43 minute read



Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.



I am writing this book from a French perspective. I currently live there; therefore it’s mostly geared toward the French/English readership. But I will, nonetheless, provide information on what is happening in the U.S.A, Canada and other western nations as I go along with my reasoning. This essay is not exhaustive and I don’t pretend to be a doctor or a professor of virology. I simply look at the state of decay the western world is facing nowadays. Common sense and reason seems to be a thing of the past, I cannot fathom the justification for more regulations, unless the elite has something else in the bag for all of us.

COVID is an excuse. Soft dictatorship and lockdowns do work. Not at stopping the spread of a virus, but they are successful at destroying economies. This virus is statistically as devastating to the population as a bad flu, so why have governments implemented and held such a disproportionate response, destroying their economies and pretending it doesn’t matter? It’s because COVID is a scapegoat and an excuse or opportunity to bring about their Great Reset. QE started in 2008 following the banking crisis caused by the misuse of the lending markets in the US and the economy has been on life support ever since. (Quantitative easing (QE) is a form of unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases longer-term securities from the open market in order to increase the money supply and encourage lending and investment.) In September 2019, a month before Bill Gates’ event 201, overnight money market seized. (The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201.)

The Federal Reserve had to step in printing 50 to 100 million dollars per night to try and fix it, but there was no fixing it. Since COVID, they have expanded the money supply by between 20 to 25 % under the guise of ‘covid relief’ rather than what it is; another banking crisis (and the Biden administration wants to add another 5 trillions dollars in debts –about the cost of 500 aircraft carriers).

History tells us this money printing ends with the collapse of the currency and the economy it’s attached to. Since 1971, when the

dollar as a reserve currency came off the gold standard, all currencies have been FIAT – they are backed by nothing and depend on faith. Only 3 % of our money supply is physical notes and coins, the other 97% is debt based. Debt brings money into existence; you borrow 100 thousand and the banks are allowed to create that money from air and loan it to you with interest. In the reverse case it’s important that you know that when you deposit money in a bank it no longer belongs to you, the banks can legally invest 90% of it and they provide you with interest for this. In 2008 we saw bank bailouts but as of 2014, the western world has agreed to ‘bank bail ins’ instead, meaning they can legally take your money (European Union has presently a bill for that purpose) in a crisis; this is what happened in Cyprus in 2013. The governments’ claims to guarantee a certain amount of deposits but only hold less than half of this, so good luck getting your money back. So, the credit markets are under stress – what is the best pressure release valve for the credit market to hold back a collapse? It’s a weaker economy. This could be part of the reason the economy was shut down. The difficulty they now face in opening back up is when you combine an increase in money supply with an increase in velocity you are inviting inflation. In 2008 QE was given to the banking sector and large corporations, but in 2020 it was also given to the general public, readily available now to spend. By keeping sectors of the economy closed you are breaking the velocity. The velocity is the number of times the same money changes hands. An increase of velocity will lead to inflation but it isn’t essential for it. Couple this with the inevitable increased demand for debt when the economy opens back up and people are taking loans again and this could pop the debt bubble.

The global economy was supposed to be returning to ‘normal,’ but instead, more and more problems are erupting with each passing day. As I write, the world's supply chains are in a state of chaos. The global shortage of computer chips is making things very difficult for thousands upon thousands of manufacturers, the process of moving products across our oceans has become incredibly expensive and is often hampered by horrible delays, and the lack of truck drivers is causing huge headaches when it comes to getting goods to retailers and consumers in a timely manner. We've never seen anything like this before, and at this point, even CNN admits that ‘the disruption to global supply chains is getting worse...’ The vast network of ports, container ships, and trucking companies that move goods around the world is severely disrupted and shipping costs are skyrocketing. This is troubling news for retailers and also for consumers.

This financial system is held together with debt. When you buy a loaf of bread there could be 10 different uses of credit to get it to your door between manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, etc. Mathematically credit is doomed to break, and this will cease the entire economy. This is why the banks were considered ‘too big to fail’. If credit isn’t functioning, then products won’t be created. When the credit markets fail, so does the entire economy. So what do they do? Inflation is inevitable; more money is chasing the same amount of goods and services, that’s just how money works. It has been evident in property for a long time but is recently showing up in commodity prices like lumber, copper, and also food prices. Inflation initially raises asset prices and then filters down into living costs; the last to inflate are wages making it increasingly difficult for the less wealthy to buy property as their wages only meet their living expenses. The governments

have got themselves into overwhelming debt so they can’t raise interest rates, or they won’t be able to service that debt, as they can barely meet the interest requirements. It seems they are planning to let inflation rise, trying to maintain some control over it and inflate away the debt.

Inflation is a hidden tax just as they inflate away the debt, they inflate away your purchasing power, and you slowly lose everything you’ve worked for. With inflation and bank bail-ins they’re taking your money. The danger here is hyper inflation. Look at Venezuela and Zimbabwe, where currency litters the streets. It has so little purchasing power that it’s not worth picking it up.

