SimmedUp Magazine -Issue 5

Page 70


BECAUSE WE ALL NEED A GOOD T.O.O.L IN OUR LIVES. Ever looked at a build in Sims and thought how in the Sam heck did the creator of this build get the painting rotated? Or how did they make a vehicle with stuff you wouldn’t have even thought about?







TeaAreOhWhy’s Steam Locomotive build video here:

The answer is simple. It’s T.O.O.L Mod!!

T.O.O.L Mod (Toggle Objects Off Lot) is created by a mod creator TwistedMexi. And let me tell you, it is a gamechanger. As a builder myself in Sims, I use it a lot. And it makes the things that weren’t possible, POSSIBLE!

For example. If your building a spooky house and want to make it look super spooky with boards in front of the window, you can’t really do that. But with T.O.O.L mod you absolutely can! You can manipulate a shelf to the right size and rotate it to fit it the way you want it and not how the game wants you to use it. Check out PugOwned’s Spooky build she did.

h t t p s : / / t w i t t e r. c o m / P u go w n e d S / s t at u s / 1317807201591861250?s=20

Also I mentioned the making of vehicles. A few T.O.O.Lers (as I like to call them) have let their creativity take flight with this mod. RGR_Gaming and TeaAreOhWhy, have made pool tables. I will repeat that; they made pool tables! They are unfortunately not functional pool tables (which we all want) but they look so good in game! These two amazing creators also made vehicles in the game. RGR_Gaming has made a Fire Truck. And TeaAreOhWhy has made snow mobiles, a Steam Locomotive Engine (and yes, you read that right) and a truck. Just to name a few!



h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e. c o m / watch?v=kzCggOiwqgo Also you can find these two lovely creators on the Sims Gallery under the names: RGR_Gaming: RGR_Gaming TeaAreOhWhy: TeaAreOhWhy_NZ



T.O.O.L mod is every builder’s dream mod. If you don’t have it yet, as a builder, what are you doing with your life? Do you even Sims bro? But look… It is not easy figuring out this shenanigans over T.O.O.L Mod. I mean we all struggle with things right? And I am one of those people who do not always read the instruction manual. Okay, wait, I always read the instruction manual, but with this mod I absolutely did not. And don’t be like me. Do your homework! Properly! Thankfully TwistedMexi gave us a YouTube tutorial on how to properly use T.O.O.L Mod. As I said I did not go through the clear instructions. I basically winged it, because, Pugowned, who streams over on Twitch everyday showed us all how to use it. And yes, she also recommends you watch the video tutorial. So I guess your still wondering why is this mod so good?

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