St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 2022 Annual Report

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ANNUAL REPORT Welcome to our 2022

3 CONTENTS Table of 4 Pastors Reports 7 Worship & Music Ministry 8 Mission Ministry 10 Local Outreach Miniistry 12 Children’s Ministry 14 Youth Ministry 16 Adult Ministry 18 Preschool & Kindergarten 20 Prayer & Care Ministry 22 Church Officers 23 Physical Resources Ministry 23 Trustees 24 Personnel Ministry 25 Attendance & Membership 26 Financial Update


Dear Saints of St. Andrew’s,

Over the past eighteen months, as the Interim Pastor/Head of Staff, it’s been a privilege to support and witness how St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church lives out the vision to “know God and make God known through lives transformed by Christ.” If the pandemic has taught us anything over the past few years, it is to be flexible, gracious, and ready to celebrate a “win” when we experience it! I’m giving glory to God for the many items in this Annual Report that represent a common commitment to Jesus Christ and His mission in the world. I’m particularly celebrating some of the following “wins” from this past year!

• St. Andrew’s is a congregation of people who love God and express it through their enthusiasm in worship and generosity in outreach and mission!

• We don’t take for granted the privilege of being able to gather in person for worship - without interruption!

• We celebrate the creative reinstitution of worship practices such as coming forward to receive communion and the physical collection of the offering during the services.

• Live-stream and on-demand access makes connection with the worship life of St. Andrew’s possible for many who cannot be in person, regardless of location!

• The wonder of nearly filling the Sanctuary for the Christmas Concert, and being led in worship by our amazing music ensembles!

• Four unique Service Worship Sundays, as opportunities to worship through our support and service to others in our city, coordinated by Director of Local Outreach, RuthAnn Smithrud! January 30 was a chance to expand our awareness of the needs of our local community and how God is using Christians in our city to meet those needs. May 29 was the Intentional Kindness Challenge, July 29 was Serve our Schools and November 13 was Serve Our City.

St. Andrew’s has faithful, capable, and committed leaders who serve on the Session, Trustees, Deacons, and the host of committees and ministry teams who daily are doing God’s work!

• The St. Andrew’s Staff is second to none and serving alongside them is a joy and a privilege.

• Jennifer Bultman was hired as Director of the Preschool and Kindergarten in July, and the school is thriving under her leadership.

• Heather Brannock was promoted to become the Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry, and she brings an amazing set of skills and passion to nurture the faith of families.

• The Session approved a three-month sabbatical leave for The Rev. Mat Grover, to be taken in 2023, recognizing his seven years of ordained pastoral service to St. Andrew’s, which began in October 2015!

• Recognizing the challenge of replacing the irreplaceable Matt Gulley who served St. Andrew’s for twenty years as Director of Facilities and Information Technology, we have hired Clint Zamora as our new Facilities Manager. We wish Matt well in his new endeavors and we are so thankful for his service. We presently have a short-term solution to manage IT needs, as we look for a permanent person in 2023.

• The Congregational Mission Study Team, led by Kevin Oxnam, completed surveys of the congregation, ministry teams, Church Staff, and mission


partners and held listening and reflecting sessions during the month of October. The team has been working to summarize the collected information and is nearing completion on a final report.

2023 will be an eventful year in the life of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Particularly related to the pastoral transition, here are some things to anticipate and pray about in the coming year:

• When the Congregational Mission Study is completed sometime in the first quarter of 2023, it will be submitted to the Session and the Presbytery de Cristo for approval. The approved study will be published on the church website.

Along with the approval of the Mission Study will come permission from the Presbytery for the Session to call a congregational meeting for the purpose of electing a Pastor Nominating Committee. The Congregational Nominating Committee will be present a slate of church members to the congregation for approval at that time.

• The Pastor Nominating Committee, with guidance and support from the Presbytery, will lead the search for the next Installed Pastor/Head of Staff. The PNC will do its work of prayerful discernment to seek the one whom God is calling to serve, ultimately presenting a candidate to the congregation for approval of that call.

I echo Paul’s prayer for the Philippians as I encourage you to abide in Christ and one another (as members of Christ’s united body) in the coming year - a year of anticipation and excitement, as well as commitment and great effort.

“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.”

- Philippians 1:9-11 NIV

Counting it all Joy, Pete Seiferth, Interim Pastor/Head of Staff



To the St. Andrew’s Family, 2022 has been a year were the phrase “new normal” or “trusting in transition” have become things that seem to come out of my mouth on a daily basis. What a blessing this church continues to be, with a heart for trusting the Lord even in hard seasons and a desire to live out authentic faith while being a welcoming and loving community. This is a church with a strong vision of what God has called us to: to know God and make God’s love known to our community and world. We have absolutely done that while dealing with grief, trusting that God is leading us in this season of transition.

Partnerships, re-imagination, and encouragement have been major themes in all of our work. I have been amazed in the ways that the program ministry directors (Rev. Connie Randall, Tim Christian, Logan Schmidt, Shelly Akins, and Heather Brannock) have been navigating a “both-and” approach to ministry in the shadows of living with a pandemic. Their love, grace, patience, faithfulness, and amazing creativity have shown brightly offering opportunties for people with all levels of comfortability.

As a cluster, we prayed for new ways to help people to connect to the body of Christ here at St. Andrew’s and ways for our church to deepen our connection to God. Our hope is always to empower, encourage, and equip people to live a life devoted to loving others and loving the Lord. Over the last few years we have used Acts 2:42

which says, “They devoted themselves to the Apostle’s teaching, and to fellowship and to breaking bread and to prayer” to guide our ministry. Connection and relationship are keys to a growing community and growing in our faith.

Personally, as I am in my 13th year on staff at St. Andrew’s, I have been blessed to have been granted a Sabbatical. I will be on Sabbatical leave from May 15 - August 14, 2023 focusing on rest and connections with God, family, and friends. I will have time for focused prayer, rest, and discernment as well as a connection of the arts, both musical and otherwise. I look forward to giving the congregation updates as it all comes together. Our family schedule is full these days with Jane finishing up Middle School and Ethan leaving Elementary School for Middle School next year!

Through all the twists and turns that life brings, it is absolute that God’s faithfulness is great and true. His promises endure forever. Over the past year I have felt that more and more, and I am looking forward to what God will bring this year.

May God richly bless you and continue to be our guiding light here at St. Andrew’s.

In Christ’s Love, Pastor Mat



Members of the Worship and Music Committee represent all three worship services, Contemporary Worship Team, Chancel Choir, Wittman Ringers bell choir, Orchestra, Gallery Committee, welcome table, sanctuary decorators, flower decorators, ushers, and includes leadership team members Pastor Pete Seiferth, Mark Gary, Ben Constantinides, and Arlene Sturm. The committee met eight times in 2022 using a hybrid virtual/in-person format.

