Rebirth Magazine December 2020

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I NInT this H I S Issue ISSUE

Tiarnie Vidler an interview with Sarah Watkins page 4

David Laws

manifesting magic page 7

Sneak Peak

@ brand new Spiritual Discovery Journal page 14

Archanges with Michelle page 24

Raise your Vibe in 2021 page 10

Moon Cycles

with Merendi Leverett page 32


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39


We interview Tiarnie Vidler 4 Alfira Peace The Divine Pathway 6 David Laws Manifesting Pure Magic 7 Kim McCosker Mango Fruit Cake 8 Emilia Tomeo - MJB Seminars Inspiration is Internal 9 Hayden Crawford 10 Ways to Instantly Raise your Vibe in 2021 10 Trish Murray Rain to Rainbows 12 Destiny Fae The Birth of an Angel 13 Spiritual Discovery Journal Feature 14 Kiara Jade Help! Why do I keep Attracting Narcissists 16 Our Wellness Community 17 Leonie Featherstone How to Maintain Peace in the School Holidays 20 Sharon Carne Wired for Sound 21 Rebecca-LeeHow Empaths can 22 Flourish in the Great Awakening Grace Harris The Age of Sage 23 Michelle Lightworker 24 Get to know the Archangels

Victoria Cochrane

Creating an Abundant Mind this Christmas 26

Kiarna Ella

Awakening the Truth of Who You Are in 2020 28

Jess Beard

How to be a Power Grid for Someone Else 29

Ms Psychic D

Is the Law of Attraction Real 30

Journaling my way 31 Astrology - Upcoming Moon Cycles 32 Tarotscopes - Collective Tarot 34 Connection Corner 36 Easy Print Directory 37 Pop Up Psychics 40 Meditation 42

A SYNK MEDIA Production

Solara Keeper of the Sun Blessed Ones I am the Keeper of the Sun The eternal sun that lives within you As the days become shorter and the nighttime longer Maintain the energy of the sun within The sun that gives life to all things Be still and connect to your earth mother Pull up the life-giving force from her center into your belly Pull the rays of your physical sun into your belly And send light to all the cells in your body Nurture this warmth within you As you use the coming season to let go of the old Give gratitude for all that is good Allow your soul to rest and dream As the cosmic night blankets you with love and gentle illumination Solara Keeper of the Sun Acrylic on Paper A3 Artist: Francie Griffin Vision and comments expressed by individuals do not necessarily represent those of the publishers and no legal responsibility can be accepted for the result of the use by readers of information or advice of any kind given in this publication, either in advertisements or editorials. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of Synk Media.

Editor | Sarah Watkins

Synk Media & Spiritual Events Directory

Designer | Kathy Shanks Synk Media & Turtle Creative

Journalist | Michelle R Price Michelle R Price Writer & Clairvoyant

Please send all advertising, editoral and subscription enquiries to:

Tiarnie Vidler

Interview with Sarah Watkins

For 20 years Tiarne has been wildly, consciously and fiercely curating, creating and mastering her own world. Astrology is her cosmic language, and with many many tools in her toolkit, she believes self awareness, self sovereignty and authenticity are the pillars of self mastery. Q In your opinion what is going to be the most influential planets in December and January. A We have a once in 20 year cycle upon us come December where the 2 great giants, Jupiter & Saturn meet up. Its so exciting, and im sure everyone can feel the electricity and uncertainty in the air. This is due to ALL the Aquarius energy about to be highlighted. Jupiter & Saturn come together for the first time in 2 decades in the eccentric, innovative, humanitarian & genius sign of Aquarius! This is ushering in the Aquariuan Age! Plus early 2021 we see a plethora of planets in Aquarius too! We will see massive advances in technology, AI, communities growing & inventions galore too! Rebeliion and anarchy are key themes for 2021 as well! There is a new, rad storm coming, with Uranus the ruler of Aquarius, storm or electrical storm to be more precise will be felt. To take advantage of this new energy check your own natal chart and find your Aquarius house, this is where the New Order on the micro begins! Its an activation for you, a point in which you will begin something


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

new. On the macro & collective level pay close attention in December & January as we are getting a real preview into the future!

Q If December is about wrapping up Karmic ties. What should people expect. A Each December & especially in 2020 there is truly an opportunity to leave the past behind. This year we are closing out a powerful karmic transit, as Saturn and Jupiter are both moving out of Capricorn. Saturn is at home in the sign of Capricorn and has been traversing his home waters since December of 2017! We are closing a epic cycle! So look at your own life, what needs closing for good? How solid is the foundation on which you are building your future? Have you learnt inner authority in the last 3 years? All the seeds you have been sowing are being reaped now. Success abounds if you have done the work! Saturn always rewards! Its important to trult rejease old baggage, cut those karmic cords and start clean. Healing is choice and if we choose to carry all the old stories, wounds & hurts into the futyire it’s going to be a futile. Only now exists. Work with this potent energy to truly shut down an old cycle and begin again!

Q Are there any dates we should pay special attention to in December or January? A December sees us still in Eclipse season with the new moon eclipse is Sagittarius on the 15th followed by the great conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter which happens exactly on December 22nd. But just as important, Saturn actually moves into Aquarius on December 17th, and Jupiter moves into Aquarius on the 20th. So the portal from the 17th-22nd is pretty epic! Solstice is on the 21st as the Sun moves into Capricorn. And we have the Full Moon in Cancer on the 30th! All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

January 7th Mars finally moves out of his gome sign of Aries, where he has spent an extended period of 6 months due to his retrograde. We see him move into his sign of detriment, Taurus, however this will be a welcome reprieve and a great way to ground all the fire, passion & action of Aries into the solid form, stability and stamina of Taurus. From the 14th-30th of January no planets are retrograde, so take action, set your year up, get the wheels in motion! We have the New moon in Capricorn on the 13th of January and full moon in Leo on the 29th. Retrograde season starts on January the 31st with trickster Mercury making his about turn in Aquarius!

Q Now that Planets are coming out of retrograde - how will this make us feel? A Retrogrades are very often a “pop” culture bandwagon to jump on. Yes, it absolutely is important to know when planets are retrograde, more importantly where this is happening in your own chart, but to also be aware that the outer planets are retrograde for up to 5 months every single year. Mercury retrogrades 3-4 times a year and the rare ones to keep you eye on is Venus, which only happens every 18 months, and Mars, which only happens every 2 years! Retrogrades give us a chance to be slow down, reassess, be more deliberate, acknowledge the delays and reevaluate our next move.

adapting to this New Earth, a new way to live on this planet, a new way to be a human. Im so glad its here! I’ve been waiting a long time!

Q What is 2021 bringing us? A Oh so much! I’ve shared a little in the above questions around some of the great changes but overall 2021 is CHANGE! That’s the key word! We are acclimatising to all the upheaval of 2020 and we will need to be flexible, malleable and stay curious. Growth and expansion is available fir us! Begone are the guru ways and guru days! 2021 invites us to stand sovereignly on our own 2 feet, have courage & be tenacious. 2021 asks you to stay close to home, like Mother Theresa says, “If you want to change the world, start at home”. All change starts with self and 2021 is ushering in great shifts, a recalibration, but it must start with self first. Rewild back to your own instincts, reconnect back to the great mother Earth. Be still, quiet and listen for the greatest wisdom is to be revealed over the coming year! I have my 2021 energy survival kit which is a monthly overview of the yearly energies playing out. Its a unique guide to help you navigate the year ahead with awareness. Over 150 pages of magic and love, its like a 12 month workshop. She is your companion!

Once planets move direct we are clearer in where to go next. Sometimes we decide on a whole different direction, often something is revealed that was once hidden which gives us an answer. Momentum begins, forward movement happens and gives us wings, we start to reap the benefits of the retrogrades and see results of our work!

Q What do you mean by new world order? A The New Order for me not only stems from the Great Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn, this really is setting up a whole new order, but also from 2020, the year that was The Reckoning, the Great Awakening! 2020 makes history, where things were forced to change. What was normal, isn’t anymore. What was once accepted no longer is. The way we work has changed. Priorities have shifted! There is no going back. Holding on is futile. This new world we have been summoning is here, now. People have been talking Ascension this, Ascension that, yet its actually been reality for a long time. 2020 just amped it up for the collective! The New Order looks like a whole new way to live, but its going to take some years of adjusting & integration. This will not happen overnight, or as January 1st clicks over. We are All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


The Divine Pathway

Returning to our Divine Origins

We all have an original wound. The original wound is the first moment of disconnection from our Divine source, the beginning of separation consciousness. All wounds stem from this moment and are a correlation of our ancestral and soul’s life times living in separation consciousness. At the core of this wound is a deeply entrenched core belief, ‘I am unlovable, I am unworthy.’

by Alfira Peace

Through this doorway the tender light of the Divine flowed in soothing the wound and finally I began to experience an identity shift, to believing the deepest Divine Truth about who I am and stop believing the story of unworthiness and unlovability.

With this knowledge we can begin to understand what the pathway Home must entail, that is, to restore our Divine Connection to our Divine Source to reconnect to our Holy Original Self.

I felt goodness and beauty inside of me.

So the pathway home is through our wounding. Thus, our wounds become a holy place.

I began the journey of what I called crossing over. I began living the experience of being loved without measure and beyond reason, of being Beloved of God. I began to remember who I am.

As one of my favourite authors John O’ Donohue put it, ‘No Wound is ever Silent’ No matter how we have dressed our appearance in the world, our wounds continue to call out to us. When I first experienced a heart ripping feeling of abandonment, often triggered in my relationship, the emotional pain of this was excruciating to bear. It often seemed out of proportion to the experience I was having in that moment. My despair pushed me to journey inward to feel and meet the pain. The key part of this process was to open my own heart to myself, as the heart can bear it all, not the mind, but the heart. All the pain and all the devastation that is in there, there is room in the heart for it all. This built a foundation of Self Love and from this foundation opened a doorway to Divine Love.


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

The Divine knows how to soothe the soreness of our wounds setting us free to understand how our hurt came to be.

The God I was meeting was a Universe of Love, of tenderness and kindness, of total embrace and unconditional acceptance, and within this I would cocoon and soothe the original wound of my Soul and my ancestral line. Every hurt, every trauma, every reaction became a revelation. Although initially painful, devastating, and shameful, I had found solid ground in my inner sanctuary in which to transform this. I woke up to and remembered how Loved I am, how Beloved I am, and that I am LOVE itself. Mantra: I am Loved without Measure and Beyond Reason. I am Beloved of God. The contemplation of this mantra daily can assist in Healing the places where we hold the pain of separation consciousness.

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Manifesting Pure Magic

by David Laws - The Famous Flower Man and Psychic, Mentor, Speaker Many people think manifestation is purely about attracting material things like a new car, a new home or any number of material things into your life. When the Law Of Attraction is fully understood & practiced, a whole new & exciting life can unfold before your very eyes that go way beyond material things! So how does one go about manifesting a Magical life? Most people don’t realise that a happy, joyous & wildly successful life starts simply with the words you speak! Believe it or not, every single word you speak carries a vibration that creates your reality. So before you even start imagining what you can manifest into your life, be it a physical or non physical thing, PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR SPOKEN WORD!

will expedite your journey towards your partner so much faster! Expressing your gratitude for EVERYTHING in life, even the challenges we face, will pave the way to enjoying a very happy, contented & amazingly successful life! Enjoy your manifesting journey my friends!! Cheers darling!!