We are moving into a central bank digital currency. This has already been used in China, with Sweden, Turkey and Iran following. With digital currency the governments have complete control as it is programmable. It is a loss of your freedom and privacy. They can control velocity by programming it with expiration dates or deciding where in thr economy it can be spent. They can limit your leisure spending. Prohibit you from buying certain items, or only allow spending on basic food items and rent. They can tax and fine directly. They have control. They can incentivize you to spend or save with negative or positive interest respectively.

The European Central Bank announced last summer (cf. Economic newspaper Les Echos of July 14) that in 5 years it will channel and archive all day-to-day transactions.

To submit, one must have the means to do so. So we need everything digital - and therefore the digital euro - so that individuals, limited by their bank account, cannot face, for example, possible fines for refusing to take the vaccine... We need to limit the freedom linked to money in order to submit. It is as simple as that. The demonstration is more than clear.

And of course all this under the pretext of protecting you, of fighting against the mafias... It is therefore the implementation of what Schwab theorized in “The Great Reset. ” We will no longer be owners of anything, we will be tenants of everything and therefore completely dependent on the instructions/orders that will be given to us...

The globalist caste has been terrified both by Brexit and by Trump, who have shown that universal suffrage can destroy what they have been building for 40 years. It is therefore necessary, by all means, to prevent this from being possible again... The diabolical “populist” , “nationalist” , “conspiracy” movements... endanger the multilateral and somehow free-trade construction carried by the caste for some fifty years. Faced with the risk of seeing universal suffrage challenge the U.S.A, EU, the G7, the WTO... the caste has decided to neutralize universal suffrage and to neutralize its effects by using digital identity to perpetuate its domination over our societies.

How would you implement a control agenda? I would collapse the economy so that there are no independent businesses therefore making everyone dependent on the state, provide them with a generous universal credit system, then slowly reduce it or inflate it away. The concept of UBI (Universal Basic Income) has been around for some years now. Over 80% of jobs that make

moderate to low wages are predicted to be automated away by 2030. Humans are becoming surplus to requirements. In the fourth industrial revolution according to the World Economic Forum (Davos) our bodies will be so high tech we won’t be able to really distinguish between what’s natural and what’s artificial. A future of superhuman – frightening! They are also proponents of the green energy, carbon tax movements which if you look into it is eugenics repackaged. They are telling us that if we pay more taxes and stop eating meat it will heal the planet. The middle and working classes will be eroded and replaced with robots. AI and big corporations, and given a basic income.

So how is this funded? The Davos/IMF concept is that you will own nothing and be happy. Founded on 24 January 1971 by Klaus Schwab. It views its own mission as “improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas.” In reality the DAVOS men are backed by Soros, Gates, and Zuckerberg and so on. Jacques ATTALI in France, counsel of all presidents since Mitterrand has imposed Emmanuel Macron at the head of the state. Puppets to that elite class, they want to reduce the world population by subterfuges. Klaus Schwab is the father of Nicole Schwab, cofounder in 2009 du Gender Equality Project, a feminist group. His mom is no other than Marianne Schwab, born Rothschild in 1919 in Frankfurt/Main and who is the daughter of Louis and Melanie Rothschild of Bad Homburg, Germany. This explains that!

So the idea is to confiscate or severely limit all private property. The other option is taxes, but the rich don’t pay taxes. The loopholes are designed to be beneficial to them but too costly for us.

In the mind of those genius Davos people, while the Universal Basic Income is proposed, the more effective solution to stop the wealth divide would be a universal maximum income, with a wealth cap. Let them have 20 million that’s all the houses, cars, and yachts you could wish for – but limit their amount of control and influence. This is the biggest heist of wealth transfer in history.

The media does not inform you. Its purpose is to distract and advertise to you. The economy has collapsed under the weight of debts-fuel greed and the media are silent. Billionaires have increased their wealth by 28% during the crisis, gained at the expense of small businesses. The stock market is fake and it is a rigged game fueled by money printing and doomed to fail. The old world is not coming back. A group of billionaires are deciding how the rest of the world should live and they have the ear of governments that claim to represent you. They will destroy any intruders (TRUMP). When you hear Johnson, Macron, Trudeau and Biden say build back better that is a DAVOS concept. A collection of non elected private billionaire influences. If we submit to a digital currency, we lose control and privacy. This is what you really need to wake up to. Furlough is psychological prepping for UBI (Universal Basic Income). You are not being paid to stay at home, you are being paid not to revolt. If you knew the pounds, dollars, Euros, etc… are losing purchasing power why would you keep them? This is why people are moving to hold assets as silver, gold, land and properties instead and transferring currency to crypto to outrun the inflation that is already becoming evident. There is also a ridiculous increase in shipping costs. COVID impacted the supply chain. China stockpiled containers and the system broke.

This led to a problem with stock on shelves. When it is fully operational again the additional costs will be passed on to the consumer. It would be wise to buy supplies to come by any shortages while systems resets – better to be looking at it rather than looking for it. Hold Gold/silver/crypto to maintain a degree of autonomy from the upcoming digital system. Our problem is our FIAT currency is failing. Thousands have preceded it and they have all failed due to debasement of the currency. We have to be aware of this so we can prepare and work to fight against the incoming erosion of our freedom and privacy.

