32 minute read

IV The Great Reset

The Great Reset

Who is eager to implement the great reset? Feminists and socialists elitists see an opportunity for their idyllic idiocies. The feminist movement supported to destroy the traditional family.


In a discussion Rockefeller had asked Russo (Aaron Russo February 14, 1943 – August 24, 2007) was an American entertainment businessman, film producer and director, and political activist.) what he thinks of feminist emancipation movements. Russo replied that he sees these movements as fighting to give women equal rights with men to work and be paid fairly, as had happened with the right to vote. This response made Rockefeller laugh: “You're an asshole! I'll tell you what it's really about: we, the Rockefeller clan, founded the feminist movements: us! We own all the newspapers and all the television stations - the Rockefeller Foundation.

Rockefeller had explained to Russo the two main reasons why his family financed the feminist movement: first, before the struggles for women's rights, bankers could only lend money to half the population; second, this movement determines that the education of children begins at an early age through public school, thus making it easier to indoctrinate them, who will be led to consider the State as their first family, thus destroying the model of the traditional family

This revelation complements earlier claims by feminist pioneer Gloria Steinem that the CIA funded ‘Ms. Magazine’ as part of the same strategy to destroy traditional family models. And so, developing a policy for a world dominated government.

But why does the Great Reset really need the health passport to be implemented? This question, whose growing importance has been felt for several weeks, and which has become the hinge for explaining public policies, is giving rise to a lot of speculation.

People all over the world are protesting against the Covid-Pass. From India to Russia to the US and France, people are now fedup with the proof of a good citizenry with a QR code in hand. Most people can read and understand the concept of freedom. The ‘cabale’ is now actively working on a major push for more control without turning back. And other crisis will occur to shadow the Great Reset. Demonstrators against the Covid Vaccine Pass are usurping their watchword, we are told today. ‘The pass defends true freedom’ Pro-Pass Covidists said. Therefore, resistants would be its de facto enemies.

It will be argued here, on the contrary, that if “The health pass, a new chance for freedom” , “Vaccination for all is freedom for all” ,

“Behind the health pass, an ethic of freedom” , “Anti-health pass demonstrations are a liberticidal movement”, or “The health pass or compulsory vaccination are liberal policies” are formulas that seem to come out of a famous dystopian novel, because they are of the same type as “war is peace” or “freedom is slavery”, I am not awake.

The laws establishing the pass and extending its scope are indeed liberticidal. Moreover, the gap they open can easily become a precipice towards a totalitarian “new normal”, especially if the superficially liberal justifications of many of its promoters are taken seriously.

Vaccine passport: blackmail for re-confinement!

The Pass (or the vaccination obligation) would be freedom, because its rejection is the refusal to be vaccinated, a refusal in turn responsible for the inevitable re-confinements and curfews that infringe on freedoms, as well as for the economic ruin and the extinction of social life that follow. If we go down this road, it will be the fault of spoiled children who are accomplices of a liberticidal virus.

Apart from the fact that this assumes that anti-passers, in general, would not want to be vaccinated, as if this were the only conceivable motivation for their opposition, the argument depends entirely on an assumption requiring confirmation: vaccines prevent the transmission of the virus. Vaccines are less

and less known to be reliable in this respect. But what if vaccines block or at least significantly slow down infection?

The heart of the argument is a false dilemma, as explained here: pass or re-contain. For the great confinement would obviously not be an event that would automatically fall upon us if we refused to conform to the will of the gods! It would be a political choice, that sanitary pass being another one, “neither one nor the other” gathering a multitude of others.

A false dilemma, then, since the argument unjustifiably omits to consider the latter! It is a false dilemma that allows the question of policy evaluation to be swept under the carpet, the comparison of their effects being restricted to the first two scenarios (and even then, our defenders of science do not even hurry to present any proof that the first confinements, curfews, compulsory wearing of masks, etc. would have had the effects allegedly sought, as if this were self-evident).

A false dilemma whose formulation, on top of that, exempts the government from the responsibility of a choice, the obligation of containment, which only it can make! Germs, not being able to leave us “free”, not being able to think and act, are no more capable of “attacking" us, of locking us up and of being liberticidal, than dogs or pigs, without which they could be put on trial.

It is only by excluding a priori the scenario in which one can go to the coffee shop or visit one's cousins in Calgary or Tucson without a passport, which the device can be confusedly, considered liberating. But even if confinement were more liberating -

which is not obvious in the long run since, unlike the Pass, no state could impose it for long without undermining the productive base on which its very existence depends through tax revenues - this is of course an insult to the intelligence of anyone with a positive IQ.

To claim that we would be freer when new infringements of freedom under the logic of the electronic bracelet could have been even more drastic, or that we have already endured heavier ones, or that they are nothing compared to the sacrifices asked of our ancestors who were obliged to “give their lives in the mud of the trenches” in Verdun and other places, is to mock the world.

Indeed, it is not enough to listen to the speeches of the caste calling for segregation against the non-vaccinated to understand the fundamental intention of this innovation. It is by diving into one of the blogs of the French transnational company Thales that we understand the overall strategy that is being put in place, and the steps that will follow.

You may have wondered, as I did, which bug had brutally bitten Emmanuel Macron on July 12 when he announced the implementation of a restricted health pass from August 2021. It is still too early to have all the answers to the questions that may arise, especially on the exact weight of the pharmaceutical industry in political decisions (one thinks here of the astonishing disappearances of some heads of state hostile to vaccination, which suggest that sometimes quite violent methods of persuasion are used in the industry... History will clarify these cases).

However, tongues are starting to wag in industrial circles, and what we learn is not lacking in interest.

Thales at the heart of the health passport in France! It is by going to the Thales company blog that we understand the overall coherence of this first stage of surveillance capitalism, which is called the health pass. Thales intends to offer a global solution for digital identity and explains with a form of naivety how this project will be implemented.

Thalès thus writes:

“Vaccine passports will play a key role in citizens' ability to access all kinds of services and will act as precursors to the move towards digital identity on cell phones” .

The health pass is therefore a “precursor”! The anticipation of a generalized system where identity will no longer be established by an official "autonomous" document like an ID card, but by a digital "wallet" stored on a cloud and an application whose archiving will escape the user.

In other words, we need to get used to changing the way we establish our identity.

A digital wallet to access public services Thales is not hiding the “central” ambition of the Vaccine passport, which is to become a platform for accessing the various public services available on the Internet. To achieve this, the vaccine passport or health pass is based on a “wallet”, a digital wallet, for which the European Commission has already laid the foundations.

“In any case, the deployment of the digital wallet - initially for the driving license - will function as an access platform and pillars for other vital public services, such as health passes. ”

It is therefore clear that the health pass is the tip of a technical iceberg that is gradually taking shape, and that will overturn the notion of ‘administrative’ identity. From now on, citizens will be directly managed by a Big Database that will allow them to have access to certain places or services through the control of digital intelligence.

When the digital wallet replaces the passport! In the range of services that the “digital ID” will have to render, we find in particular the replacement in due form of the good old current passport. The passport will soon be consigned to the dustbin of prehistory and replaced by an application on a telephone, where all individual data will be centralized.

“Last but not least, the European digital identity will allow citizens to use their documents across the continent. ”

We remember that Europe was founded on the aspiration of a continent without borders and without identity checks. Subtly, we have moved to a Europe with universal controls pushed to a point unknown until now. It is undoubtedly the progress of the Enlightenment that wants this.

Some nations won’t accept the Health Passport. The British government announced in September 2021 that it had abandoned plans to introduce a vaccination passport for access to nightclubs and other crowded places in England, deeming it unnecessary

due to the success of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign. “I've never liked the idea of telling people they have to show their papers ... to do what is simply a routine activity, ” Health Minister Sajid Javid said on the BBC. “We have considered it properly, and while we should keep it in reserve as a potential option, I am delighted to say that we are not going to proceed with our vaccine passport project,” he added.

Digital wallet and digital euro! But it is another feature of the wallet that should be highlighted, as it is related to the digital euro project that we mentioned this week. It is the use of the digital wallet as a means of payment.

“It's getting exciting to think that the digital wallet can host both a digital identity and means of payment. This would allow people, for example, to pay a deposit on a new apartment or pay a speeding ticket directly from a smartphone. ”

So here we go: the health pass should lead to a future offshoot, online payment, for example of taxes or fines. Or rent. Or bank loan payments...