Why go to all the time & effort of creating a vision board or writing your list to The Universe if you’re going to sabotage your dream with disempowering words??!! I see so many people dreaming wildly about they’d like to create & manifest into their life but I’m horrified when they open their mouth & hear what they have to say! Someone might have a picture & a description of their dream partner on their vision board or on the list they’ve written but it’ll be an uphill battle if that person says things like . “I’ll never meet someone like him coz all the good ones are taken’ or “He’s my dream man but I doubt that I’ll be lucky enough to meet someone like him” & so on. The Universe at ALL times is responding to one thing & one thing only, YOUR VIBRATION!! When we change our words to match our desires we’ll see the Magic starting to unfold! Saying things like “I’m so excited to have my beautiful new partner in my life, I am SO incredibly grateful that our unexpected connection was Divinely guided,” All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Mango Fruit Cake SERVES 16 1kg mixed dried fruit 800g can mangoes 3 cups (450g) self-raising flour

This fruit cake will be the star attraction of any gathering. It’s the unexpected burst of deliciously, slowly baked mango that is the real surprise here. Into a large bowl place the mixed dried fruit. Pour over the can of mangoes, fruit and all the juice. Stir well and leave for at least 2 hours, I often leave covered overnight. Preheat oven to 125°C. Line a 22cm cake tin with baking paper. Add the self-raising flour and stir to combine. Spoon the mixture into the tin. In the lower half of the oven, bake for 2½ - 3 hours or until the skewer inserted into the centre of the cake removes clean. Set aside to cool before turning out. To purchase a copy of 4 Ingredients Veggie & Vegan with FREE SHIPPING Australia wide, please visit 8

Rebirth Edition 4 5 | December October 2020 2020

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Inspiration is Internal! by Emilia (Mills) Tomeo from MJB Seminars

Emilia has a BA in Education and over 10 years experience in education. She has over 16 years experience in the Personal Development industry and is a key driving force in shaping the creative content and presentation of material in MJB Seminars. It’s that time of year again, when New Year’s resolutions roll around and you start thinking to yourself - what do I want to achieve in 2021? Maybe it’s going on a diet (or simply sticking to it for longer than a few weeks). Or perhaps it’s building up the endurance to run that marathon you’ve always dreamed of doing. It could even be as simple as saving five percent of each paycheck, for a lovely little nest egg come December. Well, before you get too carried away, I’m going to share some wisdom I’ve learned over the years about how to pick a goal, as well as the building blocks needed to see it through. And it starts with two concepts - the goal itself and the ripple effects created when we actually achieve it. First thing’s first, if you have to wait for a new year to seek a transformation, then you just aren’t really that resolved in the first place. This idea that “next year is going to be better” or “I just need things to be perfect before I start” is a lie we tell ourselves. We get caught-up thinking challenges like ‘New Years Resolutions” will push us to alter our behaviour, when in fact the solution lies in examining what’s within us. I recently took up a challenge from Instagram called 75Hard that involves no alcohol, drinking four litres of water, following a food plan of my choice, taking part in two 45-minute workouts, and reading ten pages of a non-fiction book, every day over the course of two-and-a-half months. And boy, has it been rough at times! But I am inspired from within to achieve it. I don’t need someone reminding me to get moving each morning. And I certainly didn’t have to “wait” until after Christmas to start because I wanted to indulge over the holiday season.

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

At MJB we describe this with the phrase: “Motivation is external, inspiration is internal.” Still not sure what I mean? Well, let’s take the example of a kid on Christmas morning. At 6am they’ve bolted out of bed and are down by the tree waiting to unwrap the goodies Santa’s left. They don’t need an alarm, or a parent coming in to wake them up. They are just intrinsically inspired to do it, because the joy and wonder at what might be waiting, sparks a light in them. Compare that to a child having to wake up to attend school, and you can see that inspiration can make a big difference to your emotions - and therefore your desire to see an action through. Similarly, when your goals are tested, inspiration makes you more likely to overcome such challenges. Kids playing video games actually enjoy the harder levels, because it inspires them. They don’t need motivation to plug the xbox in and get cracking. So, if your resolution is to lose weight - ask yourself what exercise inspires you, and seek to do more of that. Whether that’s joining a social netball team so you have a chance to make friends outside work, or go running with your dog because your four-legged friend always boosts your mood. Once you have your goal, the second and oftenoverlooked part of a resolution, is what to do when you start achieving it. Rarely do people consider the ripple effects that come from success. Take, for instance, if you choose to give up smoking. You have more money than before, because you aren’t buying cigarettes - so you need to create small financial goals for this new influx of wealth. Similarly, you might stop going out with the same group of friends, so you will need to create a new social goal to fill that void. Choosing a goal that inspires you, as well as taking the time to think about the goals that will sprout up once you start succeeding, will help you transform your new year. So, look inside and ask what can’t you wait to achieve? Because THAT’s your starting point. And it’s time to go! Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


10 BEST WAYS to instantly

Raise your Vibe by Hayden Crawford

Here are 10 powerful ways to instantly raise your vibration so you can release resistance and start manifesting the life of your dreams. Your vibration, which can be measured by the emotions we feel, cultivate our thoughts. This frequency is projected into your energy field and either attracts and repels circumstances and events by the universal law of attraction. Your auric field is a body of energy that encompasses your entire body. This magnetic field is alive too and can splay up to 9 feet around your body. When it is strong and healthy, the aura is bright and expands in all directions and enables your hearts desires to manifest effortlessly. However, a weak aura can leave you feeling depleted, insecure and frightened. Your most dominant thoughts and emotions attract the corresponding events into your auric field. Everything is your life is created this way. So if you want to change your experience we must take responsibility for your thoughts and feelings and consciously raise our vibration.

Focus On What You Want Becoming more conscious of your thoughts and deliberately looking for things that make you feel good is the secret to keeping your vibration high. Start consciously looking for better feeling thoughts by taking baby steps along the way. By refocussing on what you want instead of what you don’t want it will change your point of attraction. This will help you to start attracting your desires and will instantly make you feel better.


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Observe Your Emotions Begin to become more aware of your emotional responses to various triggers. Simply allow them to wash through you. Try not to judge them or feel bad for experiencing negative ones like anger or jealously. Don’t feed the negative and avoid reacting to situations that make you feel bad. It’ll just make you feel worse. To raise our frequency we must move up this emotional frequency scale towards joy, peace and enlightenment as you can see in this diagram. The lower-lying ones like shame, guilt and grief will keep you stuck in a cycle of victimhood. Remember that everything happens for you, not to you.

Release Junk Programs From The Subconscious Start rewiring your mind with guided meditations and positive affirmations to release negative thoughts in your subconscious. You shadow patterns may be taking you off on a completely different path to your intended one. If you are trying to make a change and can’t, it’s because your subconscious is programmed differently than your conscious mind and guess who always wins? That’s right the subconscious mind. Both minds need to be aligned for you to flow with your manifestations.

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Practise Appreciation

Transmute Trauma From The Cellular Memory A cellular memory that triggers fear always goes back to a wrong interpretation of the original event. Whether we would define our past experiences as “traumatic” today makes no difference to our subconscious or spiritual heart. What’s important is to heal the cellular memory and the fear signal it is transmitting. The Colour Mirrors will help you to identify and remove the lie created from the past painful memory and replace it with the truth. This can span many lifetimes so to pair the colour therapy up with some ancestral clearing will radically upgrade your DNA.

Begin each day by journalling 5 things about the day ahead that you are grateful for. This will help you to focus on all of the things you love in your life and will instantly change your point of attraction. Remember that gratitude changes the anatomy of the brain and is a very high emotional state of being. Again start with baby steps and observe how your day goes from strength to strength.

Mindfulness In Art Therapy It’s the process, not the end result that is important here. This uplifting modality use various mediums including acrylics, watercolour and oil pastels on canvas and paper. It is designed to encourage you to express yourself through colour, movement and even sound to transform any negative emotions. and release old blockages. You do not have to be an artist to benefit from this process as it is more about using colour freely.

Move Your Body Practice Self-Love & Forgiveness The most profound way to raise your vibe is to consciously choose to love and forgive yourself at a soul level. This does not mean, condoning your poor behaviour in the past but choosing to learn from it and let it go so you can feel free to love yourself again. Remember guilt and shame sit at the low end of the vibrational scale and until you have confronted and embraced your shadows you’ll be stuck in a vicious cycle.

Incorporate exercise into your daily routine. This will help to change up the energy in your body and you will instantly feel the difference both physically and mentally. Enjoy spending time in nature and try and be outdoors as much as possible. Sit by the water when you can. The oceans, lakes and rivers are a blessing from God and water has healing and therapeutic properties. Alternatively, you can introduce yoga into your life a few times a week as it helps to realign your mind, body and soul with mindfulness and breathing techniques.

Eat The Rainbow

Laugh Out Loud

Practise self-love by honouring your body. The golden rule here is to consume fresh, organic produce with colour. Try to steer clear of beige food of low vibration and make sure you drink plenty of fresh water. Ideally, water that has been infused with crystal frequencies. Remember that everything is energy so everything we put in will either raise or lower our vibration. Choosing high- quality foods that are free of chemicals, hormones, pesticides, and other low vibration ingredients will help raise your vibration. Other low vibration things to avoid are medications, drugs, alcohol, meat and sugar. All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

You’ve probably heard the phrase that laughter is the best medicine. Well, it’s true. The more we laugh, the better we feel. It releases endorphins and makes you feel amazing. Even if you are feeling depleted, try and start the ball rolling by faking laughter at first. You’ll find that the more you practise this the easier it becomes and soon you will find that you are roaring with hysterics until your belly is aching. Give it a go... Which of the other steps are you going to start implementing in your life today? Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Rain to Rainbows

by Trish Murray

Sometimes it can be difficult or even awkward to express how you are feeling about the death of a loved one or someone you were very close to. The feelings of “LOSS “and “BEING LOST” can be difficult to navigate. Working through the emotions and knowing you are NORMAL in amongst it all can be hard to believe. One of our greatest fears is to talk about death and the circumstances surrounding it. For many people this is something that has been taught to them by parents and influential family members, influence of society, community dynamics culture, personal beliefs. Age old cultures celebrated death just as both is celebrated. They cared for the dying in preparation for the imminent death and cared and prayed over the dead body of their people. The ability to be instrumental in it all allows connection and heart felt love to be expressed and grieving and healing processes to commence. In sudden death this of course is not possible but it can happen. Grieving and allowing yourself to grieve is an important process in order to move forward beyond the Death itself of your loved one and everything that comes with it.

Life as you knew it has changed. For some people their DREAMS, HOPES and ASPIRATIONS, future plans and financial security feel lost in the quagmire of everything going on in your mind. The company of your loved one on a day to day basis is no longer, you wait for them every day count the to walk back in through the door even though you know they are gone.


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

You know your life as you knew it to be will never be the same again and you are unable to see beyond this feeling, the feeling of never living, having the same life. You can move on without guilt and create A NEW LIFE filled with PEACE of MIND and days of happiness and fulfilment, creating new memories with family, friends and those who are special to you and LOVE YOUR special person whilst LIVING your future in happiness.

STAGES of GRIEF Shock/Denial Pain/Guilt Anger/Bargaining Depression/Reflection Loneliness Working through all the emotions Trying to work it all out, starting life again ACCEPTANCE/HOPE LIVING IN LOVE NOT LOSS OUTCOME of HEALING “CELEBRATION OF LIFE “ Celebrate YOU and your STRENGTH YOUR JOURNEY to WELLNESS and HEALING Don’t let loss define your future It is your right to live the rest of your life in JOY and LIVE your BEST LIFE. LOVING YOU LOVING your LIFE And your new future that you have created.

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

The Birth of an Angel by Destiny Fae

Gabriel was Lotus born (Placenta left attached) at 6:39am on the 13.10.2020, same as his Uncle Michael’s Birthday, another Angel named soul. A new angel, on Earth. I thought I was in labour at 2am on 11.10.2020, our babies second due date. His first was 10.10.2020, a magical number. By 4am I was almost certain I was in labour, and told my partner, whom then text our midwife, doula and photographer. I felt ready, we had everything we needed, my alter was set up, the birth pool was ready to be filled. I felt confident in my “Hypnobirthing” and “Orgasmic-birthing” practices, I had blessings and crystals from friends and family in our home birthing space. Later that morning, after waking up, I was feeling excited. Early in labour my partner and I had a leisurely stroll along the river near where we live. At 12 hours I was still in early stages, using the labour ball and teas to help move things along. My partner and I also leveraged “Orgasmicbirthing”, getting me to relax and fortunately after having an orgasm my surges picked up. After speaking with our midwife after the 17 hour mark, I hoped into the birth pool. This felt amazing, the warm water soothing me. I continued my “Hypnobirthing” breathing, visualizations and affirmations to relax and move through each surge as they intensified. I intuitively started moving my body in circles, while on all fours in the birth pool, this motion had me feeling empowered and strong throughout surges.

