“Are you ready to choose which one of your many past loss events on your list, you’d like to move beyond first?” Even though we are not in the same city, Michelle and I are looking at each other. She turns away from the camera and stares out to her left. I knew before I asked the question, this was going to be a tough choice for her. Thankfully Zoom allows me to see her. To read her. She turns back and answers, “You know I’ve been visiting a therapist for years and the strange thing is that he has never been able to assist me to look at my whole life and to see my sometimes not-so-ideal choices, that have led me to being here with you, that this document has provided. When I first came to you, I thought I was here to move beyond my separation and eventual divorce. Though now, after compiling and then sharing each
ave you noticed that most of us have no idea how to cope with loss? Nothing prepares us for the overwhelming abundance of emotions that can have us on our knees, all alone, suffering in silence. Wondering “How can I get up from here?” With over 40 plus loss events that can affect our lives, it’s quite surprising that there wasn’t a class. This is why we’ve decided to share an excerpt from Demystifying Loss. Karen Chaston’s latest book is a detailed guide that addresses the current lack of Loss Intelligence. The self-help healing book assists you to deep dive into many of the different types of loss events. Be it, a loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss, health, wealth, your pets. Or any of the losses that came to the forefront during the recent pandemic – loss of freedom, choice, identity, change in work conditions, recreational and social activities, all of which can have a massive impact on your health, quality of life and relationships.
loss event with you, it is clear that I need to start with the fact that I never received the love and protection from my mother, that I had wanted. The love that I needed as a child. I now know that it was that missing love; I’ve been searching for. Thank you. Let’s work through that loss event, first. I feel that will then make the other loss events easier to heal from.” This book is designed to assist you to look at loss from a completely different perspective. It will clearly show that for centuries and centuries we have been doing loss the hard way. It will assist you to get out of the ‘what ifs loop’ that we all can get stuck in… What if I’d turned left instead of right, waited that 10 minutes, said Yes instead of No, taken the blue pill instead of the red, or had the guts to ask for that promotion…
To purchase your copy visit: 40
\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine