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Spring Forward Together The pros and cons of training as a couple By Chellee Unruh
he Spring Season truly is the best time to start getting more active. The weather is warmer and the options for physical activity increase with the ability to do more things outdoors like walking, hiking or golfing. It is the perfect time to develop a spring training routine that will help you get in shape for all of your favorite spring and summer activities. Many choose to train individually, but others see spring training as a way to spend more time together as a couple.
while the other person feels the exercise is too easy. This problem can be overcome by creating individual routines that complement each other. For example, one may be doing the beginner exercise while your partner is doing a more advanced version of the same exercise. The best way to create a plan that fits both of your fitness levels is to select exercises that offer some flexibility like yoga, high-intensity interval training, or boxing.
Working out with your significant other isn’t for everyone. While some couples can work out together with ease, other couples find that training with that person can put a strain on their relationship. Working out together has many benefits for your relationship, like encouraging both partners to live an active and healthy lifestyle. Training together is not only good for your physical health but for your emotional health as well. Couples that work out together can motivate each other and infuse their connection with positive vibes, increased endorphins, and reduced stress resulting in a happy and healthy relationship.
Do your schedules allow for training together? One of the main roadblocks for couples to work out together is scheduling conflicts.
To determine if you are a good fit for training together, we created a quick guide that will help you weigh the pros and cons:
How do you work together? Are you the type of couple that works well together, or do dual projects end up in an argument? Working out together can create a power imbalance in your relationship, so if you tend to be critical vs encouraging, then training as a couple might not be the best way to reach your fitness goals. However, if you are the type of partner that enjoys motivating and encouraging your partner, then working out together is a good way to achieve your fitness goals. It is easy to give up on yourself when you are working out alone but working out with a partner can help you stay committed to your workout routine.
Do you have aligned fitness goals? The first step in determining if you are a good fit to train together is to assess each other’s fitness goals. If your goals are very different from each other, creating a workout routine that will be successful for both of you will take some planning. If your goal as a couple is to run a 5K together, then you can create a routine designed to help you reach that goal together. Do you have the same level of fitness? You also need to assess each other’s fitness levels. If your fitness levels are on opposite ends of the spectrum, creating a program that you will both enjoy will be challenging. For example, one person may feel an exercise is too hard 14
SiouxFallsWoman.net | April/May 2022
Finding a time that works for both partners’ schedules can be difficult. If you can’t sync your calendars to a dedicated workout time, it will prevent both of you from reaching your fitness goals. The way around this situation is to evaluate the priorities that take up your time and see if you can make adjustments that will allow working out together to become the higher priority.
By answering the questions in this guide honestly, you will be able to determine if a couple’s training program will be the right way to spring forward as a couple. n