My birth team came and left a few times, but to me, time didn’t exist. I felt my Mum come through (whom had passed 6 years ago). She was encouraging me, hugging me and telling me not to contact anyone to come back yet, as things progressed. My partner was a bit concerned of delivering the baby alone, so he replied to our Doulas text of my progress. We felt out baby would be born that night as things began to progress and intensify, as my partner could feel the head emerging. Again everyone came, my focus scattered and then they left again. There was only 2 periods for an hour, where pain was registered for me. When I had been advised to exit the birth pool and try to sleep in bed. Without the warm water, floating and my focus on the “Hypnobirthing” breathing, my body became overwhelmed. The last 5 hours in the pool I felt as if I were in another realm and having myself transform multiple times, feeling like a phoenix. Our baby was ready, in four quick surges born with ease and without a need to push, after a 52 hour natural, drug free labour. Beautiful angelic blue eyes, our little boy, his gender a surprise. Both so in love with our family. Only the doula present and the photographer and midwife on the way. Placenta was left attached and cord fell off at 3 days old. Our beautiful boy, such a wide eyed, alert and peaceful baby. We spent our first week of parenthood in isolation in a love bubble.

While being tuned in, I felt deeply connected to my body, a primal aspect of self, my ancestors and woman everywhere. I felt beautiful, magical, and also subtly euphoric and sensual. For short periods, getting brought out of my zone, then I quickly tuned back in. My partner was often in the pool with me, rubbing my back and kissing my shoulders. A few times we were in a trance, lovingly looking into each other’s eyes, sharing gentle loving kisses and embraces. All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Spiritual Discovery Journal


Pip Coleman

Wake the Wisdom of your Soul with Archangel Presciptions

Interview by Michelle R Price Most of us would be familiar with the Angels. We may know some of their names and even know a colour or role associated with a few. But how do we communicate with them? Do we have to meditate or is it simpler than that? Thankfully, Pip Coleman is going to explain that and more.

us preserve our energy. She uses Kyle Gray’s, ‘cleanse, tone and moisturise’, process. She said that encourages people to cut cords of fear and get rid of other people’s stuff. ‘Toning’ may involve us filling our bodies with coloured light or calling in Archangels for specific purposes.

The Victorian-based Author, Reiki Master, Angel Intuitive, Medium, Meditation Facilitator and Spiritual Coach is one of the contributors to After doing each of those Synk Media’s Spiritual Journal; penning things, Pip recommends ‘Journaling with Archangels’. putting up some protection. She said it is important, “Not to Pip hasn’t always had such an cling wrap in all the fear”. She extensive spiritual understanding, as said skipping those first two she does now. After spending her early steps can make us feel ‘unsafe’. days in sales and working on cruise ships in the entertainment department, Pip said we can also ask she started exploring spirituality and the Archangels to help wound up teaching meditation on us put on a preservation board the ships she was working on. bubble, keeping in mind that each of the That shift in mindset led to her doing Archangels has a specific her Reiki Masters and an advanced purpose. Angel Intuitive course with Doreen Virtue and ultimately in a completely Pip also stressed that we different direction. don’t necessarily need to see the Archangels we are Pip admits she, “Didn’t have a spiritual communicating with. She upbringing…I grew up in a very herself feels their presence pragmatic, practical family and didn’t and noted that each has a really talk about spirituality”. different feeling to her. “So Angels, in the traditional sense, Pip launched her book titled were not part of my conversation as I Finding my Soul at Sea. It is grew up,” she said. available for purchase online at As Pip explored further, she decided she didn’t believe in coincidences anymore. She also noticed the people she had started to meet were divinely placed in her path. Pip’s journal contribution aims to teach us to, “Listen to your own inner self, listen to your own soul and practice tapping into that…higher vibrational energy of the Angels to keep yourself in that preserved and aligned state”. Pip also has some excellent tips to help


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

ORDER NOW All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Spiritual Discovery Journal


Merendi Leverett

Set your Intention to Focus on Life Purpose Interview by Michelle R Price

Merendi Leverett is a woman on a mission. She only began her spiritual journey when she lost her father 11 years ago, saying that loss helped her rediscover her gifts. The Brisbane-based Spiritual Healer has been honing her craft for the past six years beginning with Numerology and more recently adding Reiki to her list of services. She has also studied Crystal Healing. Merendi is a contributor to Synk Media’s Spiritual Journal and said life has been, “Quite a ride”, since she began her awakening at the age of 35. Before that time, she said she, “Just kind of cruised through life and just went from one project or one job to another”. She stressed it hasn’t been an easy ride but she has enjoyed rediscovering herself as a person, saying her earlier years were like, “Walking through a fog”. In Merendi’s Spiritual Journal contribution, she takes readers through the process of figuring out their ‘life purpose’. She said Numerology can help with this. Her first taste of Numerology was when a lady came into her business and did Feng Shui and Numerology to help grow it. But she said the woman just gave her the information without an explanation of the background and how it all worked. Sadly, she said she didn’t see any real benefits of the visit because the, “Why”, was never explained to her. Merendi, who’s also studying Holistic Counselling, said it was only when she studied Numerology herself that a light bulb went off and she really got it. She feels like it is important for people to understand what life path they are and what their traits are to keep them one step ahead of All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

others. She tries to do that with her own clients too. In terms of her Spiritual Journal contribution, she said she is passionate about helping people discover their ‘life purpose’ saying she has met too many people who don’t know what they are here to do. But as kids, she said we do know, “I want to be a vet, or I want to be a doctor, I want to be a teacher or I want to be a fireman but then you go through school…and people like parents or teachers or mentors try to push you to do careers that make money or [say] ‘because you’re really good at maths you should do this’…when really it might not bring that person absolute joy”. To achieve that Merendi has her clients set intentions, “And you can do that with or without crystals, I also get them to look at what brings them joy, what brings them happiness. Is it working with animals? Is it working with kids? Is it being creative? It may not be the mundane 9:00-5:00PM job they already have, it’s what they do outside of work”. She also asks readers to meditate to figure out their core values like love, friendship or service. “So I’m really about people rediscovering what brings them joy and rediscovering why they’re here and what they want to do”, she said. Merendi said she hopes her Spiritual Journal contribution will help people rediscover what brings them joy and rediscover why they’re here and what they want to do.

ORDER NOW Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Help! Why do I Keep Attracting Narcissists Do you find you keep attracting romantic partners who don’t treat you well? Do you find your relationships tend to be dominated by drama and you’re constantly apologising for your partner’s behaviour? Do you ever find yourself sitting there wondering why this keeps happening to you, why there’s constant arguments in your relationship when others seem to be really happy? You may be attracting narcissists. A narcissist is an umbrella term for a person who expresses personality traits such as an exaggerated sense of personal importance, a lack of empathy, a sense of entitlement and feelings of superiority. Narcissists can have a tendency to lack insight into how their behaviour affects others. A good example would be Donald trump. This means self-reflection, apologising and compromising in relationships are unlikely from a narcissistic partner.

by Kiara Jade

So why would a Narcissist be drawn towards dating a certain person? Narcissists will look for certain traits in their potential partners which may give them the upper hand. These include and are not limited to: ›› People who like to please others ›› People who care about upsetting others feelings ›› People who struggle to say no ›› People who dislike conflict and will not argue ›› People who fear being alone ›› People who think they are flawed or not good enough ›› People who want to help and fix the narcissist’s problems If you can relate to any or all of the above you have probably come across or had dealings with a narcissist before in your family, relationships or work, and you may even attract them to you. The universe will often give us the person who will challenge us best to grow, not who we will have the best relationship with. Unfortunately, narcissists can be the people that push us to learn these tough lessons. We attract them because they are our opposite, they know how to say no and speak up for themselves and their rights more than anyone! So what does one do if this is you? We need to clear out the opposite vibration that draws narcissists to us. We need to heal our past patterns. Working on yourself is always beneficial. If you learn to care for yourself as much as those around you, you will know when you are being treated unfairly, and you will no longer tolerate it because you love yourself too highly. Caring for others is fine, until it is at the expense of your own sanity. A narcissist will take all you have to give, and never think it’s enough. The best relationships are reciprocal, not one sided where one person always tries to help the other. One where a partner will respect when you say no. When you speak up for yourself, this will drive narcissists away from being attracted to you. Set your standards high, and more loving relationships will find their way to your doorstep. Finding yourself in this situation and not knowing what to do? I want to work with you!


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39


Michele Scott is an Alchemist Healer and the creator of Our Wellness Community (OWC), which is successfully uniting seekers, students, and holistic practitioners everywhere. Michele is passionate about community, connecting people, and wellness tools & therapies and is giving holistic practitioners a voice on Casey Radio 97.7FM via Wellness Conversations Talk Show, also a Podcast on Spotify & a webcast show on Spiritual Events Directory. With decades of experience as a Numerologist under her belt, Michele helps clients figure out the answers to the same questions she asked herself as a teenager. “Who am I?” “What is my purpose?” “Why am I here?”

Q Is it important to have a purpose in life? Psychology Today says that, “a growing body of research has found that the feeling that one’s life has meaning is associated with a host of positive health outcomes. And now a new study of older adults published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences goes even further by revealing that the sense that one is living a worthwhile life appears to be positively linked to just about every aspect of our lives, not just health.” The science of Numerology, based on your full name at birth and your birth date details, is a clear pathway to discovering your purpose and your WHY in this lifetime.

Q What are the benefits of selfunderstanding? The quest to know thyself is a journey many of us are compelled to take in life, an inner yearning and curiosity to become better acquainted with “who am I?” This curiosity sparked the courage in me to break out of my comfort zone in Melbourne and led to an amazing sojourn overseas, working in London and back packing through Europe, India, and Nepal.

This break away from the norm, no one close to me at the time had taken this leap of faith, opened me up to a part of myself I didn’t know existed and I don’t think I would have unsheathed her if I had remained where I was. Getting to know myself and growing in selfunderstanding was a grounding experience for me. Suddenly, I wasn’t at the mercy of my experiences anymore. Instead of always reacting to external circumstances, I was interacting with them and utilizing these opportunities to grow stronger in my strengths, overcome challenges, and further develop my weaknesses.

Q What do you mean when you talk about “becoming your own best friend?” Over the course of many years in the self help and spiritual development field, having coached, mentored, and taught many women on the way, it dawned on me that the one ingredient I constantly saw missing in my clients’ pursuit of success, was confidence. They lacked belief, faith, and trust in themselves. We often treat our BFFs better than we treat ourselves! I became passionate then about firstly becoming my own best friend, and then teaching my clients how to do the same for themselves. When you are your own best friend you have someone by your side for the rest of your life. Someone who uplifts you on the inside, not beats you down through negative self talk, and she encourages you by prompting your strengths, rather than discouraging you by pointing out your flaws. Becoming your own best friend is an easy move away from “I am not enough” and learning how to love yourself unconditionally. Your Numerology profile is a template that outlines the personality and the path, providing the guidance you need to understand both yourself and the cycles in your life. This understanding leads to a better relationship with who you are and becomes the first step towards becoming your own best friend.

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Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Our Wellness Community

Michele Scott

Our Wellness Community

Our Wellness Community Our Wellness Community (OWC), before Covid-19, set a focus in 2020 to bring people together and bring out the best in them. This became every more important during the isolation period of this pandemic, and we believe we achieved this in many ways in our sacred space through collaboration and teamwork. Together everyone achieves more!

Remember in primary school when you participated in ‘show & tell’, talking about something interesting or something you found special with your classmates. Well, that is exactly what we have brought to life in OWC. Our terrific platform of gifted & experienced Healers, Teachers, & Practitioners have created LIVE shows in our fast-growing holistic community to inform, inspire, and educate our members. Tune in at the following times to hear the wisdom and guidance of our Wellness Collaborators. MONDAY 10.30am Soul Seekerz HUB with Michele & Margie 6.15pm Astro Angels with Sondre & Bernie 7.30pm Weekly Wisdom Chakra Angel Oracle TUESDAY 10.00am Small Business Gems with Gigi, Website Extraordinaire 6.30pm Activate Your Courage with Kay Hamilton 8.00pm Emotion Matrix with Stephanie Kenna WEDNESDAY 9.30am Transform Time Unique Phoenix 7.00pm Self Care With Sandra, Balanced & Scented 8.00pm Psychic Development Optimystic Xzavia THURSDAY 12pm Heal with Gwenda 6.30pm Creative Corner with Pip Coleman 7.30pm Soul Train with Pathways to Peace FRIDAY 12.30pm All Things Love & Relationships with Kiara Jade Ladies, our unique collaborator platform unites seekers and students with Teachers & Healers, and together we are helping each other rise. Our unique collaborator platform seeks to unite & help each other rise. If you resonate with our vision book a zoom call with Michele to learn how to become a subscribed wellness collaborator.”