Soros like Schwab!

According to ‘Valeurs Actuelles’ magazine in France, a report, which advocates for greater financial transparency, was appreciated by certain ambassadors to the United Nations, “several states, fed up with the ideological activism of a few experts, [wanting] to put some order into the system” .

If it is difficult to predict the consequences of this document, it will at least have shed light on the libertarian projects of the billionaire philanthropist ‘Soros’ whose objective is officially to promote democratic governance, human rights and economic, social and legal reforms through his network of foundations. In reality imposing global governance and its societal ideology “open and borderless!” to the world.

Geneva, Friday, September 3, 2021. At the United Nations headquarters, a bomb has just exploded. It is the new report of the European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ), directed by

Grégor Puppinck. And its conclusions are likely to disturb some supposedly voluntary experts with deep pockets.

“A few private organizations have a growing hold on the world's highest level of human rights protection, ” the report reveals. Officially unpaid, experts have received “at least 11 million dollars outside the control of the UN, mainly from the Ford Foundation, George Soros' Open Society and anonymous donors,” writes Valeurs Actuelles, the first media outlet to have revealed the affair. The American billionaire George Soros is thus able to influence and even impose his progressive and globalist ideology on the UN Human Rights Council, through a small number of NGOs. UNICEF, WHO, UNHCR, UNESCO would receive billions, a practice that ECLJ describes as “silent corruption”!

This is a “furious attack” on human rights and “the integrity of the Special Procedures, ” says Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, the ‘Special Rapporteur’, who is very angry about these claims. She is supported by “the Center for Reproductive Rights (a pro-abortion lobby), the International Lesbian & Gay Association (ILGA), and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). All of them have in common that they are funded by Soros' Open Society,” the weekly said. Criticism of this report also comes from these experts with opaque funding and among them Ahmed Shaheed, who campaigns for the legal recognition of Islamophobia.

FIAT money …?

What does FIAT mean? It comes from the Latin word Fiat meaning ‘let it be done.’ It is the passive of the Latin word Facere, meaning ‘to make, do.’ In 1750, the English word

‘fiat’ started to mean ‘a decree, order, command.’ FIAT money doesn’t value the paper it’s printed on. It’s just authoritarianism.

The elite class of billionaires and ‘wannabes’ are essentially the drive behind the destruction of the world. They know their luxurious lifestyle is coming to an end and they are preparing. Bezos has purchased a huge amount of land in the United States as well as several Islands. Zuckerberg has sold an amazing amount of shares of Facebook and most of the world’s oil rich Arab nations have done the same. Preparing for what’s coming next. This is a holocaust of historical proportion. The global reset is on the way. People must resist and hold down to their assets. Get ready.

I've never seen a global pandemic where we fire the caregivers, where we reduce the number of beds, where we have to pay for the tests and the hospital is reserved to the vaccinated people that can transmit the virus.

From cures for corona virus to phishing emails and phony websites, scammers are taking advantage of consumers' fears as the virus seems to spread. And people will be scared as long as it is necessary for the great reset to occur. Pfizer is doubling its profit and Moderna’s share came from 17 US dollars to 426 US dollars in one year at Wall Street. The elite are salivating at the idea of reduced population and mass control. Alerting the public about a fraud scheme involving COVID-19 is for many defensive groups the only way making people aware.

But is it real?

The security agenda of Western leaders

The restrictive measures, each one more delirious than the last, are following one another at a very worrying rate. To understand this, a detour to the World Economic Forum in Davos is in order, where the world's top financiers and decision-makers have repeatedly proclaimed that the objective is to turn the current crisis into a "formidable" opportunity to bring about a Great Reset. All this is widely verifiable online and very well documented in a few books or study reports signed by the hands of those who are the actors. But make no mistake; this "Great Reset" is nothing more than a painful overhaul of modern economies that are largely over-indebted and on the verge of downgrading.

For the past fifteen years, the growth displayed by the major countries has been totally artificial, based as it is on monetary creation (money printing, if you prefer), which is completely insane because it is uncorrelated with real production. Consider, for example, that the money supply M1 (coins and bills in circulation, deposits in checking accounts) has been multiplied by 4.5 in the USA in 2020 (see https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/M1SL). This is unprecedented. And it is not much better in Europe. To make a long story short, the 2008 crisis, linked to an excess of liquidity on the markets, was overcome thanks to ... even greater liquidity outflows. We have cured the evil with even more evil. A real rush! The cause was ever higher public spending, a monstrous public debt, productivity at half-mast and a significant loss of competitiveness in the face of the Asian bloc, particularly China. Our economies were then dangerously maintained under monetary oxygen to stay in the race. In doing so, they have become even more fragile and are about to face a series of very brutal adjustments: severe inflation, cascading bankruptcies, unemployment, falling stock and financial markets, etc. The result

will be the impoverishment of the middle and upper classes, as well as an increase in extreme poverty. For the time being, this process has been slowed down by the even greater issuance of "fake" money (FIAT currency).

