Xander’s Space An astrological overview of the coming season
he skies in this part of the year are dominated by one big shift; at the end of March Saturn moved into Aquarius after spending over 2 years in Capricorn. This means that Saturn will be influencing a different area of your life over the coming months compared to in 2018 and 2019. This will vary depending on your rising sign (which you can find out online), but you can expect the themes to include your life-structure, rules and limitations. Pay close attention to these! At the moment, Saturn's visit into Aquarius is only temporary, lasting until the end of June, before he dips back into Capricorn to sort out his unfinished business there. This threemonth period will serve as a preview for when Saturn moves into Aquarius longterm, which will be for the
whole of 2021, 2022 and some of 2023. Throughout April and the first half of May, Mars is sat in Aquarius with Saturn, which may cause some frustrations. Mars is the planet of drive and ambition, whereas Saturn governs things like restrictions and boundaries, so these few weeks may feel like trying to drive with the handbrake on. But stick with it; allow time for things to move at a slower pace and you will reap the rewards further down the line. The other big story this season occurs in the week of 11th17th May. In the space of a few days, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus all turn retrograde, prompting a shift to a more introspective world-view. Jupiter and Saturn retrogrades aren't too significant, but Venus retrograde is, as it only happens for a few weeks every
18 months. Things to watch out for in this period include unexpected romantic developments, changes in your tastes and what brings you joy, and especially expartners popping back into your life! Last time we had a Venus retrograde in Gemini was in May-June 2012, so think back to that time in your life for clues as to what to expect this time around. This period is likely to reach a peak around the Full Moon (which is also a lunar eclipse this time) on 5th June, as this happens with the Moon almost directly opposite Venus in the sky. Emotions are heightened and surprising events can occur, so be mindful of this and do your best to keep your cool!
Xander (Alex Phillips-Yates) is an astrology student, currently studying with the London School of Astrology. He lives in Lancaster with his husband and an army of cats. Xander's muggle job is as a freelance musician, and his other passions include hill-walking, fantasy novels and symphonic metal. For further astrological insights or if you have any questions about this article, you can contact him at xanderastrology@gmail.com Roots of Life Wellness Magazine www.therootsoflife.co.uk