Computational Analysis of Fluid-Structure Interaction of Species in the Systemic and Portal Circulation Circuit
Indira S. Ribeiro Mentor: Kazeem Olanrewaju Chemical Engineering Department Introduction: Cardiovascular system, amidst the list of body systems, is critical to the survival of organs of itself and other systems[1, 2]. The physiological operation of other systems, including the nervous system, owes its functionality to the cardiovascular system[3, 4]. The major gateway of nutritional and enervating non-gaseous species accessing the systemic and portal circulation of the cardiovascular system is through the digestive system. Moreover, nutritional species transported via the vascular stream are products of enzymatic and mechanical monomerization of life-supporting macromolecular compound (polysaccharides, protein, and lipid) within the digestive system into simple molecules like glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids[5-7]. Nutritionally rich deoxygenated blood get oxygenated through pulmonary circulation and ejected by the heart via vascular channel to different cells within the systemic and portal circulatory circuit for metabolism. A careful qualitative description of these processes will unequivocally create opportunity to numerically assess the mechanisms associated with fluid-structure interaction of species transported within the systemic and portal circulatory system. Much work has been done to elucidate the qualitative description of these mechanisms, but studies on numerical quantification of these mechanisms are still relatively sparse[8-11]. Therefore, significant effort will be spent analyzing these mechanisms computationally while quantifying in tandem the corresponding physiological and pathophysiological implications of organs under this cardiovascular system coverage. Material and Methods: Highlighting Species Transport and Transformation in the Pulmonary Circulation Loop: A schematic flow process of species in the systemic and portal circulation loop will be developed to have a clear perspective of species transport and transformation from one stage to another. Species transport begins at the respiratory, digestive, and integumentary entrance, traverse and transformed through several organs, tissues, and cells applicatory to the aforementioned systems, and afterwards disperse to all other systems of the body via the systemic and portal circulation flow ducts for metabolisms and various physiological functionalities. Defining Transport and Transformation Mechanism at each Stage of flow process: Transport mechanism at each stage of the process was defined, and transformational mechanism was equally elucidated as the flow progresses within the systemic and portal circulation loop. Specific mechanism was allotted to each stage in the flow process. Numerical Experimentation: This study will adopt two computational modelling platforms to numerical assess fluid-structure interaction of species with systems and organ within the systemic and portal circulatory unit of the cardiovascular system. The two computational platforms, which include Simpleware (Synopsys) and Comsol Multiphysics softwares, will be utilized sequentially for complex geometry development, meshing of complex human physiological structures, and simulation of the physics (modelling equations) of interest[12, 13]. Results and Discussion: The chart depicting the flow processes involve in the systemic and portal circulation within the cardiovascular system was developed. The flow chart further unfold species transport and transformation within the loop. The essence of the flow chart is to vividly delineate the different stages where transport and transformation of species occur within the system and portal circulation. Various organs within the loop are arranged in sequential order in the red blocks, while transport and transformation of species at different stages in the systemic circulation are highlighted in blue blocks. The rationale behind the flow chart is the creation of a platform that will help in the detailing of the various physiological mechanisms underlining the different specie transport and transformation processes involve in the systemic and portal circulation. The flow chart portray a visual qualitative description of the species transport and transformation mechanism within the systemic and portal circulation. Conclusion/Summary: The creation of the schematic flow chart advanced the research task with a major step forward by setting a realistic platform for a qualitative representation of the physiological mechanisms required to clearly understand the transport and transformation of species inside the systemic and portal circulation loop. A vivid description of where species transport and transformation apply within systemic and portal blood circulation loop are made evident. Modelling and quantification of species transport and transformation processes describe by detail physiological mechanisms will be subsequently examined through computational simulation. Understanding acquired from modeling will be utilized to gain insight into a range of pathophysiological conditions associated with systemic and portal circulation and relevant Pagethe 159 diagnostic procedures and therapeutic measures needed to ameliorate the disease in question. The nextoftask is to adopt these 3