In 2022, St. Andrew’s continued to bring back preCOVID worship elements. In early March 2022, inperson communion was resumed, and in November the ushers once again began passing the offering plates during the Sunday services. The church also continued to offer online Sunday services, both live stream and recorded for later viewing for those unable to meet in person. Special thanks go to our staff and all the volunteers that have made the resumption of in-person worship a smooth transition.

In addition to continuing three different worship services each week (7:30 am Communion, 9:00 am Contemporary, 10:45 am Traditional) worship activities of the church this year included:

• Lenten services on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday; an Easter Day outdoor Sunrise Service and a Palm Sunday orchestra/choir concert

• A Service of Healing and Wholeness on All Saints Day in acknowledgement of ongoing corporate and personal grief

• Thanksgiving Eve service

• The 14th Annual Christmas Concert

• The St. Andrew’s Sisters brought holiday cheer in person to four care centers for the first time since 2019

• Christmas Eve Family Service & Christmas Play and Contemporary and Traditional Candlelight Worship services

• Blue Christmas Service - a time to be honest about all the emotions that Christmastime may provoke

During this year we have been blessed with the wisdom and inspired leadership shown by Interim Pastor Pete Seiferth, Pastor Mat Grover, Mark Gary, Ben Constantinides, and Matt Gulley. We are grateful for the many volunteers – the bell choir and many other musicians who have added to our Sunday services, flower designers, artists, decorators, welcome table volunteers, greeters, ushers, and many others whose contributions have enhanced our worship experience. And special thanks to the entire Church Staff who serve us in ways we don’t always even realize.

All is done in praise to God and to His glory!


Committee MISSION

Our St. Andrew’s Mission Committee is committed to supporting mission opportunities that align with our church’s mission and vision, specifically reaching outward to journey beyond our walls to show the love of Jesus Christ to our community and to the world.

We select mission partners and look for opportunities where those involved can be the hands and feet of Jesus, answering the call “Whom shall I send?” (Isaiah 6:8-9).

Our mission committee supports both local and international missions as we are commanded to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15).

Our focus is reaching out to those in need as we are reminded that “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Communicates mission opportunities to the congregation, Prioritizes and distributes available funds to these projects

Encourages St Andrew’s congregation participation in local and international mission projects

Carefully evaluates each mission partner annually to be sure they are sharing Jesus’ love as they state in their annual request and in a fiscally responsible way

Encourage new mission requests which support areas we are not currently reaching

As we reflect on all the ways our congregation and mission partners were able to show the love of Jesus Christ to those they served throughout this year we are thankful to be a part of God’s Great Kingdom. We want to recognize all the St. Andrew’s members who have provided support to our mission partners. We know the value of your time and the life changing impact you each have on those you encounter. Thank you for continuing to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

We are grateful for the continued financial support from our St. Andrew’s members as well as the generous gift from Mary Kay Tompkins that allows the Mission Committee to distribute funds so we can continue to give back and glorify God.

We continue to pray and seek God’s leading for this ministry.

For 2022 Session set a Mission budget based on 8.0% (a reduction from 8.5% in 2019 and 9.5% in 2018) of the church pledge funds, non-pledges, and loose offerings to the mission committee. While the committee understands the financial challenges for the church, we are concerned that Mission continues to be reduced from its traditional 10% funding level. We are happy to report that for 2023 Mission funding has been increased to 8.4% and we are thankful for Session’s thoughtful consideration in moving Mission back towards its historical 10% funding.

In following these commandments, the Mission Committee:

Supported ministries are carefully evaluated annually and monitored as deemed necessary; to assure that the work being done is essential and effective.

42 individual missions are supported financially. We have divided these mission partners into 7 groups to be sure we are distributing our funds throughout all areas of mission priority.

Foreign Missions: 12% ($31,700) Education, housing and medical supplies in foreign countries

Agape: Zambia; Hearts for the Children: Guatemala; Jesus to the Needy: South Africa; Alliance for Children Everywhere: Zambia; Frontera de Cristo: Mexico; Goshen Africa: Uganda; One Mission Rocky Point: Mexico; Our Lady Dispensary: Syria; Trinity Center for World Mission: Africa

Foreign Individual Missionaries: 16% ($51,000) Abdous: Spain; Baker: Afghanistan; Brown: India; Wright: worldwide; Smith: Greece; Bickford: worldwide; Koleski: Kenya

Local Church Plants: 14% ($27,000) Good News Community Church, Goshen International Church

Local Children and Youth: 6% ($12,782) Montlure, Young Life Capernaum, Youth Souper Bowl, NW Younglife

Hands On Opportunities: 3% ($11,600) Deacons Blessing Bags, Service Worship, Primavera, Sandwich Squad, Hygiene bags.

Local Individual Missionaries: 3% ($4200) Caywood: Intervarsity Christian Fellowship; Drum: J-17 Ministries

Local Poor and Needy: 44% ($121,100) Interfaith Community Services (ICS), Tucson Refugee Ministry, Faith That Works, Community Renewal, Cross Streets Ministries, Gospel Rescue Mission, Habitat for Humanity, More Than a Bed, Fost-Adopt, Eagle Wings of Grace, Young Adult Volunteers (YAVS), Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN). We are able to put so much money into this area due to the use of the Tompkins funds for this specifically designated for use in this specific area.


This year we were able to bless Tucson Refugee Ministry with our 2021 Christmas Offering. Our donation of $22,000 was used to pay rent and utilities for their new Building Bridges Community Center that opened in March. We are so thankful for the work TRM is doing and have seen their ministry continue to grow and bless so many refugees in our community.

We also came together to show our support to Ukraine with a special Easter Offering. $14,110 was given to Pantano Christian Church to support their team in Ukraine. Continued prayers go out to Ukraine and the relief efforts.

Finally, our 2022 Advent Offering Project, providing funds for local school district resource centers to purchase new shoes for local students has raised almost $9000 so far.

THE MISSIONS DIRECTORY — “A Guide to Support and Involvement” – Was reviewed and updated in 2022. This is available online and in both narthexes and provides more information about the mission efforts supported by St. Andrew’s. We encourage you to pick one up, read it and pray for our Missions partners and determine how you might get involved.


Sandy Kreamer –Chair

Karin Fiore – Session Elder

Wayne Dawson

Marianne Hadden

Cindy Lange

Sharon Lee

Danielle Oxnam

Don Parce

Sandy Ricker

Del Rieschick

Jim Seymour

Sandy Seymour

RuthAnn Smithrud



Outreach at St. Andrew’s continued to produce much fruit in 2022. We found heartfelt ways to reach out and bless others in need. We had an interesting and informative Service Worship panel at the end of January with a speaker from the TUSD African American Student Services Department who offered the chance to read with children. We also had a great presentation from Courtney’s Courage where we learned about the opportunity to bless families with a child in cancer care at the University Medical Center.

