Global Customer Experience Handbook
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Global Customer Service
Jet Aviation AG Flughafenstrasse CH-4030 Basel-EuroAirport / Switzerland customerservice@jetaviation.com
To All Employees Worldwide From Evie Freeman Re Welcome to the Global Customer Experience HandbookDear Colleagues,
Let me welcome you to this handbook and outline what you can expect in the next chapters. The goal of this document is to harmonize the customer experience across regions by building on the individual standards of each location. On the following pages you will read about existing best practices and new standards to enable you to leverage the network knowledge and take the global FBO community together to the next level.
I don’t intend this handbook to be a standalone manual to ensure customer satisfaction — it is part of a collection of documents that describe all the different aspects of standards when working in an FBO. My team and I worked towards giving you a wider insight into our customer centric culture as well as detailing specific expectations of customer interactions. The regional operations manuals and safety guidelines remain applicable where relevant.
Some parts of this handbook might be familiar to you - standards, habits and practices that are already part of your everyday FBO life. We have nevertheless included everything that will make up #thejetaviationexperience to ensure every single person who interacts with customers is of the same mindset knows what is expected of them every day to demonstrate unwavering customer focus.
Some chapters and practices may be new to you, and I hope they will provide an excellent opportunity to expand your skills, elevate your awareness, and shift your mindset to feel confident in your role and to accelerate the experience of the customer to the next level.
This handbook will change over time. My team and I rely on your constructive feedback from your day-to-day interaction with our customers and encourage you to share ideas and best practices across all locations.
If you run into something in this handbook that you feel needs clarification, raises a question or we have simply missed a point, please get in touch at customerservice@jetaviation.com.

Jet Aviation
Our History 8
The Jet Aviation Story 8
Our Culture 10
Our Handbook 11
Our Foundation 12
Vision and Mission 12
Purpose and Values 12
Our Customer Experience Philosophy
Seamless, Authentic and Memorable (SAM) 16 The 3 pillars of our Philosophy 17
Our Customer Experience Best Practices
Customer Service Cycle 22
Communication 24 Teamwork 26 Problem Resolution Tool 27
Our Customer Journey
Defining the Journey 30
The Jet Aviation Customer Journey 30
Delivering the Journey 32 Pre-Arrival 32
Arrival 36 On-Site 4 4 Departure 48 Post-Departure 5 4
Personalizing the journey 58 JetPack/Based/Tenant/Managed/Network Customers 59
Our Customer Experience Feedback
Customer Experience Survey 6 4
Customer Experience Values 6 4
Customer Experience Stars 65
Our Look and Feel Standards
Our People 68
Uniform 70 Appearance and Grooming 73
Our Facilities 74
Cleaning and Upkeep 74 The FBO Atmosphere 76
Annex Glossary of Terms & Acronyms 82
Commitment to Deliver our Jet Aviation Customer Experience 85

Our History
The Jet Aviation Story
Enters charter and aircraft management business in Europe
Jet Aviation enters Middle East with FBO in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Launches Aircraft Management business with acquisition of Executive Air Fleet Staffing business launches
Acquired by General Dynamics, owner of Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
Jet Aviation established with maintenance facility in Basel, Switzerland
Launches of first completion at Paris Airshow
Acquires Stead Aviation and opens FBO in Bedford Massachusetts
Company history is a powerful tool to better understand the past and to help shape the future of Jet Aviation. Jet Aviation’s story begins on November 27, 1967 in the city of Basel, Switzerland. We were the pioneers of business aviation at a time when most business airplanes were piston or turboprop aircrafts. At that time, business aviation was unheard of, and almost unimaginable. By 1992, Jet Aviation was an international company, firmly rooted on both sides of the Atlantic, offering maintenance, aircraft management, charter services, handling in FBOs and famously elaborate completions. During the years between 1967 and 1992 there was a lot of hard work and improvisation, but it was spurred by a vision and an unrivalled focus on serving our customers. In 2008, Jet Aviation’s story marked another important milestone by being acquired by General Dynamics (GD). With the support of GD we were able to establish ourselves as a leader in the business aviation services industry, proudly supporting customers worldwide by ensuring they are at the center of everything we do.
Establishes in Singapore Aircraft Management and Charter business launches in Hong Kong
Our competitive advantage
Acquisition of Hawker Pacific
Our competitive advantage is realized through our customized aviation support approach, being able to handle most services in-house through our global network. The FBO line of business is part of the Jet Aviation service offering amongst various other capabilities that make our company so unique. We have the ability to support our customers’ needs through every step of their journey - buying an aircraft through Aircraft Sales; designing and completing the exterior and interior of the airplane with our Completions; managing all aspects of aircraft operations from keeping it airworthy to trip planning by our Aircraft Management; crewing aircrafts through our Staffing; supporting mandatory inspections, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance through our Maintenance; enabling maximum use of the airplane with our Charter. Through these services the different departments all connect to the same customer, creating the need to understand what other departments outside the FBO world do and how they influence the experience of the customer. Our Defence expertise supports customer mission’s success.
Aircraft Sales
Our passion for every aspect of global flight runs incredibly deep. We provide global business aviation services that empower customers to travel anywhere in the world, quickly, conveniently, and safely. For our customers, the experience is so seamless, it’s almost invisible. Everything just seems to magically fall into place. Behind every seamless Jet Aviation interaction, however, is a huge amount of work, by a team of dedicated, passionate, and authentic people. By you.
You will make the experience Seamless, Authentic and Memorable
As we look toward the future, our story holds a world of opportunities. In your role, the customer is always your top priority. In each interaction with our customers, we set the bar higher than ever before by providing an effortless customer experience. We pave the way for a shift in customer service and focus on the journey our customers take when choosing Jet Aviation as an FBO, a charter provider, a maintenance facility or even when becoming a managed aircraft client…and we can only do that with you in the center. With a revitalized focus that delivers a single, elevated experience, we are ensuring Jet Aviation maintains relevance in an ever-changing world.
Charter FBO Defence Staffing Aircraft Management— Our customers go by many names. They are sometimes referred to as clients or accounts — Our customers are crew, passengers, dispatchers, maintenance coordinators and more — Our partners are third party suppliers / vendors, customs, and immigration officers
Rental car companies
Fuel supplier
We strive to build relationships with customers and partners. We build the relationships through our interactions.
A pilot communicates with our FBO staff, and we both communicate with the passengers. Having a good relationship with all parties involved ensures a smooth operation. This contributes to the relationships we build with our customers that define how they view Jet Aviation.
Interactions take place in different forms - verbal / nonverbal and written communication. Taking care of a customer, replying to an email, answering a phone call, greeting the crew upon arrival are just a few examples of how we interact with the customer.
Each interaction is an exchange of information with a specific desired outcome, and the quality of interaction defines what emotions are attached to the interactions.
Being able to identify what the goal of an interaction is and delivering on that goal are key.
It’s important to understand interactions and how they relate to the customer experience.
Looking at it from the customers’ perspective, flying from one FBO location to another one for them is one trip. They might be talking to many different people in both locations.
Through every step of the journey, we are working together as one team across all Jet Aviation lines of businesses, which is our competitive advantage. This allows us to elevate the experience, for both the employee and the customer. We tap into our FBO and services network to fully serve our customers.
Remember that interactions across all of our lines of businesses make up the Jet Aviation customer journey and how customers feel about the Jet Aviation brand. These interactions influence our customer’s satisfaction and loyalty as well as determine if they will recommend us to their colleagues and friends. Therefore, always remember that every single interaction along the customer’s journey is an opportunity to leave a great impression.
Our focus in this handbook is to define global and consistent standards for the customer experience to build strong relationships across our Jet Aviation network.
Our Culture Crew JetPack Passengers Based & Managed Tenants Based Managed Network Customers Caterer Partners Taxi company Hotels Customs & ImmigrationOur Brand Promise
Our brand centers on ensuring we deliver the feeling of being ‘on a cloud’ in every part of the Jet Aviation experience. This is built on the principles of personal, one-to-one service; an attention to every detail; smooth, simple interactions; and mindful decisions. It is a customer experience so seamless, it’s almost invisible.
This is our promise, which underpins our manifesto:
“At the surface, there is calm. A fine layer of simplicity and elegance. This is where you are.
You experience flight in its smoothest form. From seamless repairs to hand-crafted interiors, the beauty is built in. The details pre-designed.
You already know where you want your experience to take you. We are how you get there.
Underneath one engine part lie thousands of hours of meticulous sculpting. Within a single charter sit the countless hands that crafted the journey.
That’s where we are. The artisans underneath the art. The effort behind effortless.”
Every employee is an ambassador for our brand and our promise, ensuring they come to life in every customer experience, across our business. Anywhere, anytime.
Our Handbook
Our Global Customer Experience Handbook is designed to help you deliver customer service, and create a customer experience that results in exemplary customer engagement. Our success is measured on these 3 components. Each one has its own level of importance:
— Customer Service – is the attitude displayed when dealing with requests, delivering services, and executing tasks. It is a reactive function focusing on completing requests for products and adhering to internal and external processes
— Customer Experience – is the cumulative impact of multiple touchpoints over the course of an interaction between us and our customer. It is being proactive, anticipating needs, and creating a personalized experience that is memorable
— Customer Engagement – is the result of great customer service, and a memorable customer experience at each touchpoint along the customer journey that creates an emotional connection between our customers and the Jet Aviation brand
We strive to create a Seamless, Authentic and Memorable Jet Aviation customer journey for each and every customer.
It is through Our Vision, Mission, Purpose and Values that we focus on customer service.
By evolving and refining our offerings, we build meaningful relationships that last a lifetime.
Our Customer Experience Philosophy