But this is a step backwards. The ruling classes have perfectly understood that such a situation is likely to provoke bloody riots and other violence that cannot be controlled by the forces of order. When you have nothing left to lose... This is why they consider that they have no other choice than to anticipate and take control of the population very quickly in order to contain the consequences of a structural collapse of our societies.

Here comes a virus … It goes without saying that the measures taken over the last two years are not about health. They are in fact social engineering aimed at ensuring the transition to a post-consumerist authoritarian society (remember the words of Klaus Schwab, director of the Davos Forum: "In ten years you will own nothing and you will be happy about it"). It is a question of anticipating and containing the anger of the people through an abusive use of digital and biological identity (inspired by the Chinese model) in a context of fear and financial dependence.

As we know, the Prince of division, the Great Divider, has a name: it is the devil. His objective is to divide as much as possible, because he knows that division ravages, ruins, destroys everything in its path. And here is that the current times, especially those focused on Covid, offer him a new playground at the global level: it is of course the implementation of the anti-covid vaccine at the level of the whole planet.

France (but also Quebec), always ahead in liberticidal policies, but to some degrees USA, lives from now on at the rhythm of the compulsory vaccine: it is the only thing that is talked about, and the divide is growing week by week, at the level of society, at the level of social communities, at the level of families, and between those who are in favor of the vaccine and those who are not.

The first observation is that, overall, those who are not in favor of the vaccine feel comfortable compared to those who are happily vaccinated, which is quite normal, since they are adept at freedom.

Second remark: overall, those who are in favor of the vaccine are gradually becoming vaccine fanatics, considering that those who are not vaccinated are running a considerable health risk for society. They therefore gradually become actors of the health dictatorship, and claim it loud and clear.

Third remark: globally, the pro-vaccines ignore or refuse to consider three aspects of vaccines generally admitted by the world scientific community: the vaccinated can be reached again by the virus, the vaccinated can transmit the virus, and the side effects of the vaccines can be serious for the heart, for the brain and for the female ovaries.

Fourth remark: the government dictatorially imposes a unique treatment, dictatorially excluding any other treatment. This generates profits for the laboratories, which currently amount to tens of billions of Euros in Europe, and will in the long run amount to hundreds of billions of Euros.

Hence the question that we can legitimately ask ourselves: who benefits from the crime?

In this global context, on the subject of vaccines, families are torn apart, friends are torn apart, social communities are torn apart, and society as a whole is torn apart. We no longer count the definitive quarrels between the pro-vaccines, followers of the health dictatorship of Macron (France) or Legault (Quebec), and the anti-vaccines, who claim their freedom loud and clear.

Once again, Macron, Legault and their sad entourage are proving to be the great diabolical dividers of a France or a Quebec that is in bad shape. That said, the population, with each passing day, is becoming more aware of this, as recent polls or the repetitive and considerable demonstrations of this summer reveal. So we still have reasons to hope: freedom is not yet dead!

Professor Luc Montagnier, the French renowned virologist and joint recipient, with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen, of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) speaks out ...

Montagnier: "now I say: this is a health dictatorship" "I want to repeat it clearly: these vaccines are useless, dangerous and ineffective. Contrary to what we have been told, these vaccines do not prevent the spread of the virus at all." "It is a crime to vaccinate children, because even if they don't suffer negative effects now, there may be long-term effects be-

yond what we are seeing now. Long-term effects that we don't know anything yet." "And that's a crime especially since there are alternative methods to treat this infection that are also less expensive than vaccines and would allow us to get rid of this disease." "But in the media, there is no mention of alternatives, other types of vaccines or cures. And if someone points out the negative effects, that person is eliminated, so we live in an authentic reality of lies." "That's why we must condemn the marketing of big pharmaceutical companies, doctors and scientists, and especially governments".

“Vaccine is the cause of death in 30-40% of autopsies of recently vaccinated individuals” P. Schirmacher, Director of the Heidelberg Institute of Pathology. Panic in the German media which debunks this as fast as they can!

No HIV vaccine after 40 years of research... Let’s talk a little about the HIV vaccine. Remember that one time in the 80’s-90’s when people died from AIDS treatment (AZT) and not the actual AIDS virus? Remember that one doctor who promoted that treatment? Yes, the same guy who is actually in charge of NIH in the United States, Doctor Anthony FAUCI. How surprising …

So, no reliable vaccine against flu... No treatment for Alzheimer's disease... No effective treatment for cancer after 100 years of research... Nothing!

