Rebirth Magazine January 2022

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How My Spiritual and Transformational Journey Began ARTICLE SARAH JAYD

October 14, 2011, I found myself as a single mother with a six-week-old and a 21-monthold. I had been in a toxic relationship on and off for three years. Sadly, toxic relationships were nothing new to me. I had been in a few. This relationship, however, topped them all. Intuitively, I knew I had to change if I ever wanted to experience a healthy relationship. I felt so broken and knew it was up to me to make changes. I wanted to feel happy. I couldn’t remember the last time I felt happiness, then something inside of me said, “It all begins with you.” And so, my spiritual and transformational journey began.


had a close friend I had known for about 10 years. He had seen the relationships I’d been in over that time and knew I was the common denominator. He suggested that I listen to Anthony Robbins’ Unleash the Power Within audiobook. He said listen to it over and over every chance you get. I was ready to make the changes, and once the clarity came, a few weeks later, I was gifted over $200 in vouchers, so I bought an iPod and listened to Anthony every chance I got. At the time, I had a gambling problem. It started when I was 19 years old and got worse over the years. I didn’t want to continue down this road. I had two babies that had to come first, and I was determined to become the best version of myself for them. Anthony shared a technique to overcome bad habits. I implemented it, and it worked. I no longer felt the urge to gamble. As each day passed, I began to feel happier. I started liking many spiritual pages on Facebook. My newsfeed was now filled with positivity. In February 2012, I attended my first Spiritual Event. The event was like nothing I had participated in before. It was called Scents from Heaven facilitated by David Laws and Leonie Featherstone. It was themed around flower readings and essential oils. Everyone brought a flower from their garden and placed it in a paper bag 6

\\ JANUARY 2022 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine

writing a number, name, or symbol we would recognise when David read our flower. I remember thinking, wow, this man is amazing, as he delivered all these positive messages from Spirit. It was more than a psychic reading; it was spiritual teaching. I started following David on social media so I could continue to soak up his wisdom. Over the years, David has been an inspiration, sharing many real-life stories on the Universal Laws. I now call David Laws, the famous flower man, a close friend. Leonie spoke about doTERRA essential oils and how we can use them for healing, empowerment, spiritual development, and more. She is so passionate about essential oils and has a wealth of knowledge. I gave Leonie my phone number, and over the years, we would catch up for a coffee and a chat. She would share information on the oils. Although at the time I never joined doTERRA, Leonie and I developed a lovely connection, and I looked forward to our meet-ups. Leonie is a regular columnist in Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine and has a weekly show on Spiritual Events Directory Facebook page sharing her wisdom on the oils. Leonie is a Blue Diamond in doTERRA. Not that she cares for labels. She’s passionate about helping others and has definitely shown that to be true over the years. In March 2012, I started to attend Coomera, Qld Spiritualist Church, which I loved. Each week, they would have a new person sharing their spiritual gifts. I especially loved the sessions with Sarah Neil, who ran the church. She would teach us how to connect to the Angels and manifest. OMG, I had never heard the word manifesting before. What a life-changing concept that we manifest everything in our lives. We can have, be, do anything and all we need to do is ask the Angels. We are the creators of our reality through our thoughts, words, and actions… WOW…What was I going to do with this newfound wisdom? Every night, I talked to the Angels and told them how I wanted my life to look. Firstly, I never wanted to rely on

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Articles inside

How my spiritual and transformational journey began

pages 6-9


pages 42-43

Book Review Karen Chaston – Demystifying Loss

pages 40-41

Bec Erickson

pages 38-39

Tarotscopes – Missy Rivers

pages 34-35

Alissandra Moon

page 30

Spirit Readings – Suizy Lamont

pages 36-37

Kim Tennant

pages 28-29

Barbara Brangan How unique you are and what authentically motivates you?

page 31

Astrology – Sherriden Sloan

pages 32-33

Gwenda Smith Walk your way to happiness

page 27

Marina Lovasz You are an oracle

page 26

Medium Guardian goodbye

pages 24-25

Anna Feldman Empowering women

page 23

Leonie Featherstone

page 22

Michelle Temple

page 20

Amber Clarke

page 19

Dan Turner

page 21

Lunaria Gaia The mental chatter

page 18

Bree Stedman Trauma healing without the trauma

page 17

Kick start 2022

page 10

The Witch Wound:

pages 14-15

Kim McCosker Thai Mango Sticky Rice Pudding

page 11

Victoria Cochrane How empowered are you?

page 5

Jacine Greenwood

page 16

Healing from past lovers

page 4

Joanna Walden Living your best life

pages 12-13
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