Be Seamless, Authentic and Memorable. Be SAM.
We use the SAM philosophy to ensure we deliver a unique experience and create memories for our customers.
At the surface, there is calm. A fine layer of simplicity and elegance.

Our promise to a Seamless, Authentic and Memorable customer experience. Each and every time.
Pillar 1 — Seamless
Our People
— We take ownership and accept responsibility to meet all customer needs
— We use our local knowledge to recommend the best places and experiences for our customers
— We deliver the SAM experience at every location, across the globe
— We go “the Extra Mile” personalizing the customer experience
Our Product
— We are trained experts in our FBO locations and surrounding area
— We have strong relationships with our 3rd party partners to deliver all aspects of the customer experience
— We nurture these relationships by considering them as an extension to our team
— We promote the Jet Aviation Global network
— We know our competitors and build strong relationships with them
— We understand the service differentiators between us and our competitors
Our Processes
— We must follow all processes and protocols per our training guidelines
Our Tools
— We make use of all technology tools available to us (such as FBO1, Flightbridge, Email, Video Conferencing, Whatsapp, …)
— We use and collect all valuable customer information and preferences / best practices / service shortcomings via these tools to continuously innovate our customer experience
Our Customer’s Safety
— We make it our responsibility to deliver a safe customer experience
— We report any safety and security issues in the appropriate tool
— We adhere to all safety policies and procedures per our SMS training
— We communicate regularly via safety briefings and daily interactions to reinforce our safety culture
Pillar 2 — Authentic
Behavioral Styles
— We behave in a way that is consistent with the Jet Aviation Brand and Experience
— We prioritize being authentic, pro-active, and offering recognizable service
Genuine / Personality
— We use our unique personalities to enhance the customer experience
— We are genuine and caring in our service delivery
— We are honest, transparent, and open in our interactions with customers
— We adhere to the Jet Aviation values (Trust Honesty Alignment Transparency)
— We follow through from A to Z, demonstrating reliability for our customers
Pillar 3 — Memorable
— We utilize the customer preferences to offer a personalized customer experience
— We anticipate the customer’s needs to personalize each trip
Solution-Oriented Creativity
— We are resourceful in finding solutions to our customer’s needs
— We are creative when faced with challenging requests
Attention To Detail
— We always pay attention to every detail along the customer journey
— We provide personal touches even in the smallest of details
Customer Recognition
— We recognize the customer status, whether it be a new customer, tenant, managed, JetPack across the network
— We gather and update customer personal information (such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc…) to recognize important milestones and offer a personal touch
Our Customer Experience


