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X My humble opinion

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IX Useful Crisis

IX Useful Crisis

My humble opinion!

The late comedian George Carlin offered his unfunny take on the globalists in his: How the Elite Control the World: “They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking.... They want obedient workers; people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to accept pretty much all of these increasingly crappy jobs with the lowest wages, longest hours, reduced benefits, no more overtime, and the pension that disappears as soon as you go to collect it. ” By now, everyone should understand that governments are the main problem of the people, they are their main enemy! In a democracy, governments are elected by the people to serve the people, which, meanwhile, turn out to be far from the case.


Top-down power usually begins to fail in the most spectacular way, as we can see almost daily. What is amazing about these inter-elite parties is the masking of the small staff.

What can justify this muzzling of the lower staff except as a symbol of humiliation and social domination?

The motivation for our bottom-up consensual power increases. The only unlimited resource we have on the planet is the human brain.

Of all the vaccines I've had in my life...whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, smallpox, measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis, meningitis and tuberculosis. I've never seen so much washy-ness about a vaccine that says I have to wear a mask and maintain a social distance even when fully vaccinated. I've never heard of a vaccine that would make it so that I could still contract or spread the virus even when fully vaccinated, I've never been bribed by institutions to take the vaccine to win a car and/or cash prizes. I have never been judged if I did not take it. I have never been discriminated against for travel or other regular services.

The vaccines I listed above have never told me or made me feel like a bad person for not taking them! I have never seen a vaccine that threatened the relationship between a family member and/or close friend.

I have never seen it used for political gain.

I have never seen a mix and match concern where it was mentioned that it was ok to do it one day and then overnight not to do it.... I have never seen a vaccine threaten livelihood, work,

school, etc. I have never seen a vaccine that allows a 12 year old to replace parental consent.

Finally, after all the vaccines I've listed above, I've never seen a vaccine like this one that discriminates, divides, and judges a society like this. Sometimes, one must understand the legitimacy of any government action. It is worrisome that we have a population unable to think for itself. It is more perturbing to realize the low IQ of a large portion of the world.

This is a powerful vaccine. It does all of those things I mentioned and yet it doesn't do what every other vaccine I've ever received previously was designed to do (and succeeded, I might add) which is to... fight the Covid.

The Director of Research of the CNRS in France launches the alarm:

“Vaccination is more dangerous than the disease”, he said ... in an interview with ‘France Soir’. In other words, vaccination is a vehicle for another plan. How is it possible that I am not surprised? In six months, we have gone from the vax ending the pandemic to –you can still get the covid even when vaccinated to – you can pass Covid onto others even completely vaccinated to – you can still die of Covid even fully vaccinated to the – unvaccinated are killing the vaccinated ! Propagandists on TV have no shame. Those minions are playing their roles as puppets of their Grand Masters; Big Pharma, Big Medias and Big powerful men for the Great Reset.

Meanwhile, in England, the Office for National Statistics (ONS), a government agency based in the United Kingdom, has released new data showing that “fully vaccinated” English adults under age 60 are now dying twice as fast as their unvaccinated counterparts.

On his Sub stack, Alex Berenson posted a graph showing the difference between the two groups. While deaths of unvaccinated people are decreasing over time, deaths of fully vaccinated people are increasing: The original ONS data set makes this clear to anyone willing to look at it honestly - because we all know the mainstream media will never report on it.

“I checked the underlying data set myself and this graph is correct, ” Berenson writes. “Vaccinated people under the age of 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And the total number of deaths in Britain is much higher than normal.”

“I don't know how to explain this other than vaccine-induced mortality,” he added.

Step by step reason and facts come out: In a real pandemic, sick people are treated and cared for; healthy people are not hunted down or oppressed! “The chief executive of the UK Health Security Agency said that Covid was possibly no more dangerous than flu.”(telegraph.co.uk) “Covid may no longer be the most 'significant' threat to health”, Dr Jenny Harries says. We have caused distress, destroyed lives, finished off old people, ruined the economy for a disease no more dangerous than the flu? So freedoms have gone up in smoke and digital identity has been launched by chance? Just a delusional puff?

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres denounces the use of covid as a pretext to curtail fundamental freedoms and silence independent media! What a surprise! Anyone with a bit of intelligence could have said that over a year ago. The moronic attitude of a passive population is enough to take humanity toward slavery.

Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd. Bertrand Russell

Vaccine opponents remain! Experts say there is no single reason for the slowdown in vaccinations, as vaccine supply is not currently an issue in the United States or Europe!

While young people may not feel a pressing need to be vaccinated, others are still refusing vaccines because of concerns about the long-term safety of rapidly developed vaccines. This is despite health agencies and experts supporting Covid-19 vaccines as ‘incredibly effective.’

As vaccination progresses, those who refuse the vaccine are likely to become more visible, one epidemiologist told CNBC.

“My sense is that this is a combination of all the evidence - given that acceptance of the vaccine has improved everywhere compared to opinion poll expectations in the early days (remember some of the dire predictions from the U.S. and France), we may now be left with the residual ‘refusers’ who, because of their age

group and beliefs, may be among the hardcore objectors, ” Danny Altmann, professor of immunology at Imperial College London, told CNBC.

There is a wide divergence in the rates of acceptance and hesitation of the coronavirus vaccine in the United States and Europe. Vaccine uptake has traditionally been high in the United Kingdom and Spain, a factor that has facilitated Covid vaccination programs, while France has experienced much more widespread vaccine hesitancy.

Vaccination rates differ considerably across Europe today, with Eastern and Southern European countries, Russia, and its neighbors all lagging behind their Western European counterparts.

Vaccine hesitancy remains highest in Russia and the U.S., according to the latest vaccine tracking survey from Morning Consult, which conducts more than 75,000 weekly interviews in 15 countries on the Covid vaccine rollout.

The latest data, based on surveys conducted between Aug. 17 and Aug. 23 (and with 45,604 interviews conducted in America) showed that Russia and the United States still have the highest rates of opposition to the vaccine among all countries surveyed. Some 31% of Russians said they were unwilling to get the Covid-19 vaccine (and an additional 16% were unsure if they would receive it) and 18% of Americans surveyed did not want to get the vaccine, with an additional 10% unsure.

Meanwhile, millions of people in other countries do not have a choice about whether to receive a Covid-19 vaccine. Although 40.3% of the world's population has received at least one dose of

a Covid-19 vaccine, only 1.8% of people in low-income countries have received at least one dose, according to Our World in Data.

Lessons from the past are useless. And the people “end up finding a shameful relief in the peace of despotism.” Because we are afraid to die, we spend our lives dying of fear.

How can the unvaccinated possibly pose a threat to the vaccinated? How does that work? What is the risk exactly? Biden didn’t tell us, nor Trudeau or Macron. They don’t know. No one does. In fact, there is no answer. It’s at this point that you realize that none of this talking about public health is really about public health.

The game of these pseudo-elites is lost, so I am optimistic, but that doesn't mean we should do nothing and just wait. We just need to avoid fear and violence. Prepare for the winter of 20222023 which I foresee as very difficult.

I have written all this so that you understand that even if it was necessary to risk ten million deaths to avoid this transhumanist era, it would be worth risking them.

I am personally neither really anti-mask nor pro-mask, I am only against mandatory masking for the reasons I will now explain. The ‘pro-maskers’ and more precisely those who are for the obligation to wear a mask greatly underestimate the fact that masking is a prelude to vaccination, which is itself a prelude to digital identification and then to the human tracing that will nat-

urally follow, before leading us in a very short time to the transhumanist era, introduced by the real-time analysis of all our gestures, acts, movements and encounters by programs. But this perspective is in my eyes much more serious than any atomic bomb or world war.