For February, we put together Valentine bags for the medical workers at Northwest Medical Center as well as for teachers from nearby schools. We also made special bags for our St. Andrew’s members living in assisted living facilities. If you know of someone who would benefit from being visited during the holidays with special treat bags, please let RuthAnn know so that we can add him/her to our list. We want to make sure that our friends know that we are still thinking about them even though they cannot come to church!

Our partnerships with Flowing Wells Unified District also began during the Easter season. We had received a blessing of thousands of plastic eggs from Pantano Christian which we then gave to every elementary school in the district along with candy for each!

We helped plan the final Jim Toole 1K and provided snacks, water toys, and bubbles for the children. We collected much needed food for Amphi Middle School’s pantry and stocked their pantry with an overflowing blessing! We cannot believe that it has already been more than a year since Pastor Jim went to be with Jesus, but remembering him and his love for our city was a blessing for us all and helped us heal even more.

RuthAnn continued to participate in Ward 5’s Homeless Coalition meetings with Ward 5 and Richard Fimbres bringing different

organizations to the table to better serve the homeless needs of the community. St. Andrew’s is the only church represented and continues to bring ideas on how the faith community can partner with the city on the ongoing issue of homelessness.

In May, we were blessed to have a Service Worship that focused on being kind to one another. This Service Worship was called, “The Kindness Challenge.” We had so many creative responses to show each other acts of kindness. One in particular was the way that Myra Christenson stood at the doorway with small treats and Scriptures and lovingly handed one to each person at the 10:45 am service!

Serve Our Schools provided so many new opportunities to serve schools and blessed us with the ongoing partnerships with Laguna and Hendricks Elementary Schools in the Flowing Wells District. We support our schools based on their need as well as a welcome from the principal. If the principal doesn’t return the invitation, then we don’t have the go ahead to proceed. We always see the Lord at work in this process! Laguna is still looking for people to read with their students. If you are interested, please let RuthAnn know at

We participated in the third city-wide service day, Serve Our City, in cooperation with a planning team from Pantano Christian Church. This event had 1593 volunteers (252 being from St. Andrew’s), 75 different serving locations, and 118 different serving opportunities. It was amazing to see


how the Lord led people to travel where they wanted to serve this time. It has taken three years for this to happen, and it is truly beautiful to see fellow Christians from other churches launch out into the community not based on where their church was serving, but based on where the Holy Spirit led them. For the first time, we partnered with El Tour de Tucson, the Conquistadores, and the Jim Click Foundation to provide 500 new bicycles, helmets, and locks for those in need. What a huge collaborative project this was! Our lunch after Serve Our City hosted 15 families from the Flowing Wells District and Harelson Elementary. To watch the surprise and wonder on the faces of these families when receiving their bikes was a gift never to be forgotten.

We made Christmas “You’ve Been Socked” bags for our friends who might need a little extra love or attention at this time of the year. We worked with ADM to make this happen during the Christmas brunch! Those who attended the Christmas Women’s Brunch donated wonderful men’s and women’s Christmas socks to go into the bags. The thoughtfulness of the Christmas socks was sure to lift anyone up with joy! We added the

book, “A Love Worth Giving to You” by Max Lucado, a small ornament, beautiful crosses and/or Christmas hearts, and small treats to go in the bags as well! We had enough left over to bless Laguna Elementary as well!

We ended the year blessing a family whose home recently burned down. We had donations of a washer and dryer, a stove and microwave, and a pull out bed/couch. The principal of Laguna actually spent his time off picking up these items and delivering them to the family in need. St. Andrew’s members continue to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit which then blesses others in mighty ways!

We are looking forward to 2023 and to what the Lord has in store for the new year! Save the date for Service Worship, January 29! We have three ministries presenting and a Mission fair happening after the services.

We are thankful to the Lord for always providing and for St. Andrew’s members who are led by the Holy Spirit to give time, prayer, and donations so generously. It is with deep gratitude that we continue to be a light for service in our city.


Children’s Discipleship Ministry

Children’s Discipleship Ministry is comprised of a faithful group of teachers, staff, and volunteers who serve the children of St. Andrew’s ages birth through fifth grade. The staff includes Director Heather Brannock, Childcare Supervisor Anita Degnan, and Children’s Choir Director Kylie Shelton.

DIRECTOR CHANGE: Children’s Discipleship Ministry went through a major transition this year. In September, former Director Shelly Akins left St. Andrew’s Children’s Ministry to accept a teaching position in public education after eight years of service in her Director role. Assistant Director Heather Brannock moved into the position of Acting Director to lead CDM through this period of transition. In December, Heather was hired to be the new permanent Director beginning on January 1, 2023. Heather is very excited to be starting this new role!


We continue to have Sunday School during the 9:00 am service. Starting in August we were able to have a Sunday School class at the 10:45 am service as well. During the 9:00 am Sunday School, we have six classes with seven teachers and 13 youth assistants. During the 10:45 am Sunday School, we have one class and one teacher. Average weekly attendance for 2022 was 31. This is up from our average attendance from 2021, but we still are lower than our pre-pandemic numbers.

We are still using the “Simply Loved” curriculum for our 2s - 2nd grade classes. Third grade is learning Bible basics including the order of the books of the Bible, and how to look up verses. Fourth and fifth grade are following Pastor Pete’s sermon topics and continue to attend worship about once a month.


• Prayer Partners: On February 20, five Kindergarten and first grade students met with adult prayer partners.

• Third Grade Bibles: On August 21, we presented 13 Bibles to third graders.

• Promotion to Youth Ministry: On May 15, seven fifth graders were promoted to Youth Ministry.

• Communion: On September 25, five fourth graders and their families learned about Communion. Pastor Mat talked with the students and Heather talked with the parents. Fourth and Fifth graders attend service once a month on Communion Sundays.


This year’s theme was Monumental and was held June 13-17 . More than 130 children attended and 65 adults and youth volunteered. We held VBS with a rotation schedule with children attending Bible Discovery, Kid-Vid Cinema, Games, and Imagination Station. Classes are capped at 15 children for elementary classes and 12 children for preschool classes with three adults or youth leaders per group.


Kylie Shelton continues to direct the choir. The choir sings several times during the school year at the 9:00 am and the 10:45 am services.


• Holy Molies, a monthly fellowship group for 4th and 5th graders. This year (2022-2023) we are using a theme about trusting God by being yourself.

• Easter Egg Hunt took place on Saturday, April 9, instead of on Palm Sunday. We added prayer stations this year as well, and it was well attended. We had many families from St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten in attendance.

• Palm Sunday Processional. Students processed at the 9:00 am service and the Children’s Choir sang at both the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services.