A virus mysteriously appears and within a year, a vaccine is created at the same time by four different pharmaceutical companies and we all have to take it with constraints and under penalty of fines?! - the resolution 2361 adopted on 28/1 by the Council of Europe stipulates in article 7.3.1 that vaccination should NOT be compulsory and that no one should be subjected to political, social or other pressure to be vaccinated, if he or she does not wish to do so personally. - Article 7.3.2 states that no one shall be discriminated against for not being vaccinated because of potential health risks or for not wanting to be vaccinated. Source: Council of Europe A person that is able to lose freedom for illusory security always ends up losing both. “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. ” Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

Let's not give up! It's not about vaccines, pandemics, or even a health plan to save us. Bullshit! It is the strategy of a conspiracy that has been implemented for a long time. Why develop and use vaccination? Perhaps to heal and cure the populations? Do you want to believe in the benevolence of any power, with a desire to heal while it considerably reduces access to care by reducing budgets, staff and equipment? We want to believe that our elected officials are passionate about our health. We want to believe in human compassion when it comes to life and death! The decision-makers who manipulate the puppets at the helm know perfectly well the drift of a health crisis and the chaos it generates.

This particular moment when fear settles down to last, with a blind trust for the institutions of our country! What disillusionment to be lulled by the incessant flow of lies that makes powder to the eyes and totally veil the reality of their intentions.

In submission, revealing the grip of power, reducing the dignity of all in the name of security is simply dictatorship. Should we believe these lies? No! It is only a lot of smoke and mirrors, and you are caught in the trap of submission. Only intelligence is left to timidly block it. The health pass is still an argument to divide the population because it fears the rebellion of the great number. The strategy of this health dictatorship is a decoy. The essence of this maneuver is to vaccinate with consent, but the real goal is to vaccinate totally for reasons not of public health, but to educate and control the population for the future in order to prepare a new world, created from scratch by the creators, manipulators inspired by our well-known prophets, who think that life will no longer be possible in the near future. And they are right to worry about this and are advising us to take control before the inevitable chaos of the world economy. The colossal fortunes injected in order to control the populations, and here is that the vaccine would become the odyssey of the oligarchies to reach the populations in the world with unexpected surprises that will act as absolute control of the individual wherever he is.

This is not science fiction but the ambition of all pragmatic idiots who conceive a fully digitized world. Almost all the current progressive leaders who are trying to impose the de facto mandatory vaccine (Macron, Trudeau, Ardern, etc...) are laureates of the “young leaders” program of Klaus Schwab the boss of Davos.

As of August 26, the seven-day average number of vaccine doses administered at CDC per day was 877,756. As of September 2, the seven-day average number of vaccine doses administered per day has increased to 906,992.

The sharp slowdown in vaccinations early in the summer led the United States to meet President Biden's goal of giving a dose to 70% of all adults by July 4 a month later, with the milestone reached on August 2. The miss was attributed largely to young adults, ages 18 to 29, who did not show up for their shots.

“The country still has work to do...especially with 18- to 26year-olds, ” said White House senior adviser on COVID-19 Jeffrey Zients in late June when it became clear the target would be missed. The reality is that many young Americans felt that Covid-19 was not something that affected them, and they were less willing to get vaccinated.

Similarly, in Europe, there was lower (and slower) uptake among young adults, and again, this was attributed to a more relaxed attitude among young people toward Covid. They are at much lower risk than older adults for hospitalization and death, and the reopening of companies this summer seems to have removed the incentive to get vaccinated for some.

As the rollout of vaccination in the United States has progressed, the divergence in vaccination rates across the United States has become more pronounced, varying considerably across the country, with southern states tending to lag behind their northern counterparts. Some states have been encouraged by the president to offer cash incentives in an effort to attract people to get vaccinated.

The anti-Covid vaccination, intended for the entire population, applied in a forced march, is not subject to any debate in France. It is indeed a political ideology (embodied and actively promoted by the President of the Republic himself) and not a scientific idea, nor a public health strategy. Science as well as public health is a complex thing, series of partial truths, adaptable and revisable according to the realities of the field or of experience. In all ideologies (political or religious), the debate is instead posed in binary and childish terms. One is for or against, and the world is divided between friends (here the pro-vax) and enemies (here the anti-vax). This ideology has taken power in France and it imposes the very terms of the debate is a catastrophe from all points of view: intellectual, democratic and sanitary.

Influencers go wild, some journalists follow them

In such a context, the evidence of an unprecedented vaccine danger associated with the four Anglo-Saxon vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen- Johnson and Johnson’s-) constitutes such a cognitive dissonance that many simply cannot hear it. The reality is, however, that one of these four vaccines (AstraZeneca's) has already been suspended in February-March 2021 in many, many countries and permanently withdrawn or even banned in some (Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, South Africa, Venezuela as well as the United States). In fact, I showed that this vaccine was clearly responsible for the particularly high level of deaths reported in the United Kingdom, which used it massively (as it is a product of a Swedish-British firm). However, at the end of April, Emmanuel Macron continued to recommend it and sought to "break the mistrust" of the French

towards it, as “Le Monde” explained at the time. This is an ideological position, not a scientific or medical one, as we have already said. And most of the commentators expressing themselves in the public debate are behind the president. All those people who, for one reason or another, were involved in the government's general vaccination campaign (elected officials, senior civil servants, doctors, journalists, etc.), cannot discuss the problem calmly. They see it as an unbearable challenge to the ideology they have adopted. Therefore, instead of contributing to thinking about the problem and supporting it with data or arguments, they look for a way to evacuate it purely and simply. And, as we know, the best way to make a message disappear is to kill the messenger. Some are becoming delators like in 1940. When a person is miserable, they never see or expect the good in anything and always try to make those around them feel just as bad and negative as them. Calling them delators is a minimum. I call delators those who made a living out of accusing people before the authorities, period! And it is mostly always the cowardly leftists!

