By Miss Roselyn
H Ho ow wW We e O Org rga an niz ize e O Ou urs rse elv lve ess t the different roles Grade 1 students are learning abou munity. The Unit of com and responsibilities of people in a several roles they Inquiry has helped students discover ies within each role. represent as well as the responsibilit yone in a community has The unit’s central idea is that ever e lines of inquiry are: roles and responsibilities. The thre ity, how community the people and places in my commun role and my and ity, helpers serve their commun ents were able to stud The responsibility in my community. e inspired by wer h give Show & Tell presentations, whic kers helped spea t gues Max Lucado’s Ivan’s Hat story. The in their ies onsibilit explain their specific roles and resp ring understanding respective workplaces. The unit’s endu is taken from 1 Corinthians 12:12&14 y parts, but all its Just as a body, though one, has man with Christ. Even so many parts form one body, so it is but of many. the body is not made up of one part