Customer Service Cycle
The Customer Service Cycle has a beginning and an end, and then it repeats each time the customer chooses our FBO for their travel. With each customer service travel event we must complete the entire service cycle in order to achieve optimum customer satisfaction and drive customer loyalty. Let’s look at the steps in the FBO Customer Service Cycle. It takes flawless execution with every step of the service cycle to build lifelong customer loyalty.
The 7 Steps of Service
1. Greet the customer and engage with a JETitude
2. Anticipate customer needs and gather service requests
3. Deliver the service and create a Seamless, Authentic and Memorable (SAM) customer experience
4. Communicate with the team and resolve any issues with speed and professionalism
5. Ensure all services are completed and the invoicing is presented with accuracy
6. Follow-up with customer to confirm satisfaction and ask for feedback on our service today
7. Thank the customer for their business and invite them to come back
Our customer will judge us with each and every service experience. We must perform flawlessly and create SAM with consistency for every customer at every location across our FBO network.
The 7 Steps of Service
Customer Service Cycle
Anticipate Greet CommunicateEnsure Follow-up Thank Deliver
Communication is paramount to our success and especially our safety in aviation! How well we communicate with our team members, determines our ability to satisfy our customers. Our language, tone, knowledge, experience, and professionalism all influence our interactions with team members and customers. We must use our communication skills to create a positive and professional environment that evokes confidence and loyalty among ourselves and for our customers.
Verbal and Written Communication
Telephone Etiquette
— We are prepared to answer calls with our JETitude, a positive attitude and mindset
— We use a professional greeting per the Jet Aviation location guidelines
— We answer the phone within three rings
— We ask permission before placing someone on hold
— We speak in a calm and confident voice and articulate our words clearly
— We avoid interrupting
— We use proper greeting, manners, and language
— We are prepared to take a detailed message including the name and contact information
— We reply to operational telephone messages in a timely manner to meet the level of urgency needed
— We reply to all telephone messages within 24hrs
Email Etiquette
— We use proper greeting, manners, and language
— We use proper punctuation
— We keep email messages brief and to the point
— We are aware of the tone of our email
— We always proofread before sending
— We are thoughtful and professional when using the Reply, Reply All, and Forward functions
— We always use the proper corporately directed Jet Aviation signature
— We are diligent in identifying, reporting, and deleting suspicious emails
— We reply to operational emails in a timely manner to meet the level of urgency needed
— We reply to all emails within 24hrs
— We always use our “out-of-office” message to ensure customer requests can still be handled in a timely manner by stating an alternative person of contact’s email and telephone number
We communicate to our customers with verbal, non-verbal and written communication every day. Exemplary communication ensures a SAM customer experience.
Non-Verbal Communication
Body Language
— We are aware of our body language when speaking
— We ensure our body language is always professional
— We stand when appropriate to greet and engage in conversation
— We show active listening skills by maintaining eye contact and facial expression
— We match our body language to the situation
— We use our body language to show care, concern, and empathy
— We ensure our environment is clean and tidy to convey pride and professionalism
— We understand our environment communicates our competencies to customers
— We maintain our work environment to communicate the Jet Aviation brand
— We communicate the highest level of safety on our ramp with non-verbal communication
Customer Communication
Professional Language
— We must remember that our tone is always as important as our words
— We rely on communication to create a Seamless, Authentic and Memorable experience
— We personalize customer communication by using their preferred method (email, WhatsApp, text, etc.)
Professional Language Phrases for Success
We say “Good Morning, Mary” using a professional greeting and person’s name whenever possible
We say “Thank you for your feedback, Captain Lewis” using good manners language of Please and Thank you.
We say “How may I help?” using active and positive service language
We say “I apologize” using empathic language to convey we care
We say “One moment please” using service language to acknowledge and show respect of timeliness
We say “I understand and these are the options to resolve it” using language to provide them choice to personalize the resolution
Every team needs to create and build relationships among its members. These relationships help the team to communicate effectively, work together to meet objectives and delivery an exemplary customer service experience.
An FBO customer experience is made up of a complex number of tasks to be delivered by many people and many teams. The aircraft operator, the crew and the FBO are a few of the teams that need to coordinate together to make a successful customer experience come to fruition.
The Tactics of Teamwork
Attributes of Successful Teams
— We respect and trust in our team
— We can rely on one another
— We handle conflict and personality issues in a direct, professional manner
— We are conscious of learning and style differences to achieve work success
— We surface incomplete information and resolve it before it affects the customer
— We are active in meetings as part of our job responsibilities
— We have clearly defined roles and responsibilities
— We are efficient and productive
— We are skilled in decision making
— We keep one another well informed
— We work together toward our goal and objectives
— We make commitments and stick to them
— We use appropriate media to communicate messages professionally
— We communicate with one voice to other teams, and with another to customers
— We have knowledge and celebrate our successes
Attribute of Successful Team Members
The TEAM Model helps us remember our roles as team members of successful teams. Team members are Tactful with their words and actions, Energetic and effective in getting work done, Accurate in their work, and contribute to motivating in meaningful ways their teams.
T – I am Tactful E – I am Energetic and Effective
A – I am Accurate
M – I am Motivating
We are Teams serving our customers. None of us can do Everything. It is only when we work Together that we can consistently succeed!
Problem Resolution Tool
No two days or teams are exactly alike, but all teams experience and need to resolve problems. There are internal issues and there are external issues that arise. Both types of issues can be resolved effectively with the right tools. Resolving problems relies on learning and implementing problem solving technique and skill.
Our Technique
The 6 Steps of Problem Solving
1. Let the customer speak so you can clearly identify and understand the problem
2. Apologize for the situation and ensure the customer we will resolve the problem
3. Involve the appropriate stakeholders to gather all the information and find and execute a solution
4. Follow up with the team and then the customer to confirm the issue is resolved
5. Thank the customer for their feedback, the opportunity to resolve the issue and invite them to come back
6. Examine the problem and resolution to review opportunities for process improvement and personnel coaching
Let the customer speak Apologize Involve Follow-up Thank Examine
Our Skills
The Problem-Solving Skillset
— We are Seamless in our ability to quickly understand problems and identify solutions
— We are Authentic in our ability to empathize with the customer and take responsibility
— We are Memorable in our ability to take a problem and handle it so well that we create a customer for life
When problems arise, it is the way in which we handle the problem that the customer will remember most.
Our Customer Journey

