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III Manipulation

III Manipulation


Is there an alternative to the gene therapy that Western governments are trying to introduce by law into gullible populations? There certainly is! Every day there are new methods. Here is the example of Brazil.


Brazilian snake venom has a molecule that inhibits the Covid-19 virus, according to researchers from the Institute of Chemistry (IQ) of Unesp (São Paulo State University is a public university run by the state government of São Paulo, Brazil.). They have identified in the venom of the Jararacuçu species a peptide which is a piece of protein - able to stop the reproduction of the Covid-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2).

The discovery happened after laboratory tests, in which they observed that the molecule extracted from the snake's venom inhibited by 75% the virus' ability to multiply in monkey cells. The results obtained in the study generated an article that was

published in August in the international scientific journal Molecules. With this, the study presents a promising path in the search for drugs to treat patients contaminated by Covid-19. The challenge in creating a new immunizer is to ensure that it is effective against a given pathology and does not generate adverse reactions.

“We found a peptide that is not toxic to cells, but inhibits virus replication. With this, if the compound becomes a medicine in the future, the organism would gain time to act and create the necessary antibodies, since the virus would have its infection speed compromised and would not advance in the organism” , explains Eduardo Maffud Cilli, IQ professor and one of the authors of the work. How does snake venom act? Easily obtainable, the peptide is found in the Jararacuçu and is a molecule that interacts and blocks PLPro, one of the enzymes of Covid-19 responsible for its multiplication in the cells. According to the IQ professor, this mechanism of action is interesting because all SARS-CoV-2 variants have PLPro.

Therefore, the tendency is that the molecule maintains its effectiveness against different mutations of the virus. Although several vaccines have been approved recently, the complete immunization of the world population will still take time, which, along with the emergence of new variants, reinforces the importance of the search for effective treatments. The assay is done as follows: monkey cells grown in the laboratory receive the peptide, and after an hour the virus is added to the culture. After two days, the researchers evaluate the results

and, by means of some calculations, find out how much the virus has stopped reproducing. This is possible because the researchers already know in advance how the virus would multiply under normal conditions, that is, if it were in contact only with cells. In a second stage of the study, in which the researchers identified one of the action mechanisms of the snake peptide, the compound was tested specifically against the PLPro enzyme, which was obtained at the Institute of Physics of São Carlos (IFSC) at USP.

For the next steps of the study, the specialists will evaluate the efficiency of different dosages of the molecule, as well as if it can perform other functions in the cell, such as protection, avoiding even the virus to invade it. After the end of these tests, the objective is that the research advances to the pre-clinical stage, in which the peptide's efficiency to treat animals infected by the new coronavirus will be studied. “Our results are promising and represent a valuable resource in the exploration of new molecules for drug discovery and development against SARS-CoV-2 infection,” Cilli concludes. Also, the Brazilian President Bolsonaro tells Pfizer that he is not going to encourage or mandate anything as long as it does not take responsibility for the possible side effects of the shots. Looks like the wind is turning …

Some think too …

The governor of Florida has announced the implementation of a monoclonal antibody treatment network (regeneron). This device is entirely free of charge for the patient and does not require a

prescription. It would reduce hospitalizations by more than 70%.

Ron DeSantis was known to be the target of the American left, which reproached him for having banned the obligation of the mask and the vaccine passport in Florida. Several of them have even called him a criminal. What is not known is that several months ago he created a commission of medical researchers to develop an innovative therapy against Covid-19.

The efforts have paid off as the first clinic opened in late august 2021 near West Palm Beach. Treatment is available for people 12 years and older who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or have been exposed to an infected person and is at high risk for serious illness. The governor announced that the state will expand access to monoclonal antibody treatments by establishing 15 and 20 similar sites that will each be able to perform up to 300 treatments per day.

