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Oh boy... An investigation revealed that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the main funder of the UK's Health and Medical Products Regulatory Agency, and that the Foundation also holds significant shares in Pfizer and BioNTeh. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also ‘coincidentally’ purchased $55 million worth of BioNTeh stock in September 2019, just before the so-called Covid-19 pandemic hit. Incredible, right?


How strange things occur always toward more control! Amazingly, history is repeating itself. The ECB has decided to launch a digital euro project allowing governments to track and control a person's spending, in parallel with the implementation of the health pass. Deciphering Éric Verhaeghe, enarque and author of the book Le Great Reset: mythes et réalités (Éd. Culture & Racines), speaking to Rachel Marsden.

“The European Central Bank has decreed that beyond 3,000 euros stored in a bank account, it will impose penalties,” says Éric Verhaeghe, quoting the newspaper ‘Les Echos.’ Do as I say....

Democrats: -Want you to wear a mask outside! -Want your first grader to wear a mask at school! -But attend fancy maskless fundraisers in Napa Valley with their friends, or Obama having his 60th birthday with 500 guests! Which he later said was scaled back. Not afraid Barry of that formidable Virus? (Nor of Oceans submerging his residence from Global warming). That’s what a progressist is about! Like most! Science, they say!

“Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.” Bertrand Russell

But in addition to these external circumstances, faced with the penetration of cryptos into traditional finance and economy, central banks are also (mostly?) worried about losing their monetary control. Seeing their power diminish is the motivation for monetary institutions to develop their own crypto currencies. This statement doesn't come from a tiny group of crypto-enthusiasts, but from the second largest bank in the United States in terms of deposits

and market capitalization. Digital money is a much more efficient payment system than cash, the Bank of America believes. And as such, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) could completely replace cash in the distant future. “The adoption of CBDCs is inevitable,” Bank of America's foreign exchange strategists said in a recent report. For several reasons in their opinion, such as the demise of physical currency or the adoption of block chain by the private sector! “Without the introduction of a country-specific digital currency, central banks could see a gradual loss of monetary control to the private sector if the public gradually adopts a global cryptocurrency or another country's CBDC,” notes Bank Of America's FX division (BofA).

It is true that public demand for cryptocurrencies is growing. Bitcoin alone has a market capitalization of about $1 trillion. Add to that large-scale projects, such as Facebook's crypto currency named Diem (formerly Libra), and central banks' fears appear legitimate.

Economic disruption

“In some cases, the loss of monetary control could lead to inflation well beyond current central bank targets, ” the analysts continue. And countries without CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currency) could potentially end up losing control of their monetary policy to countries with their own digital currencies. Not to mention that financial activity taking place outside the regulated banking system (the crypto ecosystem in other words) could create risks to financial stability.

Money, money …

Covid-19 vaccines are lucrative for laboratories and their shareholders. They have allowed at least nine people to become billionaires, the NGO Oxfam said Thursday. These new fortunes have emerged “thanks to the staggering profits of pharmaceutical groups that have a monopoly on the production of vaccines against Covid, ” Oxfam said in a statement issued before a G20 global health summit in Rome on Friday.

These figures are based on the ranking of the American magazine Forbes and are published by the “People's Vaccine Alliance”, of which Oxfam is a member, which brings together organizations and personalities calling for free vaccines against Covid throughout the world.

The combined wealth of the nine billionaires mentioned, 19.3 billion dollars (15.8 billion euros), “would allow to vaccinate 1.3 times all the low-income countries”, which “received only 0.2% of the vaccines produced in the world, especially because of the large deficit of available doses”, according to Oxfam.

Who are these nine new billionaires created by the Covid-19 vaccine business? The ranking of the American magazine Forbes published by the "People's Vaccine Alliance", which gathers organizations and personalities calling for free vaccines against Covid-19, has highlighted nine new rich people who have exceeded one billion in personal wealth thanks to this business.

