Rebirth Magazine December 2020

Page 13

The Birth of an Angel by Destiny Fae

Gabriel was Lotus born (Placenta left attached) at 6:39am on the 13.10.2020, same as his Uncle Michael’s Birthday, another Angel named soul. A new angel, on Earth. I thought I was in labour at 2am on 11.10.2020, our babies second due date. His first was 10.10.2020, a magical number. By 4am I was almost certain I was in labour, and told my partner, whom then text our midwife, doula and photographer. I felt ready, we had everything we needed, my alter was set up, the birth pool was ready to be filled. I felt confident in my “Hypnobirthing” and “Orgasmic-birthing” practices, I had blessings and crystals from friends and family in our home birthing space. Later that morning, after waking up, I was feeling excited. Early in labour my partner and I had a leisurely stroll along the river near where we live. At 12 hours I was still in early stages, using the labour ball and teas to help move things along. My partner and I also leveraged “Orgasmicbirthing”, getting me to relax and fortunately after having an orgasm my surges picked up. After speaking with our midwife after the 17 hour mark, I hoped into the birth pool. This felt amazing, the warm water soothing me. I continued my “Hypnobirthing” breathing, visualizations and affirmations to relax and move through each surge as they intensified. I intuitively started moving my body in circles, while on all fours in the birth pool, this motion had me feeling empowered and strong throughout surges.

My birth team came and left a few times, but to me, time didn’t exist. I felt my Mum come through (whom had passed 6 years ago). She was encouraging me, hugging me and telling me not to contact anyone to come back yet, as things progressed. My partner was a bit concerned of delivering the baby alone, so he replied to our Doulas text of my progress. We felt out baby would be born that night as things began to progress and intensify, as my partner could feel the head emerging. Again everyone came, my focus scattered and then they left again. There was only 2 periods for an hour, where pain was registered for me. When I had been advised to exit the birth pool and try to sleep in bed. Without the warm water, floating and my focus on the “Hypnobirthing” breathing, my body became overwhelmed. The last 5 hours in the pool I felt as if I were in another realm and having myself transform multiple times, feeling like a phoenix. Our baby was ready, in four quick surges born with ease and without a need to push, after a 52 hour natural, drug free labour. Beautiful angelic blue eyes, our little boy, his gender a surprise. Both so in love with our family. Only the doula present and the photographer and midwife on the way. Placenta was left attached and cord fell off at 3 days old. Our beautiful boy, such a wide eyed, alert and peaceful baby. We spent our first week of parenthood in isolation in a love bubble.

While being tuned in, I felt deeply connected to my body, a primal aspect of self, my ancestors and woman everywhere. I felt beautiful, magical, and also subtly euphoric and sensual. For short periods, getting brought out of my zone, then I quickly tuned back in. My partner was often in the pool with me, rubbing my back and kissing my shoulders. A few times we were in a trance, lovingly looking into each other’s eyes, sharing gentle loving kisses and embraces. All contributor contact details are on pages 37-39

Rebirth Edition 5 | December 2020


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