Become a Neighborhood Expert
uying a home can be a stressful event. In this fast-paced and highly competitive real estate market, homebuyers are depending on their Realtor® to be a trusted community expert, now more than ever before. Having a strong understanding of the market, the community, and the local neighborhoods, will help set apart the successful Realtor® from the competition. When your network of friends, family, and colleagues choose to buy or sell a home, does your name immediately come to mind as a neighborhood expert they can trust? How do you become known as the “go-to” person in your communities? We’re breaking down some helpful tips and advice from real estate experts to help set you apart as a trusted authority in the neighborhoods you serve.
FIND YOUR NICHE Realtors® are truly the heartbeat of the community. Seasoned Realtors® understand the need to have a wide range of knowledge on the many communities they serve. However, finding your niche, the communities where you feel the most confident, the most knowledgeable, and the most at ease, is where you’re going to excel the most. A neighborhood and community expert needs to be familiar with everything within that community. Ideally, you will want to choose a neighborhood that you either live in, or one that you frequent regularly. You should be in that neighborhood often enough to breed familiarity, 6 | ELEVATE [ JUNE 2021 ]
know the residents, and be comfortable answering any questions your client might ask, questions such as:
Styles of homes Average home value How often homes sell Schools in the area Places of worship Demographics Major employers Restaurants Community activities and events 1
BE THE GO-TO PERSON & BECOME A ‘LOCAL’ Being a neighborhood expert requires immersing yourself into the community, researching the area, and building strong ties to the community where you live. “I was born and raised in Anna Maria Island; I am a true area native,” said Barry Grooms, Realtor® and CoOwner, along with his wife, Sherry Grooms, of Florida SunCoast Real Estate, Inc. “How does another agent compete with a local like me? Simply put, you need to live like a local. You need to be a tourist in your own town and do all the touristy things. Visit the museums, the beaches, the businesses, and the restaurants. Know