These four pharmaceutical companies have not provided complete nomenclature to the FDA and on their vaccine box, fact sheet or label for many of the major and/or minor ingredients, contained in these so-called vaccines. The purpose of this research paper is to identify the specific major and minor ingredients contained in Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen vaccines, using various scientific anatomical, physiological and functional tests for each vaccine.

As a human right, governed under global law by the 1947 Nuremberg Code, information about specific vaccine ingredients is essential, required, and necessary to know, so that any human

being in any country can make an informed decision about whether or not to consent to the inoculation of the SARS-CoV2-19 “vaccine.” Currently, these vaccines are being administered to millions of human beings worldwide under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) issued by each country without full disclosure of ingredients, and in some cases at the request of governments or employers, which is a violation of human rights under the 1947 Nuremberg Code.

The great thing about ‘the camp of the good’ aka the left, is that it would like to impose on us the TV channels we must watch, the newspapers we must read, the hobbies we must have and the people we must associate with. Totalitarianism in all its glory!

Not since World War II has anything like covid19 revealed one's true nature. It is an accelerator but also, as in photography, a revelator. The light is indeed adulatory and corpuscular. It does not erase the shadow however.

But let us return to the arguments used to justify censorship. It appears that all the people who claim to have real intellectual arguments have only two in the end. These two arguments are methodological. They aim to challenge the use of adverse drug reaction reports, and they invariably conclude that we have falsely alarmed and that in fact everything is fine. The first argument is "imputability", the second is "expected mortality" (see for example the verbatim of doctors collected in the AFP dispatch written against our article). Both notions are, in themselves, quite interesting and important to discuss. But their misuse for rhetorical purposes to protect the vaccine ideology is easy to show.

This is not a battle of ideas, since there is none on the other side. We are only witnessing an attempt, with its prudish squirming, to disguise vulgar censorship as a good deed. A western society that suffocates under the weight of inculcated certainties and that no longer listens before contradicting. A society whose culture is fading and where dogmas have replaced ideas is a closed society which will fail and disappear. Accountability and expected mortality: the real and false arguments of denial.

On paper (or rather in front of a computer screen), things can be discussed endlessly and in reassuring intellectual comfort. This is called ratiocination. In real life, things are both simpler and more brutal for those directly affected by adverse drug reactions. For the victims, it is a question of knowing how to face these sometimes serious effects in a general context of denial. For caregivers, it is a question of knowing how to categorize and record these effects that appear very quickly (most often within 48 hours) after vaccination.

Concerning imputability: it is obvious that it is very difficult to determine the exact cause of a serious adverse reaction when the patient presents (or presented if he died) important co morbidities, or when his medical file is insufficiently known. This reasoning also applies to deaths deemed to be caused by Covid.

And it is also for this reason that, whatever the drug concerned (vaccine or other), it should never be administered uniformly but rather on a case-by-case basis according to the general state of health of the person and the possible specificities of his medical history. Moreover, in terms of mortality, the ultimate proof of imputability, which is the repetition of the same symptom fol-

lowing the same medication, cannot by definition be provided (one only dies once...). The fact remains that there are facts (serious adverse effects are observed in the hours and days following a medical procedure) and that it is not possible to dismiss them out of hand on the pretext that direct causality (a fortiori unique) has not been established. It is a bit like disputing the existence of a homicide on the grounds that the culprit has not yet been found. The pharmacovigilance declarations relating to serious adverse effects of vaccination are there, they must be interpreted and not tried to hide them under the rug.

Concerning the "expected mortality", the argument used by our learned critics seems to us to be just as rhetorical. Basically, it consists in saying that it is normal for people to die at any age, vaccinated or not, and that there is therefore no need to question the deaths further. But none of the users of this argument have actually gone and checked whether this mortality was expected or not. Moreover, how does the fact that people die every day from cancer invalidate the question of the responsibility of vaccination when the patient in question dies within hours of the injection? It seems to us that the argument again serves to evacuate the question instead of studying it.

In the end, these two arguments are incapable of helping us understand the reality we have before us, which can be summarized as follows: a doctor notices the appearance of more or less serious adverse effects in the hours following a vaccination, and therefore reports what logically appears to him to be linked in one way or another to the vaccination that has just been given.

What is complicated to understand in this very concrete situation of daily life? Nothing really!

Finally, and very revealingly, the French pharmacovigilance data in comparison with Great Britain, the Netherlands, the United States and the European community show the strange correlation of the figures of the different nations. And, in the case of the United States, it can be shown that the proof of the unprecedented character of the mortality linked to the new vaccines is provided by the temporal comparison. I will come back to this in detail. Then, we will study the Swiss data, which also converge towards the observation of an unprecedented vaccine mortality linked to these new anti-covid vaccines.