Portraits of these new “personalities”

The combined wealth of the nine new billionaires has reached $19.3 billion. Among them is Stephane Bancel, the CEO of Moderna, whose fortune is currently estimated at $4.3 billion. This native of Marseille has a degree in chemical and biomolecular engineering from the École Centrale Paris, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Harvard Business School. He joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1995 as Marketing and Sales Director of the French medical diagnostics company BioMérieux, before joining Eli Lilly and Company. He began running Moderna in 2011, and it was in 2020 that his 9% stake in the company, along with the Phase 2 human trials for the Covid-19 vaccine, pushed him past the $1 billion mark in personal wealth.

Timothy Springer, an immunologist and co-founder of Moderna, has also entered the billionaire ranks by surpassing $2.2 billion in personal wealth. This professor of biology and molecular pharmacology at Harvard Medical School since 1977, now owns 3.5% of the company's capital. In the course of his research, he discovered molecules associated with lymphocyte function, which led to the development of several antibodybased drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Timothy Springer founded the biotechnology company LeukoSite in 1993, which was sold to Millennium Pharmaceuticals six years later for $635 million. He was one of Moderna's first investors in 2010, contributing about $5 million. Today, its initial investment is nearly $870 million.

Noubar Afeyan is an Armenian-American entrepreneur, inventor and philanthropist, and co-founder of the biotechnology company Moderna. His fortune is estimated to be $1.9 billion to

date. He is the author of numerous scientific papers in biochemical engineering and has patented over 100 inventions. Between 2000 and 2016, he was a senior lecturer at MIT's Sloan School of Management and has been teaching at Harvard Business School since 2020. Since 1987, Noubar Afeyan has founded or co-founded more than 50 life science and technology startups. He is also the founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, a venture capital firm that has reportedly "fostered the development of more than 100 science-based companies, with a total value of $30 billion, more than 500 patents, and over 50 drugs in clinical development." In 2009, Afeyan first invested in Moderna and now owns more than 2 million shares.

Robert Langer is the fourth major pillar of Moderna. Born in 1948 in New York State, he is a true legend in the biotech industry. In the course of his career, which began after studying at the prestigious MIT, he has received 220 major awards for his work and discoveries, filing over 1,000 patents worldwide and some 1,400 scientific publications. In 2010, he was also one of the first investors in Moderna. A (new) profitable choice for this man of science, who has also collaborated in the development of other treatments, notably against cancer! His current fortune is estimated at 1.6 billion dollars.

Juan Lopez Belmonte, current head of the pharmaceutical company ROVI, can also thank Moderna. The Madrid-based company has signed an agreement to take over the packaging of Moderna's vaccines. This is a golden deal that has left him with an estimated fortune of $1.8 billion. The company is 60% owned by Mr. Belmonte and his two sons. In addition to ROVI, he is also president of other companies in the same sector, some of which are subsidiaries of ROVI, such as Alentia Biotech SLU.

For his part, Uğur Şahin is the CEO of BioNTech, which is worth about $4 billion. Of Turkish origin, he works on the identification and characterization of target molecules for various types of cancers, and has been teaching oncology since 2006 at a medical clinic at Johannes-Gutenberg University in Mainz. He founded his first company Ganymed Pharmaceuticals with his wife Özlem Türeci in 2001, which developed an antibody used against esophageal and stomach cancer, and sold it for $1.4 billion in 2016. Meanwhile, it was in 2008 that he and his wife founded the biotech company BioNTech, in which he now owns 18%. Uğur Şahin built on the earlier research of Hungarian biochemist Katalin Kariko to design the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine, the first such vaccine to be licensed in the United States. He reportedly designed this vaccine in the space of a weekend in January 2020...

China is not left behind! Another major company that has fared well during the Covid-19 crisis is CanSino Biologics, founded in 2009 in Tianjin, China. The company has managed to commercialize a vaccine, similar in function to AstraZeneca's, that is marketed in China, Pakistan, Mexico, Chile and Hungary. Its co-founder and head of the scientific department since 2009 is Zhu Tao. He was in charge of the (successful) research and development of a vaccine against the coronavirus. With a degree in biological sciences and technology from Tsinghua University and a doctorate in chemical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, this 46-year-old scientist has previously worked to find a vaccine for the Ebola virus. His personal fortune is estimated at $1.3 billion.