“The best advertising for you, is how you do your work.”
— Elie Zelouf

The Jet Aviation Customer Journey
Everyone making up our FBO team is an expert on customer service. At one point or another during the day, every one of us plays the role of the customer. Picture in your mind a customer service counter. On one side of the counter is you, the customer. You know exactly what your expectations are.
Keep a positive attitude and mindset as you start your day, every day: it’s your JETitude
At Jet Aviation we want all our FBO teams to focus on the customer and how this resolute focus can set us apart from our competition.
“Customer Service is not a department, it’s an attitude. Customer Service is not a department, it’s a philosophy. Customer Service is not a department, it’s everyone’s job.” By making it everyone’s job regardless of our role we improve our day-to-day FBO operational experience contributing towards a Seamless, Authentic and Memorable exchange.
In this part of our handbook, we have decided to take you along the customer journey and structure the customer experience at the following key touchpoints:
Pre-Arrival Arrival On-Site Departure Post-Departure
It is our strong belief that the customer experience can be made Seamless, Authentic and Memorable starting from when the customer reaches out to us, to the moment they depart from our location, right up until after they have left our facility.
Every transaction, interaction and touch point is an opportunity to create a meaningful moment, an emotional connection that will endure – a relationship.
Therefore, in every customer interaction, you and your FBO team must consider these two main questions:
— Am I enhancing the customer experience in a meaningful way? — Am I creating loyalty by satisfying the customer?
We have structured the touchpoints in such a way that we can differentiate between Customer Service (CS), Customer Experience (CX) and finally Customer Engagement (CE).
The below service techniques will help you deliver an outstanding customer experience throughout the customer’s journey through our facility. Ultimately, the employee experience makes the customer experience. If you have the right standards, tools, practices, team members and managers to support you in your daily operations, you will be able to give the best experience possible to our customers.
Each of the following sections are set up in a way to bring you closer to what is the Seamless, Authentic and Memorable experience we want the customer to enjoy. Then we go on to listing the reactive function of delivering an impeccable customer service in the relevant section, followed by the proactive function of how we want you to make the customer feel and finally bringing in the element of customer engagement, meaning how to nurture the relationship you have built by applying the last 2 elements.
To make it clearer, we will break down each part of the customer journey to illustrate the following:
— Seamless, Authentic and Memorable — Customer Service — Customer Experience — Customer Engagement
The prerequisite of understanding and carrying out the upcoming standards, is prior on-boarding and training following our local management and operations manual provided to you by your FBO team and found on our intranet page.
For EMEA & APAC, please refer to:
https://intranet.jetaviation.com/location/emeaasia/policies_manuals/Pages/ default.aspx
For the US, please refer to:
Pre-Arrival Experience
Seamless, Authentic & Memorable
For us to deliver a Seamless, Authentic and Memorable experience to the customer we must make sure that the first impression is impeccable. As you are aware, the customer experience most often starts when the customer makes first contact to request handling. During the whole customer experience, we don’t differentiate between crew, passengers, partners, and internal customers - we aim to deliver the same consistent level of service to every single person entering and exiting Jet Aviation premises.
This first contact between Jet Aviation and its customers is crucial and we must not underestimate the importance of the first impression.
“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”
— Will Rogers, American humorist and entertainer
Customer Service
— Every service request is confirmed separately
The written handling confirmation should always include the following items:
— Our FBO contact information
— Our order/reference number (from FBO1)
— Customer reference number
— Aircraft data, registration or callsign
— Inbound and Outbound flight information
— AOC and VAT applicability
— Payment form, terms and conditions
— Requested services
— Additional remarks (traffic conditions, slots, temporary unavailable services, fire category, …) If a service is initially confirmed to a customer by phone, an additional written confirmation should be sent by email. If the customer does not wish to receive a written confirmation, this request should be recorded in FBO1 for means of tracking and invoicing
— Requests are prioritized and handled accordingly
— We reply to all operational requests in a timely manner to meet the level of urgency need
— We reply to all operational requests within 24hrs
— Customers are provided with clear and concise information
— Provide every relevant piece of information and mention anything that can aid a smoother experience
— Discuss alternate solutions if something can’t be organized as a customer has requested before the arrival of the aircraft in order to minimize any disappointment upon arrival
— The customer is informed we are working on their request and is thanked for contacting us
— If the customer is trying to reach us outside of office hours, we have previously set up a professional Out of Office response including important contact information and phone numbers in case of emergency
Customer Experience
— To ensure customers feel they are in good hands with us, we provide them with the proper guidance.
— Read the entire request, ask questions if anything is unclear –communicate openly as a team as well as with customers
— Never make assumptions — Seek clarity
— Provide information and details that go beyond the operational request
— Explain local regulations to our customers
— Keep them informed about any changes that might impact their operations
— The customer is assured that the request will be provided as confirmed and agreed
— Communicate with expertise to make sure the customer feels like they are in good hands
Best practices for the pre-arrival experience
Our communications to the customer are globally aligned with the Corporate Identity and Corporate Design of Jet Aviation. This includes but is not limited to signatures in Outlook, Out of Office set on shared email inboxes as well as on personal inboxes, sending emails out from our work smartphones (“Get Outlook for iOS” as signature for example is not professional when reaching out to a customer).
This ensures a consistent brand image whilst communicating with customers. We have identified that not each FBO location replies to customers in the same way. Some emails will include the signature of the person replying and some won’t, some will reply with a different font.
Please refer to Brand Guidelines document made available on the Intranet –section Typography:
Based on customer feedback, we were able to discover that slot accommodation is often the breaking point for crews. If we make sure that we understand the importance of slot accommodation in our FBO it will ensure a smoother arrival procedure.
Customer Engagement
The customer communication is clear and consistent, creating confidence that all of their needs will be met.
This builds the beginning of the customer relationship and sets the tone for their satisfaction and engagement throughout their customer journey.
Arrival experience
Seamless, Authentic & Memorable
The arrival experience touchpoint is a crucial interaction that we, as an FBO team, need to make sure is always carried out in the best possible way to ensure the Seamless, Authentic and Memorable customer experience. Body language plays an important role in building a relationship with the customer upon arrival. Often, we are not aware of how our body language influences the person we are interacting with. Maintaining eye contact, keeping an open body stance, and smiling are just some examples of how you can influence positively the interaction you are having.
Like our FBO facilities, our team makes a first impression on customers when they arrive.
Be mindful of how this influences the overall experience.
When interviewing crews, the most frequent complaint is that no one was on the ramp to greet the aircraft when they arrived. This also has an influence on making a first impression.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
— Benjamin Franklin, American polymath
Customer Service Efficiency
— Organizing and providing requested services is our top priority
— While setting priorities on services, we anticipate needs and are always one step ahead
— The briefing and pre-shift meeting about the set-up of a flight and the sharing of all information obtained will guarantee an efficient customer experience
— Always look for absolute clarity on what our customers have requested if it is not clear
— Summarize the requested services to make sure that we have fully understood what the customer is asking of us
— Utilize all technology available to deliver a seamless handling experience (both internally and when dealing with customers)
— Once assigned to an arrival, take ownership of it by having as much information on the planned arrival as possible. Information sources include, but are not limited to: FBO1, Airport Info Systems, CRM, crew service sheet, etc
Single point of contact (poc)
— The team member assigned is the bridge between the crew and a flawless handling
— Every aspect of the arrival experience is managed by us, and we are available at all times
— We become a partner of the crew for the duration of the interaction and assume the role of the local expert
Crew want to be recognized and their service requests anticipated. This step is crucial to better knowing preferences, understanding needs, and setting priorities on service.
Customer Experience
Welcome and cared for
— Make a great first impression upon arrival
— Be hospitable, engaging, and focused at all times
— Always anticipate needs
— Securely guide our customers whilst at our premises and take responsibility for their well-being
— Follow the relevant safety rules and regulations detailed in the operations manuals
— Recognize the status of the customer to personalize the experience
— Pride yourself on building relationships with our customers
— Always pay attention to the details of the customer preferences
Radio communication: when inside, radio volume is to be turned down to a volume that can be heard only by you. Otherwise, customers can hear everything that is being said. There are times we need to repeat information for clarification purposes. If the customers overhear us giving the same instructions several times, they may doubt our ability to get the job done.
Preparing for aircraft arrival
— Own the arrival
— 30-60 min prior to the arrival of an aircraft, ensure we are operationally prepared
— Full focus is needed on Ground to Air Radio communication. Remain precise with minimal words, as other people may be monitoring the same frequency. Only use appropriate language, refrain from having personal conversations, using bad language, and telling jokes. Radios are for Jet Aviation business only