Doctors said receiving monoclonal antibody treatments soon after testing positive for COVID-19 can significantly reduce symptoms and keep patients out of the hospital. Clinical trials have shown that people receiving this “antibody cocktail” have resulted in more than a 70% reduction in hospital admissions.To be followed very closely and especially to be circulated for those who are on the spot because it is unlikely that the mainstream media will relay the information for purely political reasons.

If I am asked what the difference is between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, I would say that the former do not know what they have accepted but the latter know what they have refused.

Sometimes a low-cost generic drug appears to have a strong ability to fight Covid-19, Israeli researchers reported after seeing drops in inflammation levels in sick patients in an early clinical trial. A research team at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem had hypothesized early in the pandemic that fenofibrate, a generic lipid-lowering drug, might help patients with Covid-19.

The team found that the drug effectively fought the coronavirus in vitro a year ago, and has conducted data studies since then. The drug was administered to 15 Covid-19 patients at Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon. All 15 patients, who were on ventilators, were discharged from the hospital during the 10-day trial. “We have seen that it works, ” Professor Yaakov Nahmias of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem told the Times of Israel news site. “It is very promising, especially since it is a very cheap generic drug with minimal side effects.” He stressed that further research involving a placebo group is underway. While these are needed to draw definitive conclusions, the professor is optimistic.

“We followed the patients very closely, taking samples every other day, and we followed their levels of inflammation - which dropped sharply - as well as their bodies' immune responses, ” Prof. Nahmias said. “And both of these give every reason to be optimistic.” Last December, Prof. Nahmias, who heads the Grasse Center for Bioengineering at Hebrew University, had reported that people who took fenofibrate for its lipid-lowering properties had “amazing” results compared to others with coronavirus. The drug, which is sold under several names, is the 73rd most prescribed drug in the United States. It is designed to reduce lipids in the body known as triglycerides, the most common

type of fat. The trial was conducted before the Delta variant arrived in Israel, but Professor Nahmias said he was confident that the drug would work on the different mutations of the virus.

Although all scientists agree natural immunity enormously more effective than vaccination Covid-19, they stated too that these results should not be interpreted as an incentive to knowingly catch Covid-19. A large study in Israel proves that: People vaccinated in January/February were, in June/July/August, 6-13 TIMES MORE likely to be infected than unvaccinated people who were already infected. This analysis, comparing more than 32,000 people, also showed that: the risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 was 27 TIMES higher in vaccinated people than in those with natural immunity and the risk of hospitalization 8 TIMES higher. This study is the largest conducted in the world on this critical topic. It was conducted on data from Maccabi Healthcare Services.

In India they are eradicating the Covid virus with Ivermectin while in Israel they are maintaining the virus with vaccines that help it to mutate and become even stronger with no hope of escape. And France with Health Minister Veran follows the same policy as Israel!

If we would authorize treatment (Ivermectin, Oxytetracyclin, Hydroxychloroquine/Azythomicyne to name but a few, plus all the natural preventive treatments), rather than letting Big Pharma and the prostitute governments arrange for the doctors, faithful to their oath, who prescribe them to be sanctioned, we would have alternatives.

The vaccine funnel is this: 80% of those vaccinated but cases are increasing? We need more! 100% vaccinated but still as many hospitalizations? We need to re-vaccinate everyone. Still too many deaths!? Vaccinate fetuses, vaccinate animals, vaccinate, vaccinate! Another concrete example in Europe and particularly in France is the reduction of the validity of the anti COVID test from 72 hours to 24 hours. Frankly, this is unreal. Why, one might ask? Because for the test that you do at 8am on Monday, the result will be communicated to you at best on Tuesday and that will be 24 hours, so if we apply to the letter the law wanted by the incompetents, the test will be obsolete. Imagine the same thing but with a test taken on Saturday morning, test requested because you have to take a plane on Sunday. There, your chances of the test being outdated are very high. If you want to travel, it becomes difficult with a test that is only valid for 24 hours and whose result may well be communicated to you too late. This issue has obviously escaped our top decision makers because they are probably flying on private planes or are not checked. This directive from the Ministry of Health is likely to reduce the number of trips abroad that are impossible because of the lack of a valid test at the time of boarding. All of this is akin to the ‘Grand Guignol’ . Everything is the same with this government which remains in the doctrine and refuses the reality. Fortunately for Macron and his people, the media are very understanding (same as media for Democrats in the U.S) and do not even try to inform while the opposition, as usual, is silent. The technique of communication of the power is certainly well broken in, but it begins to show its limits. For a few days, the media announce what the government

