grade 4
by Mrs. Sara Ashley Yurosko
temples of the “Do you not know that your bodies are received from have you m Holy Spirit, who is in you, who ht at a price. boug were God? You are not your own; you es.” bodi Therefore, honor God with your 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 rtunity to learn This quarter we had the awesome oppo n into 5 major dow es bodi about our bodies. We broke our and rely on t nden depe systems! These systems are inter ed us to dig help ve mati each other to work well. Our Sum with acts inter it way deeper into one system and the care of take can we how other systems. We also learned t to wan We . God fying our bodies to ensure we are glori the and did we ities share with you some of the activ things we learned.
Ju ne lianne Julian
The Dige stive Syst em We had so much fun learning about the digest ive system. We made clay models of the organs and used bananas and crackers to illustrate how food works its way through the digestive system.
Th e Re sp ira tor y Sy ste m
Our study of the respira tory system focused more on our responsib ility to make sure to sta y active and keep our res piratory system health y.
The Ske leta l Syst em Our good friend Mr. Bones helped us to understand the importance of all the bone s and why they all look so different. We learn ed about how our Creator was so purposeful in His design of our skeletal system. Our responsibility is to make sure to feed and exercise our bodie s to grow strong bones while we are young.
The Musc ular Syst em
each We learned how the muscle fibers slide across d other to contract our muscles. We also learne to helps that onist antag why every muscle has an for tant impor pull the other way. Exercise is super muscles to keep them healthy and strong.