Gratitude is the
Gift You Give Yourself!
I remember being taught as a small child to say thank you. Thank you for something handed to me; thank you for gifts and certainly thank you to my Creator in the form of night prayers on my knees and morning gratitude upon waking! AND I AM GRATEFUL!
This rich upbringing in a financially scarce environment instilled within me a healthy habit of looking for good things in all areas of life and my backyard so that I could specify what I was thankful for! I didn’t realise how much I practised gratitude until I became a silent observer of myself. I realised that at extremely regular intervals I say – thank you for the kookaburra laughing – he makes me smile; thank you for the emerging blossoms on the frangipani – very soon I will be luxuriating in their intoxicating aroma; thank you for a comfortable bed and pillow to sink into after a long day; thank you for the sunlight that sneaks in my bedroom window reminding me of a new day and a new opportunity to LIVE! And on and on! AND THE OUTCOME?
• Joy bubbles through even my saddest days as I reflect on the wonder and immensity of the world with ‘gratitude seeking’ eyes • I feel more energized as gratitude stimulates my Hope button • I feel more at peace because when I realise how much beauty and goodness there is in MY world, despite what may be touted, I feel that there will be more positive outcomes ahead
\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine
So how do you remember to be grateful? CREATE THE HABIT!
• The moment you open your eyes – ask yourself – what are 3 things I am grateful for? • You may want to create a Gratitude Journal and write these answers within • For a more visual effect – write your answers on a square of paper and pop into a large bottle designated your Gratitude Jar • Regularly throughout the day – ask yourself – what am I grateful for? • Place post-it notes throughout your house asking the same question • When you go to bed, ask yourself – looking back on today – what am I grateful for? Gratitude is magical! When we find more to be thankful for, and express intentional and meaningful thanks to those who provide service for us as well as to our higher source, our family and our friends, we will receive MORE for which to be grateful! How good is that? It’s the ultimate ‘win-win’ and the gift you give to YOURSELF!