is going to say, they organize many round tables to procrastinate on the next announcements. Then the communicant, in this case Dr Véran, comes to solemnly make his speech, which he conscientiously reads, because he didn't even write it, and he doesn't say anything new, except the change of validity of the test. Then the same media dissertate for days on this magnificent intervention of the speaker, they are more dithyrambic when it is Macron than the others. ‘The calves in the barn’ are in admiration and they religiously explain that this government is doing everything to save them. However, one has more the impression of watching a televangelist addressing his cult than of a responsible politician.

Reiner Fuellmich “Europe is financially bankrupt, so they kill people with vaccines because they can't afford to pay pensions.”

Although Fauci was widely criticized in the 1980s for his work on HIV, with a 1988 letter in the Village Voice calling him and his team “murderers”, with his technocratic globalists mentors, his sneaky attitude allowed him to stay in his job for about half a century and became the highest paid bureaucratic employee in U.S. Meanwhile drugs proven effective were put aside by his administration while in Europe ‘The European Union’ has approved (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/fr/ip_21_32 99) 5 therapies that will be available in all hospitals in the Member States for the treatment of Covid, the western world is pushing for more mandatory liberticidal rules using that fake crisis.

These therapies have been approved by a decree of the European Council (European Parliament) and will be in force from 1/10, so they will be distributed little by little around 20/10. Vaccines were approved on a “temporary experimental basis”. But since the decree will oblige to prescribe these 5 new drugs, the use of the vaccine will cease. So we understand why all the states said “between September it is necessary that …” Now that ivermectin has been re-approved, there is no need for a vaccine. But don’t hold your breath. Meanwhile, ‘The Pasteur Institute’ recognizes the effectiveness of Ivermectin. One intake could eradicate all SARS covid-19 genetic material in some people. The good news: Ivermectin is now scientifically recognized as an effective drug, in the prophylaxis and treatment of Covid-19 by researchers. The results of their studies were published in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine on July 12, 2021, so it’s recent. All vaccines are no longer justified from 20.10.2021. Analysis of the results of other research published in the American Journal of Therapeutics strongly urges, with supporting evidence, to bridge the guidelines of health agencies and include Ivermectin as a standard of care.

Trudeau’s, Biden’s and Macron’s government knew about it …They don’t care, in their liturgy for the glory of progressivism, power is their guidelines. The vaccine passport will be there forever. Be well and don’t hesitate to cheer up people who don’t want to get vaccinated.

Those leaders are puppets. They are the result of a century of feminization of the western society. They represent the quintessence of decadence. They are beta males; toys in the hands of the state bureaucracy that is leading the modern world to the abyss.

“There has emerged a war on masculinity. Why? Because masculine men are harder to control under tyrannical socialism! The modern beta male, on the other hand, craves socialism. This is why the left has branded masculinity as toxic: it stands as a roadblock to their endgame. The feminist hatred for masculinity is only another tool in the toolbox of communism. Masculinity tends to make a man individualistic. Individualistic men are capitalists, not communists. They are men who cherish individual liberty, and they rely on themselves rather than on government. Self-reliance is a fourletter word for leftists, and masculine men are generally selfreliant. Beta males like Pajama Boy rely on government, and such modern men, devoid of any semblance of masculinity, are ideal for leftist indoctrination.” Salvatore De Gennaro