In short, if we remember that the digital euro would be in the complete hands of the European Central Bank, the space of freedom that will remain to the consumer to arbitrate his expenses is going to become more and more constrained. By Thales' own admission, the state will know everything about you, including your financial and banking situation. The brave new world of “1984”!

The door to social credit, China style! It is clear in what state of dependence this system undertakes, without this project being publicly explained to the citizens, to place individuals. A framework is being put in place that will make Chinese-style “social credit” possible: the wallet will contain markers indicating who has not paid their taxes or debts, who has driven too fast, who has paid their alimony late. And if the marker appears, the individual will be barred from accessing certain services, or making certain purchases.

Little by little, he will be marginalized, without any possibility to oppose it.

This is what the health pass is for. It is not an end in itself. It is a beginning, a precedent, an appetizer. As Trudeau and Biden want it.

The first four stages of a total digital control of western populations.

Several new, seemingly independent technologies will converge to create a control system that will profoundly change the daily lives of citizens. Four stages are expected.

Stage 1: the health passport, of which the QR code that can be downloaded to a telephone is the digital representation! Every individual is thus able to prove his or her vaccination status. Without this, it is to be feared that the doors of modern life will be closed to him. The subject is sufficiently topical and wellknown not to be discussed here.

Step 2: the universal digital identification system. Companies like ‘Thales’ have been working on this for several years with governments. It will work with the digital health passport to become one. In two words, it is about being able to prove one's identity in a dematerialized way (without an identity card). First with the help of a cell phone and later with the help of a subcutaneous chip (this is already being tested in some African nations). Since paper certificates are easily falsifiable, any person will be able to prove that he or she is vaccinated and that he or she is the person he or she claims to be. A consortium called Alliance ID2020 has been tasked with rapidly rolling out the process. It includes Accenture, Microsoft, the Rockefeller Foundation, MasterCard, IBM, MIT SafePaths and Bill Gates' GAVI Global Vaccines Alliance.

Step 3: the new digital currency on which central banks have been working hard (the Digital Wallet). According to Christine Lagarde, the digital Euro is already ready. In the US, Democrats have made clear that the dollar will become a crypto currency. Based on Blockchain technology, it will make all monetary flows perfectly traceable and controllable. It will be possible to deactivate very easily the account of an individual that the authorities suspect of illegal activities.

As we can see, the objective is to create a complete digital identity, mixing health (vaccination), civil and banking data that cannot be forged.

Step 4: The Internet passport. This device will be the last step of the digital control system. If the circulation on the web is now free for everybody, it will probably not be anymore since it is

envisaged to create a kind of virtual driving license that will be granted to us subject to a periodic examination of our online activity. Some might see this as a tool to eliminate all dissenting voices from the Internet. It is true that in the hyper-digitized society that is coming, being deprived of the Internet will mean being ostracized from society.

But don't worry, because this “Great Reset” that is being prepared with the kind collaboration of Big Pharma, Big Data and Big Tech has no other vocation than to frame our lives in order to make them safer, more convenient, greener, less unequal and more inclusive...

Let's remember what Davos Forum founder Klaus Schwab wrote in a book published in early 2016: “The 4th industrial revolution will lead to a merging of our physical, biological and digital identities” . Thanks to the fear opportunistically generated, Covid-19 was then the opportunity to precipitate the process by obtaining the peoples' consent. Also Bill Gates has been a controversial figure these days, and the new documents detailing his foundation’s ties to China ought to raise substantial additional questions. Judicial Watch, in U.S, received a 129 pages of records from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which include “urgent for Dr. Fauci” email chain that cites ties between the Wuhan lab and EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit that works on infectious diseases and is funded by U.S. taxpayers and the Gates Foundation. The emails also report that the Gates Foundation worked closely with the Chinese government to pave the way for Chineseproduced medications to be sold outside China and help “raise China's voice of governance by placing representatives from

China on important international counsels as high level commitment from China.” These records also include a January 6, 2020, “Wuhan Pneumonia Update” report that details how Peter Daszak, president of EcoHealth Alliance, was tied to the Wuhan lab and was “funded for work to understand how corona viruses evolve and jump to human populations.” Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a FOIA lawsuit for records of communications, contracts and agreements with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:21-cv-00696)). The lawsuit specifically seeks records about NIH grants that benefitted the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The agency is only processing 300 pages of records per month, which means it will take a long while for the records to be fully reviewed and released under FOIA.

Billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is already announcing the arrival of his next pandemic, which appears to involve the intentional release of a smallpox bio-weapon. And on November 25, 2021 the Indian bar association published the world's first vaccine murder case against Bill Gates, Adar Poonawalla filed in India's high court.

All this has always been done in the name of the good, for the good of the individuals concerned, such as apartheid and colonization, or for the good of the dominant ones, such as the holocaust, slavery and today, the vaccine passport or health pass. Yesterday the justifications were philosophical, Universalist, and today scientific. Today, bogus studies are being fabricated for this purpose. The confinement was based on a bogus study that predicted 500,000 deaths in France, the sanitary pass based on a prefabricated study on the postulate of non

transmission by the vaccinated. In fact, there is a political project and the power manufactures itself, has itself manufactured the pseudo-scientific arguments it needs with the support of corrupted scientists either financially or intellectually. All tyrants have found zealous collaborators to implement their diabolical plans, relayed by the communication media at their beck and call which pour out propaganda.

These vaccines are not legal vaccines. The word ‘vaccine’ refers only to a synthetic immune stimulation. To detect the virus, only a saliva or urine sample is required. Therefore, any PCR test is irrelevant. Furthermore, any use of the PCR test is contrary to the Nuremberg Codex and constitutes a crime against humanity. The responsible authorities who demanded the vaccination and the Covid-19 test will have to face the sanctions of the Nuremberg Codex. Thousands of honest doctors and genuine scientists warn the unvaccinated to stay away from the vaccinated.

These mRNA vaccines are loaded with poisons and alter the natural immune system in such a way that it will overreact when victims are exposed to almost any pathogen, including the flu. They will be attacked by their own immune system, a process known as autoimmune disorder. These attacks are more deadly than any disease.

And anarchy has been transformed into insurgency, when it originally meant autonomy! Thanks to our digital soldiers, truth and honesty are coming out of the woodwork, all around us.

Unfortunately, the sheep continue to believe their government's lies and publicly say that awakened truth seekers are doomsayers and depressing problem hunters. To clarify, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a German microbiologist, warns “they are killing people with these COVID vaccines to reduce the world population. ” In an exclusive interview, the world-renowned German-Thai microbiologist warns that the COVID hysteria is based on lies and deception, as the COVID ‘vaccines’ are intended to cause a global catastrophe and a brutal decimation of the human population. He explains that the PCR test has been misused to create fear in an unscientific manner. But again, according to further research, these tests do the same harm as the Covid vaccines. There is no question that we have not been told the truth about Covid, PCR testing, vaccines, masks, social distancing, confinement and mortality. In fact, the only thing we can be 100% sure of is that governments, public health officials, and the media have lied persistently and relentlessly on virtually every issue over the years.

Lying and deception have become the official strategy of the state.

Reports have surfaced in recent days that people who chose not to receive the experimental COVID-19 vaccines but were exposed to those who did, have suffered what appear to be toxicities from those fully ‘vaccinated’ individuals.

Meanwhile, courts in Austria, Portugal and Holland have ruled that PCR tests are not suitable for the diagnosis of covid-19 and that confinements have no legal basis. There may not yet be sol-

id evidence to determine whether those injected with the mRNA vaccine have become infectious and whether they can transmit it to those who did not take the vaccine.

Nonetheless, it is quite possible. This is a huge question because of the implications of selfisolation of those injected for their own survival. But, as practical experience has already shown, vaccinated people are a danger to others. No matter who, Covid's fake pandemic targets certain groups of people, mainly affecting the elderly and obese, because the weak will succumb to it anyway, while the fearful and foolish will believe it and line up to get the free vaccine!

Quarantine, geolocation and facial recognition: it's starting!

In the fight against the Chinese flu, Australia and France are the forerunners. The example to follow! Never before have its leaders shown such motivation and ingenuity! Although the epidemic seems to be under control, they decided to make the vaccine mandatory for everyone, even for children who are not really concerned. As this was not enough, it was also decided to drastically limit domestic travel and to impose new confinements. It is true that one can never be too careful...

In order to ensure that the quarantine rules will be respected by the population, a part of the country is now testing a formidable device in the form of an application that the inhabitants of South Australia will be obliged to download.