The comparison confirms that we are dealing with a historical event

Whether one thinks that the accounting of adverse events by pharmacovigilance exaggerates them or on the contrary minimizes them (which is commonly accepted in pharmacovigilance), the problem does not vary much from one year to the next. And the same problems of interpretation of declarations arise for other vaccines, those against seasonal flu for example. However, the mortality associated in the West with anti-covid vaccination due to the DNA or RNA vaccines manufactured by Anglo-Saxon firms constitutes an unprecedented historical fact. Plotted here from the American years of pharmacovigilance (VAERS), which lists the adverse effects associated with vaccines since 1990, it gives this:

Recently, the new VAERS figures (US only) have been released. 818,042 adverse events

127,641 physician visits 83,412 hospitalizations 92,017 Emergency care 26,199 Disabilities 10,179 Bell's palsy 10,304 Myocarditis 8,408 Heart attacks 2,631 Miscarriages 17,128 Deaths

Vaccine-associated mortality in the United States from 1990 to 2021 increases hundred fold as the number of people vaccinated increases.

Let me specify that these are not vague imputations declared weeks or even months after the vaccination. These are effects that were mainly observed in the 48 hours immediately following the injection. We are therefore in the concrete situation summarized above.

The time frame for the occurrence of deaths associated with vaccines in the United States. As I mentioned, the American database has been recording adverse drug reactions since 1990. It is therefore possible to compare this mortality from the new vaccines with that of all other vaccines administered over the last 31 years in this country. The first analysis that I did had a calculation error that led me to estimate that the anti-covid vaccine campaign was responsible for about 36% of the total deaths associated with vaccination since 1990. I had not seen that there were double counts in the results displayed. So I did the calculation again and the result is even more impressive. In the United States, after the

July 30, 2021 update, 10,672 deaths have been reported in pharmacovigilance as being associated with vaccination since 1990, for all vaccines used. Of these, 2,842 are associated with the Moderna vaccine, 2,768 with the Pfizer vaccine, 545 with the Janssen vaccine, and 28 for which the vaccine brand is not known. The total of the four adds up to 6,183 deaths, which is nearly 58% of the total deaths associated with any vaccine in the past 31 years. This is indeed an unprecedented historical event. The interpretation is open to debate. But the fact is that it cannot be dismissed.

Details of deaths, hospitalizations and permanent disabilities in the United States

The deaths associated with the new vaccine are obviously the most serious adverse events. However, the US data also show severe disabilities (nearly 7,000 at the end of July), fetal deaths (nearly 300) and hospitalizations (nearly 28,000).

It is also possible to observe the age distribution of these serious adverse events associated with the CV vaccine. It is not surprising to observe that the most serious effects (death and permanent disability) are logically concentrated at the oldest ages, i.e. on the most fragile people. 63% of the cases concern people over 60 years old. However, we note that a quarter of the cases concern people aged 40 to 59, and that nearly 12% of the cases concern even young adults (18-39 years).

Mortality, lethality: comparison proves the unprecedented danger of these messenger RNA vaccines

I have just confirmed and even amplified the observation: in only 6 months, the anti-covid vaccine alone represents 58% of the total vaccine mortality for 31 years. I had also made the comparison with seasonal influenza vaccines and found that, over the same period, these vaccines are associated with 1,106 deaths (i.e. 6.66% of total vaccine mortality). We must therefore conclude that, in the United States, in 6 months, anti-covid vaccination contributed to killing 9 times more people than influenza vaccination did in 31 years.

Some honest commentators have rightly criticized me for discussing mortality but not lethality, for lack of providing data on the extent of non-Covid vaccinations in recent years. So I looked for this information, which is published on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website. It shows (not surprisingly) that the United States is a country that vaccinates a lot against seasonal flu in recent years. From 23.3 million doses injected in 1990-1991, we have increased to 193.8 million in 2020-2021. In the past 4 years (2017-2020), nearly 650 million flu shots have been given. And 194 reports of death were recorded in the database. So this gives an extremely low potential case fatality of 1 death per 3.3 million injections. So the seasonal flu vaccination is not dangerous for populations.

But here's the comparison with the flu vaccines: in 2021, in six months, about 165 million people were fully vaccinated in the United States. And we saw that 6,183 deaths were reported. So that gives an extremely high potential lethality of 1 death per

27,000 injections. In other words, the potential lethality of the newer Covid vaccines is about 120 times that of the seasonal flu vaccines.

Swiss pharmacovigilance data confirm the alert.

Alerted by an article published by Pastor Martin Hoegger on the blog of economist Liliane Held-Khawam, I also explored the website of the Swiss pharmacovigilance agency (Swissmedic). The data made available allows me to make calculations equivalent to those I made for the United States. Here are the main results.

From January 1 to July 21, 2021, more than 4.5 million people received these new vaccines in Switzerland. And the pharmacovigilance reports 2,782 non-serious events (about 1 in 1,600), 1,537 serious events (about 1 in 3,000), and 128 deaths (about 1 in 35,000, which is consistent with what we have seen for other European countries).