— Ensure services requested in advance are organized and ready such as: the fuel truck, luggage carts, and onward transportation for both Airside and Landside
— A line service technician / ramp agent / FBO team member has been assigned to assist with the arrival and is fully aware of what is expected of them. All the relevant information to deliver a SAM arrival experience to our customers has been shared with them
“Rockstar parking” is currently being offered in our FBO in IAD. No, you don’t have to be a Rockstar to receive it, the team offers this to our new customers. The team at IAD parks the aircraft directly outside the door from the lobby to the ramp. A red carpet is rolled out for the additional SAM factor.
• Taking care of passengers
Passenger greeting etiquette
— Airside/on the ramp/apron: when meeting and greeting, always ensure that there is adequate staff present based on the flight in question
— Always face the customer
— As customers start to disembark, welcome them, and always smile
— Our hands are kept outside our pockets at all times, no slouching or leaning
— Always open the door for the passengers to their airside transportation
Baggage handling
— The luggage of our customers is always offloaded with our assistance
— Always place bags on either hotel type trolleys, in vehicles or golf cart or alternative luggage transportation means
— Do not set the luggage directly on the tarmac to avoid damaging it (with oil, fuel spill, debris, rain, etc…)
— Make sure there are sufficient staff to offload luggage
— Prior to customers getting on board, have the mode of transport prepared
— Check the car by paying close attention to cleanliness, comfort, safety, and music
— Make sure the car is clean, inside, and outside
— The car has been cooled or heated prior to passengers getting in
— We make sure that the car radio is off, unless requested by the customer
— To avoid any damage to the luggage and ensure the safety of the passengers, store the luggage securely
— When boarding customers, make sure to hold the car door open for them to sit in the back
— Respond politely to queries, otherwise we do not engage in conversation, but always smile
— Drive in compliance with local airport regulations at an appropriate speed
— If escorting the passengers by foot back to the FBO supervise the passengers at all times and do not permit them to wander off
— Ensure they keep to established paths / routes to the FBO
— During inclement weather, passengers shall be offered to use an umbrella as we don’t want them getting wet
Crew communication
— Inform the crew of what you are doing and inform them when you will be back
— You are the one point of contact – manage the crew’s expectations
Customs & Immigration / Security Clearance
— Create the right atmosphere and guide them through the process so they understand who they will be seeing, where and why to make the experience smoother
— Knowing the local Customs and Immigration officers is of the utmost importance. Fostering the relationship with local authorities will enhance the customer arrival experience
• Taking care of crew
Crew greeting etiquette
— Crew will be the first person to disembark from the flight – normally it would be the Lead Captain
— Welcome them and introduce yourself to them as the single Point of Contact (POC)
— Reconfirm the previously requested services and enquiry about any changes to their needs. We stay on top of the requested services and manage them to completion
— Our role is to be an extension of the crew when it comes to take care of the passengers. Taking care of the passengers is taking care of the crew
— Interpret crew body language whilst listening effectively to the crew’s requests and promptly take the necessary actions to assist them
— Anticipate the needs of the crew by maintaining situational awareness
— Keep the crew constantly informed of unexpected delays in services (fuel truck, transport, etc.)
— Build a rapport with the crew through good communication
— Refer to Baggage handling in Taking Care of Passengers section
— Be mindful of distinguishing between the passenger luggage and crew luggage to ensure all luggage gets to the right place
— Proactively manage expectations of the crew by always having a Plan B lined up if things don’t go according to plan
— Indicate, to the best of your knowledge and experience, the time it takes to carry out requested services (e.g: what number in the fuel queue)
Crew transportation
— We use crews’ time wisely by confirming any transportation needs upon arrival (taxi, crew car, etc.)
— When escorting the crew by foot, they must be supervised at all times and not permitted to wander if applicable to your location
— During inclement weather, crew members shall be offered to use an umbrella
— When transporting the crew by car, make sure heating or aircon is appropriately adjusted and that the car radio is turned off before crew enter the vehicle
— Invite the crew to board the vehicle, open and close door (crew normally sit in the back). Drive at appropriate speed according to local airport regulations. Luggage must be stored and secured in such a way to avoid damages and injury to occupants
Customs & Immigration / Security Clearance
— Refer to Customs & Immigration / Security Clearance in Taking Care of Passengers section
Crew Departure
— As the assigned single Point of Contact, we ensure that we have fulfilled all requests (such as before departure) and we follow through until they have actually left our facility
— Sharing all feedback with team members as appropriate is crucial
— We record any service issues or preferences provided by the crew and communicate these within our team for future flights
Best practices for the arrival experience
Be a Jet Aviation Brand Ambassador
We promote all available services in our FBO for the customer’s convenience and to increase revenue.
We promote all lines of business of Jet Aviation to best meet the customer’s total aviation needs.
Remember what we said before about everything being everybody’s job? In fact, the FBO teams are the ones that can make instant revenue. Sales generate future revenues, but you, the FBO team, can secure revenue today.
There are at least four different occasions to up-sell:
— When the customer sends the handling request
— Shortly before landing when the crew is calling on the radio
— Upon arrival, when the FBO staff meets the customer at the aircraft
— Upon arrival at the reception, before the customer departs
Up-selling scenario
When you receive a customer request and see that only handling has been requested, ask when sending the confirmation if the customer requires additional services such as accommodation if the aircraft is staying overnight. You can suggest that we have a selection of hotels with attractive Jet Aviation rates. If Ground Operations does not say yes to an additional service at the time of making the request, there is a good chance that the crew will say yes upon arrival. Another example includes pro-actively offering water- and toilet servicing if the aircraft comes from a long-haul flight or also presenting the catering menu and making recommendations instead of just listing the catering providers.
Making a sale is often as simple as asking the customer. By making this part of your regular dialogue, it will begin to come naturally and not sound forced in any way. Make sure you inform yourself about all the products and services Jet Aviation has to offer.
— Maintenance
Utilizing technology to our advantage
As a brand ambassador we are proficient in using the technology. Using iPads to manage aircraft and customer requests in real time has a significant impact on the customer experience by saving time.
Team member communication
Conducting a shift brief / handover for every shift is one of the most important activities an FBO team can do to ensure the customer experience is great. Talking about the set-up of an incoming aircraft, issues, sharing ideas and concerns, stating expectations, and giving the team an overall direction for the day is the single most effective way to significantly impact service delivery and team motivation for the better.
The following items are guidelines to direct the meeting in a positive, constructive way:
— Goal of the day, creating a “SAMoment” with a particular customer, talk about what today’s movements are, talk about yesterday’s movements (service issues, unhappy customer, service stars and best practices), celebrate employees and recognize their great work, explain about new products and services, procedures, or relevant airport information important for the day
Maintaining continuity between shifts is critical and a seamless handover is important. The handover should include all outstanding tasks and issues clearly listed and prioritized. This includes customers, partners, services, and team members.
Everyone needs to know everything about everything. The pre-shift meeting is our best ally to create a consistent product and service, build team-spirit and teamwork, encourage staff feedback and involvement, ensure proper appearance and readiness, motivate, and recognize.
Customer Engagement
The arrival experience was smooth, seamless and we fulfilled every customer request.
This builds trust and confidence for the continuation of the customer relationship.
On-Site Experience
Seamless, Authentic & Memorable
The on-site experience touchpoint is a crucial interaction that needs to be carried out in the best possible way to ensure the Seamless, Authentic and Memorable customer experience. Our team is the single most important part of offering the best customer experience when the customer enters and exits our facility. At this point, our team will meet, greet and assist all passengers and crews. All communication with customers is projected using a clear, positive tone.
“FBOs provide not just a great experience for the passenger, but also for the crew. Meeting each group of people’s specific requirements is key to a successful FBO.”
“There are no traffic jams along the extra mile”
— Roger Staubach, former professional football quarterback
— Dave Paddock, President of Jet Aviation
Customer Service
— Utilize the existing customer database to know the customer that is in our facility to make the FBO feel like their home away from home
— Personalize the interaction by using useful information including tail number, name, company, preferences
— Make it our mission to address the customer by name as much as possible
— Newly learned preferences are shared with the team during this visit and are updated in our existing database for future visits
Studies show that the best way to create personalized relationships with customers is to bring of topics including children, pets and hobbies. Try it!
— Our team are experts at everything we have to offer at our FBO but also the surrounding area
— Offering prearranged or on the on-the-spot services like lunch recommendations, transportation, things to do in the area are part of our proactive approach to a SAM customer experience
— Prepared packages are provided with maps, local area guides, events happening in the local area for the passenger/crew during their stay
— Be the customer’s concierge with “JETitude” to make sure we are creating a memorable experience for the customer
Our team in Basel provide swimming bags for customers to float down the Rhine River in the summer. This is always highly appreciated and extremely memorable. Think about what you can offer customers at your location.
— Whenever a customer is in-house, we strive to recognize them by name and engage in building the relationship they deserve. This includes the customer status (tenant, based, managed, JetPack, etc..)