The government will then send them text messages at random times, which they will be required to respond to within 15 minutes by taking a photo of their face. In this way, geolocation combined with facial recognition will ensure that any individual is who they say they are and where they are allowed to be. If this fails, the local police will be sent to provide ‘personalized follow-up’ to the offender. As you can see, Australia is not kidding around with the virus.

Prime Minister Steven Marshall does not hide his satisfaction and I understand him (!): “We do not tell them how often or when they will receive an SMS. It will be random and they have to respond within 15 minutes... I think every South Australian should be pretty proud that we are the national pilot of the home quarantine application.”

10,000 Australians want compensation for side effects of COVID-19 vaccine. The Australian government could face a bill of over $50 million. More than 10,000 people have registered for loss of income after being hospitalized.

Enough to make European leaders always concerned about preserving the health of their fellow citizens, dream... Here it is in Australia, a symbol of freedom. Well, that was before. Are you beginning to understand or do you need a drawing? Horowitz: Australia admits it is banning ivermectin for covid because it interferes with the universal vaccine agenda. Horowitz: “Aussie nurse confirms that hospitalized vaccinated COVID patients are being given Ivermectin, but unvaccinated

patients are not given treatment, and sentenced to death on a ventilator. ”

Among the politically correct Western nations, the slide of some countries towards dangerous dictatorial swamps is now visible. To measure the speed of the disintegration, there is nothing like two snapshots a few days apart.

First of all, let's forget about France, whose authorities are now at the same point as Israel, seriously considering canceling the validity of the pass for those who refuse the third small dose. On the one hand, it would be inappropriate to recall that the nasty conspiracy theorists have been talking about exactly this possibility since the very idea of the pass was introduced. On the other hand, can we really call drift what is the logical, natural and inevitable continuation of a system that everything indicates is here to stay, starting with the system of prohibitive fines in case of fraud that is being put in place? Having mentioned this small French point, we now have to look at the overall picture.

Astonishment: if globally, it is contrasted (some States choosing a real return to normality like the countries of Northern Europe, the countries of the Third World not having even chosen to enter the sanitary delirium), we observe on the other hand a rather chilling tendency to the forced acceleration towards a pure and hard dictatorship of certain countries which have clearly lost absolutely all reference with the fundamental values of democracy and freedom in particular.

I was referring of course to Canada, which has chosen one of the characteristic elements of dictatorships, namely the closing of the borders, here to people of lesser extraction (understand “not carrying the official vaccination passport”). We can laugh when we think of the idiots who loudly remind us that these borders are not closed to those who have the right ‘ausweis’: a state that grants you everything according to its own criteria can forbid you everything, overnight, according to new criteria! It will only take a few more weeks for the morons to find themselves cheated and forced to laugh. Now,“Unvaccinated” travelers over the age of 12 are no longer able to board a passenger plane or train in Canada, and a negative COVID-19 test is no longer be a substitute for most people. And Justin Trudeau, as most Democrats/Liberals should say “A private jet was the only choice for somebody like me, you know, a hypocritical liberal elitist.”

But by far, the drift is even more serious and stronger in Australia. It was known that the various states of this continental federation were in a kind of race to see who could be the strictest and toughest in terms of containment and more or less stupid health rules (more than less, in fact). It was therefore not surprising that it was in this country that containment camps were set up, the usefulness of which is perplexing in the long term: if the Zero Covid strategy, which is perfectly idiotic because it is absolutely impossible to hold it for more than a few weeks, and especially when it comes to trading with the rest of the world, was finally abandoned by New Zealand and, for that matter, everywhere else, Australia seems to want to hold on to it without making it official. Perhaps the island mentality explains this fad, which could be vaguely

understood for an atrocious epidemic with a very high lethality, but not at all in view of the current figures. The fact remains that the following steps are now chilling, starting with the pure and simple obligation to vaccinate the whole population. For a vaccine that is still officially in the therapeutic trial phase - and whose efficacy and safety are still largely up for debate, to put it kindly - this amounts to breaking many of the fundamental rules laid down since... Nuremberg. It is as if the Australian authorities had measured the reactions of the populations concerned in order to go further and further in the cutting up of their society: the less the populations react, the more they let themselves be done, or even dumbly approve what is going on, the more the politicians and the administrations behind them, always greedy for power, help themselves copiously and reduce the liberties of the citizens who have put them there.