Let me explain. First, it is easy to understand that the cessation of the wearing of the mask could be conditioned to the control of the vaccination, so I will not dwell on that. Secondly, a restaurant owner is not going to ask you to show him your vaccination card to enter his restaurant, etc.: you will simply pass by objects (terminals) that will identify you and let you enter freely in a public place if your vaccination card is up to date.

The real danger will come from the fact that it will not be accepted that you cannot carry on you the object that identifies you, whether it is your papers or a connectable object (mobile, smart card...). It will also not be accepted that if you are wearing one, this object is not yours, i.e. that you have ‘borrowed’ it from someone else. It will therefore have to be intimately linked to your body, either by the recognition of a biometric signature, or by wearing a chip under your skin or a microchip inside your body. This second method is much more reliable and practical than the first. Moreover, it will easily replace your entire wallet and purse, stored on a Cloud. Cash will have disappeared, wherever 5G is available to make exchanges much more convenient and controllable. As you will have understood, the control of vaccination is the biggest ally of the big bankers. It will take one to a few years, not more, and then the virus will disappear, because everything will be folded.

Thanks to the technology that will surround us in the form of 5G waves and connected objects, we will be identified 24 hours a day by simple triangulation and we will also be located with a precision that is, let's say, 100 to 1000 times greater than that of the GPS in your cell phone: enough to allow a program to identify exactly what you are doing and with whom. Everyone will be led to be suspicious of everyone else and to try to find decoys as soon as their behavior needs to be out of the ordinary. The right not to be traced will be a luxury reserved for a sufficiently rich elite.

There would be a book to do on this, a kind of book of horrors. Far more horrific than Orwell’s 1984. Films like ‘Black Mirror’ have tried to depict some of the scary situations that await us in this era. The reality is likely to be much worse when we already see, in awe, the emergence of bioethics laws that would allow the creation of half-human, half-animal monsters. After all, nothing could be more logical in a transhumanist future - the future built by the multi-secular educational thought that we would be biological machines.

Coming back to tracking, beware of incompetent amalgams: the cell phone monitored by the CIA is an instrument of total freedom compared to what awaits us. Of course, there will be laws prohibiting certain uses of information concerning our gestures, our actions, our movements and encounters, but these laws will not prevent the programs from functioning. I let you guess the perspectives, which would be too long to develop.

The most serious thing in all this is that the human being will lose his soul.

In a word, the human will be finished.

However, I have already indicated that we are no longer heading towards this mess and that we must interpret the current appalling political and media propaganda, worthy of a western North Korea that would like to take its entire population towards this era (often described as a new world order), as a state of panic of an old future that is disappearing from our perspectives.

Remember that there are no plots, only an old future that resists by drawing us towards it. Understand that there are no elites acting in favor of the messenger and who would be endowed with a free will. These ‘elites’, poor me, only serve as relays for the energies of the transhuman future that we have created ourselves in the past.

Digital Euro Project.

With the digital euro project, people will be easy to control. What is the objective of this measure? One may ask …

The objective is to break the independence of people, to put them in a position where they can no longer escape state control. It is a totalitarian project that is underway. The health pass is the first step in this system. Make no mistake about it… This is no longer an administration, it is a REGIME…

“He was one of those men who have nothing vibrant or elastic, who are composed of inert molecules, who resonate at the shock of any idea, at the contact of any feeling, who have icy angers, dull hatreds, emotionless outbursts, who catch fire without heating up, whose caloric capacity is nil, and who often seem to be made of wood; they flare up at one end and are cold at the other. The main line, the diagonal line of this man's character, was tenacity. He was proud to be tenacious, and compared himself to Napoleon. This is just an optical illusion. There are many people who are fooled by it and who, at a certain distance, take tenacity for willpower, and a candle for a star. So when this man had once adjusted what he called his will to something absurd, he went headlong and through the entire thicket to the end of the absurd thing. Stubbornness without intelligence is stupidity welded to the end of stupidity and serving as an extension. This goes far. In general, when a private or public catastrophe has fallen upon us, if we examine, from the rubble that lies on the ground, how it was built, we almost always find that it was blindly constructed by a mediocre and obstinate man who had faith in himself and who admired himself. There are many of these stubborn little fatalities in the world who believe themselves to be providences.” Victor Hugo, 1834.