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

OWC Market Place

A one stop shop for spiritual wellness products, services, & events. Our virtual marketplace space on Facebook is a dedicated landscape for women in spiritual wellness business to promote, spruik, and share with us their business, projects, and spiritual wellness products & services that drive and motivate them. We love supporting and empowering womenin-business! These dedicated ladies have a vision to live a purposeful life and help effect positive changes in the world, and as they pave their way in holistic wellness we are thrilled to walk alongside them building solid foundations that support and promote them. OWC believes that together everyone achieves more. As we enter the Christmas period, we invite you to visit our virtual marketplace for gifts that make a difference in the lives of others, created from the heart of business’s making a difference in the world. ›› Oracle Readings & Healings ›› Women’s Circles & Retreats ›› Herbal Teas, Essential Oils, Spiritual Jewelry, Ornaments, etc. FB

Wellness Conversations Talk Show Wellness Conversations is a holistic & spiritual wellness broadcast that airs every Tuesday 3-4pm on Casey Radio 97.7FM. We love stories, and we believe there’s so much inspiration and wellness growth we can all glean from hearing about the journey of others. It’s presented by Michele Scott Numerologist, and each week we are joined by awakened women in holistic & spiritual wellness business stepping up for themselves, speaking their truth, and standing by what they believe in. For all of them it began with one step and led to a life that was improved, purposeful, and free. Join our conversation with these brave and beautiful women if you too are interested in exploring genuine alternatives to your holistic health in body, mindset, relationships, and career. Anchor Spotify show/1lUg7amgY28JcpOrsfFDEV All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

FEMININE POWER & PROSPERITY I believe true prosperity is a combination of service, generosity and value and that aligning these three opens the doors to infinite possibilities.

Bernie Giggins FAWN TO FEARLESS We all know the normal fight, flight and freeze responses but FAWN is the four-letter trauma response no-one is talking about. It addresses the frustrating questions of:

›› why you can’t use your voice, ›› why you can’t be seen, ›› can’t stop sacrificing your life for others, no matter the cost to yourself.

One of the biggest obstacles I see in female spiritual entrepreneurs, when it comes to prosperity, is their ability to understand and embody their own unique value. It stops them from taking their work out into the world as they consistently fret about:

Fawn forfeits on your behalf, makes you sacrifice without conscious consent. You are the peacekeeper, who actively creates success for others but ultimately forsake our own success, health and desires. You find yourself on the cursed merry-go-round, questioning when is it ever going to be my turn?

›› If their work is good enough and will it make a genuine difference in the lives of the people they are here to serve.

From Fawn to Fearless Program unpacks the lies, illusions and the hidden agendas the Fawn has created by learning to master this programming you will be ultimately stepping into your freedom and the life you desire.

›› Who will pay them for the unique transformation they offer, so they spend a lot of time working for free and adding to their list of already impressive credentials. ›› They fret about coming across as a sleezy, pushy salesperson, so they never actually ask people to join them in the transformation they offer.

In my program, The Wealthy Goddess Code - the 7-step system to prosperity, one of the very first steps is to understand your true value. To support this is a unique process, The Ripples of Value. This beautiful process will remove all your nagging self-doubts and concerns, allowing you to take your concepts of service from your head and into your heart. I have created a VBook especially for you. Just click to download to start you on the path to unshakable clarity and prosperity




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In this program you will discover your deepest truths that will allow you to step forward into a life where your dreams are realised, your relationships, both business and personal become rich and abundant. You will set free your rebels’ heart to stand authentically, unapologetically and fearlessly into your power. This is where life on your terms begins. Bernie Giggins, is the Creatrix of Fawn to Fearless, Author of HEAL, Inner Child Trauma Release Expert, Soul Freedom Alchemist, Plant Medicine Women, Master Energy Healer, Past-Life Master Practitioner & Pellowah Energy Healer. at: product/from-fawn-to-fearless-program/

JOIN MY COMMUNITY Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Our Wellness Community

Sondre Callec

Scents of Harmony

by Leonie Featherstone

How To Maintain Peace In The School Holidays Rule Number 1! Diffuse, diffuse, diffuse - quality Essential oils such as doTERRA Essential oils! Rule Number 2! Ensure each child has their own doTERRA essential oil roller bottle mood blend so they (or you) can roll it on whenever needed! Let’s start with a ‘process’! 1. Set your Intention for the school holidays. Paint a clear picture in your mind and heart about how you want the experience to be. 2. Research! Reflect on previous holidays and the subsequent challenges; ask other parents how they navigate this time successfully and yes, ‘Ask Google’! 3. Identify your main Holiday Challenges. 4. Hold a family meeting. Welcome their ideas and desires and intentions (they are NEVER too young to participate). Encourage THEM to ignite their own creative thought ability! 5. Create a plan. Call for Volunteers to be Holiday Peace Participants. 6. Match ideas with reality. If the desired trip to Disney is not possible – how can you recreate some Disney experiences in the home and locally – be creative – make it fun! 7. Design Activity Options. eg Mini My Kitchen Rules nights with the children as the Chefs; Craft projects; Painting; Family concerts – who doesn’t want to be the Magician, right? Group exercise/sport opportunities; Invite ‘experts’ in to teach a fun subject that will benefit your children eg Aroma-Jewellery; Pamper Parties for Teenagers; Aroma-Art; Rollerball Mood Magic; School Holiday Memories – each member to journal/draw/ decorate a scrapbook; (Especially helpful to use Essential oils during this experience); 8. Compartmentalize your time. eg 100% of family time to family; 100% of work time to work; Be present in each sector and create strategies to support eg While in your home office – your children can use Electronic Devices; (They will probably encourage you to ‘work’ more!); Form a babysitting pool with friends or ‘pay’ older children to entertain younger ones – this will help their Christmas shopping funds! 9. Create daily rituals. eg All members of the family share what they are grateful for and one thing they love about each member of the family! Have an ‘oil check’ to see what oils each child has chosen for the day! Allow children to take turns to add oils to the diffuser.


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

10. Gather resources. a. Diffuser and Essential oils eg doTERRA Emotional Starter Pack a. If you do not have doTERRA essential oils – I can tailor-make suggestions for your situation and have them shipped to your door! a. Materials/Ingredients/Supplies for Craft/ Baking/Dress Ups/Concerts (could be a fun trip to the Opportunity Shops/Craft Store/ Nature Walk!) Here are a few doTERRA essential oil suggestions and strategies that may support common School Holiday Challenges. Frustration – Parents AND Children ›› Diffuse Balance to ground everyone and Lavender Peace to release any niggles and restore tranquility. ›› Apply Adaptive to pulse points and partner with some reassuring affirmations. Device Addiction and ‘Boredom’! ›› Diffuse Citrus Bliss to stir their creativity and motivate them to find their own ‘get up and go’! ›› Apply fortifying oils such as OnGuard to strengthen your boundaries and resolve to say No with love ›› Get each person to create their ‘Boredom Buster’ Chart ›› Create a flexible plan for the Activity Options each family member chose ›› Think of a trade-off system eg When Child contributes X time to family; participating in chores or working on project; time exercising/ time outdoors they earn Y time on their device. Fridge Raiding ›› Diffuse oils such as Smart and Sassy, Grapefruit, Lemon or Peppermint ›› Create nutritious snacks as opposed to ‘empty foods’ – flavour with doTERRA essential oils such as Peppermint; make it easy for them to snack – chop up veges and fruit ahead of time or delegate that activity – prizes for most creative presentation! ›› People often eat as a distraction so keep them busy with the agreed upon Activity Options Constant Bickering ›› Diffuse doTERRA Adaptive or Lavender Peace essential oil blends to ‘calm the farm’ and dispel agitation and then switch it up with some Elevation to restore the joyful, carefree holiday mood you desire! All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Wired for Sound by Sharon Carne

Most people believe that when you listen to a sound or a piece of music, you listen with your ears. The truth is, you listen with your entire being!Your natural wiring for sound and music is a great asset when you are looking for effective ways to sleep better, improve your health, make your days easier and so much more. First, let’s take a closer look at what sound is. Science has shown that everything at the atomic level is constantly moving and vibrating. Sound is defined as vibrational energy. It is one of the few energies that can CHANGE how matter itself vibrates. Sound is a physical energy that travels in a wave and pushes atoms and molecules around as it travels through a medium – like air – and like you! Yes. Sound goes through you! Here are a few examples of your wiring for sound. 1. Sound moves through the more fluid parts of your body four and a half times faster than it moves through the air. And twelve times faster through your bones. As sound travels through you, it sets your atoms and molecules into a state of vibration. When the vibrations stops, your entire being resets to healthy, natural patterns. Depending on the nature of the sound. 2. Rhythm changes your heartbeat, breathing and brainwaves. This is called entrainment. Your heartbeat will match the beat of the music around you within minutes. And you can’t turn off this response. It happens whether or not you are even paying any attention to the music. When the music changes your heartbeat, this also affects your breathing and brainwave rhythms. These

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

three systems are intimately connected. When you change one of them, you change all three. 3. Your body is fed by food. Your nervous system is fed by sound. And as we all know, there is junk food, good food and super food for the body. There is also junk sound, good sound and super sound for your nervous system. Junk sounds, like traffic noise, are well documented to stimulate the release of stress hormones. Prolonged exposure to these hormones result in all kinds of health problems and disease. Good sounds include nature sounds, like birdsong, gently bubbling water, waves or wind are sounds that create a healthy response. Most people feel relaxed, calm, focused and peaceful. Super sounds include specific sounds or mantras designed to powerfully stimulate the natural healing ability of the body. Some of these sounds can also catalyze spiritual growth. 4. Hormones are released whenever you play music or sing with other people. Examples are feel good hormones like dopamine or oxytocin, the ‘bonding’ hormone, that creates connection and community. Also several other hormones are released that help keep you healthy. 5. Thousands of receptors for sound have been detected in cells of the skin. Your skin actually hears better than your ears. The above examples of your wiring for sound are like the tip of the iceberg for what is being discovered.

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


How Empaths can Flourish in the Great Awakening Being an empath and energy sensitive is often overwhelming, particularly when you don’t really understand it and how it affects you and you haven’t learnt how to manage it. In this time of accelerated “awakening” here on Earth, many empaths are “coming on-line”. What this means is that many empaths are more hyper-sensitive, or becoming aware of their empathy and/or energy sensitivity than ever before. This new intensity can be experienced in a variety of ways such as dreaming, weird visions, physical discomfort, to overall intensification and/or mental, physical and/or emotional discomfort, frustration, depression and more. We all have an opportunity now to transcend our old 3d reality into the golden age. And although for most of us, these are the most strangest, hardest times collectively and globally we have lived there is certainly opportunity to out vibrate anything that keeps us off our higher path. This is a time for many Empaths to become more aware of their gifts and be able to better able manage them. Here are some tips in how to manage your empathy – 1. Spend time in nature – it sounds cliché yet it is so powerful. You need to clear your energy field regularly of the energies and feelings that you pick up from others. Getting outside and taking a breathe, taking in the sky or a tree can clear you of these energies very quickly;

The Awakening Code Detailed guidance and information on your Lover Archetype; the health of your chakra’s and your current level of consciousness

By Rebecca-Lee

2. Keep an open mind; it is ok for you to have an opinion or belief about things; but don’t get too caught up in “either side”. In fact you are best to use these feelings and your passions to help navigate you onto your path of purpose. Keep out of the dividing energy as much as you can, and if it all gets too much, do yourself a favour and get off social media for a while. 3. Spend some more time being active (if you have excess masculine energy) and/or creative if your feminine needs an outlet. This will be crucial to help you manage your gifts and again, get your heart and spiritual senses open to your highest potential on earth; 4. As an Empath you need to be around people that understand you, give some time to you and worry about you; and allow yourself to talk and express how you feel to others. This is a very important to find and be with your tribe! If you know or are starting to sense what is happening in the world is part of a massive shift (awakening), yet sense that not everything is quite what it seems or what we are being told, then it is important to be around people who are feeling the same. You might not be able to explain it or know why, but you know something is up, and it is important to know, understand and trust your own Soul’s wisdom more than ever. Rebecca-Lee would love to help you navigate a connection to your own Spirit so you may deeper understand your role in this great Awakening and how to determine what is truth for you! Email her at or visit or website at for more info on her services and programs.



Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

The Age of Sage The Latin word for sage is salvia, which means ‘to heal’. Burning sage lifts positivity as it emits natural ions, creating more spiritual awareness and clarity. If you asked me ten years ago if I was a spiritual person, I would’ve said, “What do you mean by spiritual?” This year, I have been pushed to the edge by a higher power and I plunged into the dormant, deeply intuitive side of me. Am I spiritual? Well, we all are. The real question is, are you scared of the word spirit? Here’s what I’ve learned: The easiest way to heal deep trauma is through spirituality, IF, you are willing to surrender. And by “you”, I mean your ego. As a society we put too much pressure on ourselves ‘to heal’; but the truth is, healing is just another way of dying and being reborn - what’s so hard about that? A lot! You might say. But hear me out. When we burn ourselves with fire, we don’t cure the burn with more fire; we put a salve on the burn and let it heal with time, and due care. This process is not too hard for us to do because we understand the nature of the wound, and we accept the time that it needs to fully heal. And then we go about our lives with minimal resistance to the wound and the pain that it induces, because we know we’ve got it covered and we know that it will eventually heal. This sense of knowing puts us in a state of going with the flow. Now consider this, if we burn ourselves with fire, and we didn’t know how to treat burns, what happens? We would be stressed, frantically looking for cures and checking the wound endlessly, not knowing if it’s going to get worse, or how it could get better.

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by Grace Harris It is the same with emotional and mental trauma. At the time of receiving the negative experience, whether that’s sexual, emotional or mental abuse, our minds suffer, and the experience of pain causes the mind to stress. The biggest struggle that we have as human beings, is we insist on using our minds, to heal our minds. We think about what happened to us, and through that we interpret feelings based on what we think, causing the trauma to be rehashed and the pain to heighten. Fire on fire. What I’m suggesting here is to let go of resistance. When we are reminded of our trauma, and then we feel our old wounds, our instinct is to resist the pain and try to get away from it. Have you ever tried feeling the pain and letting it pass through you, compassionately and patiently? My suggestion is simply this, next time you feel angry, pissed off, annoyed, or triggered, let it be. Accept the sensation and be responsible by protecting your loved ones from your trauma. Own your pain and let it pass through you without collateral damage. Finally, even in spirituality, everything becomes a numbers game. The more you practise allowing your pain with love, compassion and responsibility, the higher your chances of curing the burn with a sense of acceptance and knowing. You’ve got this.

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Part 2

Get to know the


by Michelle Lightworker

I will give you a general overview of three Archangels in how they came to me and others. However, remember that your own personal relationship with the Archangels is what really impacts and creates change in your life. Make a personal connection with them. Just imagine your own personal guidance counsellors assisting you with every little detail. It’s enough to make you feel like a king or queen. We all deserve it! The Archangels told me that they would provide some extra guidance channelled through me in the following descriptions. These are in italics. The information came through referring to a specific subject they wished to communicate to me.

Archangel Uriel

Like one of my students so eloquently put it “when he stepped in it was like a wham, I bolted upright”. Uriel is the Archangel of divine thought. He is highly connected to our Claircognisence, when we just ‘know’ and boy it comes quickly. When I am channelling I feel myself very open in my Claircognisence and I feel that Uriel helps that process. He is as quick as lightening and is even thought to affect storms and weather changes. Electrifying! Regarding the Weather: Archangel Uriel says: “I don’t so much as try to change weather to suit people as I am connected to the electrical vibrations and patterns of the weather. I am more


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

accessible to people during those times usually because I am more in their consciousness. Especially just before the storm. When it is just about to break. There is a heightened sense of electricity in the air. It becomes conscious to people, what is happing around them, more easily. However, this build-up of energy, represented by the proceeding storm is readily available to you at any time. This heightened feeling accompanies Claircognisence that is on track. You don’t feel dead when you are in your Claircognisence. It definitely doesn’t separate you from your body. It heats you up. You burn up because you are connecting with a hot energy. You sweat. You feel energized.”

Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron symbolizes the masculine and directive father energy for children. Help them focus like a laser beam. Helps children understand their Spirituality. Metatron helps with Children’s issues, indigo, crystal and rainbow children, ADD and ADHD. As adults, he helps us with record keeping and organization. He is said to be involved in the Akashic Records. When Metatron appears to me, I see violet purple and green colours in stripes, moving. It is not just stagnant two-tone light. It is moving. Once he appeared to me regarding the writing of a Training Manual and his colours of purple and green gathered in the centre one after the other as if shooting down a laser beam in my mind’s eye. He told me that he would help me to be like a laser beam in writing the Training Manual. That All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

it would just come. And then it certainly did. So, he helps us to focus and be orderly with writing. On 12 December 2006 Archangel Metatron was streaming through very strongly in raising the vibration of the planet and our Spiritualizing our earthly existence. I was asked to be involved on a telephone conferencing call to share in this vibration. However, I felt very strongly to channel Archangel Metatron and this is what he said: “I am here now resonating at a high earthly frequency so that you can access information and lift yourselves up to this vibration. You are the charges that have been called forth to focus intently on caring for the children who are the Spiritual masters of this planet. They are here to help the other earthly humans to raise their vibration. You are the teachers of the teachers. Some of them are awoken and some are yet to awake. However, they are in fact here. Your job is to turn up and be available. Ready yourself and prepare yourself as much as possible at this time. Be aware of where, who and why you are being called. Learn as much as you can now. Some of these children are in adult bodies now. They are ready to be taught. Most are young and kindling. However, they are masters of mind and Spirit. Their Spiritual faculties are in fact in slumber and this can be deceiving to the unenlightened ones who are their charges. Focus on enlightening yourselves. You have a special job at this time. Pray to me for guidance in recognizing these world peace bringers. I will aid you in recognizing them and Guide you in helping them. That is my main message at this time. Tune into me to raise your vibration on to the level that these children vibrate on.” A week later I bumped into the very person who had told me about this telephone conferencing call. Before I had a chance to tell her the message I had gotten, she told me that her daughter had started behaving psychically after the phone call. When her daughter was younger, she was quite psychic and could see Angels. She told me that as soon as the phone call was over, her daughter started seeing Angels

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again. I got goose bumps all over me. I told her about Archangel Metatron’s message about these children. She said that perhaps because her vibration had lifted, it had encouraged her daughter’s faculties to awaken. We celebrated in the joy together of knowing that we are indeed being guided to assist in this amazing process. If you are drawn to children, mothering, teaching or counselling them, maybe you are too! We can all raise our vibration to help these young wise one’s step into their Spiritual power.

Archangel Raziel

Raziel helps us with understanding esoteric information and the principles of divine magic. He helps us to integrate them into our lives. He increases our psychic abilities and gives us insight into the subject at hand. He knows the art of Spiritualizing matter. He is our little alchemist friend! So, he can also help with manifestation, as we change our vibration, we attract more of what we want to us. Regarding Divine Magic: Archangel Raziel says: “You’re the manifestation of the Source. You are complete of yourself. That which you see as incomplete is not a truth. It is the lie that you have bought into. We can understand the lie to transform our thinking back to the truth. That is why we say that” nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists, here in lies the peace of God”. We are working through you and other Lightworkers for the salvation of the planet. Not as in saving the plant. It is not doomed. When we say salvation, we mean it is being resurrected to the vibration that it is born from. It has descended to where it is because it is steeped in illusion. The more you don’t buy into the illusion, the more we will ascend.” Regarding Polarities: Archangel Raziel says: “When you think about everything here having its polar opposite in the Spirit world what we mean is that we offer the solution in the Spirit world to the illusion that you are buying into on this side of the view. When you buy into the truth, then across the veil we have the illusion absorbed back into the All. This is the solution and the key to the healing and returning to wholeness.”

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Creating an Abundant Mind this


Change your Mindset, Change your Life

by Victoria Cochrane (M.Ed. Hons.)

As a Covid19-ridden 2020 races towards Christmas, it would be fair to say that many families are wondering how on Earth they are going to fund presents and festive food, let alone continue to pay the day to day bills. In the face of a national depression, with people dealing with extended lockdowns, continued separation from loved ones, losing their jobs or family payments and struggling to put food on the table, one could be forgiven for being more than a little worried about how many of us are going to afford Christmas at all. There is, however, a powerful tool that every person on Earth has access to that can change our own realities and create endless opportunities in the face of adversity. It is called the Law of Attraction and it really is as simple as it sounds – what you ask for you receive!


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

The realities of our lives are of our own making; we are powerful co-creators based on what we believe about ourselves and how we fit in the world. Like attracts like - negativity will bring only more negativity into your life and positivity will bring more positive things back to you. This is the Law of Attraction and it is one of the three major spiritual laws of the Universe. This law is based on the premise that the way we act and interact, what we expect, believe and think we deserve will be delivered back to us by the Universe in exactly the same measure. So, if we think we can’t, we won’t! If we say we will never afford something, we never will. If we yell at someone, we’ll get anger back. If we smile and help a stranger, we’ll most likely get a friendly reaction. What we believe we create! So, with Christmas looming and abundance needed ASAP, it’s time to become much more mindful of our thoughts and of what we have been creating. If you were to write down or record every thought and word that came from your mind for just one day, what percentage of it all would be positive? It is amazing how negative about ourselves we can be and how limited we think we are in the physical world. However, I am here to tell you that the Universe is always listening and that we can create abundance and happiness in our lives just by believing that we can, but we must be vigilant and watch the way we think, talk and act! Do you believe you can have money, that you deserve to have abundance and happiness in your life? What do you say about money that is keeping you stuck in the belief that you will never have any? Here are some of the things that I hear people saying that are only ever going to stop them from creating abundance in their lives. All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

›› I wish we could do/go/have but we can’t afford it. ›› When we have money, we will be able to…. ›› I can’t get a job because I am too old. Who would want to employ me? ›› Money is tight this year. We can’t afford to go on holidays. ›› I can’t afford to buy that so I’ll have to go without. ›› I’m not happy, but there’s nothing I can do. ›› We’re broke. What does the Universe send back to you when you are always saying “We can’t afford it, I am too old, I’ll have to go without…. “ ? Big, fat nothings!! It’s time to be positive, affirmative and focused on what you CAN have, do and afford rather than what you can’t! The best way to create abundance and to manifest the life you want, in this case, to be

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

able to afford Christmas, is to be grateful for what you have and to cut and cancel any negative statements. The other powerful technique is to focus unwaveringly on what you wish to manifest and thank the Universe for bringing it to you as if it as already happened! Make a visualisation board of your ideal Christmas, i.e. presents, food, family you wish to have there, place. Find pictures or write down everything you want to create and give thanks for it every day. Then fill it with love and send it off out to the ethers. The keys to creating an abundant mindset are belief and non-attachment. It’s like waiting for the kettle to boil, the phone to ring or the paint to dry! Attachment to money merely creates anxiety and more blockages, leading to more negativity! So, put the Law of Attraction into positive action and have an extremely Merry and Abundant Christmas! Victoria Cochrane

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Awakening the Truth of Who You Are in 2020 by Kiarna Ella

There are about 6 weeks left to the year and I’d be confident in saying there are those of us looking forward to saying goodbye to what has been quite an intense year (to say the least). In the Art of War by Sun Tzu writes “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” Have you been able to Embrace the Opportunity? For some we have had our mortality in focus, our Frangibleness and Strength, the preciousness of each breath. We had to learn and learn quickly how to pivot as we embrace the “New Normal” and do our best to flourish in this ever-changing world. Amongst it all, to choose love. To accept where another was at and to choose our battles wisely. To choose ourselves and commit to every moment; the grander vision of Humanity Rising. Sometimes, we have been asked to dig deep all in the hopes of finding something solid. Some have found it, others did not. Questioning our rights has been in the spotlight as some have been forced to wear the masks, while all the other masks faded away. Within the perceived shadow aspects of humanity, there has however been an opportunity to stand up and shine; to find yourself, as the layers of false identity have been stripped away.

people on the same vibe felt like this year was taking me further away from myself. The truth, however, is that this associated identity couldn’t be any further from what is I’m now being shown to me. My outlets were not freedom integrating me back into the reality of my life but distracting me from. This awareness has become a gift. It is incredible to remember everything will be brought to light. Everything. Nothing is immune. You no longer can hide from yourself. Who you were 10 months ago no longer exists. In the wake of who you used to be; higher levels of permission unfold. You are the butterfly that emerges from your cocoon and this new version of you, allowing all of you. This year is a gift though it may not have felt like it, your expansion became non-negotiable. Now, as you look upon this human – somebody that you used to know, glaring back at you in the mirror, familiar and yet a total stranger can be powerful. Every second has become an opportunity to Reinvent yourself, your Business, and your Values and what you stand for. I for one am all for it!

