Most of us live - and think - as if the world were static, or as if it should be. As individuals, as women, and as members or leaders of organizations, too often the way we act, plan, and react betrays the assumption that tomorrow will be much like today, that we'll slide by all right if we just get a little better, a little smarter, at doing what we are already doing that tomorrow will be much like today, that we'll slide by all right if we just get a little better, a little smarter, at doing what we are already doing. However reality is a lot different. Many women are not completely at ease or fully in charge of their money Nothing brings out emotion like the topic of money. Culture, and religion play a role and women often use this as an excuse for not taking financial responsibility. It is easier to find excuses or blame someone or something else
38 MAR-APR 2020
These are the seven myths that women use as excuses for not taking personal financial responsibility.
Money is too complicated to understand • If I take a risk I will lose everything • I don’t have the money to save • I don’t have the time to manage my money • It is selfish to put yourself first • Someone else should be taking care of this for me • If I take control of my money I might offend others FOCUS ON YOUR FINANCIAL SECURITY Take charge of your finances It will raise your morale You will stop feeling helpless It’s really that simple Money isn’t the most important thing in life, but it’s reasonably close to oxygen on the “gotta have it” scale. ~Zig Ziglar
A Tor - Accelerator, Mentor Negotiator, Manipulator, Motivator, Facilitator, Arbitrator, Orator, Commentator, Conservator, Invigorator, Moderator, Tutor ...... Yes, I’m All That And More. I offer all of the above to people who want more out of their lives ...... Money career relationships health wellness A long-time resident of the Gulf, I has lived in Kuwait, Bahrain and now in Dubai for the last 48 years. Circumstances pushed me to find a job, A late entrant into the work force age 44, with no previous work experience I could not even prepare a CV! I devote my time and energies to my career in personal financial planning. I lead a team of financial consultants at Nexus Insurance Brokers,