“Covid deaths” & mortality The survival rate of “Covid” is greater than 99%. There was NO unusual excess mortality. The number of “Covid deaths” is artificially inflated. The vast majority of Covid deaths have serious comorbidities. The average age of “Covid death” is higher than the average life expectancy. Covid mortality accurately reflects

the natural mortality curve. The massive increase is the result in “illegal” DNR orders!

Lockouts Lockdowns do not prevent the spread of disease. Lockdowns kill people. Hospitals have never been abnormally overcrowded.

Pcr testing PCR tests were not designed to diagnose disease. PCR tests have always been inaccurate and unreliable. Ct (cycle threshold) values for PCR tests are too high. PCR tests accepted by the World Health Organization have produced false positives. The scientific basis of Covid tests is questionable.

Truth and honesty are coming out of the woodwork, all around us. Unfortunately, the sheep continue to believe their government's lies and publicly say that enlightened truth seekers are doomsayers and depressing problem hunters. To clarify, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a German microbiologist, warns “they are killing people with these COVID vaccines” to reduce the world population. In an exclusive interview, the world-renowned German-Thai microbiologist warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and deception, as the COVID ‘vaccines’ are intended to cause a global catastrophe and a brutal decimation of the human population. He explains that the PCR test has been misused to create fear in an unscientific manner. But again, according to further research, these tests do the same harm as the Covid vaccines. There is no question that we have not been told the truth about Covid, PCR testing, vaccines, masks, social distancing, confinement and mortality.

In fact, the only thing we can be 100% sure of is that governments, public health officials, and the media have lied persistently and relentlessly on virtually every issue over the past year and a half. Lying and deception have become the official strategy of many states. Reports have surfaced in recent days that people who chose not to receive the experimental COVID-19 vaccines but were exposed to those who did, have suffered what appear to be toxicities from those fully ‘vaccinated’ individuals. Primarily affecting women who reported menstrual difficulties, heavy bleeding, miscarriage and reduced breast milk.

These vaccines are not legal vaccines. The word ‘vaccine’ refers only to a synthetic immune stimulation. To detect the virus, all you need is a saliva or urine sample. Therefore, any PCR test is irrelevant. Furthermore, any use of the PCR test is contrary to the Nuremberg Codex and constitutes a crime against humanity.

Asymptomatic infection The majority of Covid infections are “asymptomatic”. There is very little evidence to support the alleged danger of “asymptomatic transmission”.

Ventilators Ventilation is NOT a treatment for respiratory viruses. Ventilators have killed people.


Masks do not work. Masks are bad for your health. Masks are bad for the planet.

Vaccines Covid “vaccines” are totally unheard of. Vaccines do not confer immunity and do not prevent transmission. The vaccines have been precipitated and have unknown long-term effects. Vaccine manufacturers have been granted legal immunity from harm.

Deception and foreknowledge

The EU was preparing “vaccine passports” at least a YEAR before the pandemic began. A “training exercise” predicted the pandemic only weeks before it began. Since the beginning of 2020, the flu has “disappeared”. The financial elite made a fortune during the pandemic.

Vaccine was never brought in for the Covid. Covid was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, it all makes sense. Please ask yourself, “Why is the USA requiring vaccination for all with an outdated vax, when many have already been infected, recovered, developed natural immunity?” Stop. Think. Why the censorship? Why the mandates? Why the constant propaganda push? As with the previous confinement and curfew measures, they once again baffled any mind with basic logic: a pass for the trains, but not the subway, a pass for the restaurant, but not the cafeteria, a pass for the fire department, but not the police, a pass for the theater, but not the National Assembly... A slew of measures so incoherent that the health motives assigned to them by the government, catechized by elements of language and anxiety-provoking commercials, quickly appeared suspect.