• Trunk or Treat - 26 trunks decorated by volunteers. Over 630 people from the church, preschool, and community attended the event. Youth Ministry had a competition for the best trunk decorations with a partial camp scholarship as the prize.

• Christmas Eve Play - 29 kids and five youth participated in a portrayal of the Christmas story.


In February we began a special needs ministry called Super Friends. While we include individuals with special needs in all our programming, we wanted to offer a group for them to meet their individual spiritual needs. We offer a Sunday School class for children with special needs and a parent support group for the parents of children with special needs. Both groups meet on the first Sunday of the month at 10:30 am. Our Super Friends Sunday school class focuses on getting to know God and our parent support group focuses on resources and strategies to help children with special needs on their faith journeys.

During the summer, our Super Friends hosted several events in which we invited the entire congregation to join us. The goal was to foster relationships between families with special needs and the greater church community. We did painting with Lucky Cat Social Art, a pool day at Oro Valley Aquatic Center, and bowling at Fiesta Lanes. We are so thankful for all of the families that attended these events in support of our Super Friends.


• Children’s Ministry looks forward to building a more intentional partnership with St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten.

• VBS: June 12-16, our theme is Stellar. We plan to have a cap of 240 elementary students and 60 preschoolers. Registration will begin in late March.

• We are also planning to hire a new Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry.


Youth Discipleship Ministry

St. Andrew’s Youth Discipleship Ministry is a community of students grade 6th - 12th, various leaders, and staff, all striving to know God and to make God known through lives transformed by Christ. Students are invited to join weekly in attending Youth Group, Sunday School, and special events. We are committed to creating a community of fun, fellowship, service, and growth. Kids are encouraged to play hard, care for each other deeply, serve with intentionality, and ask difficult questions about faith. Here are a few highlights from this year:


February 5-6 we had 60 total leaders, students, and families take part in our 30 Hour Famine this year. We packed 20,000 meals with Rise Against Hunger, learned about multiple organizations and communities impacting the local Tucson area. We also packaged 200 hygiene bags and made 200 sack lunches for Gospel Rescue Mission. We spent time in prayer at prayer stations and at our evening gathering where students discussed what it was like to serve and where they saw God working in the City of Tucson.

Together we raised $2,800 to support World Vision and their effort to provide food and care across the world, and I Am You 360 in their effort to provide housing to homeless youth in Tucson.

We had three speakers:

• Benjamin Ayantola, LPC – who led a workshop on trauma and healing

• Pastor Aaron Scott, from To Go Christian Churchwho led a discussion including his testimony and experience as a church planter

• Jesus Sandoval with Tucson Refugee Ministry came to walk us through what life is like as a Refugee, what makes someone a Refugee, and how we can be advocates to the refugee community.

• Kathy Lokale and Katie Vidal – facilitated a workshop on vulnerability.


This years’ Moonlight Dinner and Auction was a smashing success with over 115 attendees and over 45 youth and parent volunteers. The Youth Ministry was blessed by the fun and support we had from the congregation. We were able to raise almost $12,000 to help support Youth Missions, Scholarships, and Internship Programs. Thank you, St. Andrew’s!


We had another great experience this summer with our Intern Program. We had two paid interns and one volunteer intern supporting our programs as well as learning about theology, ministry, and how ministry applies to more areas in life than just working in the church.


We had an amazing week at Forest Home Camp with 60 students and leaders! We swam, hiked, blobbed, mud pitted, and competed in crazy team games. Our gathering times included a dynamic speaker and an incredible worship team that were able to engage our students and bring them closer in their relationships with Christ. A number of our students came to Christ for the first time or recommitted their lives to Him through teachings, worship devotion times, and cabin conversations. The ministry has been so blessed by this incredible opportunity to grow in our relationships with each other and our relationship with Christ!


Two events have shaped the holiday weekend in wonderful ways for our ministry and church community. Our Family Night included over 50 people playing and watching an exciting game of dodgeball following the Thanksgiving Eve Service. The next morning, we enjoyed an intergenerational game of Flag Football at our annual Turkey Bowl at Naranja Park. This year we had almost 20 players and spectators!




Our year also includes Middle School Mission Days in June. We took Middle School students to GAP Ministries and Gospel Rescue Mission’s Center for Opportunity where we had the chance to work alongside other volunteers and listen to a great testimony about what these organizations are doing for the city of Tucson. In November, we had our annual Middle School Rockvember Lock-In. Fifteen Middle School students had the opportunity to rock climb late into the night at Rocks and Ropes and then head back to the church for a night of junk food and little sleep. The following morning, our students participated in Service Worship by building bikes, assigning bikes to recipients, labeling food items, and more.


Our 4th Annual Top Golf Tournament was a wonderful event at Top Golf Tucson. We had 61 participants at a variety of ages, ranging from ages 2 to 98, and raised $2000. We are so thankful for the generosity of all of the players and sponsors who made this event a success. We are looking forward to making next year’s Top Golf Fundraiser an even greater success.


In the next year, we are looking forward to leaning into where God is sending us alongside the Family Ministries Team. We are excited to continue partnering with students and their families as we grow together in faith and life.

Our Youth Ministry is blessed to have amazing, dedicated, and consistent leaders that are on fire for God and wanting students to grow in their relationship with Him. These leaders are the cornerstone to our ministry and what God is doing in the lives of young students at St. Andrew’s. The church is blessed to have them, and the ministry could not happen without them! Being a leader for these students is an adventure and a joy, and we are always welcoming more people to come join the excitement!

We are anticipating what God has for us in this upcoming year. Our vision and hope is that students would continue to be amazed by the character of God and the way that He loves us and would be encouraged and mobilized to take part in building His Kingdom here on Earth. The Youth Ministry is a very exciting and busy place to be. Learn more about the ministry at 3. We are so thankful for this past year and look forward to God’s continuing guidance and provisions in the year to come!


Adult Discipleship Ministry

The guiding Scripture verse for the Adult Discipleship Ministry is Ephesians 4:11-13 which means our main purpose and goal as a ministry team is to equip the people of St. Andrew’s to grow in their faith and fulfill their God given purpose. Preparing, encouraging and preparing through His Holy Spirit.

We do this by working together as a team by praying and discerning what would be the best ways to make this happen. Our current dynamic team is Susan Cochran, Steve Herzog, Sandra Kovacs, and soon to be added Diane Olsen.

Here are some of ways discipleship has happened in the year 2022:


We started out January 2022 with the January Series which is a 15 week award winning lecture series that takes place a Calvin University. The series aims to cultivate deep thought and conversations about important issues of the day and inspire cultural renewal and make us better global citizens in God’s world. St. Andrew’s hosted again by providing virtual online access as we did in 2021. Again many men and women at St. Andrew’s were encouraged and empowered through this series.


