“The MUD Fund” The Red Rock 4-Wheelers try to reserve a little strength to keep our recreational trails open. To that end, Red Rock 4-Wheelers have been setting aside some funds for emergency use. We call it the Multiple-Use Defense (MUD) Fund. Often, people who have had to cancel registrations have told us to apply it to efforts to keep the trails open. Those amounts have gone to the MUD Fund. Sometimes people have been unsure of dues or fees and directed us to use the excess for this purpose. When trail access or other multiple uses of the public lands are threatened, it is safe to say that the most important defense need is someone’s time and effort. It takes dedicated personal effort just to plan how to spend available money — but the money is almost always needed. The most serious threats are likely to call for professional services, probably legal counsel and actions. To this end Red Rock 4-Wheelers pursued a lengthy legal action against the State of Utah Institutional Trust Lands
Division and some private individuals that purchased a parcel of State Trust lands. This issue was caused by the failure of the State Lands Agency to recognize a traditional right of way and pass title to the buyers with a clear title. What started out as selling MUD pins at registration, has now become a major fund-raising effort. The Red Rock 4 Wheelers have received a number of contributions by other four wheel drive clubs and many of our vendors at the Safari Trade Show give us sizeable donations. One of BF Goodrich’s Outstanding Trails Awards, which came with a significant donation, was put into the MUD Fund, then matched by funds from the MUD Fund to improve a section of the trail itself. This major effort resulted in influencing the local BLM to leave all of the Safari trails open for the foreseeable future. A few very minor segments of trails that the Red Rock 4-Wheelers acknowledged were just two ways to reach the same point were
closed, but it was felt that these minor losses were more than offset by the gains that we made. The Red Rock 4-Wheelers are committed to defend the Jeep Safari trails for all of our loyal supporters to enjoy, but we need your help. This help can be both financial and/ or by writing your respective state and national legislators when there are land use issues.
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