In reality, these vexatious measures constitute an emotional blackmail limiting the possibilities of leisure and obtruding the social life. Depriving entire sections of the population of fundamental freedoms, these sometimes humiliating measures are felt by many as a form of social downgrading. Moreover, some mayors use all the possibilities left by the law to exercise a stronger coercion, by making access to a village festival or an open-air flea market conditional on the presentation of a health pass, whereas the wearing of a mask is already compulsory and the incidence rate (number of people tested positive over the last 7 days out of 100,000 inhabitants in France) is sometimes lower than 50. Why is the majority blind and does not realize that we are witnessing the establishment of a system of obedience? It couldn't be clearer. The Covid-19 is there for the vaccine. The vaccine is there for the passport. The passport is there for the control.

Since its introduction, the Vaccine passport has been an instrument of social pressure, to encourage hesitant and resistant people to be vaccinated. The impossibility of establishing an obligation to vaccinate for a vaccine in the test phase (conditional MA issued for the Moderna vaccine, which remains in clinical trials until October 2022, and for the Pfizer vaccine until May 2023, because long-term data on their efficacy and safety are not available) has led the authorities to imagine blackmail leading to a breach of the social contract that is unthinkable in a peaceful democracy, whose citizens are educated and responsible. The US and most advanced countries in the world are well on their way to combining the worst traits of George Orwell’s 1984 with those of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World!

The Vaccine Passport (health pass) is the first social credit experiment in the democratic world! China is extending its social credit system internationally and in France it is Thales that is at the heart of the Vaccine passport. Without officially revealing it, France is following the Chinese model. The health pass is only the beginning allowing the implementation of the social credit in France. It is by going to the blog of the company Thalès that we understand the overall coherence of this first stage of surveillance capitalism called the health pass. Thalès intends to offer a global solution for digital identity, and shows us with a kind of naivety how this project will be implemented. But why does the Great Reset really need the Vaccine passport to be implemented? This question, whose growing importance has been felt for several weeks, and which has become the hinge for explaining public policies, has given rise to much speculation. The Vaccine passport is not an end in itself. It is a beginning, a precedent, an appetizer...

The Vaccine passport is therefore a “precursor”! The anticipation of a generalized system where identity will no longer be established by an “autonomous” official document like an ID card, but by a digital “wallet” stored on a cloud and an application whose archiving will escape the user. In other words, we have to get used to changing the way we establish our identity. Little by little, it will be marginalized, with no possibility of opposing it... In France, for example, we are used to the “permis à points” for driving. Run a red light, you will lose four points (if you are caught). Be good for more than

six months, or pay for a training course, and you will get points back. The use of the Vaccine passport is becoming more widespread around the world. This is the first step in a project of globalist state control.

Big business loves big government. They are hand in hand. And big for big, the big issue with natural immunity is that nobody gets rich. Large world companies are naturally neo-leftists and monopolistic. They want to govern the world and they are attracted to globalists who are not shy of stating that totalitarianism is in the making. Israel is showing the way; the head of the fight against the coronavirus calls for the obligation of a fourth dose of vaccine if the Israelis want to keep their Vaccine passport every 6 months. A fifth dose is coming!

Dr. Robert Malone: “The truth that no one wants to hear is that our young children are going to die in droves...There are going to be deaths galore! And it starts as early as 3 years old!”

Israel allows vaccination for children aged 5 to 11. Authorities had started vaccinating teens between 12 and 17, but decided to lower to 5 years. After the United States, Israel gave the green light, Sunday, November 14, to the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 with doses of the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer-BioNtech to face the pandemic.