This year we discerned that we would put Alpha on hold until the fall due to St. Andrew’s being in the process of the mission study. We were invited by OVCN to participate with them for their in person Alpha on Tuesday nights. Our team helped with the leadership and led a table with guests from St. Andrew’s and OVCN. There were guests who did not know Jesus before Alpha who made a decision to be one of His followers, praise the Lord.


“Happily Under God’s Supervision,” Senior Ministry. This ministry is back in person this year with growing numbers each week. There is also a new cook who provides a delicious lunch each week. There are many from St. Andrew’s who attend as well as many from our surrounding communities here in Tucson and Oro Valley. Each week has a theme with hymns, devotion, guests speakers, and once a month birthday celebrations!


Faith Uncorked continues to be a monthly fellowship for women that is well attended and has made a big difference in each of the women’s lives. There is food, fellowship, and time for a gathering together at the end of each night for a devotional led by Connie or one of the participants from Scripture for encouragement for ongoing daily life as a woman of faith! Many have shared how this is their highlight for the month and they feel so encouraged to keep on keepin’ on. Many of the meetings have several generations attending!


Our Family of God Adult Sunday School Class continues to meet weekly and has been back meeting in person. This class meets at 10:30 am and has a dedicated group of about 7 to 15 people every week.

Sunday Morning Connecting Group – this group was starting by Karin Fiore and Lori Seiferth on the NE Campus to provide Bible Study together while the Youth School Sunday School is meeting.

Thursday Morning Men’s Bible Study continues each week now all meeting in person an average of 20 men each week.

Saturday Morning Men’s Group continues to meet twice a month at Dave Schmidt’s home with an average of 4-5 men each week. Dave leads this time together with scripture, discussion and prayer.



Women’s Friday Morning Bible Study is now fully back meeting in person with 50 plus women each week studying and praying God’s Word!

MOMS Group is now meeting on Thursday mornings and back in person with an average of 15 women.

Bible Study Fellowship Satellite Group continues to meet here at St. Andrew’s and now meeting in person on Wednesday Mornings. This year they are studying the Kingdom of Promise, a new BSF Study, and this year the attendance has grown to an average of 5060 women each week. Connie continues to participate in the monthly leadership prayer group praying for growth to a full daytime class.

Conversation Groups, Life Groups, Book Discussion Groups, Spiritual Direction, and Tuesday Women’s Conversation Group

Spiritual Direction Group

This is the second year of this group and continues to read ahead of time a spiritual direction book and shares insights and growth in faith with sharing from the heart and praying together. They continue to meet on zoom once a week on Monday’s.

Conversation Groups

These groups continue to be a weekly need of studying together and praying together with food and fellowship.


On October 8, we held our first Beyond Sunday Workshop after COVID! The morning was led by Pastor Joe Johnson who has been with us before. His teaching was empowering to each one who attended. There was table discussion with personal sharing on what transitions each person has been through and how God helped through those times. There were 50 men and women there, and we began with breakfast by Fran Tuell.


Our ADM team along with an amazing volunteer team began planning this 3rd Annual Event on December 3, 2022 in September. We had Café a la Carte as our caterer again, and as usual the food was delicious. Women came on the Friday before to decorate tables and Friendship Hall! There were 130 women who came! We had three speakers, Connie Randall, Kathy Lokale, and Logan Schmidt each from a different generation, who gave us encouragement on the Peace of Christ (Philippians 4:7). The morning was a joyful time together with time for connecting, being blessed by the Flute Choir and being together in fellowship. Fun and laughter were provided by our MC, RuthAnn Smithrud, and her uplifting closing prayers with a blessing from Connie. A big WOW for the ways our Lord showed up to bless others through an amazing team!!


On December 19, ADM and YDM provided time for all who have been involved with St. Andrew’s Youth Group over the years from 7:00 pm10:00 pm for dinner and hangin’ out! This event was held at the Randall’s, catered by La Hacienda Restaurant. Always good to get this amazing group of youth, who are now young adults, together.

Our Adult Discipleship Team is so very grateful to be together in discerning and providing ways for all adults to grow in their faith.


St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten

St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten Ministry is an intentional and supportive community of families and early childhood educators with the goal of investing in children’s growth and development through play and faith formation. The Preschool and Kindergarten is made up of a dedicated group of 34 staff members, 151 students and their families, and the Preschool Governing Board.


Our preschool serves children ages 2-4 in 15 classes. Our current school enrollment stands at 88%. In 2022, we opened one additional 2s class to meet the needs of families, welcoming 10 new families to our school! We continue to employ two teachers in each class while providing student/teacher ratios below the state requirements, fulfilling our goal to provide a small class size with a quality learning experience. In 2022, our staff spent significant time focusing on the socialization and emotional learning needs of our students after the peak of pandemic.


Due to tax credit donation and scholarship funds, our tuition for our Kindergarten students has been fully funded for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years. We have one Kindergarten class for the 2022-23 school year. We are noticing a trend in decreased Kindergarten enrollment over the years. Many families are hearing from elementary schools the need to register for Kindergarten at the elementary level because of space allowed for new students. Because of this, we see a need in our community to grow younger. We are excited for a future class offering in the 2022-23 school year for a Grow With Me one-year-old class, a parent/toddler class offered weekly for families.


In the 2021-22 school year, we were able to provide families with $11,538.15 toward Preschool and Kindergarten scholarship funds. Much of this funding is due to the charitable tax credit donations through AZ income tax as well as individual donations. Generous financial donations were made to the Preschool scholarship fund in the amount of $5,610 from our church and community members. These donations help to remove any financial obstacles that could stand in the way of a family choosing St. Andrew’s Kindergarten for their child.


Thanks to the support and vision of the Preschool Governing Board as well as the leadership of our Business Manager and Acting Director, Carolyn Rapp and Administrative Assistant (now Associate Director), Katie Vidal, our school remained a pillar for early childhood learning in the community during the director transition early in 2022. We’re so thankful for their support and administrative guidance offered to teachers, staff, and families to provide day-to-day leadership for school operations during the transitional period. Under the leadership of Carolyn Rapp, a classroom conversation/renovation was initiated and completed through funding from a State Childcare Recovery Grant as well as the sweat equity of the Physical and Technical Resource Committee allowing us to gain space for a new class offering.


In June, the Preschool Governing Board led the search for a new director, and I, Jennifer Bultman, am so pleased to move from the role of teacher at our school and into Director, leading our staff forward. The sense of calling I have is to see families grow and thrive during their time here at St. Andrew’s. At our Preschool and Kindergarten, I believe in a unified staff, a nurturing environment, and the love of Christ. One of my goals is that graduating families would feel empowered in their parenting journey and strengthened in their walk with the Lord. It is a blessing to serve our school and church community in this way.




