Humana People to People, India HPPI is a not-for-profit organization working across rural & urban India for the development of underprivileged people
In-service: developed modules for teachers & students on competency based tasks
Area of Intervention
For OoSC- Developed Kadam module with specific tools for children and teachers
Primary education and teacher training
Training and mainstreaming of Out of School Children (OoSC)
Key Geography
Resources •
Teacher Training: HPPI- 5-6 trainers/ DIET in implementing DEd programme
Kadam: HPPI- one trainer-cumsupervisor for every 20 centres, State project manager and trainer. State teachers & printed TLM as per SSA
Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi, UP, MP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu
Need for the initiative Problem •
The pre & in-service training conducted by DIETS are largely theoretical and disconnected to real needs of primary teachers
High number of Out of School Children (OoSC) & drop-outs due to poor foundations skills
Impact and Key Learning Achieved so far
Situation Before
Very few practical and workable modules creating a learning-enabling environment for children in multi-level classroom
Trained 7,000+ teachers. Study done by SCERT showed significant results on all teacher development indicators
Engaging 30,000 children for better learning outcomes in schools
Mainstreamed 10,00+ OoSC after achieving their age appropriate learning in Haryana, Delhi and MP
Overview •
Build capacity at DIETs to deliver effective pre-service and in-service training
Provide a scalable operational model for mainstreaming of OoSc
Steps •
PSTE- HPPI developed a programmebased-student-driven course covering DEd, with digital courseware, implemented at 20 DIETs of Haryana, MP, UP & Bihar
NGO Initiatives
Key Learning •
Teacher Training showed better outcomes in DIETs with better planning and engagement of student-teachers
Kadam scalable module is aligned with SSA bridging 3 years learning gap in one year through systematic competency based learning system with tool-kit for teachers and children