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VI The Swindle of nations

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The Swindle of nations

Venezuela, the largest oil reserves in the world will probably never be exploited


Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world, estimated at a minimum of 300 billion barrels of exploitable oil. But it is unable to exploit this resource and its level of production has been constantly declining for several decades, mainly due to an aberrant policy conducted by the regime. Today, tens of billions of dollars are needed to repair and develop the country's oil infrastructure. No one will provide them, not the Western companies, not China, not Russia. Venezuelan oil has every chance of remaining underground for eternity. Why? … Ask the elites!

Same is true for anything in life that challenges the narrative of any politician progressist. It is not about people’s needs. They pander to emotions for greed. And that is the simple truth!

Have you noticed that more and more media are talking about serum and not vaccines...? Semantic shift in sight.... Remember The Global Warming which has now morphed into Climate change!

Why has this mini health crisis suddenly become a major global pandemic exploited by governments to curtail citizens' civil liberties? Why is there such a rush to create vaccines without knowing the long-term effects? The answer could very easily be read in the Western press in recent years.

The only French vaccine, using the traditional technique of the inactivated virus, the vaccine of the company Valneva from Nantes will not be available in France but will abound in the British market! The technocracy of Brussels got the better of our French company... while Boris Johnson chose to finance the clinical trials. The Macron - European Commission tandem prefers to enrich Pfizer than to support our research! Under Macron, France has become unrecognizable.

Perhaps because, without wanting to say it in broad daylight, the other ‘vaccines’ currently on the market, the experimental mRNA injections from Pfizer, Moderna or the adenovirus injections from Johnson, Atrazeneca, scare the hell out of a majority of people, and particularly women.

Sensitive to the numerous hormonal disturbances and other serious side effects that they encounter after being vaccinated against covid, worried about this vaccination when they are

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pregnant and afraid of the almost compulsory vaccination of their children with these gene therapies whose long-term effects are unknown, they silently dream, and the ‘Journal des Femmes’, a French women magazine echoes this, of a safe vaccine, with a proven manufacturing method.

And it exists! The Franco-Austrian laboratory Valneva has developed VLA2001, currently the only inactivated virus vaccine against Covid-19, which the ‘Journal des Femmes’ therefore praises. In the hope of seeing it arrive quickly on the French market. I will cross my fingers but the way I see it, it will not happen.

2 billions doses of mRNA have already been purchased with tax payers money. The government will not back down now.

Any thought that does not conform to the ukases of the tyrant of the Élysée is - openly or insidiously - censored, and its author defamed, sanctioned, dismissed. If, according to official sources, you can catch and transmit Covid once vaccinated, what is the use of the health passport? Try to think, anyway! The vaccine passport is not the way to set you free, it is a profound loss of our human rights. It allows states and Big Pharma to inject you ‘ad infinitum’ and to control and limit everything they want.

Taking people on a forced march towards total control of individuals by a small self-satisfied elite, under the sanitary pretext of a better world by restricting their civil liberties seems to be becoming the Western norm.

I am not vaccinated against Covid-19. I am against tetanus, polio, diphtheria, tuberculosis, Yellow fever. And that should be about it. I'm healthy, not a big jock or sedentary, no comorbidities, near 70. I have no reason to be vaccinated against a virus that is less likely to kill me than a car accident. And I want to say, even if this virus were to kill me...well what? Should we stop living because we are scared of death? And what about your stay on the plane? No fear of it crashing? What about your parachute jump? No fear that it will let go? What about your upcoming boxing match next week? Not afraid of taking a bad hit and staying in it? What about going out on the town on Saturday night? Not afraid to take a blade in the belly? What about your Sunday pint of cider at lunch? Not afraid to choke on it? Should I go on?

You can be ill for a long time with Covid! Yes, I can also get diabetes if I give in to the authorized junk food advertising by the same people who want to sting me. I can become obese if I eat the mall foods again, validated by the health agencies. I can have a stroke or cardiac arrest because I poison my lungs with a product that kills en masse but is authorized by the authorities. I can be attacked and even killed in the street by an individual because the authorities who want me well have deemed that he can get out of jail early. Or he can come to my country without showing any papers, without asking for permission.

The Swindle of nations

Yet despite all these potential risks, I don't stay locked up in my house. And I have no desire to commit suicide by chronic indigestion of a society that is going to hell.