Gone are all the places to Hide. The Avoidance Strategies. The Comforts of Conformity.

It is empowering to hold a new place of presence to learn this new person and getting reacquainted in every moment, to fall in love, with yourself.

For me personally, not being able to dance and have that level of Self Expression, surrounded by

Are you ready to embrace the last 6 week and become who you truly desire to be?


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

How to be a Power Grid for Somebody Else The concept of a power grid is a term I first heard when watching a Robert O’hotto workshop. The idea is when someone is in crisis, whether it is emotional, mental, physical or spiritual - the person can heal themselves and get out of the crisis by reaching out to power grids. A power grid can be: ›› A person - a therapist, acupuncturist, friend, priest, family member, doctor, astrologer etc ›› A spiritual being - a prayer to god, goddess, angels, ancestors, elementals, saints, tarot, shaman, crystals, archetypes in the collective etc The simple act of asking for help brings about the beginning of all healing. We no longer feel alone and we feel supported in our darkest moments. You can call upon multiple power grids at a time and you can help heal yourself by knowing which power grids are going to be the most potent for your issue.

by Jess Beard A great power grid is someone who can listen. Not just to what the person is saying but also to listen to their intuition. Then give advice only if it feels right and the other person specifically asks. You might know what archetype, personality trait or negative cycle the person is repeating and causing their illness/issue. But unless you feel like the person is in a space to hear your advice. You must be careful not to do more harm. Being able to hold the vision of someone being healed and happy is extremely powerful. To act as the witness to another’s journey is profoundly sacred. This is the perfect year amongst so much change and upheaval for us all to start practicing being power grids for each other

When my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer I decided not to tell many people. I didn’t want their worries or projections involved in my thoughts and beliefs. I specifically told only 5 people who I knew could stay detached enough and could help me hold the vision of her being healed. I called upon people who I knew had a mature and disciplined prayer life. I asked them to help me hold this vision and to pray for mum. They did so every day for months. In those first initial months when there were so many tests and no one knew how she would respond to treatment...there is a horrid feeling of powerlessness and fear. A part of me knew who to call upon specifically, I trusted myself and intuition. (I had not heard the concept of power grids by this stage). After the workshop I also looked at how I asked for help from spiritual power grids. I looked at how I prayed, who I called upon for help and when/how I did so. I noticed the more I called upon certain people and guides for help, the quicker I moved through an emotional issue or trigger. The next step I contemplated was how could I be a power grid for others? All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Is the Law of Attraction Real?

with Ms Psychic D

Danielle, affectionately known as Ms Psychic D, is regarded as one of Australia’s most respected, experienced, influential and accurate psychic energy readers, specialising in psychic prediction and law of attraction mentoring. Her mission in this life is to share her acute ability to connect with the spirit realm to share their guidance with those who choose to re-engage and in turn, reclaim their lives. Danielle is a passionate advocate for positive mental health and self-development. Her individual journey towards creating and manifesting her own wellbeing was inspired by her own mental breakdown which occurred in 1992. For almost 28 years, Danielle has invested all of her time and energy into learning, applying and teaching the processes which she has received from both spirit, and from her personal mentors to become the strong, assertive and most self-aware version of self that she is today. She feels that it is important for people to know that when it comes to changing one’s life and their circumstances, it is super important that individuals embrace this change as a lifestyle choice and not just an irregular practice when times get tough. Personal change takes dedication, commitment, conviction and a deep passion to want better for one’s own life because at the end of the day, they really do truly deserve it. Happiness, prosperity and abundance is everyone’s birth right and thanks to her thorough understanding and certification in the one law that governs us all, The Law of Attraction, Danielle has proven first-hand how powerful personal creation can truly be. Since receiving her advanced law of attraction certification via The Global Sciences Foundation, Danielle has managed to shift her energy enough to manifest many amazing things in her life. Five years ago, she found herself in an incredibly stressful position. Danielle was a single mother of 2 wonderful boys and was surviving solely on


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

a carer’s payment as she chose to be the nurse of her terminally ill mother. Not only was she raising 2 children alone, caring for her mother fulltime and making ends meet on just a carer’s payment, her family were also living in an unsafe neighbourhood whilst getting around in a car which would break down at the drop of the hat. Life was not pretty at all. You could even say that they were pretty much living on struggle street but one day, Danielle had decided that enough was enough! She was sick and tired of being broke, struggling and in lack. Whilst searching and seeking for a solution, Danielle discovered the Law of Attraction and decided to apply its teachings to her own life. What did she have to lose right? Not a lot! She soon discovered Esther Hicks who channels non-physical energies just like she does, and it was from relating with Esther where she found her vibrational groove. In a nutshell, Esther teaches the theory that if you ask and believe, then you have no other option than to receive so that is what she did. Danielle placed her order with the universe requesting a waterfront apartment on the Gold Coast and a brand-new car to be collected off the showroom floor. She released the need to know how this was even going to happen. She just considered it done. Four months later, Danielle and her family moved into their waterfront apartment in Hope Island, Gold Coast and two months after that, she picked up her brand-new Hyundai Accent from the dealership in Tweed City! All whilst ‘existing’ solely on a carer’s pension. Danielle has manifested so much more for herself since her evidence became real 5 years ago and this is now what she shares and mentors’ others to do in their own lives. You can follow her journey, discover more and receive the support you need by following her Facebook page. If the Law of Attraction has taught her anything, it is that MAGIC is real and you too can have it all!

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

by Kathy Shanks

Journaling my way Each issue Kathy will share the many ways we can use journaling for our daily self care practice. Kathy Shanks is the author and creator of the Uplevel your Life Journal.

Habit Stacking for REAL Habit Change! It’s December! Firstly, I can’t believe that 2020 is almost over. It’s certainly been a memorable year! This is the time of the year where we tend to throw our habits out the window… we eat a little more, we drink a little more, and we exercise a little less. Then comes January. And we think ‘this year it’ll be different.’ This year I’m going to get fit, get healthy, make loads of money and find my soul mate. But… you’re still the same person. You haven’t done anything to make any changes. Does saying ‘I’m going to be better’ make anything actually happen? You may have a ‘dream’ version of YOU… but how do you get the ‘actual’ you to become this changed version?? I like to do something called Habit Stacking. I first heard this term when I was reading James Clear’s book Atomic Habits

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

(Great read! I highly recommend it!). “When it comes to building new habits, you can use the connectedness of behaviour to your advantage. One of the best ways to build a new habit is to identify a current habit you already do each day and then stack your new behaviour on top. This is called habit stacking.” For example, when most of us prepare for the day, we have some habits already stacked. I always brush my hair, brush my teeth and put deodorant on at the same time. Instead of trying to make one new habit and remember it – you could pair it with a habit you already have. For example, ›› In your first glass of water for the day, add a squeeze of lemon juice to it. ›› When you get home from work, change into my workout gear. ›› As you moisturise your face, think of 3 things that you’re grateful for. The reason this works so well is that your current habit is

already embedded in your routine. If you add a new habit to an existing habit, you’ll have more success. I use my Uplevel Your Life Journal to create new habits, remind me of habits I’ve been forgetting and improving (uplevelling) my existing habits. Each week I set a habit for mind, body, soul, relationships and life purpose, and I remind myself daily. As a perfect example of habit stacking, recentIy was forgetting to write in my journal as it wasn’t fitting into my morning the way it used to. So I created a new space in my house where I could have some ‘me’ time, and after I dropped my daughter at school, I would use this space to write in my journal. Beware though – when your routine changes it’s easy to forget… I need to create a new habit during the school holidays. Happy journaling,


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


by Deb Norman



The south node is travelling with the Luminaries and Mercury; therefore, the frequencies will present as more powerful.


When the Moon is in new phase, the Sun and Moon are travelling together. This aspect creates a cause and effect, event, or release of feelings. For those of us In Australia, this will occur under the horizon, making it subjective in nature. Planetary energies and codes are neutral; however, they do vibrate with an agenda. The sign the luminaries are in will dictate how we do these voices. The chart for this phase is focused on our worth, value, foundations, how we make money, and feel about self. Anything you have not dealt with in these areas will come up for review. Your beliefs dictate how you feel (moon) about self. In Sagittarius it is all about looking at those beliefs and how they make you feel. How well you express these feelings (sun/Mercury) and are these expressions coming from outdated ways of thinking (conjunct south node).

How does your self-talk affect you? How do you express this. Do you attempt to do everything on your own? Now is the time to collaborate as Earth and the North node in Gemini oppose the stellium in Sagittarius. Mars in Aries is in trine aspect to Mercury @ 20 degrees. This energy will assist in negotiations. Your ability to think and act swiftly is strong. If you have been contemplating study, this is a great time as your focus and ability to learn is heightened, unless you have afflicting voices in your personal blueprint. Writing, is also highlighted here, others may not always agree with what you are saying however this energy will bring a degree of respect with it. Saturn moves into Aquarius on the 18th.

The Moon is in full phase and opposing the Sun. This can cause our beliefs and feelings to be in conflict. It is not uncommon to feel that others are the source of the issue as an opposition shows where we project or disown what lies within. This aspect brings the new moon issues to light as we learn more about how we think, speak and how this affects others. As the moon is subjective and in a water sign, we may find our beliefs and the stories we tell ourselves, are the reason behind our conflict with others. This is the role of a Full Moon, to bring light to the unseen. There may be an urge to control situations in resistance to change. It is imperative that we be open to others views and work toward lovingly guiding those who are afraid. As the Moon moves through Cancer it will aspect Vulcan, for

@23 Degrees 15 DEC 2020 | 2.17AM AEST


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

@8 Degrees 30 DEC 2020 | 1.28PM AEST

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

by Deb Norman

Astrology higher learning and focus in a nurturing and self-responsible way. Mercury to assist with relearning - to express emotions functionally and responsibly. Pluto to burn out anything that prevent new ways of thinking. Capricorn is all about responsibility and building firm foundations. Cancer wants to feel safe and needed. Find the balance between the two within. Uranus is travelling through the 1st house. Has your world taken a sudden, unexpected turn? This aspect is all about you, your world, and relationships. Conjunct Lilith may bring up hidden rage around the changes you feel you didn’t see coming. The opposition to the part of Fortuna suggests that those who go with the flow and own their emotions, accept the change, can reap the rewards in their everyday life.


@23 Degrees 13 JAN 2021 | 3.01PM AEST The Moon stays in new and full phase for 3.5 days and a sign for 2.5 days. The Luminaries are travelling with Pluto in the 8th house of joint resources. Any underlying emotional issues with others will play out now. You may attract people to play power at you or feel possessive over property or money that is jointly owned. On a functional level, this is the time for internal empowerment and collaboration. This means that you must balance the masculine and feminine side of self to unlock your inner power. How do you achieve this? Dig deeper than you have before. All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Look at the hidden aspects developed in childhood that you learned from those around you, especially your parents and transmute any behaviours still running in your subconscious that are manipulative, destructive, or emotionally disempowering. Saturn and Jupiter are bridging planets and are travelling together in Aquarius. When this duo come together, they are supporting a balance between a “lack of boundaries” and to many “restrictions”. In Aquarius, they are emitting frequencies to help you reform and change those Capricorn voices that were fearful. Mercury and Pallas Athena are also conjunct the bridging planets in the 9th. Use this energy to think of new ideas and allow the flow of Universal knowledge to enter your field. Act, on this new information over the next few days, as the Moon crosses over their degree while in its new phase. Aquarius rules the electrical nervous system. If you find yourself having anxiety, afraid of closeness or outspoken, look at where you can balance these energies to compliment each other. Think before you speak, take responsibility for your unconscious drives, adjust your personality, allow new innovative ideas to integrate.


@9 Degrees 29 JAN 2021 | 5.16AM AEST Here the focus is on how we shine and our emotional connections. The line up this month is buzzing with electrical energy, new insights, innovation, new technology and freedom within relationships.