In addition to Mr. Tao, the company was co-founded by two other men, including Qiu Dongxu. For more than a decade, he has served as executive director and vice president, and is in charge of strategy and development for CanSino. After obtaining a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Western Ontario in Canada, he worked in several pharmaceutical companies before founding his own. Today, he is worth more than $1.2 billion.

The third and final person behind CanSino is a woman: Mao Huinhoa. She has a master's degree and a PhD in chemical engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. D. in chemical engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which she completed with an MBA in 2010 after co-founding her company. Today, she also holds the position of Vice President and Head of International Affairs. In turn, she has reached the symbolic mark of one billion dollars in personal wealth.

States and other countries are now free to engage in checking your financial status, also. Soon digitized, Big Brother wants to know your whereabouts. Some banking institutions are warning their customers. In vain because it’s too late!

The Missouri Bank example : “While The Missouri Bank does not normally engage on topics relating to politics, we feel there is an URGENT matter pending in Congress that needs your attention.

Because we care about you, your finances, and your account(s) with TMB, we want you to know the facts, especially when it re-

lates to concerning developments around public policy that expose your financial privacy.

The Biden administration has proposed requiring all community banks and other financial institutions to report to the IRS on all deposits and withdrawals through business and personal accounts regardless of tax liability. This indiscriminate, comprehensive bank account reporting to the IRS can soon be enacted in Congress and will create an unacceptable invasion of privacy for our customers. So, how does this affect you? If passed, the proposal would require financial institutions, like ours, to report the inflows (deposits) and outflows (withdrawals) of $600 or more, on personal and business accounts to the IRS regardless of customers’ consent.”

The evidence is there in plain sight; The swamp is hard at work to make ‘1984’ your living condition.

Hospitals love money! In the US, one doctor admits that once he intubated patients, 99% of those patients died. It was never about health or treatment...it was about Big Pharma and hospitals looking to make a profit. This doctor calls it “politics.” If a hospital admits a COVID-19 patient, they get paid $13,000. If that COVID-19 patient is placed on a ventilator, the hospital gets $39,000, three times as much.

While HCQ is better known, it has fewer side effects, and costs about $20 per outpatient dose, Remdesivir is a therapeutic treatment that costs $2340/patient and is proven to cause liver damage. Because Remdesivir is administered intravenously, it

requires expensive hospital care (the hospital receives an additional $13,000 from Medicare).

There are many reports of hospitals placing non-covid patients on covid floors... increasing exposure and the hospital's chances of cashing in more. This is why some hospitals refuse family entry. It's not a “safety” protocol. They don't want patient advocates!

Everyone has understood that our society must now change its paradigm. And yet, it is true that a passive majority still submits, it is docile and greedy to the idea of continuing to make the most of this situation as long as possible. To accept to submit to this experimental vaccination is simply to choose to participate in a social disaster organized economically and humanely, something never known in history, and the most serious thing is also to support it! When one composes with tyranny, well, one tries to pass between the drops and one always ends up being caught up. Because today, no one can say that they don't know how this pandemic was orchestrated, that they don't know the deadly effects of these injections or that they don't know that there is a globalist plan behind it. Yes, the real information is out there and despite the forced censorship, it is circulating and everyone has access to this alternative information.

Profit for the Labs

On September 26, 2021, Pfizer CEO and President Albert Bourla predicted that life will return to normal within a year, but annual vaccinations against COVID will likely be required. Bourla's vision for a “return to normal life” would position Pfizer and Moderna to make billions in profits by distributing endless booster doses. How much the manufacturers stand to gain depends on the scale of the rollout. “In a year, I think we can get back to normal,” Bourla said in an interview on ABC's ‘This Week’. Bourla said he doesn't think that means the variants will no longer exist, or that we “should be able to live our lives without being vaccinated. ” The “most likely scenario, ” Bourla said, is annual vaccination with vaccines that last at least a year, “but we don't really know, we have to wait and see the data. ” Bourla's prediction echoes that of Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel, who, when asked last week about his estimate of a return to normal life, told the Swiss newspaper Neue Zuercher Zeitung that the COVID pandemic could be over in a year. On Sept. 1 2021, Moderna asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to allow the use of a third booster dose of its COVID vaccine.

