I find it so bloody amusing when someone says they wish they won the lottery, yet they never buy a lotto ticket… how’s that working out for ya, love? A big topic amongst my coaching circle of late has been MANIFESTATION… how to manifest, what to manifest and where to even begin, and how they can make the big dreams and bold goals come to life. Wanna know something cool? I have manifested absolutely everything that’s happened in my life; good, bad, and ugly, and so have you. I manifest amazing things all the time, like my car, my apartment, even my staff and business opportunities. Today I am going to tell you exactly how you can to. First things first – tell your ego (the devil on your shoulder) to ‘f’ right off! Your ego, if you don’t know, is the dirty, dark voice inside all of us that says, “you can’t have that”, “you don’t deserve that”, “that’s impossible”. FYI it’s an asshole of a thing, and it’s so important that you don’t buy into those negative beliefs, and you become aware of when your ego is speaking vs when your soul is speaking. Your soul is the good guy! Your soul is the voice inside all of us that is like “F YEAH YOU GOT THIS”, “you can have it all”, “you’re the best!”, it’s the inner child that is screaming out that no dream is ever too big. So, delete the ego, because whether you decide you can’t, or whether you decide you can, you’re right. Read that again! The next question is what to manifest? Well, this is up to you, really. It’s different for every single person. I can’t tell you what you want out of life, or what gets you excited, I can’t tell you what gives you butterflies in your stomach or a ‘business boner’, that’s something that you need to get very clear on, and something 84
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that you need to own, and you need to believe in your soul that it’s possible. The second that egotistical self-doubt drops in is when your manifestation will fail.
it really depends on what works best for you. I do a combination of all of the following depending on what I feel guided to do on the day.
Just like any goal, specificity is key! What does it look like, feel like, sound like, taste like? All your senses need to believe it is happening and imagine it as being real.
The most common way of manifesting anything is by meditating and visualising it in your mind. You need to feel into it, sit with it, imagine it as happening now or already having happened. If you imagine something in the future, it will always be in the future and never current.
Side note - you don’t have to set a future goal and then stay glued to that either. I chop and change my plans and goals all the time. If you’d have asked me five years ago what I would be doing today, I would have still been married (LOL) and likely still hairdressing (double LOL). I also would have never dreamed of owning a barbershop, or even selling my salon, let alone selling it for almost $600k (I manifested that too!) Your goals and visions and wants can change in a second, but you always need to be striving and working toward something greater than where you are now. An important part of manifestation is putting in the steps (I’ll give you those shortly) but also having faith that the universe is giving you what you need, and every step you’re taking is getting you closer to what you want. So, here goes your “Caitlyn Menzel Coaching Steps on How to Manifest Awesome Shit” 1) As per above, listen to soul, not ego! 2) Get very clear and very specific about what it is that you want. How does it feel, look, sound, smell, taste, why do you want it? 3) This part is different for everyone because
I am an incredibly kinaesthetic person, which essentially means I learn best and communicate best by ‘doing’. Kinaesthetic people usually like a combination of manifesting techniques because we’re feelers, and doer’s. If you are a more visual person, you learn best and communicate best by watching. Your best form of manifesting is by creating vision boards and having pictures and visual guides to really get you feeling into your goals. Making phone backgrounds and having pics on your bathroom mirror are also great. There’s no rules to a vision board, it’s what looks attractive to you. If you are a more auditory/digital person, you learn best and communicate best by reading, writing, and listening. A few awesome techniques for you to manifest would be writing out your goals in story form, i.e. ‘Today is October 31st 2022 and I am sitting in my blacked-out Range Rover, I can smell the new leather, I can feel the leather steering wheel in my hands’ and so on. Be as detailed as you possibly can and the longer the better.