With all this futuristic vision taking place, what on earth could get in the way? Our early family condition, feelings of abandonment resurfacing, rage around not feeling worthy or safe, just to name a few. This is the 4th house planets tipping everything upside down to empty out the bottom of the barrel to ensure we are building a new us on fresh soil and not compiling the new on top of rusty foundations. This is a hard aspect from Taurus to Aquarius, so its fixed, unwilling to bend. These aspects are in a T-square to the full moon in Leo in the 7th. There may be some tantrums if emotions are not kept intact. This can also play out as someone outside of you stopping you from expressing your individuality, however it is always about us and the buck must stop there. On a positive note, having creative play with a partner will enhance your personal experience, freeing you up to expand your ideas out into the world. This supports you in playing your part in the collective transformational process. Remember each person that raises their awareness, impacts all living things in a positive way. Pluto, Venus, Saturn and Vulcan are moving through the 12th house of the subconscious and hidden. We are not out of the woods yet, there is still more inner work to be done around our power, how we relate to others and love consciously or unconsciously. Watch for power play, intensity, and fear of abandonment. Needing Intense experiences can overthrow pleasant ones. To find out how this affects your personal chart contact Deb contact details in the directory.

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


by Merendi Leverett


December Collective Reading General “King of Water”

We are all natural counsellors who are able to listen to people and offer comfort and reassuring words. This month Spirit is asking you to open your mind and listen to others and their ideas or suggestions. Be accepting of those who are different to you or who have been negative towards you in past months. This month of course is Christmas and it is a time to think of others and ‘give’ whether that is donating money, food, clothes or toys to a charity for those less fortunate. It might also be a time for you to volunteer your time to helping others in need by cooking meals, sewing, knitting or being a support person at a drop-in centre. This month by opening your heart and mind to others you will receive trustworthy advice from someone you respect or admire. Follow their guidance wisely.

Love “Five of Water”

Your current love life may not have turned out the way you had expected this month. Spirit is asking you to not focus too much on the negative of this relationship, as there is always a positive with every situation, like ying and yang, there is balance. What you for see as a negative, you will actually in time see good will come out of this. Stop fighting or ignoring the obvious in your romantic relationship. It is healthy to not agree, but don’t hold grudges. Let go and see the person for who they are really are deep within. Have faith that this rocky path is happening for a reason. Many of us are going through personal and spiritual changes. You need to be gentle with yourself and your partner or ex-partner (if that is the case).


Allow yourself time to heal from this hurt. Reach out for support whether it is talking to a trusted friend or family member. Maybe it is time to see a counsellor on your own or with your partner. We all need guidance when it comes to relationships, we are not meant to figure out how to manage relationships on our own. Seeking an independent point of view will be positive for all those involved, including children.

Family “Eight of Fire”

Hang on tight, because things in relation to your family move into hyperdrive. Any past delays you have experienced in regards to your children or immediate family are now over. Spirit has removed the road blocks and barriers and you will see a new energy emerge and there will be a swiftness in getting things done. Some of you may feel off guard as you have been feeling stuck and frustrated with the past family situations (ie. Custody, family stuck in other states or overseas due to COVID19), but this is all changing for the better. It will feel like a weight has been lifted and you are suddenly moving forward with ease and you can start making plans for 2021. Don’t let this fast-paced energy cause you to feel uneasy or feel overwhelmed, remember to keep yourself grounded. Your family need you now to be the rock that keeps them all grounded too. Be ready to be thrust into the spotlight as family are relying on you to help them.

Work/Career “Ace of Air” This is the time that new ideas or dreams you have had in relation to your career or business are about to take flight. This month

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

expect great inspiration to appear and for you to have an epiphany. There is an event or situation within your business or at work that has previously caused you angst, but now a new opportunity appears that allows you to create something new or to move forward in your career. This is an exciting month for you and you will discover a new calling and a new project that will bring you joy. December is the time to review your long-term goals and start planning for 2021. Create an action plan to propel you forward into 2021. Whether it is do some more training or employ someone to help you in your business, the time is now to take action. You have clarity on where you need to go and you will see things start moving forward effortlessly.

Health “Ten of Fire”

Spirit is telling you that you have been working too hard and doing too much overtime, and it is time to stop and rest. You need to rediscover your work/life balance once more. You have been trying to do too much, you have been making yourself too available to everyone and you are on the brink of burn out. The first step is stop and accept help from others. You need to take a serious look at your health and work out what you need to do to get back on track. Seek advice from your Doctor, Naturopath or any Health practitioner. Do you need to be trying to move more? Slow down, smell the flowers, meditate, rest, listen to your body. Let someone else do some of the work, to lighten your load. You need to not only rest your body, but your settle your mind too. Health encompasses mind, body and spirit. When out of balance this is when health issues appear. All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

by Merendi Leverett


January Collective Reading General “Page of Earth”

Happy New Year! And with the New year comes good fortune. You will be receiving some good news about a financial matter that was bother you in 2020. Maybe you will receive an inheritance or unexpected sum of money in which you can pay of the debt you have and start the new year fresh. Any plans you had will move forward smoothly. Maybe the money you receive will help fund a holiday? This is the month where you will discover a new interest or hobby that will make your heart sing. Maybe you are looking to do some study, then you will find the right course and maybe the money you receive will help fund it. You will also meet some new friends with this new interest, hobby or study. 2021 is looking up for you – enjoy!


It is a time for celebration! Maybe you reconcile with your partner, friend or family member who you were estranged with? There might be an announcement of an engagement, wedding, pregnancy or birth for yourself or someone close to you. The news you will receive will be unexpected, but will bring you happiness. This month family reunions may take place as COVID19 eases even more across the world. Or you might reunite with a past lover, enjoy the experience, who knows All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

where this reunion might take you. If you are in a relationship it is time to take a holiday and rest and enjoy each other’s company.

Family “Seven of Fire”

HJanuary is the month where you will be required to stand up and defend your family and your beliefs. Stand your ground, don’t let anyone take your power or that of your family. You will have to defend any decisions you making during this month, but know that Spirit is with you and supports your choices. Stay alert and vigilant. Do not drop your guard, someone is trying to test you. There is strength in adversity. Keep your your thoughts and decisions close as there is someone outside your family who does not agree and will try to convince you to change your mind. They are only jealous of what you have in regards to family support and connections. Don’t go into battle if you do not have to, don’t bite back if someone says harsh words to you or family.


“Queen of Fire” This month it is time to ‘spread your wings’ and ‘soar’. Do not underestimate yourself or your skills. If you believe in yourself and all that you can do, then you will naturally attract other people to assist you with your work projects or business. Assert

your independence as this is what will attract others to come help you. The time is now to act – if you were wanting to change jobs, then do it! If you wanted to propose a new project to your boss, do it! If you wanted to expand your business or offer a new product or service, now is the time! Don’t procrastinate. Take action now!

Health “Nine of Fire”

January is the time for you to do some ‘self-care’ 2020 was a tough year emotionally and physically for many and by December most of us were burnt out. Spirit asks you to take time out and do something for you that brings you joy and helps you reconnect to spirit. You need to energetically protect yourself as in 2020 you gave too much of yourself to everyone. You possess great wisdom and stamina, but you need to fill your bucket again so that you can be the best you can be for your family and friends. There has been a difficult situation come out of 2020 and Spirit wants you to know ‘don’t give up’, protect your health and spirit, and this will help you get through. There are lots of emotional baggage left over from 2020 that needs to be dealt with. Like I said for December if this is not dealt with it can appear as health issues.

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


Connection Corner

by LK Tommi

Connections are the centre of our relationships. It is through connections that we learn and grow individually and together. We are all energy and we draw our energy from the month and the year of our birth, which are linked to the elements of Earth, Fire, Water and Air. We can use these elements as a way of having deep connections with our partners. You will notice the birth dates of a family of two people, with their unique birth footprint.

It is exciting when we truly get to know our partner and understand their strengths and our relationship challenges. When we embrace our challenges, we grow and connect together in a deeper and meaningful way. What they both have in common is that they were born in the same year and it happens to be the element of gold. This means that they can create alchemy together. It is even more interesting because one of the elements is fire and the other air, which are the ingredients to melt gold into liquid, creating a fluid motion in a gentle and amical way with a strong sense of kind-heartedness and connectedness.

Case Study

The air sign is like a breath of fresh air when things start to get slow in the relationship. The air sign changes direction just like the breeze, you can’t quite catch the breeze, but they can take you onto the next part of the adventure and journey, you can be swept away with the wind. The challenge is that the fire energy at times can be temperamental, however, the air energy can circulate gently around the fire. Another challenge is that air and fire at times can be too independent of each other, as air goes with the flow, where as fire can be stationary being in one spot. The other challenge is knowing when to mix air with fire, as at times, if the couple are unaware of how much air can stir up the fire energy to an intensity that can be very unhelpful and can take a long time to recover from.

Family Member 1 Aries ~ Fire Qualities: Passionate, Dynamic Temperamental Warmth Goat ~ Gold Secondary Qualities: Calm, gentle, sympathetic

Family Member 2 Libra ~ Air Qualities: Action, Ideas and Motion Goat ~ Gold Secondary Qualities: Calm, Gentle, Sympathetic

Each element evokes different energy and it is important to be accepting of each element and energy within the relationship. Fire and Air have complementary energy. Fire has high energy when combined with air, as air fuels the fire, although when the fire is low and the embers are burning, it creates warmth and security. The fire energy is dynamic, passionate and warmth, which is connected to air when in high energy mode as it connects with action, ideas and forward motion. The energy of air changes from high (representing gusts of wind) to centred or low (a nice gentle breeze). The air sign in this relationship is the nurturer and is at the centre of change in the relationship.

Challenges are opportunities and opportunity is at the heart of connection and growth. If you would like to know more about how the elements can strengthen your family connections ore relationships, please email and your family will be profiled in the next edition. You will also receive a 1-hour consultation with LK Tommi in relation to creating strong family connections within your family.


Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

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Discovering what archetypes are active in your life can give you the power to take control of your life. - 30 Day Coaching Intensive - 1 Hr Archetypal Readings - Archetypal Counselling E | FB |

Victoria Cochrane Psychic Communicator and Spiritual Healer

Creative Generations Foundation – LK Tommi

Psychic readings, Energy clearing and alignment, Nuero Linguistic Programing, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy ™. Holistic wellbeing and Clarity. P | Berta 0413 396 392 or Destiny 0475 681 089 FB | BestinyDivineUnion

Accurate, Passionalte, Life-Changing Contact Victoria for accurate psychic readings and healings that will remove past traumas and cleanse negativity from your belief systems and energy fields. W | E | victoriacochrane44 M | 0417 581 107 FB | Reaching Out Spiritual News with Victoria Cochrane YT | UCUXFZoWohlk5Ywi3om65Afg

Sondré Callec

Pip Coleman

Bestiny (Berta Christopher and Destiny Fae)

Work with Sondré and learn to stand in your power, unlock your value and make the change you wish to see in the world all while living the life you desire.

P | +61 400 999 903 W |

Conscious Courses and Therapies In my courses, therapies and books, my focus is on offering simple and practical skills to honour and fully accept yourself, using Reiki Energy Healing, Psychology and Meditation. W | FB | Pip Coleman – Conscious Courses and Therapies

Sharon Carne

Hayden Crawford Dreamtime Academy

Founded by Sharon Carne, the Sound Wellness Institute is the first nationally recognized training in Sound Healing/ therapy in Canada. Courses now available globally by live-stream.

Colour Mirrors Practitioner/ Teacher. I am a Wellness Coach and Spiritual Teacher specialising in Colour Therapy. Offering various Online Courses, Wellness Retreats, Workshops, Consultations and Colour Products. W | YT | DreemtimeAcademy

W | E |

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Jess Beard - Inner Alchemist

I teach young people to connect their emotions, thoughts and energy to their life experiences, developing self-mastery and wellbeing. My services is a facilitated on-line course for children from 7 years of age in either self-mastery or wellbeing.