As an individual, this vaccine has no interest for me. So I will not be vaccinated for this reason. Whatever Biden, Trudeau, Macron and all those individuals who, one day, will have to be accountable, including for their attitudes, their sentences, their physical behaviors towards refractory people like me. The wheel of history always turns, and they forget it. Macron, Biden, Trudeau and most other leaders bought off by big money are willing to sacrifice their nations. Scoop from the Italian press: Macron financed by Rothschild and Soros! The information was published by ‘the Populista’ on June 17, 2021. According to the Italian site, “the hacking of Emmanuel Macron's email box has delivered some very interesting information: the 21075 files included in the 71848 hacked emails, which the media in France (slate, liberation, le monde, France culture) claimed contained nothing interesting, have finally delivered all their secrets. In particular, we discover the financing granted to Emmanuel Macron in the form of loans. 8 million from the Crédit Agricole, but also 2,365,910.10 euros from Georges soros; 976,126.87 euros from David Rothschild and 2,145,100 euros from the Goldman-sachs bank. And the Italian site wonders: and at this point it is legitimate to ask in return what they have asked, these financial magnates who certainly do not act by a pure patriotic spirit. And how much their support weighs in the choices of the French president.”

So what … !

As a group now, since this is the argument that will be retorted to me, speaking of egoism, of not thinking about others, of protecting others, a small dialogue ready-made that I deliver to you below (found on social networks and which seemed to me relevant)

We must be vaccinated to protect others.

- What others?

- The elderly and people at risk.

- But they are already vaccinated, they are already protected.

- Yes, but the vaccine does not prevent transmission.

- So the vaccine is not effective?

- Yes, it prevents severe forms.

- But the people who have severe forms are already vaccinated.

- Yes, but if everybody is not vaccinated we will never reach the collective immunity.

- Why is it so important to reach herd immunity?

- To protect fragile people.

- But the vulnerable people are already vaccinated.

- Yes, but you are selfish!

The Swindle of nations

- Why am I selfish?

- Because you don't want to be vaccinated and you are putting other people's lives at risk, you can contaminate them!

- But I am not sick.

- But you can contaminate others anyway!

- What others?

- The people at risk!

- But they are vaccinated!!!

- Yes, but if you don't get vaccinated you can't go back to normal life

- And why can't we go back to normal life?

- Because there is a risk that the epidemic will start again.

- OK, but I have a 99.8% chance of survival with this disease!

- But you are selfish, you don't think about the others who have severe forms of the disease and are in intensive care!

- Yes, but they are vaccinated!

- Yes, but as long as there is a risk we cannot live normally!

- But what risk are you talking about?

- Fragile people

- They are vaccinated

- Yes, but I'm tired of it, I want to go to restaurants, travel, party!

- But this is not a health reason!?

- Who cares, you have to be vaccinated, and the vaccine is free!

- The free vaccine? NO, it is not free; it is WE who pay for it with OUR taxes!

Almost everything is said in this dialogue. Almost! Because there is also this notion of civic-mindedness, of solidarity, which we must return to!

The main characteristic of the collaborator is simple; never make waves. The small home, even if miserable, will always be better than the adventure and uncertainty of freedom. The French are masters of servitude. But even if the world thinks they are inveterate grumblers, the French bend their backs as soon as a bad wind appears. The example of Aubusson, in France, is particularly blatant. Although the population of this small village is only 3,000, and preserved from the vicissitude of the big cities such as immigration from Africa, the majority of the people of Aubusson are subjected to the state's coax. Alone, outside, in the countryside, they will continue to wear the mask, without even

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being obliged to do so. The government would ask them to walk around with a feather in their ass, that they would not ask questions!

On the contrary, Sweden has no mask. 130 people hospitalized in the whole country. 13 people in the emergencies, less than the scooter accidents. The Swedes are not part of the Globalist agenda!

If I lived in a society surrounded by my people, and only my people, sharing the same values, the same objectives, the same civilizational projects, then the question of solidarity, of the collective, would undoubtedly arise a little more. But France at present is an aggregate of people who have little, and sometimes nothing at all in common. We talk to them about “living together” all day long, but in reality, this living together is only dying side by side.

