where all of that was amplified even more, since I was a lousy athlete and wore super geeky clothes that were many sizes too big (found out years later that mom thought I’d grow into them… really??) Home was hard too. Lots of yelling. Hearing what I did wrong, or could do better, or had to do right this minute!! All of which led to buckets of tears and getting sent to my room. More isolation. My family never really 'got' me which only added to my misery. I was seriously depressed and suicidal by the time I was 11. My only friend was the school slut, which is pretty funny since I was not getting much action myself… and my biggest fantasy
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was a fatal car crash. I'd dream about that all the time. Great use of creative energy, right? Rather than going on and on, let’s jump ahead to when I was 28. Still depressed and now divorced, starting over in NYC. At a party I met a guy who had some very interesting ideas about personal power and brilliance. He invited me to an event that had me realize that I could CHOOSE not to be depressed. That I was the decision maker, and that those others that had crossed my path should and could be swept aside to make way for another way of being. What a concept! Since then my world has not been the same. After that course I started
waking up happy and ready to see what life would bring me. Really good stuff, more often than not. A switch had been flipped somehow. Sure bad things happen, it's not all crazy beautiful all the time, but my life is SO Rich, that even dark moments don’t last as long. Nor do they get as dark as before. I have had many life changing moments since then, and I expect many more MIRACLES to come!!!! Flash forward a couple of decades and a crazy thing happened. My work, the thing that turned out to be something I'm really good at...is. get this: showing business owners how to be sure that they Don't Fit In, how they can