In practice, Australia now has little to envy China. And if there is a difference between the permanent and total surveillance exercised by Beijing on the Chinese citizen and the same surveillance put in place following this health crisis in Australia, it is only of degree and not of nature. Those who still believe that these measures are as exceptional and temporary as they are targeted are sadly mistaken: we remember the restrictions on Facebook that fell at the beginning of the year and that allowed the local political establishment to impose its own agendas and its own news on the social network, which was transformed into an official relay for correctly sanctioned political opinions.

Since then, when by misfortune, users start to slip up, in comments, or in their publications, by showing alternative ideas and using - horror - their freedom of expression to formulate criticisms and objections to the drifts noticed, well... we send the

business side of a cannon to calm down the ardors of the impetrants: Now the police are knocking on your door with your printed Facebook posts from 6 months ago “because going to a protest is illegal”! This is Australia, soon in all your dystopian, totalitarian countries...( pic.twitter.com/VCdfgEjXq6) Note: free speech in times of health hysteria is not necessary, since we tell you!

Besides, as doing what you want with your speech is no longer allowed and doing what you want with your body is obviously subject to strict regulations, it is logical and inevitable that we come to accumulate barriers... against porn on the internet, from the implementation of compulsory age verification techniques on some platforms, to a new passport, not vaccinal but digital this one, with a success that we can already imagine solid. We could multiply the examples of manifest, repeated and profound abuses of the fundamental rights that normally form the pillars of modern democracies, but in reality this will only be a statement of bitter failure for them and the demonstration, more disturbing, that the more they gargle with freedom and great principles, the faster they sink into the most detestable dictatorship.

The converging Islamic invasion through immigration with the decline of the West is suicidal. Covering the most vile aspirations, flattering the most archaic impulses, encouraging intellectual laziness, intolerance, hypocrisy, violence, preaching a pathological hatred for women, Islam is neither a wisdom, nor a civilization, nor a way of life, it is a

plague. The Islamic invasion combined with the feminization of the society and the Covid crap will change the world for good. Recent data shows that everything is collapsing. Food production, trucking, health services, millions of people will get very sick and many will die, the military is collapsing, the political system is collapsing and the financial system will suffer a horrible irreparable crash. In short, perhaps the breakdowns will awaken the masses of people who will eventually discover all the evil that has been hidden from them. We are, at this point, at a point where the “normal people” are going to come to the surface. But when they wake up, what will they understand? Will they wake up and discover that they were wrong about Biden? Will they wake up to the fact that Biden is a traitor who has given up everything to the Chinese Communist Party? That the CCP helped him cheat? Or will they wake up to Biden the globalist working with CCP cronies? There are so many layers that it will take a long time for people to come to some understanding. I think, basically, people will figure out that there will be a financial crash first. Everyone can see that there is hyperinflation everywhere...We're also going to see the real-estate markets, the cost of potatoes, gold and silver, Bitcoin that are not in the U.S. dollar system. Commodity prices are not going to stop going up, just like what happened in Venezuela. This is what our financial system will look like...We are at the end of its life. It's going to be an extremely chaotic and hard time. People need to understand what is really ahead of them. It won't be the end of the world, but the end of the world as we knew it, but in reality, the world as we knew it was pretty oppressive. We will realize that only a few very bad people had managed to turn us into slaves. It is indeed a dramatic time, but in the end, this general collapse to come may have saved us in some ways.

People will wake up to being voluntarily poisoned and murdered, and Deep State actors such as government bureaucrats, pharmaceutical company executives, and doctors who incited all of this, will have to face an outraged grieving public. It's going to get very hard and violent... It’s not all plain sailing for the crooks who perpetrated this crime against humanity. Retaliation shall occur! Silver and Gold will be kings even though the Federal Reserve may disappear altogether. At least a large portion of normal people will become aware of this by the end of the year 2021. We are on the verge of a major turning point in the global economy.