Johnson & Johnson still needs to submit its booster shot data to the FDA for approval, although the company has said it does not expect to profit from its vaccine during the pandemic. According to the Associated Press (AP), the average analyst forecast for Moderna's 2022 revenue jumped 35% after President Biden introduced his stimulus package in mid-August. Most of the vaccines in the U.S. so far have come from Pfizer and BioNTech. Morningstar analyst Karen Andersen expects the boosters alone to bring in about $26 billion in global sales next

year for Pfizer - which shares profits with BioNTech - and about $14 billion for Moderna if they are approved for nearly all Americans. Pfizer executives said they expect their adjusted pretax vaccine profit margin to be in the “low 20s” as a percentage of sales. That would translate into an estimated $26 billion in profit next year from the boosters alone, according to Anderon's sales forecast. This year alone, Pfizer expects its COVID vaccine to generate $33.5 billion in revenue with vaccine supply agreements worth more than $60 billion in sales, just in 2021 and 2022. The agreements include the supply of the first two doses of their vaccines as well as billions of dollars in potential boosters for rich countries. The latest data shows that the government is now responsible for one-third of all income in the US. All the stimulus spending has a cost of $6 trillion for the American taxpayers. That’s 8 times more than FDR's New Deal after the Great Depression! But the signs of even more alarming danger are luring: The bubble will burst, it will be much worse than the Great Depression!

Pfizer's COVID vaccine is expected to account for 42% of the company's total sales and will bring in more than five times the $5.8 billion earned last year by the world's most lucrative vaccine - Pfizer's Prevnar13 - a vaccine against pneumococcal disease. That bodes well for future vaccine development, said Erik Gordon, professor of business at the University of Michigan. Vaccines are normally not nearly as cost-effective as treatments, Gordon said. But the success of the COVID shots could attract more drugmakers and venture capitalists to the field. For Pfizer and Moderna, the recalls could be more profitable than the original doses because they won't come with the research and development costs the companies incurred to bring the vaccines to market initially, AP reported . WBB Securities

CEO Steve Brozak said the booster shots will represent "almost pure profit" compared with the original doses. It's possible for Pfizer to generate similar - or higher - revenue levels in the future, as experts predict COVID is here to stay. The FDA last week approved a third dose of Pfizer's vaccine for certain people - those 65 and older and also those "whose frequent institutional or occupational exposure" to the virus puts them at high risk for serious complications of the disease caused by the virus, the agency said. On Sept. 17, the FDA's Vaccine and Related Biologics Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), a panel of scientists that advises the FDA on vaccine approvals, unanimously recommended emergency use authorization for a booster dose of Pfizer's vaccine for people 65 and older and those with compromised immune systems - but voted 16-2 against recommending boosters for the general population, citing a lack of long-term data. The committee said the risks did not outweigh the benefits for these individuals. The decision was seen as a major rebuke of the Biden administration, STAT reported.

And it followed closely on the heels of the resignations of Marion Gruber and Phil Krause, two top FDA vaccine regulators who announced their resignations days after Biden's initial recall announcement. On Sept. 24, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ignored the advice of the agency's vaccine advisory committee, clearing the way for health care workers, teachers, grocery store employees, long-term residents, long-term care facilities, homeless shelters, prisons and anyone else considered "high-risk" to receive a third Pfizer shot.

Meanwhile, from Wikipedia.org: In 2009, Pfizer agreed to pay a record $2.3 billion fine to settle claims that it paid doctors com-

missions to force vaccinations on children. In 2012, Pfizer was also convicted of bribing government officials.

Critics criticized the decision as “unwarranted and unethical” and a “consolation prize” for Pfizer, which wanted to allow all members of the general population over the age of 16 to receive the injection.