Children and their families were welcomed back on campus in early August for the start of the school year, followed by an invitation to Preschool Family Sunday in August. Despite inclement September weather, our School Carnival, in collaboration with Church Life and Family Ministries, was well attended and enjoyment was had for all! The proceeds of this carnival went directly into the Preschool scholarship fund. In October, our campus was full of grandparents and loved ones during our Storybook Days and Book Fair. We also had a visit from our local fire department to learn fire safety and tour the trucks! Kindergarten students had a walking field trip to Tohono Chul, learning about desert plant life. In December, Christmas concerts were attended by family and friends, and Santa made a visit with each class.


This school year brought the formation of a Teacher Appreciation Team, geared toward providing support, encouragement to our teaching staff, as well as a monthly Starbucks delivery to celebrate teachers’ birthdays! This team coordinated a beautiful luncheon for our school staff for Christmas, and teachers were so thankful for a lovely experience.


The school is looking forward to strengthening the partnership between the church and the community. Some of the ways the Preschool and Kindergarten ministries have served this school year are through donations and giving. In the fall, families donated clothing to the Amphi Clothing Drive organized by Youth Discipleship Ministry. At Christmas, students brought in gifts to bless YoungLives teen moms and their babies, and our entire School Staff participated in the church’s Adopt a Family to bless a family in December.


We are excited for the renewed partnership between Children’s Discipleship Ministry and our Preschool and Kindergarten. Both Heather and Jennifer have been leading Chapel together, and it has been a joy to teach children that Jesus loves everyone. Families have been welcomed back to participate in Chapel with their children and classes take turns leading us monthly in our chapel songs and worship.


Our school focus verse this year is from Romans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Please continue to pray for our school staff, students, their families, and school leadership as we grow and develop into what God has in store for our future. To learn more about our school ministry, please visit



The Care Team has been active in reaching out to people in hospitals, at home, and at different assisted living and care facilities. We strive to provide support, comfort, love, and prayer to those in need. Our team, which is comprised of 23 active members from different ministries, meets monthly to check in, discuss ways to reach out and make sure there are people who are not falling through the cracks of needed spiritual and physical attention. Members include people from the prayer team, Deacons, Stephen Ministers, Faith Community Nurses, Session, Staff, and members at large. We are always looking at ways to connect to and reach out to those who are in need of the Love of Christ.

Faith Community Nurses

Faith Community Nursing (FCN) is a healthcare ministry designed to identify and address the health needs of the congregation through education, counseling and advocacy. Through the integration of health and faith, this ministry strengthens the church community by focusing on each individual’s physical, emotional, spiritual, and social wellbeing. The goal of FCN is to work, in partnership with the other care ministries, toward establishing the church as a vital resource for health and healing. There are eleven non-paid Registered Professional Nurses whose duties are guided by a Health Committee. The five roles of the Faith Community Nurse are listed below and St. Andrew’s has participated in all areas.

Health Education

CPR – 16 certified

First Aid – 16 certified

Blood Pressure Screens – HUGS - 226 Suzi Anderson

Blood Pressure Screens – Second Sunday – 147 Suzi Anderson, Lisa Best, Louise Doran, Jo Kramer, Maureen Noeth, Julie Pentacoff, Roxanne Peterson, Karina Trumbull

First Aid boxes replenished – Suzi Anderson

Cross Current health articles – 10 Louise Doran, Will Wilkinson

Personal Health Counselor – 4 individual counseling – Louise Doran All contacts are confidential

Liaison to Community Resources – 4 Louise Doran

Medical Equipment Lending Ministry Mary Bauer


Equipment loaned – 35 received, 5 donations, 17 returned Medical equipment is lent free of charge to anyone in need.

We Care – excess Medical equipment / supplies donated Interfaith Community Services – supplies donated Emerge Domestic Violence pamphlets installed in every toilet stall on campus –Maureen Noeth Organizer / Coordinator of volunteers – Requires matching the individual’s need with the nurse who has that expertise.

Interpreter of the relationship between Faith and Health

It’s important to strengthen your spiritual self in order to meet the challenge to your physical self. All contacts include not only a discussion of the illness but if desired prayer and healing scripture.

The Heavenly Hosts activities at St. Andrew’s during 2022:

- Fellowship after church on Sundays following the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services.

- Fellowship after the 7:30 am service monthly

- New Members Class lunches

- Serving cider and Christmas cookies after the Christmas concert

The Heavenly Hosts greatly appreciate monetary and food donations from the congregation that make it possible to support ministries within the church and outreach to our neighboring schools.



I am pleased to report on the progress of our Deacon’s Ministry over the past year. These dedicated groups of individuals have worked tirelessly to serve and support our community, and I am grateful to be able to share their achievements with you.

First, I would like to highlight the Blood Drive Ministry. This group, led by Julie Pentacoff and Lynne Badegian, was able to recruit a total of 162 individuals to donate blood, potentially saving hundreds of lives in the process. Their tireless efforts and dedication to this important cause are truly admirable.

Next, the Friendship Cards Ministry, under the guidance of Kelly Walsh, Jackie Harms, and Robyn Pizano, sent out a total of 106 cards to those in need of a little extra love and support. Whether it be to offer congratulations, provide comfort, or simply to let someone know they are not alone, these cards have made a meaningful difference in the lives of many.

The Blessing Bags Ministry, led by Merri Kae VanderPloeg, and Jan Foran, has also been hard at work, distributing 750+ bags filled with essential items to those in need within our community. These bags provide a much-needed helping hand to those facing difficult times, and the ministry’s efforts are deeply appreciated by all who have received them.

The Memorial Services Ministry, under the direction of Leo Burkhart and Judy Clement, has assisted in a total of 20 memorials over the past year. These compassionate individuals have offered support and comfort to families during their time of loss, and their presence has been a true blessing to all who have received their assistance.

In addition, the Baptism Ministry, under the leadership of Cathy Stevenson and Jackie Harms, has assisted in a total of four baptisms over the past year. It has been a joy to witness these special moments and to support those being baptized on their spiritual journey.

I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Norm Carlson, Scott Gardner, Russ Maynard, and Robyn Pizano for their help in ensuring that our 13 Communion services ran smoothly. Their willingness to lend a hand made all the difference in creating a meaningful and sacred experience for all who participated.

Finally, the Meal Train Ministry, led by Cathy McGowan, has provided meals for a total of eight families over the past year. Whether it be to offer a helping hand during a time of illness or to provide support to a family in need, the ministry’s efforts have been deeply appreciated by all who have received their assistance.

In conclusion, I am deeply grateful to all of the members of our Deacon’s Ministry who have worked so hard to serve and support our community over the past year. Their selflessness and dedication are an inspiration to us all, and I am proud to be a part of such a compassionate and caring community.

