Bharti Foundation Bharti Foundation implements programs in the field of education through 254 rural Satya Bharti Schools established by the Foundation and partnership with close to 2000 Government Schools for quality improvement
Resources •
Apart from Foundation’s corpus fund, local community, as well as individual & corporate donors involved to contribute to the program
Area of Intervention
The government partnerships in PPP mode for expansion of engagement with Government Schools
Education including primary, elementary, secondary, senior secondary and large-scale remedial program
Key Geography Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh
Need for the initiative Problem •
Lack of access to free quality education to the marginalized children
Lack of cost-effective and replicable rural schooling approaches
Impact and Key Learning Achieved so far •
254 Satya Bharti Schools reached out to 838 villages and 126,321 children of whom 49% are girls and 76% belongs to marginalized communities
Improved performance in CBSE and State Board examinations. Students recognized for their social reform projects
Government School partnership with close to 2000 schools covering over 2 lakh children. 40,000 OOSCs enrolled back and provided with age-appropriate remedial support. 108 Gram Panchayat made free of OOSCs
Government schools, teachers and students received prestigious national and international awards
Situation Before Poor enrolment and retention levels among underprivileged children especially girls
Intervention Overview Education is the key to an equitable society that offers opportunities and freedom to all of its members
Key Learning
Demonstrated cost effective, replicable academic and non-academic processes through Satya Bharti School program
Community connect, trust and support in the local context capable of increasing the impact of any intervention
Extended learnings from Satya Bharti Schools with Government schools to improve overall schooling experience
Children capable of achieving anything, if necessary support provided
NGO Initiatives