Subsidized scientists (most are!) go with the flow eager to build a reputation and/or make money! These scientists dream like their Nazi predecessors of being able to do everything. They have passed the law on genetic manipulation and chimeras (throughs ignorance and cowardice of legislators). The human

body is a reservoir of organs. The human being is not important. China sells organs of Uyghur Muslims to the Gulf States. Everything is possible. It conducts experiments of all kinds. Science can kill, experiment, make sub-humans tomorrow, and try to make super-humans. They want it with all their might. And transgenders are only the beginning of this promotion of human transformation at any cost, in any direction. Western humanity must be dehumanized.

What the laboratories promote: the business of selftransformation!

Tomorrow the biggest business will be the business of selftransformation. It started modestly with cosmetic surgery and it extends today in transsexuality. By the way, and it is almost forbidden to say it, a person who changes sex in appearance does not change sex on the genetic and hormonal level. It becomes a patient for life undergoing permanent and painful hormonal treatments to remain what it is not genetically. The sex chromosome exists with XX for women and XY for men. This person, a victim of propaganda, is a lifelong client of hormonal products. Good for business! Children are now victims of this same propaganda and organized harassment to doubt their sexuality. They become clients of violent surgery and lifelong treatment. Many are accompanied by psychiatric care. They drift to suicide. It doesn't matter. Business is business. And these populations are sterile, unfit for reproduction mainly in the western world.

This means the era of compulsory gene therapy

It is the inversion of the most elementary values. The healthy have no right to live in peace. He is a threat. He must be treated

for his well being in order to fight against potential diseases by therapies that are supposed to protect him. We put our finger in a fatal spiral, that of fear management. It justifies a prevention of diseases where the transformation of the human would be one of the conditions of its survival. And no one has the right to escape this grip. It aims at therapeutic dependence for life. Exponential business and increasing biological dependence, like opioids. We are already witnessing the weakening of natural immune defenses. Logically, we must destroy them to increase the vulnerability of populations to mass therapies. We are there today. They are going to get rich by progressively destroying populations.

What China gains in this crazy adventure one might ask? China has already won the ‘economic weakening’ of all Western nations. They have sacrificed pharaonic sums in this disease. It has also won the collapse of democracies. The Vaccine passport is social control in motion. It has gained even more by fracturing our societies in depth: breaking the principles of equality and solidarity, inhumanity of treatments including the refusal of care. It has given rise to sadistic, perfidious and humiliating attitudes. Let us think of the harassment of civil servants to submit to the vaccination obligation in spite of all the values written in numerous international agreements. These agreements drew lessons from the misguidedness of Nazism. China also triumphs by imposing its values, its social organization through the infantilizing authoritarianism of certain Western states. It also imposes its distant customs: greetings, not shaking hands or kissing, which is repugnant to Orientals. This is the creeping sinicization of our daily behavior. It finally triumphs by threatening the human health of Western populations. Genetic therapies are uncertain, already deadly and we know nothing about the future. I am worried like many independent scientists

that one day when the western world is no more we should accept our servitude. Besides, how is it that China has adopted a traditional Pasteurian vaccine, but not in the West? This is why we can no longer submit. There is nothing healthy about the Vaccine passport. It is a political instrument that reveals the deep motivations of our leaders. Can we let democracy be weakened by using false medical pretexts?

Live all you can; it's a mistake not to. It doesn't so much matter what you do in particular, so long as you have your life. If you haven't had that what have you had? Henry James