The pope is not “a neutral bystander, ” but is actually contributing to the “great reset, ” according to Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano. Pope Francis is actively participating in a sinister globalist conspiracy, Archbishop Vigano said in a recent interview with Robert Moynihan. The “Great Reinitialization” and the “Fourth Industrial Revolution, ” as conceived by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (Davos), are a plot by the global elite “to drastically reduce the world's population, dismantle the free market and erase all borders. ”

The more nations are confined by political correctness; by an important framing of public speech by social pressure, the faster these nations seem to throw themselves into the arms of a more and more muscular and ferocious self-righteous dictatorship. The more the health crisis turns into a crisis of freedom, the more it becomes clear that these ostentatious paragons of democ-

racy, freedom and all the usual trimmings were ready to enslave their own population, with the consent of a large part of it.

One explanation for the rapidity of this fall may be the confidence of the population in these states, which until now had been able to show themselves, if not modest, at least limited in their exactions. All of a sudden, the trust that citizens had placed in their state on the basis of what were, in the end, simple pledges (little intervention in business, a relatively free market, low standards or reasonable pain in the ass) was used to take over anything that might suddenly represent a threat to the state. And it is, unsurprisingly, the citizens who have been religiously taught for generations to trust their administration and who have, in the end, given it everything “in confidence” that now find themselves totally at its mercy, in the worst way.

It is also hard not to notice that these countries have carefully disarmed their citizens before putting them in cages. Except for the U.S.A (but the Biden administration is working on it), there is no chance.

As for the next step, it is obvious and already underway.

Hervé Seligmann, a statistical biologist who worked with Professor Raoult at the IHU in Marseille. There are 7 things to remember from this exceptional interview which will be broadcast tonight at 9 pm on "Ondes de Choc".

1. Vaccinated people are more likely to die if they catch Covid than others. It is a fact, he proves it!

2. The more we go down in age, the more the effect of the vaccination is serious, therefore imagined for our children!

3. The more there are vaccinated, the more there are Covid cases, as it is the case in India, in Israel, in Portugal or in the United States.

4. Not only that, but the more people you have vaccinated in your population, the more infant mortality increases! Among young people, the predictions are very bad, already 25% more deaths among the vaccinated by comparing curves, which Dr. Seligman does better than anyone.

5. Most of the mortality occurs after the first 15 days of the first injection. The third injection is also terrible, if we rely on Israel where, in the middle of August, after the third dose, there were more deaths than in winter.

6. The indirect effects of vaccination on unvaccinated people are really worrying. This is called shading, the contagion of the vaccinated on the non-vaccinated.

7. The lower the age of the vaccinated, the stronger the immunity of young people to the virus, it is easy to understand but paradoxically, the more fragile the young people are by the injection. This is what we call the shock caused by this injection on healthy bodies.

Yes, you understood it, what is essential is to say that the nonvaccinated risk being contaminated by the vaccinated! Isn't it an amazing fairy-tale?

While the pro Vaccine aficionados were blaming the skeptics for delaying the exit of this crisis, the resistance was there to warn every one of the real stakes of this mass vaccination orchestrated to impose a 100% digital monetary system supported by the so crucial Vaccine pass. When the pro-Vaccine people thought they were off the hook with only 2 doses, they were only sinking into their own servitude. Every new dose taken, gives power to these scoundrels who manipulate the population. Faced with this social engineering that has nothing to do with health, vaccination rhymes with ....submission. And resistance with... deliverance!

Professor Perronne on the side effects and post-vaccination deaths: “There are deaths from the vaccine, I already have 7 around me; there are 70 footballers, sportsmen who have died [...] The European database shows that there are more than 20,000 deaths from the vaccine, it is the same in the USA with VAERS.”

Drs. Steven Hotze and Lee Merritt discussed the role of the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine (COVID-19) as a “Trojan horse” for sinister purposes on the Nov. 22 episode of “The Dr. Hotze Report” on Brighteon.TV.

Hotze explained what a Trojan horse is:

“Remember, in Greek mythology, there was a war between the Greeks and the city of troy? The Greeks couldn't get behind the fortified walls, so they built a huge wooden horse. In the belly of this horse, they put some of their soldiers. They rolled it to the city gate, and then they left. ”

“The Trojans, thinking they had won the war, went out and pulled that horse into the city. When they went to bed at night, out of the belly of that Trojan horse came the Greek soldiers. They opened the gate, the Greeks came back - and the rest was history. Troy was defeated, and the Greeks won the war.”

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