— While the customer is in-house, we strive to recognize their loyalty by knowing their status
— We strive to recognize them personally by acknowledging birthdays, number of visits, wedding anniversaries, promotions, and any other special and unique events
Here are some ways to find out a customer’s name:
Database (FBO1) / Company badges / Luggage tags / Introducing yourself / Reservations (hotel, rental car) / Credit cards / Business cards
Our Customer Journey
Customer Experience
— Making sure that the on-site customer has everything they need by engaging with the customer and offering services and amenities before they have to ask
By remembering their favorite amenities (coffee, cookies, etc…) we can make them feel special and comfortable while they are away from home
— Be approachable and available by making eye contact and being aware of your surroundings and the people that are coming and going
— Provide communication on the status of services requested such as catering and fueling throughout their service experience
— Work together with 3rd party partners to ensure timelines for service are being met for the customer (ex: catering company to deliver a last-minute lunch faster than normal, transportation company staging)
Best practices for the on-site experience
Managing multiple customers
During high volume periods, when one customer contacts you on the radio, another calls on the phone, and a third is standing in front of you: use your customer service multi-tasking skill set to make every customer feel acknowledged and important.
— Acknowledge waiting customers with non-verbal communication, such as a nod, a wave, or a smile
If the phone is ringing whilst serving a customer in front of you, politely excuse yourself to the customer in front of you so you can answer the phone within 3 rings and put the caller on hold
— Utilize the “JETitude” mindset to keep calm and ensure that no customer is made to feel like an interruption
Rather than simply gesturing or pointing, accompany passengers and crew to lounges, snooze rooms and comfort stations.
We need to work professionally and collaboratively with our partners (transportation, catering, fuel, etc…). These strong partnerships create more trust, and ultimately allow us to provide a better service experience. Our partner relationship directly impacts the customer experience we are looking to elevate because a satisfied partner will be more willing to fulfill our requirements in terms of quality and especially for last minute demands.
Our partners are an extension of our team, our success is dependent on their success and vice versa.
“SAMoment”Customer Engagement
The on-site experience made our customers feel recognized as part of the Jet Aviation family in their home away from home.
This continues to strengthen the customer relationship by demonstrating that we can meet and exceed all of their needs.
“Expect the unexpected”
— Bear Bryant, former football player and coachSeamless, Authentic & Memorable
We mentioned during the arrival experience that the first impression is important. Even more so, is the last impression as it leaves a lasting imprint on our customers. The lasting impression on the final touchpoint of on the customer’s journey is going to define the customer’s loyalty in continuing to choose Jet Aviation for future visits.
It is our responsibility to prepare the departure of our customers. On the day before the departure, we must ensure that we gather all the information we need to deliver an exceptional customer experience such as reviewing the manifest, having the customer arrival time, amenities aboard the aircraft and review the profile preferences.
We make sure to provide a smooth passenger / crew experience, by not exposing what is going on behind the scenes. We’re hard at work putting everything together, but to the eye of the customer everything appears effortless.
We are facilitators and we are problem solvers. We want to be one step ahead of the customer so if something happens, we can adjust and adapt so that their experience still appears effortless, even though there may be a lot of complexity in the background. You need to be able to be highly adaptable.
Customer Service
— We anticipate the departure of our customers by being ready before the crew and passengers arrive at our location
— All services are planned, arranged, and fulfilled as requested (coffee-tea-water, catering, ice, newspapers, GPU, fuel, etc…)
— Be ready to provide material and equipment (carpets, luggage carts, umbrellas) and make sure they are within reach to be used in anticipation of the aircraft departure
Manage expectations
— We put a time behind timely (the fuel truck is arriving in 15min)
— Focus on what we can do as opposed to saying no to the customer
— Pro-actively communicate solutions and alternatives
— Plan, arrange, and fulfill any request in preparation for the departure
Our Geneva and Zurich FBO Team offer a selection of over 1500 newspapers readily available for printing on site from PressReader.
Customer Experience
— The entire team works together and supports each other towards the successful departure of the customer
— Support passenger and crew needs throughout the departure experience
— Communication is key when customers are travelling from one Jet Aviation location to another to enhance the departure experience
— Updating all stakeholders associated with the trip as needed in the event of issues or unscheduled delays so the rest of their days travel logistics can be adjusted accordingly
— Any follow up requests get completed for the customer (receipt sending via email for example)
Once the passenger has boarded the aircraft, never board the aircraft unless invited to do so. Once passengers are on board, we have handed their needs over to the crew.
• Passenger departure experience
Passenger comfort
— When waiting to depart, we show passengers to the lounge and offer beverages/amenities to enjoy
Baggage handling
— Always place bags on either hotel type trolleys, vehicle/golf cart or alternate luggage transportation
— Make sure there are sufficient staff to load luggage
— Before departure, make sure that all luggage is on board
Passenger transportation to aircraft
— Refer to section “Arrival experience”
Customs & Immigration / Security Clearance
— Refer to section” Arrival experience”
• Crew departure experience
Crew comfort
— The crew is normally expected to arrive at the FBO 1.5 – 2 hours prior to the planned departure
— When crew arrive on site for departure, we show them around the FBO and offer beverages / amenities / assistance as needed
Baggage handling
— Refer to Baggage handling in Passenger departure experience
Flight services
— While the crew is setting up their flight documents, we can deliver crew luggage to the aircraft for their convenience
— If a requested service is not possible, always have a backup plan (e.g.: 3 different newspapers if the one requested is not available)
— Reconfirm all services have been completed for departure such as fueling, invoicing, catering
— Communicate to the crew immediately when the passengers have arrived
— Prior to services being completed, communicate status updates to the crew. This way we are able to manage the crew’s expectations
— Print out the flight briefing documents and then place them in a Jet Aviation branded folder before the crew arrives. They are available through your regional Marketing department
— If the crew arrive early, we update the documents regarding weather conditions, parking position, etc...
Crew transportation to aircraft
— Refer to the ”Arrival experience” section
Customs & Immigration / Security Clearance
— Refer to the ”Arrival experience” section
When going through the screening process for passengers and crew, make sure to add a Jet Aviation luggage tag so it can easily be identified when picking up the items. This may speed up the process, especially if there is a lot of people and the screening area is being shared between different handlers.
• Invoicing
— Always ask our customer to review the bill before signing
— When charging a credit card, ask for the customer’s preferred credit card to be used
— Our team is open to constructive feedback and we ask how the customer’s experience was with us
• Last impressions
Acknowledge our customers who are leaving by thanking them, wishing them a safe flight and say that we are looking forward to seeing them soon again at Jet Aviation
Best practices for the departure experience
• Arrival of customers for departure
Street side
We stand ready to serve when passengers and/or crew arrive street side. Our posture and body language reflects respect and a deliberate intention to assist. As appropriate, unless door staff or crew are available to open the vehicle door, reach out and open the driver / passenger door. Offer a welcome greeting by using the name of the customer where known and appropriate.
When the passengers are ready to depart, escort them to the aircraft, offering small talk only as welcomed.
Air side
We escort the passenger to the aircraft stairs in a safe manner. When crew is standing stair side, we stand to the opposite side of the stairs, bidding the passenger farewell.
Once the passenger has boarded the aircraft, and if the vehicle is still available airside we look inside the vehicle to ensure nothing has been left behind and if so, and advise the crew as necessary.
Delay / Cancellation
If a delay and/or cancellation occurs, and the boarding time will be delayed
— Keep the passenger / crew informed so they can manage their time and expectations
— Provide a comfortable waiting area / conference room for the passengers as well as a refreshment or other amenities to make them more comfortable
— Provide an update every 15 minutes so the passenger / crew knows what to expect regarding their new departure time
— For a cancellation due to technical issues, provide the client with alternative flight (transportation) options by recommending our charter services
— For maintenance issues related delays, we recommend our maintenance capabilities
Problem resolution
When handling a passenger / crew issue, we apologize when a situation occurs, and work to quickly rectify it. Always follow-up to ensure an acceptable resolution
— For a more detailed approach on how to resolve problems, please refer to the 6 steps of problem resolution found in the Problem Resolution Tool section
Taking responsibility and ownership of customer incidents and complaints is another opportunity in which we can shine. There will be times that a customer’s expectations will not be met. This is not a time to blame, make excuses or point fingers. It is time for action!
Customer Engagement
The departure experience left them completely satisfied and feeling more loyal.
We created a Seamless, Authentic and Memorable customer experience and have crafted a Jet Aviation brand ambassador for our network.
Seamless, Authentic & Memorable
Our customer experience does not end with the aircraft departure from our location. The experience extends beyond.
We make it a point to pro-actively ensure that the customer’s journey continues to be Seamless, Authentic, and Memorable. By adding the final touches to the customer experience, the customer does not view their visit to our FBO as a standalone transaction, but more something that is part of their ongoing relationship with Jet Aviation as a valued customer.
“It’s not the destination, it’s the journey”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson, essayist and poet
Customer Service
Jet aviation network
— All important information should be communicated to the next Jet Aviation FBO / MRO