Among the injected, it's like for the Covid, it also works in waves. The first wave was that of the vulnerable, elderly and frail people who did not want to be treated, but got it anyway. Then came the freaked out, paralyzed by the fear of a nasty virus with a lethality of 0.1%. The third wave is that of the materialistic, for whom romantic consumerism (vacations, restaurants, cinemas...) is the most important thing in life, and the fourth wave is that of the martyrs, those who have been forced and raped, who have been extorted to consent to an experiment with a gun to their head. And then there are also those who stubbornly adhere to the scientific consensus and the ostrich policy, those who always find excuses and explanations that are less and less credible, the fake checkers, debunkers and other ‘zeteticians’, scientific impostors, or all those naïve people who would bite into the poisoned apple

to continue to have nice dreams in the imaginary country, who would take the wolf for the grandmother, so blinded are they!

I am fascinated by the credulity of this last category, the king's fools, capable of stupidly believing everything their suzerain tells them, virtuoso of illusion and confusion, maestro of the twirl and the pirouette who says everything and its opposite: limited and then unlimited tests, useless and then compulsory masks, even for non-contaminated children who have become contaminated by enchantment, the “Breast Wave”, without danger and effective, not compulsory, which has become ineffective and almost compulsory, with the risk of important complications. One dose, two doses, three doses, four doses... it doesn't work because the vaccine from the official strain is long obsolete but no matter, we start again. Insanity is to always do the same thing and expect a different result (Einstein). Even mixtures are possible, a real Molotov cocktail with unknown effects, all this practically without clinical trials or so badly conducted, like sorcerers' apprentices. We have lost count of all the lies, inconsistencies, reversals of situation, so it is difficult to understand how people can continue to trust by running to the sting at the slightest media and social pressure, acting as if the health scandals had never existed: Mediator, Distilbene, contaminated blood, PIP breast implants and macro-textured carcinogenic implants, Levothyrox controversy, Growth hormone, Depakine, Chlordecone, Opioid crisis etc., as if the Chernobil cloud had stopped at the border of Europe, that staying hours in the sun was very good for the skin as it was affirmed at one time or that asbestos is not dangerous, nor smoking as the tobacco industry tried to make believe it by paying bogus studies.

These naïve people who are ready to inject themselves with a remedy for which no one is responsible in case of a problem, trust blindly and still believe that the State wants them well. These sleepy people prefer to continue to close their eyes because the reality would be too hard to accept... So, it is more reassuring to remain in denial. We could just as well give them arsenic or rat poison instead, and they wouldn't care if CNN told them it was safe and scientifically proven! There are those who are happy to present a pass for activities they could do without, who don't see the harm in medical segregation, in extremist measures, in masking and poking children who don't need it, who accept all this ignominy, to live a Black Mirror dystopia like we see on Netflix. They submit to this tyranny without flinching for futile pleasures and still don't understand why some continue to defend their freedom. Even if some don't want to admit it, they feel that an injection to be repeated every 6 months because the previous doses don't work is not a “vague breast” but a scam.

When the double or triple injected have to start again to keep their rights, we will see if they will go back again and again. It's only a matter of time before the house of cards...

Like all epidemics, Covid-19 has a strong social dimension. The risk of being exposed to the virus and the consequences of the epidemic on living conditions are not the same according to place of residence, housing, employment status, financial situation, gender, ethno-racial origin... Social inequalities are also prevalent in terms of prevention, particularly vaccination.

Several drugs are currently in preparation. The first is molnupiravir, developed by the American company Merck. It

has already conducted a combined phase 2 and 3 study and the results were published in mid-July 2021. The active substance inserts RNA-like elements into the genome of the virus. If the virus multiplies in an infected cell, the copies produced are then defective, which prevents the pathogen from spreading. Researchers say molnupiravir shows promise in non-hospitalized patients. The United States has already obtained 1.7 million doses. Experts say the drug could be approved by the end of the year.

