the perfect love song BY ISAIAH BLACKSTON
he one for whom you’d give your very life could be taken in the twinkling of an eye.” A quote from the great Stevie Wonder that gives me chills every time. I mean, what better way to be reminded about love than to be told how you take it for granted? Now, this is not out of the norm for Mr. Wonder. Stevie always has a way of taking concepts that we deem ourselves to be familiar with, causing us to look at them from a different perspective. However, when talking about love, the song, “These Three Words” takes the cake. This song speaks about love from all aspects. It speaks to the nurturing love between parents and their children. It speaks to the understanding of love between siblings. It speaks to the patience of love between partners.
appreciated them, so that alone gives me comfort. That alone wipes away feelings of guilt or regret, and makes room for positivity and genuine love. “Ones you say you cherish every day can instantly be taken away. Then, you say I know this can’t be true, when you never took the time, to simply tell them I love you.” This song is a warning and a reminder. Every day we see that we have no control over how life may turn. However, we do have control over how we show our love and appreciation to each other while we are still here.
Often times, we as people like to assume that the other person should just know we love them. It’s as if we have a pass to treat them however we want, talk to them however we want, and at the end of the day we just say, “They know we love them.” But what if it’s not that simple? What if no matter how hard life becomes, just hearing those words could make their day better? Stevie said those three simple words always kindle an aching heart to smile inside. This song holds a special place in my heart for a couple of reasons. One reason is simply that it was my mother’s favorite Stevie Wonder song. Another reason is that I can relate to it, and speak from experience. I lost both parents at a young age, and grief isn’t easy. Friends often ask me “when does the grieving stop,” and I tell them “I’m not sure if it will ever just stop.” There’s always going to be a song that makes you think about the loved one you lost. There’s always going to be a fragrance that reminds you of them. There’s always going to be a joke that brings their memory to the forefront of your mind, but the process gets easier. You learn to live with it. You learn to cherish, and remember the good times, and that’s how you keep them alive in your heart. Knowing that they knew you loved them, is a huge part of the process. I made sure both my mother and father knew I loved and