Discovering how we are
Intuitively Designed
Imagine knowing how you are energetically designed to thrive in this lifetime? Imagine if that longed-for manual to your strengths (and weaknesses) did exist, and it was super detailed? I have discovered how we can access this via our Human Design Energetics.
uman Design is a relatively new way to help us understand how unique we are. It combines profoundly esoteric and scientific systems, and it stands on the shoulders of giants. I found my way to Human Design after multiple energy burnouts and extreme frustration despite following ‘success formulas’ for life taught by Spiritual Teachers and Business Coaches. I surrendered and asked God/Universe/Spirit Guides (you name it, as I asked them all) to show me how to navigate this life with ease while also making a positive difference. Human Design is where they brought me, so I decided to experiment with it. My logical brain loves how our design is calculated using astrology, Chinese i-ching, Hindu Chakras, Kabbalah Tree of Life and more. One of the biggest gifts of knowing and using our Human Design is how we each have a unique decision-making process that allows us to make decisions with ease. We can make decisions we can trust without feeling like we are sacrificing possible opportunities. We have a strategy that acts as a filter for choosing which options are right for us. If you don’t get a green light from your strategy, you don’t proceed, and therefore you don’t waste energy on stuff that won’t lead you to success. The guiding principle for Human Design is that we are a collective of individuals on this planet, and when we collaborate and recognise each of our talents, we thrive collectively. It guides us away from competition and lack mindset towards knowing and trusting that there is enough for 30
\\ AUGUST 2021 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine
everyone. There is a consciousness guiding us to understand when to align with the right opportunity. To know which strategy is the perfect fit for you, we look at your Human Design Energy type. If you are unsure of your energy type, you can request a free report, all I need are your birth details. If you do already know your Human Design energy type, here are some insights to consider: GENERATORS AND MANIFESTING GENERATORS
Your energetic aura is so powerful and magnetic that opportunities come to you all day, every day, only you may not realise this. Your job is to filter them out with your response strategy. To activate this, as soon as something new comes into your life, you pause and check-in to see how it made you feel. There are two options, you’ll immediately feel excited or satisfied, or the opposite which is frustration. The feeling will be instantaneous. You may even notice a sound emits from you which is like excitement, and you say “oooh” or for the wrong decision say “ugh”. Once you cultivate the trust to only continue with decisions that you get a yes or excited feeling about, you’ll notice more exciting opportunities show up. You’ll also have a deep sense of fulfilment and satisfaction. PROJECTORS
You have an innate gift of reading and sensing the auras of other people around you. You can see deep into their Soul and are genuinely motivated to help them thrive, heal or flourish. However, for this information to be received and heard, you need to acknowledge that this is the sacred