The CDC's Walensky also approved booster shots for Americans older than 65 and adults with underlying health conditions at least six months after their first round of injections, according to the advisory committee. “It's concerning to me that anyone under the age of 30 is getting a third dose without any clear evidence that it will benefit them, and with more than theoretical evidence that it could be harmful to them, ” said Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and a member of the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Offit also expressed concern that by canceling ACIP, Walensky may have hurt efforts to persuade more unvaccinated adults to get the COVID vaccine. “It's not hard to scare people who have already received two doses into getting another one,” Offit said. “I'm sure you can get them to get 10 more doses. ”

On September 22, Langemann Medien published on its YouTube channel an interview - viewed so far almost 500,000 times - with a young mathematician and computer scientist who may be remembered as the German Math scientist. Let’s call him ‘Math scientist’ (for obvious reasons, he wishes to remain anonymous). Assisted by political analyst Thomas Röper (Anti-Spiegel.de, Apolut.net), Math scientist has been sifting through millions of

documents for six months using specialized software. This has made it possible to uncover the modus operandi of the pilots of the so-called ‘anticovid’ maneuver, to demonstrate that it is a very tightly woven network with a precise mission: To force by all means the world population to submit to the dictate of private interests under the pretext of public health. These networks are now perfectly identified thanks to the two analysts. The Langemann Medien video presents the first document (169 pages) of a series to be published in a book in about two months, the current presentation in the form of Excel tables and graphs not being easy to consult by non-specialists.

The analysis is divided as follows: - The 20 to 30 key figures that quietly pursue their work in the shadow of notorious figures such as Gates or Schwab; - The international financial flows and their amount (colossal); The NGOs (whose role in particular in financing is fundamental), the universities and key companies through which the funds transit. These flows have been quantified by ‘Math scientist’ and Röper.

The attention of analysts has been drawn - to give just one example - to a small, insignificant suburban house in the United States, used as a “post office box” by several NGOs with tens of millions of dollars. The modus operandi for the takeover of Western governments and institutions! All the documents consulted are in the public domain and the software used, although expensive and therefore usually purchased by governments or secret services, is also available for purchase by the average person. Thus, neither Thomas Röper nor ‘Math scientist’ can be accused of espionage, indiscretion or illegality.

Hearsay or insider reports have been rigorously ruled out. The data is all original and has not been altered. Is it any wonder that no Western newspaper, broadcast or online publication that benefits from Gates' financial largesse - the BBC, Le Monde and co - has been willing to undertake research like that of ‘Math scientist’ and Röper? ‘Math scientist’ and Röper, who did not know each other until six months ago, note with evidence that the so-called anti-covid maneuver has been in the works since at least 2017, at which point there are suddenly flows of funds following well-defined paths and contacts within the identified networks are increasing and tightening.

Similarly, the majority of the NGOs involved in the scheme were founded in 2017. The project, in its current manifestation, seems to have germinated in 2016,

One aspect to be emphasized: at no time do Röper and ‘Math scientist’ speculate on the origins of the virus or on the more or less occult objectives of these networks. They confine themselves to their own field of expertise and to the factual, considering that the same hysterical campaign could have been unleashed about any other disease, e.g. “Spanish Flu 2.0”, with the same consequences.

An example of the power of these networks: on August 3, 2021, an open letter to President Biden was published, giving orders to the latter, in particular, to convene a ‘Global Vaccination Summit’ with the objective of injecting 70% of the world's population before September 2022. On September 22, six weeks later, without convening Congress or consulting the electorate (even though the taxpayer is paying

for it), Biden complied and announced an EU-US partnership for a ‘global immunization offensive’ . The signatories of the open letter are listed as representing various NGOs, but all have major conflicts of interest in the private sector, for example Scott Gottlieb, a member of the Pfizer Board of Directors.

