Want To Be A Trail Official? The Red Rock 4-Wheelers obviously need a lot of help to put on the Easter Jeep Safari (and Labor Day Campout). How does an interested person advance to become a trail official? We really want people who are familiar with our events, so having been a registered participant at two events (Safari or Campout) within the most recent 3 years becomes the first requirement. One must also be a club member; local voting members are the obvious first choice since they are usually available to learn the intricacies of the trails. However, Associate members are also eligible. If you are interested in becoming an associate member, see more details on page 16. Newcomers are usually scheduled as “gunners” (assistants) on trails so experienced club members can gauge their performance against the criteria listed below. What Is Expected of Trail Officials? • Attendance at the trail official Safety Meeting at the Spanish Trail Arena. This meeting allows Club officers and local officials to pass on important information that concerns the running of Jeep Safari. Contact phone numbers, club updates on trails and procedures, law enforcement plans, and how Safari officials can get help on the trails; all these are covered at this meeting.
52 - 2022 Moab Easter Jeep Safari
• Show up for the trails you will be an official on. Usually 45 minutes early is about right. Registration lists must be verified against the vehicles in attendance, liability releases distributed and collected, and participant’s questions answered. (Notify the registration desk ASAP if you break or are unable to fulfill your responsibilities. The sooner the Club is notified the better chance there is to find a replacement for you.) • Officials are expected to know how to get from one end of the trail to the other. A good official advises and guides his or her charges; helping drivers pick the proper line for an obstacle allows you, as an official, to share your experience with newcomers. Use the CB. Passing on local items of interest, scenic
views, or notes on trail conditions helps keep the CB channel clear for use as well as making the trail more interesting for participants. • Enforce Club, BLM and safety rules for proper trail etiquette. Being a trail official has many responsibilities with few privileges. Note that having an “official” flag on your vehicle does not entitle you to join a trail you have not registered for. Officials have already been given priority for trails on their free days; they will not be allowed to abuse these privileges. If you have made it this far, you are probably asking yourself - What is the upside of this “official” business? The answer is not much unless you love four wheeling, lots of great scenery and a large group of new friends with common interests. As a working official, you will receive an invitation to the Safari workers party, held during Easter Safari. This familyoriented party is an opportunity for all of the workers to get together and socialize. As a working official you receive a t-shirt for you from the club. These t-shirts are produced by the T-Shirt Shop in Moab to your specifications. You will also receive a modest stipend for fuel, which many of our regular officials donate back to the club’s MUD Fund. If you survive three years of being an official, you will receive a club jacket with all of the club trimmings: patches, name, etc in your 4th year. www.jeepsafarimagazine.com