— Document the relevant crew details for the automated survey invitation
— For the detailed procedure, please refer to the Customer Experience Survey section in Our Customer Experience Feedback
— Internally, recognize service success, identify continuous improvement opportunities, and analyze service failures
Customer Experience
Heard & listened to
— When we ask customer for their feedback, and they share their opinions, the conversation does not stop there, we take action
— Following up on their complaints and service improvement ideas and keeping them informed every step of the way will lead to our customer feeling like their opinions matter and they are taken seriously, be it positive or negative feedback
— Similarly, letting them know that we appreciate the compliment they give us keeps us connected
— The experience at Jet Aviation imprints a lasting memory and makes them look forward to our next interaction

— Extremely satisfied customers are more likely to share a positive experience within their network and thus are more likely to bring business to Jet Aviation
— Customer retention has a direct impact on profit increase, meaning you contribute to the success of Jet Aviation by providing a SAM experience
— Acquiring a new customer requires a significantly larger effort than retaining an existing customer
— Loyal customers tend to purchase more, are more open minded to trying new offerings, and are more forgiving when encountering service failures
Customer Engagement
The post-departure experience was timeless, efficient, and flawless.
The customer leaves our facility as a brand ambassador, and we have increased their loyalty and they can’t wait to come back.
We aim to align our practices globally. If your location is using best practices that you think the whole network could benefit from, get in touch with the Global Customer Experience Team at: customerservice@jetaviation.com

“Make the customer the hero of your story”
— Ann Handley, Business Speaker
We have identified the top 50 Global FBO customers and they collectively are known as The JetPack. The name is for internal use only so that we, in an open operational environment, can talk about them. Given their importance, we as a team need to work together to enhance our relationships with this customer base.
We consistently evaluate our customer’s activity, share of wallet feedback, contractual performance and lines of business used to meet and exceed on our service promise and ultimately increase loyalty. Your contribution in personalizing the journey for these customers are by means of recognizing the customers who belong to the JetPack, nurturing the relationships with theses customers and finally escalating any service issues that may have occurred during the customer experience.
There are a couple of ways to identify the JetPack customers during the daily operations at a quick glance.