Mr. Hoegger then did with the Swiss data the same reasoning and the same type of calculation as I did. He compared this mortality associated with the new vaccines with that of the previous seasonal flu vaccines. He found that in 9 years (from 2011 to 2019), 99 serious adverse events were reported, as well as 2 deaths. Based on the official finding that about 14% of the Swiss population was vaccinated against influenza in 2018-2019, and applying this rate to the whole period, he therefore estimates that about 10.5 million flu vaccinations were performed in Switzerland in 9 years. This would result in a very low rate of 1 death for every 5+ million flu vaccinations.

A vaccine against Covid-19 discovered in less than a year... but another infection, herpes, which concerns 3/4 of the population, a vaccine has not yet been found although treatments are effective. Suddenly the world has found a cure for a lesser form of flu against humanity.

By comparison, the Covid-19 vaccine has affected about 4.5 million people in Switzerland as of July 21, with 128 associated deaths, giving a rate of 1 death for every 35,000 vaccinations, a potential lethality about 140 times higher than that of seasonal flu vaccines. Again, this is a finding that needs to be interpreted, not glossed over.

Seeing and hearing so many journalists and “experts” (or supposedly so) talk about the methodology of pharmacovigilance is something that is hard to imagine for the people who suffer these adverse effects. Who cares about this population that obeys the terrible blackmail (vaccinate yourself or you won't be able to work anymore, you won't be able to go to restaurants, movies, museums, concerts or amusement parks, you won't be able to travel, etc.)? Who protects people? Nobody! People have to organize themselves. Thus, in parallel with the Vaccine Injury Victims Network formed in 2018 by victims of the hepatitis B vaccine, a group called “Covid Official Vaccine Adverse Event Recensement” was created on Facebook in mid-July and gathered 200,000 subscribers in just three weeks. But it was censored a month later. Like the countless testimonies that are multiplying on social networks. Let's also remind everyone that the official portal for reporting “adverse health events”, intended for both caregivers and patients, is on the internet.

Examination of the available data clearly suggests that an unprecedented vaccine mortality is developing everywhere in the West, in connection with the use of the new anti-covid vaccines. The debate is open on the interpretation, but the fact is there, in front of our eyes. And this vaccine mortality is only the tip of the iceberg of serious adverse events. Even reduced to its most elementary principles of deontology (primum non nocere), the approach to this question in terms of public health should therefore lead to an urgent suspension of the vaccine campaign, to a much more detailed study of the pharmacovigilance data (in particular according to age groups and different risk factors) and, after a meticulous benefit/risk analysis, to determine to which specific categories of the population it is possible to propose vaccination without the risk of serious side effects being more numerous than the serious forms of Covid from which it is supposed to protect them.

A press conference with two renowned pathologists took place in Reutlingen on September 20, 2021. Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang, two scientists confirmed the content of the report of Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher on the links established in autopsies between the Covid vaccination and the increasing number of deaths of vaccinated persons.

Prof. Dr. Peter Schirmacher, who heads the autopsy services, found a causal relationship with vaccination in one-third of the deaths that occurred within 14 days after Covid 19 vaccination. At their press conference, the pathologists stressed that the situation was alarming. During their autopsies, the scientists went into great detail and used the latest technology. Because this was

the only way to establish a link to the vaccines, said Burkhard in the introduction. In particular, Prof. Dr. Burkhard said:

“Among what I am showing you, there are many things that I have seen for the first time. Some things I cannot name yet, because I am still looking for names for them. ”

“We are doing a peer review here with many colleagues” .

“Serious effects are probably misdiagnosed as heart attacks by many pathologists” .

“Lymphocyte accumulations are found everywhere” .

In all cases, the immune system has been attacked. Some diagnoses are difficult and often misinterpreted. After this press conference, every vaccinator will have to carefully review their certainties. The pharmaceutical companies involved must urgently answer the questions posed by these high-level scientists. Until then, everyone should ask themselves if they are taking the risk of such a “vaccination” and exposing their immune system to this danger.

Finally … The prohibition of ‘compulsory vaccination’ has been adopted by the European Court! The European Court has finally ruled on the prohibition of compulsory vaccination. Any vaccination obligation is now illegal by default

The Council of Europe (not to be confused with the EU), to which all European states belong, with the exception of Belarus,

Kosovo and the Vatican which is the sponsor of the European Court of Human Rights, decided on 27.01.2021 in its resolution 2361/2021, among others, that no one can be vaccinated against his will, under pressure. The 47 member states are invited to point out before the vaccination is not compulsory and that an unvaccinated person should not be discriminated against.

Discrimination is also expressly prohibited if there are existing health risks or if a person does not wish to be vaccinated.

Vaccine manufacturers are required to publish all information about the safety of vaccines.

With this resolution, the world's largest human rights organization in Europe has now established standards and obligations, as well as created guidelines under international law, which must be applied by the 47 member states, including the EU as an organization.

Discrimination, for example in the workplace or travel bans for unvaccinated people, the unvaccinated people, are therefore legally excluded. In any legal proceedings, against any authority, any employer, any travel provider, any official!

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