What has happened is unprecedented in every respect. The first lessons are worrying and tell us that nothing can be taken for granted when it comes to freedom. The western world is lost. It will have been enough for a final crisis for the globalization of the world to emerge. Decline and decadence have never been as visible as since the beginning of the 21st century. In France, in Aubusson in the Limousin, a small village whose citizens believed for a long time that the State would protect them, the population is now transformed in less than a quarter of a century. Half of the citizens appear to be of non-European origin. Halal everywhere and Turkish coffee mixed with sub-Saharan Africa are now visible to all. An ambiguous silence by the people of Aubusson shows their reckless votes under the presidency of Mitterrand... The denial now is representative of this small community. The decline and the submission to the government are always fatal. The French de-

serve their disappearance. Canadians will never have had the chance to be important to the world. Their diversity makes them incapable of having a homogeneous culture. Their disappearance is also programmed under the influence of conquering Islam. The United States pretends to still be a great nation but its time is up. Trump was only a parenthesis in the decline and submission to bureaucracy and neo-Marxism. The influence of Islam is slowly emerging. Since Clinton, Bush and Obama, the United States is now a nation ready to submit to the New World Order of Davos and others.

Before you succumb once again to the blackmail of the shoot, I will have to make you understand.... the magic of ‘covidism!’ When your precious Vaccine passport, thanks to which you hope to regain your freedom, to find again the small joys of “the life before”...is transformed into a monetary pass… When the power of 100% digital technology locks you into a society of total control, where all your everyday activities are governed by access rights conditioned by the validity of your pass and its countless future injections... Then you shall think! Soon even your money will no longer belong to you because its access can be forbidden with the disconcerting ease of a mouse click. Mass vaccination was never intended to heal the population but to shackle it in a dictatorship assisted by digital power. Resist, I implore you. The future of humanity is at stake. Of course, I will continue to write pamphlets and essays, but I must admit that we are at the beginning of the end. We will be slaves to the state swamp for a very long time. We wanted it! We elected them!

It was in 1956 that the German Jewish philosopher Günther Anders wrote this prescient reflection: “In order to stifle any revolt in advance, one must above all not go about it in a violent manner. Archaic methods like those of Hitler are clearly outdated. It is enough to create a collective conditioning so powerful that the very idea of revolt will no longer even occur to people. The ideal would be to format individuals from birth by limiting their innate biological aptitudes... Then, we would continue the conditioning by drastically reducing the level & quality of education, to reduce it to a form of professional insertion. An uneducated individual has only a limited horizon of thought and the more his thought is limited to material, mediocre concerns, the less he can revolt. It is necessary to make sure that access to knowledge becomes more and more difficult and elitist..... that the gap between the people and science widens, that the information intended for the general public is anesthetized of any content with subversive character. Especially not philosophy! Here again, we must use persuasion and not direct violence: we will massively broadcast, via television, mind-numbing entertainment, always flattering the emotional, the instinctive. We will occupy the minds with what is futile and playful. It is good to prevent the mind from questioning, thinking and reflecting with incessant chatter and music. Sexuality will be put in the first place of human interests. As a social anesthetic, there is nothing better. In general, one will make sure to banish the seriousness of the existence, to turn in derision all that has a high value, to maintain a constant apology of the lightness; so that the euphoria of publicity, of consumption become the standard of the human happiness and the model of freedom.

The conditioning will thus produce such an integration of itself, that the only fear (which it will be necessary to maintain) will be that of being excluded from the system and thus of not being able to reach the material conditions necessary to happiness. Mass man, thus produced, must be treated as what he is: a product, a calf, and he must be monitored as a herd must be. Everything that allows putting to sleep his lucidity, his critical spirit, is socially good, everything that would risk awakening it must be fought, ridiculed, suffocated... Any doctrine questioning the system must first be designated as subversive and terrorist and those who support it must then be treated as such.” Günther Anders -The Obsolescence of Man- 1956

Be brave. Find the right balance. These are essential Stoic virtues, but in their seriousness they pale in comparison to what the Stoics revered most: Doing what is right.

There is no Stoic virtue more important than justice, for it influences all the others. Marcus Aurelius himself said that justice is “the source of all other virtues. ”

Throughout history, Stoics have pushed and advocated for justice, often at great risk to themselves and with great courage, in order to accomplish great things and defend the people and ideas they loved.

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