Dear St. Andrew’s Family, Frank Vidal, Deacon Moderator In Memoriam Beverly Antliff, Loren ‘Bud’ Arnold, Frank Bouchard, Jack Comp, Kathryn Conner, Dale Crawford, Joan Davies, Dona Leigh Davis, Joan DuBose, Don Eaton, Joyce Eggericks, Dorothy ‘Dotty’ Martin, Ron Mumford, Mary Quick, Philip Richardson, Gideon Schaeffer, James ‘Jim’ Souter, Gerald ‘Gerry’ Swank, Rev. Pati Toole, Ruth Trask, Ronald Tuuri, Wylie Merrill Memorial Gifts Received in 2022 in Memory of: Loren ‘Bud’ Arnold, Dawn Beckley, Frank Bouchard, Jack Comp, Paul Den Herder, Joyce Eggericks, Bill Gross, Dale Marthaler, Wylie Merrill, Ron Mumford, Rev. Dr. Jim and Rev. Pati Toole, Betty Yaeger


Class of 2023

Ron Allen

Charles Carroll

Erica Cornett

Jana Knutson

David Schmidt

Class of 2023

Lynne Badegian

Cathy McGowan

Robyn Pizano Lisa Plante Cathy Stevenson Kelly Walsh


Class of 2024

Karin Fiore

LeeAnn Hamilton Dan Harms

Class of 2025

Tori Carlson

Laurie Grabill Jennifer Jacobson Sandy Ricker Mike Thompson


Class of 2024

Becky D’Angelo

Judy Clement Charlotte Hall Dick Hall Jackie Harms

Debbi Nicomede


Class of 2025

Kristi Mejias

Cherie Miller-Gray

Charlotte Smith Liz Soflin Katie Strumpf Rose Tederous Liz Boltz

Class of 2023

Carmen Morris

Steve Olafson Greg Jester

Class of 2024 Josh Custer Cara Frank Karl Oxnam


Class of 2025

Michael Lokale Mike Lange Rick Mason

Stephen Ministry began at St. Andrew’s in 1982 and since that time has continually provided high quality, one on one Christ centered listening and prayer support to members in our congregation and community who are experiencing a challenging time in their lives. Our program is led by a team of six of our Stephen Ministers who have received an additional week of advanced training. This Leadership Team (SMLT) meets monthly and oversees, evaluates, and guides our program. All Stephen Ministers attend a monthly peer supervision meeting, planned and led by the SMLT to include continuing education and individual support of the ministers in their caring relationships.

During this past year, ten new members completed the required 50 hours of training and were commissioned as Stephen Ministers this past May. A total of 22 Stephen Ministers provided loving support to 27 Care Receivers over this past year. We also had five Stephen Ministers retire and one other left our St. Andrew’s congregation, leaving a total of 24 active Stephen Ministers at the end of 2022. This program could not thrive without the support, the continued referrals and willing acceptance of help when needed by each member of the St. Andrew’s Congregation and our ministerial staff. We look forward to continuing this invaluable program and serving even more friends in need in 2023!


Physical & Technical Resources

The P&TRC is responsible for two department budgets: Technical Resources and Facilities Maintenance/Utilities. The 2022 expenditures for Technical Resources and Facilities Maintenance/ Utilities finished essentially on budget even with an unforeseen increase in the cost of insurance coverage.

Some of the major projects completed in 2022 include micro sealing and striping the NE parking lot, installation of new signs at the parking lot entrances, renovation of Room 7 for the Preschool and Kindergarten, weekly rose bush maintenance in the Columbarium, several major trimming/ weeding projects, and two successful church workdays. The P&TRC also provided support decorating the Sanctuary for Easter and Christmas.

We want to thank Matt Gulley and his crew for their efforts in keeping costs down and maintaining the appearance and function of the facilities. We appreciate Matt’s 20+ years of service and wish him many blessings and success as he pursues other interests.

Heartfelt thanks to the members of P&TRC, the Rose Committee and the other volunteers for their expertise and many hours of hard work in support of SAPC this year. We hope to increase this volunteer group going forward, as their efforts keep the church humming.


The Trustees consist of nine members elected by the congregation serving three-year terms. Trustees are responsible for the church’s finances and assets, including buildings and grounds. Additional responsibilities include the Legacy Endowment Program, facility use through the External Events Review Team, Physical and Technical Resources, Safety/Security, and preparing the annual budget. They also provide representatives to the Preschool Governing Board, Stewardship, and Nominating Committees.

The Board met monthly throughout the year. One of the main topics on each agenda was reviewing and discussing the church’s financial situation year to date. While revenues were below forecast, expenditures were managed to ensure a strong cash position. Also, the Preschool & Kindergarten received funds from the state, which helped offset their expenses.

The Investment, Endowment, Memorials, and Gifts Committee oversees the funds given to the church outside of the operating budget, primarily specified gifts and bequests, according to investment policies approved by the Trustees.

The External Events Review Team authorizes the use of St. Andrew’s facilities by outside groups, subject to policies developed by the Trustees and adopted by Session. The reduction of facility use restrictions increased opportunities for external groups.

The Physical and Technical Resources Committee oversees the maintenance of the church’s buildings and grounds for both campuses and Preschool & Kindergarten. The Committee also works with staff to ensure the computer and communications system are adequate to support sound, lighting, and AV systems for the Sanctuary and online worship experiences. Major projects completed in 2022 include micro sealing, striping the NE parking lot, and renovation of Room 7 for the Preschool and Kindergarten. They also maintain the rose bushes in the Columbarium and conduct church work days for trimming/weeding and minor maintenance.

The Trustees commit their time, talents, and resources throughout the year to ensure that our gifts were used to support the St. Andrews’ Mission.



The Members of the Personnel Committee have the administrative responsibility to assist the Pastors and Director of Business Operations in managing personnel-related concerns, including equal employment opportunity of staff; fair employment practices; replacement of staff; personnel policies; position descriptions; annual reviews; professional development; adequacy of compensation for all staff; and the personnel budget and benefit costs.

Ron Allen, Luke Bultman, Charlie Carroll, and Vickie Palmer serve on the committee along with Jon Woodard as chair and they supported the pastors and staff with personnel-related issues as they faced the continued challenges coming out of the COVID pandemic and new opportunities faced in 2022.

The Rev. Dr. Pete Seiferth continued in his role as the Interim Pastor and Head of Staff for St. Andrew’s and Moderator of Session. He has continued to be a stable and guiding force for helping manage personnel issues this past year and there were several important staff transitions with which the Personnel Committee was involved.

Several staff members were hired or promoted during 2022 and they have filled key leadership roles to enable and deliver critical aspects of our ministries.

Jennifer Bultman - Director, St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten

Heather Brannock - Director, Children’s Discipleship Ministry

Logan Schmidt - Assistant Director, Youth Discipleship Ministry

Clint Zamora - Facilities Manager

We said goodbye to several long-standing members of the SAPC Staff who have moved on to other opportunities - Shelly Akins, Children’s Ministry Director, and Matt Gulley, Facilities and IT Director. They have been faithful servants and will be missed but we wish them well in their new chapters of life.