A hope for those who react badly to vaccines and an acceptable alternative for the “anti-vaccine”! The Anglo-Swedish laboratory AstraZeneca published on Friday 20 August 2021 a very promising results concerning its preventive treatment for Covid19, called AZD7442. In the wake of this, the group announced its intention to file, first in the United States, an application for authorization to market this remedy by the end of the year. Preliminary results from a Phase III trial - the final step in the drug development process - indicate that AZD7442 reduces the risk of developing a symptomatic form of Covid-19 by 77%. But why opt for this kind of treatment when vaccines are proving effective? Because Vaccines are not!

Also, a team of researchers from the CNRS promises a treatment capable of neutralizing the Corona virus in the body before infecting the lungs. The device, which has only been tested in the laboratory, is still awaiting publication in a scientific journal.

The promise is embryonic, but it is not without interest. While the whole world is looking for a way to stop new infections with Covid-19, a team of researchers from the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) has been boasting for a few days about the results of a treatment they have

developed. No vaccine this time. Historically, it is only in times of war that Western states have temporarily had the decision-making power they have today.

Subjugated by fear, which anesthetizes intelligence, humanity has fallen into an appalling climate of ‘mental and psychological ugliness’ that will mark it durably. ‘Mistrust and coping have become the two breasts of our sick daily life’, perpetuated by the pride of those who have given in to it!

The New England Journal of Medicine admits that one in eight pregnant women who are vaccinated have a spontaneous abortion. What could go wrong … Right?

And finally, here is another illustration of the stupidity of our rulers. For a disease that has very few harmful consequences if one is not a carrier of co morbidities, the irrational fear instilled by governments dominates the press and the media. Despite a collapsing economy, a growing pauperization of society and an acceleration of the authoritarianism of European nations, the case of France is exemplary of the lies that are rampant among the bourgeois bureaucratic elite in power. There are already more than 3 million official notifications among thousands of others that were even underreported. These data are for the United States and the United Kingdom only. Worldwide, the numbers of adverse vaccine reactions certainly already exceed millions of cases.

In France, Covid: 2% of hospitalizations in 2020 Chance of survival: 99.95

Variant 5: Danger of a European mosquito bite. Vaccine being tested mandatory “de facto” despite its side effects.

Politiciens: compulsive liars!

This statistic appears in the 2020 Hospital Activity Analysis devoted to Covid-19 (PDF file), a report published by the ‘Agence technique de l'information sur l'hospitalisation’ (ATIH), a public institution created in 2000 under the aegis of the Ministry of Health and specializing in health data and hospital medical statistics. It states, “Covid patients represent 2% of all patients hospitalized during the year 2020, all hospital fields combined. ” That's a total of 217,974 inpatients. The proportion of Covid patients rises to 5% in critical care services (which include continuing care, intensive care and resuscitation) and 11% for resuscitation services alone, according to the report. This figure is proof that the severity of the epidemic was exaggerated. Even that the confinements were not necessary. Neither was the mass vaccination of the population or the use of the Vaccine Pass.

Robert Kennedy in Milan states how governments have suppressed basic rights and how the green pass is a tool of totalitarian control. He denounces Pfizer's deception in claiming that the vaccine is 100% effective and fear as a tool of manipulation. He urges people to fight for their freedom and that of future generations.

The vaccine, by suppressing the body's natural DNA repair mechanism - known as NHEJ, or Non-Homologous End Joining - makes people very vulnerable to devastating cancer mutations, even when exposed to very low levels of ionizing radiation, such as sun exposure or mammography.

When NHEJ is suppressed by the spike protein, the body can no longer repair its damaged DNA and cells mutate out of control, devastating the entire body and leading to the genetic disintegration of the organism. “Scientific horror: Vaccine spike protein penetrates cell nuclei, suppresses human body's DNA repair engine, will trigger an explosion of cancer, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disorders and accelerated aging.”


The study documenting all of this was published in the MDPI journal “Viruses” and was conducted by scientists at Stockholm University, Sweden:



The study shows that the efficacy of NHEJ collapses in the presence of the leading mRNA vaccine protein covid!

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