So to those who oppose me this solidarity argument, I send them into the ropes by asking them what solidarity and what people they are talking about, they who were almost offended at a time when it was said that it was urgently necessary to close the borders and not let anything in for a while, without success. I answer them that on the one hand I am not sick. On the other hand, if they are vaccinated, either they have nothing to fear, or they blame the health authorities for their repeated lies and not me. And finally, if they still don't understand, I explain to them that true solidarity would be that our elderly, but also the obese, the people at risk, accept, if they are so afraid of death, to isolate themselves, to exclude themselves from society to let the majority live and breathe. This is true solidarity.

To conclude, not only will I not be vaccinated, even by force, as a matter of principle, but I will have no health pass, no test, nothing. I am not an animal to be trained. I am not an “anti-vax” or a demonstrator who will wear a yellow star on his t-shirt. Because I think the principle of vaccination is good. Because I'm sick and tired of each side bringing everything back to the Second World War which I don't really care about except as a history buff. We are in the 21st century. Gaullism, Hitler, the Shoah, it's over; we have to change our software. I do not grant any legitimacy to this government, which is not my government, nor to this president, who is not my president, nor to this Assembly, elected by a minority of citizens.

The situation in the United States and Europe Vaccination programs began late last year in Europe and the United States at varying speeds. While the U.K. and U.S. quickly began vaccinating the elderly and health care workers, the EU campaign has been slower due to late orders, supply constraints, and wrangling over clinical data (primarily with the AstraZeneca vaccine). All of this has hampered progress on some EU deployments.

However, these teething problems have largely been resolved and now a large proportion of adults and youth in the US and Europe are fully vaccinated.

To date, 69.2% of adults in the EU are now fully vaccinated, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (although the European Commission announced last

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Tuesday that it had reached its goal of vaccinating 70% of the EU's adult population).

In the United Kingdom, 79.8% of all people over age 16 are fully vaccinated, and in the United States, 62% of the population over age 12 is fully vaccinated, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Vaccinating millions of people on short notice and under pressure during a public health crisis is an undeniable achievement, but as vaccination campaigns have progressed, they have slowed in a number of countries, according to figures from Our World in Data.

In April, the U.S. reached a peak in its vaccination program, administering about 3 million Covid vaccines per day for several weeks and reaching a record single-day administration of 4.6 million doses of vaccine on April 10, but that rate slowed considerably soon after and did not begin to increase until August.

Slacking off on vaccine measures When coronavirus vaccines were developed, tested and licensed for emergency use in record time, millions of people looked forward to the promised protection and peace of mind they offered.

But about nine months into the Western vaccination campaigns, there has been a slowdown in some of them at the state level in the United States and the national level in Europe.

This slowdown, combined with slow adoption in some areas, has experts concerned. Especially since many Covid-19 preventive measures have been relaxed and cases are increasing in the United States and parts of Europe.

“The stagnation of vaccine use in our area is of great concern,

” Dr. Hans Kluge, regional director for the WHO European Region, said in a press release.

“Now that public health and social measures are being relaxed in many countries, public acceptance of vaccination is crucial if we are to avoid greater transmission, more severe disease, increased deaths and an increased risk that new variants of concern will emerge.

He said there have been 64 million confirmed cases and 1.3 million deaths in the region, which includes 53 countries ranging from those in Western Europe to Russia and neighboring countries. Kluge added that 33 countries in the region had reported an increase of more than 10% in their 14-day case incidence rate.

“This high transmission is deeply concerning, especially in light of the low uptake of vaccination in priority populations in a number of countries, ” Kluge said.

“Over the past 6 weeks, vaccination in the region has slowed, influenced by lack of access to vaccines in some countries and lack of vaccine acceptance in others. To date, only 6% of people in low- and middle-income countries in the region have completed a full course of vaccinations.”

The Swindle of nations

The degree of conditioning of the masses is such that today I am convinced that if the government announced the end of the obligation to wear a mask in public places, some people would continue to put it on, as they already do when they are alone...

The most liberticidal laws are currently justified by figures. They are supposed to express the health reality. Youtube, Facebook and Twitter take them as gospel. You can discuss everything but the figures of local health authorities. If you don't, you will be censored.

Don't forget to congratulate the European Medicines Agency which has just validated the 3rd dose of Pfizer which has doubled its sales and is going to pocket 34 billion in profit notably thanks to the Brussels contracts! Meanwhile the US Red Cross refuses to accept blood from vaccinated people because it no longer contains antibodies. As the American anthropologist Bugnolo pointed out. Are you still sure about the vaccinations? Ready for a 3rd dose!?

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