The Personnel Committee partnered with the Trustees and Brad Engel via the SAPC Budget Committee to approve a cost of living adjustment (COLA) for all Staff to help keep pace with rising inflation costs. After not being able to provide this over the past several years due to the pandemic, the groups were united in supporting our staff with this important salary increase.

The Personnel Committee also supported the work of the Congregational Mission Study Team, led by Kevin Oxnam, to prepare the Mission Study report that will help guide the next phase of the Pastor Nominating process as required by Presbyterian polity.

Administrative Support

Some of our volunteers have a specific day and time that they faithfully show up each for each week, others support the ministry by being on a substitute list, and some just show up and help until the job is done. Each person takes their duties and tasks seriously and contribute their skills, love and wisdom. This year their hours totaled just under 1000. We consider each of them not just a volunteer, but a co-worker.

Jennifer Bultman Heather Brannock Logan Schmidt Clint Zamora
25 2021 2022 In Person Online Total In Person Online Total January 0 250 250 305 287 592 February 148 431 579 357 231 588 March 173 426 599 375 260 635 April 301 503 804 523 252 775 May 259 308 567 364 223 587 June 260 281 541 314 218 532 July 281 259 540 298 252 550 August 298 327 625 335 238 573 September 286 273 559 350 191 541 October 330 229 559 334 184 518 November 375 229 604 392 218 610 December 389 248 637 362 183 545 Totals 258 314 572 359 228 587 *St. Andrew’s online attendance is found with the formula (Vimeo Unique Device +YouTube Views + Facebook 1 minute Views= Unique Device Views) to find an estimated number of unique devices used to stream the service. The final number of unique devices may include anything from one individual on a mobile device like a smart phone to an entire family streaming on a TV together. January February March April May June July August September October November December Average Per Sunday Monthly Average 2022 2021 589 588 635 775 587 532 550 573 541 518 610 468 581 500 517 599 804 567 541 540 662 613 559 603 554 588 Stated Session Meetings 11 Called Session Meetings 0 Congregational Meetings 2 Monthly Attendance Total Members (as of 12/31/21) 1012 2022 New Members 20 2022 Members Lost 41 2022 Total Members (as of 12/31/22) 991 604 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 631 605 532 572 555 637 538 Attendance Trends by Quarter 2021 2022 MEMBERSHIP SESSION MEETINGS IN 2022 IN PERSON & ONLINE ATTENDANCE TRENDS Based on Monthly Averages
26 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Preliminary Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2022 General Operating Designated Endowment Properties Total All ASSETS Fund Fund Fund Fund Funds Cash & Equivalents 751,051 751,051 KMS Financial - Endowment 563,275 55,674 618,949 KMS Financial - Investments 646,233 646,233 Tompkins Trust 166,266 166,266 Due from Other Funds 1,059,448 930,942 42,412 2,032,803 Prepaid Expense 32,178 32,178 Deposits and Other Assets 3,353 3,353 Note Receivable 1,651,582 1,651,582 Property & Equipment: Land 169,344 169,344 Buildings 11,014,465 11,014,465 Vehicles 46,412 46,412 Total Assets: 2,492,263 3,312,066 55,674 11,272,633 17,132,635 LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Accounts Payable, Other Liabilities (1,928) (1,928) Advance Pledge Liability 57,600 57,600 Note Payable 1,651,582 1,651,582 Due to Other Funds 888,530 42,412 1,101,861 2,032,803 Total Liabilities: 944,202 42,412 0 2,753,443 3,740,057 NET ASSETS Current YTD net income (loss) 0 Net Assets 1,548,061 2,762,052 563,275 8,519,190 13,392,579 Net Investment in Physical Properties 0 Total Net Assets: 1,548,061 2,762,052 563,275 8,519,190 13,392,579 Total Liabilities & Net Assets: 2,492,262 2,804,464 563,275 11,272,633 17,132,635 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Preliminary Variance Analysis as of December 31, 2022 Year To Date Actual Budget Over(Under) REVENUE: Gen. Fund Contribut. 1,769,450 1,836,000 (66,550) Loose Offering 10,080 2,800 7,280 Preschool 687,406 585,190 102,216 Misc/Int/Facilitiy Use (31,765) 35,500 (67,265) Total Revenue: 2,435,171 2,459,490 (24,319) EXPENSES: Personnel 1,228,409 1,237,504 (9,095) Music/Worship 13,515 14,250 (735) Children D.M. 10,707 14,000 (3,293) Preschool 592,759 526,594 66,165 Youth D.M. 25,212 32,965 (7,753) Adult D.M. 3,336 4,050 (714) Communications 9,113 12,300 (3,187) Deacons 1,080 2,300 (1,220) Membership 193 1,425 (1,232) Evangelism/Outreach 1,662 4,750 (3,088) Stewardship 51 0 51 Fellowship 1,147 2,375 (1,228) Missions 148,599 147,104 1,495 Administration 78,270 78,000 270 Technical Resources 28,993 33,000 (4,007) Bldg.& Grounds 248,199 247,000 1,199 Interest Expense 150,164 150,164 0 Total Expenses: 2,541,409 2,507,781 33,628 NET REVENUE: (106,238) (48,291) (57,947) FINANCIAL UPDATE Preliminary Statement of Financial Position Preliminary Variance Analysis as of December 31, 2022
27 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 2021 and 2022 Designated Fund Distributions 2021 2022 (Preliminary) Adopt-A-Family 1,752 4,504 Preschool 6,071 8,425 Daily Bread 2,542 2,218 Children's Mission 0 650 Christmas Offering 16,000 36,519 Interfaith Community Serv. 260 480 Tompkins Fund 133,249 134,120 Miscellaneous Missions 30,974 63,999 Just Coffee 5,139 4,679 Service Worship 13,015 11,856 Physical Resource Endowment 9,348 5,542 Education Scholarships Endowment 2,000 7,389 Mission Endowment 1,725 1,847 General Purpose Endowment 0 3,694 Deacons' Benevolence 10,003 5,588 Deacon's Blessing Bags 1,960 3,056 Stephens Ministry 621 1,981 Music Fund 725 14,162 Bell Choir 400 252 Flower Fund 1,068 1,424 HUGS -NWSF 1,681 5,020 Youth C/E Scholarships 3,180 12,999 Library Fund 0 251 Adult Ministry Assistance 953 0 Men's Ministry 1,112 700 Women's Ministry 342 475 Columbarium 8,931 4,495 Memorial Fund 2,225 469 Maintenace Reserves 67,368 52,125 322,643 388,919 2021 and 2022 Designated Fund Distributions

7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704 520-297-7201

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

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