At the center of the web studied by ‘Math scientist’ and Röper is Professor Larson's husband, Baron Peter Piot, a native of Belgium who was appointed director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 2010. He has been a Senior Fellow of the Gates Foundation since 2009 and presents himself as a disinterested academic. Although Heidi Larson, one of the key figures identified, wife of baron Peter Piot, had already founded the vaccine confidence project in 2010, along with glaxosmithkline, Johnson & Johnson, the European commission, etc. now facebook, chatham house, who, the Robert-koch institute and Christian drosten's charity hospital are partners, among others. Dr Larson, professor of anthropology and ‘risk and decision science’ (sic) at the London school of hygiene and tropical medicine, specializes in ‘managing rumors (sic) and risks from clinical trials to market launch, and instilling confidence in populations’ (sic). In reality, the London school of hygiene and tropical medicine has received 143 ‘donations’ from bill gates over the past 20 years for a total amount of at least $185 million, to which must be added the $170 million received from the welcome trust. Peter Piot is also advisor to the European Commission on Covid19, personal advisor to its president Ursula Von Der Leyen on Covid-19, member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, member of CEPI, member of the Novartis Board, and member of the French Academy of Medicine.

To understand the structure of the network, start by reading the report Netzwerkanalyse Corona Komplex, which represents the first part of the work of ‘Math scientist’ and Röper.

They are doing a public service. We can only hope that the public will take a close interest in them since our survival depends on it.

And all these pharmaceutical companies make huge profits by force of connivance, nepotism and lies. Ready to bankrupt the states, they do not hesitate, for the sake of gain, to foment secret agreements with the agreement of power-hungry politicians to share the loot.

Why is everything accelerating? Simply because as in any plan there are dates to respect, the refusal of the vaccination by millions of people bugs them; their hatred is more and more virulent.

Jean-Dominique Michel during the demonstration against the Vaccine pass in Switzerland: “Imagine, when people will open their eyes and see that the authorities lied to them from A to Z, that the doctors refused to cure, that the lock downs were not worth doing them and that it destroyed everything except the virus. […] Our authorities have become criminal! The population was subjected to propaganda and brainwashing for a year!”

In an official document that you can find on the website of the American FDA, Pfizer laboratory admits in the simplest way possible on page 11 that it will be necessary to carry out 5 stud-

ies, one of which will last 5 years, in order to measure the risks of myocarditis and pericarditis in children aged 5 to 12 years. They clearly admit that the number of participants in the current program is insufficient. Your children are in danger; they are participating in a wild clinical trial that is extremely dangerous given the large number of adverse effects already recorded. It is written in black and white, the laboratory itself does not know what it is doing, yet you have charlatans on TV shows who are pushing with all their might for the vaccination of 5 - 12 year olds. These same cathodic charlatans who claimed that adverse effects due to vaccination never appear more than 2 months after the injection, while Pfizer asks for 5 years of studies to see more clearly! In Joe Biden's country, liberals and many conservative journalist commentators are pro-vaccine.

The parents who are going to let this happen are unworthy, they are completely unconscious, and they will not be able to assume the dramatic consequences of their stupidity. This risk concerns all minors under the age of 18, but also adults, because a very large number of them already suffer from post-vaccination heart attacks.

Of course, even if this document was put online many weeks ago, no American or French media is talking about it; it is a total blackout, a complete censorship. It is inconceivable for the doxa to publish or broadcast an article that goes against the so-called guaranteed safety of vaccines and yet since the beginning of this sad affair, a large number of vaccines have been banned to large parts of the population.

Those who wonder about the health madness that has taken hold of all the world's governments, should ask themselves who

benefits from it. They will not have to look very long: it is obvious that, by reaping huge profits, it is the big pharmaceutical laboratories that are under suspicion. The figures provided by the People's Vaccine Alliance - an organization that promotes a better distribution of vaccines around the world - are indisputable. Pfizer, Moderna and BioNTechplus, since the beginning of the epidemic, have pocketed 1,000 dollars per second, 65,000 dollars per minute or 93.5 million dollars per day, by using the entire world population to test a “vaccine”. For free! But for the inhabitants of the planet, who have become guinea pigs, it will be paid for! Because of the colossal debts that their governments will have accumulated to fight against an epidemic and that will have to be paid back, one way or another. Without a doubt, through additional taxes!

“I have never seen that in the history of medicine. Now the epidemic is at the level of any usual respiratory virus, I don't see why we are doing all this drama, it is enough to isolate the cases and to treat them, one does not put a population under a bell, one does not push the children to the suicide by masking them, and the suicides of child, it is never seen in the history of the medicine!” Professor Christian Peronne

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