P | 0423 496 423 W | E | Lk@creativegenerations. FB | LK Tommi IG | LK Tommi

Leonie Featherstone Scents Of Empowerment

Connect with me for your FREE 30 minute ‘Scent-sational Exploration’ to engage your senses as your Master Guides. Together we will tailor-make a plan to unleash the power and purity of doTERRA essential oils and integrate them into every aspect of your mind, body, spirit and household so you can have improved wellness and peace of mind. P | 0411 744767 E | FB | ScentsOfEmpowerment

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020



Kiarna Ella

The Modern Oracle Embracing the Shake Up to Help you Wake Up

W | FB | reclaimself3day

Bernie Giggins Bernie Giggins is a Soul Freedom Alchemist and Mentor with 18 years’ experience as an Inner Child Trauma Release Expert, Soul Freedom Alchemist, Plant Medicine Women, Master Energy Healer, Past-Life Master Practitioner & Pellowah Energy Healer. W | innerchildharmony FB | innerchildharmonycoaching

Grace Harris Founder, Become The Woman of Your Dreams Academy Helping women to embody the three sacred paradigms of selflove and discover the essence of their life purpose. W | becomethewomanof FB | graceharrisaustralia

Kiara Jade - KD Industry KDindustry offers webinars and healing workshops on relationships, boundaries and self love, and spiritual 1:1 relationship coaching for those wanting to heal from their past. FB | kdindustriescoaching E |


David Laws – The Famous Flower Man and Psychic, Mentor ,Speaker I am a very gifted psychic who has been practicing the ancient & incredibly beautiful art of flower reading for over 31 years years & today I am one of just 4- 5 people in the world who conduct flower readings as a full time profession. P | 0481 598 520


Take my survey and uncover • Your Sacred Lover Archetype discover how you love to love and • Your Vibrational Blueprint - See where you are energetically Visit my website I invite you to Awaken Your Spirit Within through my programs: • Unlock Your Love Blocks • Unlock Your Money Blocks • Awaken your Spiritual Gifts • Healing with the Ancestors • High Vibe Body • Cosmic Rebel Studio W | FB | rebeccaleeofficial IG | rebeccalee_official

Michelle Lightworker Founder of Lightworker Practitioner Training. Enlightenment Counselling, education, author 11 books, publishing, producing & hosting film/tv/radio since 2001. Passionate about being a part of the solution of our global community. FB | mlightworker E |

Kim McCosker Kim is a well-known presenter and much loved for her easy, informative and funny storytelling. Her ability to talk, cook and serve all at the same time is VERY ENTERTAINING! To book Kim for your next function or event, as a keynote or MC please contact Melinda on P | 0431 297 923 E | W|

MJB Seminars Emilia (Mills) Tomeo Visit our website to know more about how to follow the wealth principles of natural law. P | (08) 9240 7553 E | FB | mjbseminars IG | mjbseminars YT | Dorothy and the Dealer LI | MJB Seminars

Merendi Leverett

Trish Murray

Merendi is a vibrant & passionate Spiritual healer who is an accredited Crystal Healer, Numerologist, certified SoulLife® Recall Regression Therapist, and certified Women & Teens Circle Facilitator.

• Certified SOUL Coach ® Practitioner • Certified Holistic Counsellor • Certified Grief & Bereavement Counsellor • End of Life Doula

W | FB | MerendiHolisticCounsellor P | 0408 988 762

M | 0478 002 064 W |

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

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@ The Quantum Blueprint A global education platform that heals holistically using Psychology, Astrology, Metaphysics, Science and energy body work. W | FB | thequantumbp

Our Wellness Community

An online centre for wellness in body, mind, heart & soul. We bring people together & bring out the best in them. OWC believes that when you know better, you do better. We have carved out many pathways to wellness – learning how to transcend fear, manage stress & overcome anxiety, depression and feelings of hopelessness. We want to be pivotal in your return to a state of fullness – feeling joyful, wonderful, hopeful, and fulfilled. P | 0425 732 274 W | ourwellness E | FB | ourwelnesscommunity

Alfira Peace Spiritual Healing and Akashic Records Readings Sessions are 1.5hrs, working with Reiki, the Masters and your Divine Teachers to help align you with your Divine Pathway and Divine Purpose. P | 0487 155 824 FB | healingtherapies

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Physic D Danielle Ms Psychic D Danielle is regarded as one of Australia’s most respected, influential and accurate Psychic Readers, specialising in psychic prediction, law of attraction mentoring and intuitive counselling. W | FB | mspsychicd

Pop Up Psychics Have you ever wanted a reading? Experience online and face to face readings with some truly gifted Psychic Mediums, Clairvoyants, Healers, Teachers and Tarot. We offer you premium psychics that are not only accredited but tried and thorough. P | 0423 402 715 W | FB | popuppsychics

Spiritual Events & Directory SED is a Global Media Company specialising in showcasing conscious solopreneur’s through varies media platforms, for people seeking information or education about spiritual wellbeing. P | 0423 402 715 W | FB | spiritualeventdirectory

Uplevel your Life Daily Journal A daily journal to: • Improve your daily thoughts • Set daily intentions • Live in a state of gratitude • Manifest the future of your dreams • Set regular short and long term goals Uplevel your life - in 10 minutes a day! Health ! Relationships Mindset ! Upskilling Education ! Careeer ! Mission

Michelle R Price

Michelle is passionate about all things spiritual and has been seeing and communicating with spirit since she can remember. • Angel Card/Intuitive Readings • Mediumship • Past Life Connections • Pranic energy healer Michelle has a knack for getting to the root of a concern, particularly for health - and bringing through confirmation from the spirit world. P | 0408 984 219 FB | michellerprice76 E | angelgirl2002wings@ FB | uplevelyourlifetoday IG | uplevelyourlife

Tiarne Vidler Audacious Awakener. Astrology Activations. Astrology teacher. Teacher of Magic, Alchemy & how to Master the Mundane.

W |

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020



Deb Norman

by Psychic D Danielle Send your questions to us at rebirth@ and we might feature you in our next issue

babes. I’m not sure if you are studying right now but if you are, you can expect a great work opportunity with abundance attached to come your way thanks to this study but if you aren’t currently studying, don’t be surprised if you sign yourself up to do something in the new year. Work and money won’t be a problem for you or your family in 2021. Enjoy!

Q1 I’d like to ask whether I will continue in my current career or whether a major career change can be seen in the future. Jules Hi There Jules! Spirit are showing me that you will more than likely shift the direction of your career around March/ April 2021. This could occur as a promotion within your current position or you may accept a higher paying position elsewhere. I feel you will be stepping into more of a leadership role here or become more of an independent provider which may have some higher learning or study attached to it also. Spirit guide you to step into your power over the coming 6 months as you are more skilled, worthy and deserving than you give yourself credit for. Enjoy the changes honey.

Q2 What will the next 6 months bring? Jody Over the next 6 months Jody, you can expect an increase in your financial and emotional sectors babe. I see money/ abundance coming back to you in some form of repayment and I also see a reignition


within your relationship sector. This rebirth within your relationship sectors could be related to your family, friend and intimate relations. If you have experienced any type of resistance or falling out within any one of these areas recently, then you can expect to sort things out with them within this time. Make sure such energies aren’t just returning to your life for the money though honey. Trust your intuition during this time.

Q3 What does the future hold for my family and I? Siobhan As soon as I tapped into your energy Siobhan, I was told that you can expect an unexpected advancement or a wonderful shift within your career sector

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

Q4 Where will we start with our new business venture? Tafline Tafline, as soon as I asked spirit your question, spirit gave me the month of March 2021. They are also offering a bit of guidance here for you in relation to your business venture. Spirit are saying that you do not have to wait for things to be ‘absolutely perfect’ to start lol. There is also something about you or somebody else being a little too ‘in your heads’ about something which is causing the resistance when it comes to launching. Spirit are showing me great success for your business so please allow the universe to start taking the reigns a little here and trust the process. You have a great energy, and your business All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

venture will reflect this energy should you start allowing this process to move forward. HAVE FUN!

Q6 I would love to know about my love life? Christin

Q5 What’s my direction in regards to career and financial situation? Savanna Hi Savanna! As soon as I channelled in on your question, spirit told me that you could possibly have to relocate to secure this new position we see coming up for you. I feel that this job may actually be offered to you, rather than you having to locate it yourself and the great thing here is that spirit show me a massive shift in your abundance sector as a result of you receiving this offer. We feel the biggest questions you will have to ask and answer yourself is whether you are willing to either travel some distance to accept this work or are you willing to relocate homes to receive this? We can’t make this choice for you but let’s just say that if you choose to relocate, it will be well worth your while! I am hearing between February and April 2021 with this opportunity. Good Luck!

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Hi Christin! It was so funny because as I channelled in on your question and spirit only wanted to talk about your abundance sector so I reshuffled the cards for clarity on your love life and the same abundance cards came out again haha. Isn’t that the way! So just quickly honey, please open your energy up to receive some well-earned cash as this is what spirit is showing me coming your way! This could be a promotion in work or a new contract being offered to you providing stability within your work sector. In regards to love, spirit highlight March/April 2021 here as I am seeing an energy come in and sweep you off your feet! If you are already happily spoken for, this could represent a reignition or rebirth in your love sector however if you are happily single, then you can expect some great loving coming your way during these months. It is also safe for you to release all past hurts now too babe. Enjoy.

Q7 I’d love to know if I’m going to be out of my money stresses and be debt free? Shar Hi Shar! As soon as I channelled your question, spirit were screaming the words ‘MONEY MINDSET!’ out to me so if you took some time and focused more so on your money mindset honey, we certainly can see you building the wealth you desire. Should you focus on your mindset more honey, spirit are telling me that there is in fact some abundance coming in for you and we see it coming in a variety of forms and from a variety of places. I am being told that you will receive some money from a hobby turned business or an unexpected lump sum payment coming from somewhere in the first few months of 2021. I am being told that the possibility of having ‘debts repaid’ by June/July 2021 is highly likely providing that this shift in your mindset occurs babe. The only thing holding yourself back from abundance in your belief sugar because we see it all there waiting for you. All the best.

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


by Michelle Lightworker


On Purpose Meditation Closing your eyes now and allowing yourself to be here. Allowing yourself to take in this moment to be who you really are. This moment in time is an important one. It allows you to remember who you truly are. Beyond the external influences in your life, allow yourself to tap into the deep reservoir that is your authentic self. This part of yourself connects to the infinite supply of energy, love and light of the Universe. Allow yourself to surrender all resistance. Breathing in the support from your Spiritual helpers now. Allowing them to fill the space that you are in. Allowing yourself to breathe deeply. Connecting to this deep reservoir that is your authentic self, your Higher Self. Allowing yourself to let go and know that you are safe. You are safe to be yourself. You are safe to be. Breathing. Now imagine that you could take a balloon ride. You are hovering above the earth and floating upwards towards a castle in the sky. Allow yourself to take your Higher Self along for the ride. Notice what this part of you looks like. Notice


what they are wearing today. Allow your Higher Self to step into your body as you are floating above the earth. Allow yourself to see life through the eyes of the Higher Self. Enjoy the view. Enjoy the ride. The Castle in the sky gets closer. As it does, you get a feeling that this is a special place, the home of your Higher Self. As you approach this Castle you feel yourself getting closer to home. The Balloon lands right at the door step. You hop out and notice that there is a keybe. It may under the mat or in your hand. You open the door. You step inside this Castle of your Higher Self. It has everything in it that you could ever need or want. Take a look around. Notice all the wonderful things that fills this space. This is a happy, joyous and free space. It is sacred and it is yours. It is untouchable to anyone else. However, it is also full of things that are important to you. That you choose to let in. You feel a deep sense of contentment. You notice that as you look around this Sacred Castle you see things that connect you to your life purpose. Go over to them. They may be tools, books, drawings or special symbols. You know that they are visually reminding you of your unique

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020

life purpose. They may be items that you are aware of. There may be some that you are unaware of at this time. Pick them up, feel them, hold them close to your heart. Feel their importance and significance. Breathe it in. Let yourself connect. Now you see a movie on a screen. You notice that there are images and stories on the screen that are a reminder of who you are and what you are here to do in this life time. Take in the information, soak it in. Allow yourself to dream big about how you can live more of your life on purpose. Notice now that the movie screen is showing you some specific steps that you can take today and in the near future towards your purpose. These steps allow you to feel connected to your life purpose. These steps allow you to feel as if you are on purpose now. Set an intention to take the steps that you see that are important to staying on purpose. When you are ready, come back to full waking consciousness, remembering all that you have experienced.

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


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