SimmedUp Magazine -Issue 5

Page 6



The Sims Freeplay was introduced on December 15th 2011 and The Sims Mobile was first announced on May 9th 2017 and released on March 6th 2018. Since both games have been released they have become a vastly popular game amongst Sims fans. SimmedUp Magazine and Alaeryn Chats to Sim Gurus Megz and Alana It’s such an honor to speak with you, Alana! Our

I saw the role adver�sed at Firemonkeys for a

readers know you well as the Sims Mobile and Sims

community posi�on, I knew it was exactly what I

FreePlay community manager, and so I know they

wanted to do with my career. It was what I was

would love to know you beyond their favorite

passionate about and it sounded exci�ng.

mobile games. A: As community manager, it’s part of your job A: Where are you from? How did the place you grow


up inform your interest in games?

community at large. What are some of your favorite







types of crea�ons from Sims Mobile players? Alana: Hi A, it’s so great to be cha�ng with you and the readers of SimmedUp, thanks for invi�ng me to

Alana: I’m constantly scrolling through our social

chat! I’m from Melbourne, Australia and was

channels and keeping up to date with the

introduced to the world of video games from my big

community. My favourite types of crea�ons from

brother at a young age. I grew up playing lots of

the Sims Mobile players would have to be the

Nintendo games such as Mario Kart and Super Smash

community run compe��ons. I love these so much

Brothers but the one game that really sucked me in

because they can be crea�ve and also very

was The Sims. If you told a 10 year old me that in a

meaningful. There is nothing more special than

few years �me I would be working on a Sims game I

when you see different players coming together to

probably wouldn’t believe it, it’s a dream come true!

share their houses, Sims’ life stories and some�mes sharing more personal experiences. The great thing

A: What did you do before Sims Mobile and Sims

about The Sims franchise is that everyone can share

FreePlay? Before Firemonkeys? What’s your story?

their story and find their community.

Alana: Since I graduated from university I’ve always

A: Why community management? What do you like

been in some sort of social media and community

most about this job?

management role. Before EA Firemonkeys I worked


in the educa�on industry, which was a great

Alana: I chose the path of community management

experience but was never really my passion. When

because I’m a people person. I love working close

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