end of 2021, people have to both take endless booster shots and continue to wear masks... all the while keeping a social distance and complying with endless lockdowns and quarantine camps, of course. At this point, anyone following this madness is clinically delusional and suffering from a shared mass psychosis (or what some scientists call ‘mass training’). They prove that they cannot cognitively analyze the world around them in a way that reason and common sense will command. So, most of us, using intelligence shall wait and see. A large portion of the world population has a low IQ that is undeniable. And it shows, considering the large number of people wearing a mask outdoors alone.

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