— In FBO1, look out for the diamond in the new view (red one in the handlings page along with a “Yes” in a JetPack column; yellow in the order)

In FBO1, in the classic OPS layout, make sure to look out for customer value “JetPack customer Yes” in the Properties section

Nurturing the relationship
When dealing with JetPack customers, some examples of how to personalize the relationship can be found below:
— Handwritten personalized card
— Dedicated brand ambassador welcoming them upon arrival
— Preferred parking spot for the car
— Priority aircraft parking for their aircraft on the ramp or hangarage
Think of other possible personalization options applicable to your location!
Sometimes things don’t go entirely as they are planned, either for mistakes made or circumstances that are out of our control. Should a service issue occur, please refer to the Service Issue Reporting process found on the Global Customer Service intranet page.
Based, Tenant, Aircraft Managed & Network Customers
— At Jet Aviation a tenant customer is a customer that rents out either a hangar space or an office space
— A based customer refers to a customer having their aircraft being based at our FBO location
— A managed customer is defined as having their aircraft managed by Jet Aviation Aircraft Management

— A network customer is considered a customer who uses multiple Jet Aviation locations and may have contractual benefits throughout our network
Nurturing the relationship
When dealing with the above customer segments, here are some ways of nurturing the relationships:
— Customers may already be using or have a future need to use other Jet Aviation FBO locations and lines of business throughout their customer journey
— We maintain customer preferences and share them across all lines of business to better serve our customers
— During the daily operations we make sure to pass any out of the ordinary information on to the next Jet Aviation line of business as appropriate
Here are ways to find out customer’s birthdays: Passenger and Crew details in FBO1 / Any instance when a passport is provided / From the driver’s license when renting a car / Flight Briefing Package
Our Customer Experience Feedback

Customer Experience Surveys
We are collecting feedback from our customers through the global customer experience survey program to understand how we live up to our service and brand promise, and the standards established in this handbook. We use the tool called Qualtrics to invite customers to fill out surveys, process feedback received, and analyze the data collected that helps us to identify trends and improvement opportunities.
The survey program enables us to show genuine interest in our customer’s opinion and foster open communication, and ultimately these aspects contribute to building and strengthening relationships. You start this process by collecting customer data such as their name and email address and inputting it in the FBO1 system where the automated process takes care of sending out the survey invitation email to the customer. The system has a built-in process that automatically makes sure that we do not overwhelm the customer with survey invitations, so you don’t have to worry about it.
For the full Customer Feedback Collection Process please visit the Global Customer Service Intranet page.
Customer Experience Values
When our customers submit a survey and agree to be contacted, we have an opportunity to engage in a conversation to address unsatisfied feedback or thank the customer for complimenting the team. In each location there are nominated users who follow up on customer submissions.
If you are interested in the full procedure on how the follow up process looks like, please refer to the Ticketing Guide on the Global Customer Service intranet page.
Each customer submission feeds into our global overview, where we identify trends and customer touchpoints to ultimately enhance the customer experience. FBO managers have a dashboard of their specific FBO survey responses and can then determine action items if needed.
Each location has a customer survey collection target to gather an appropriate amount of customer feedback.
Through the survey, we ask questions about different aspects of our service. The customer feedback we receive feeds into 3 individual scores: the Net Promoter Score (NPS), the Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and the Customer Effort Score (CES).
The NPS measures the likelihood of the customer recommending our services to others based on a scale from 0 (not at all likely) – 10 (extremely likely). This measure is one of our company’s key performance indicators as it helps Jet Aviation measure the customer experience on a global, regional, and local basis. For this reason, there is a target set by management for the NPS score that is part of the incentive plan for each and every Jet Aviation employee. For more information on this, please approach your manager.
The CSAT examines the overall satisfaction of the customer on a scale from 1 (unacceptable) – 5 (excellent).
The CES gives the opportunity for the customer to rate us on how easy it is to do business with us on a scale from 1 (very difficult) – 5 (very easy).
Customer Experience Stars
The feedback collected from the surveys is not only used to measure our performance, but also to celebrate our success and internally foster a culture of recognition.
The customer completing a survey has an opportunity to directly recognize an employee for outstanding service and send a card via our internal employee recognition program. This recognition is then posted on the Awards feed.
In the spirit of fostering a culture of recognition, feel free to give a shout out to your teammates for elevating the customer experience! In other words: if you see something (you like), say something on Elevate.
Social media campaign
From the customer recognitions, we select Customer Experience Stars on a monthly basis who are featured on the following social media platformsFacebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. This social media campaign is aimed at applauding colleagues around the globe who go out of their way to deliver that Seamless, Authentic and Memorable customer experience.
#SAMbassador #Seamless #Authentic #Memorable #SAM #JetAviation

Everything speaks. Making a first impression might take just a few seconds, but it can have a long-lasting effect. During each interaction, your look and behavior create customer’s impressions about our level of competency and professionalism. Make a great impression by maintaining awareness of your attire and personal appearance. The key elements of our image are an approachable smile, immaculate grooming, classy style, and a positive attitude. With certain roles, you are provided with a set of uniforms to complete your look. If that is the case, following all uniform guidelines is essential.
Wearing a uniform can be a tool to distinguish ourselves from the customers. The role of the uniform goes beyond just how we look. It has the ability to communicate job roles and responsibilities for our customers and among ourselves that works to increase customer service communication and efficiency.
Our brand is built on trust and consistency which enables our customers to instantly feel at home at every Jet Aviation location. Following the uniform guidelines helps to create a look and feel at our FBOs that provides a great opportunity to display consistency, promote our brand and stand out from the competition.
Our consistent brand look and feel supports SAM by allowing the customers to instantly recognize us, the Jet Aviation brand and our team members. It quickly conveys that we are ready and available to serve our customers.
At the same time the uniform and the defined expectations provide convenience for you, promote unity, and create a sense of belonging. Take pride in the way we present ourselves. It is the responsibility of each team member to ensure that our appearance achieves the highest standard at all times. Uniforms can help build the professional personal image that makes you feel proud and confident during your workday.
The uniform is part of your tool kit supporting you to display your best performance and therefore should only be worn while travelling to and from work and being at work. If you opt for changing into uniform at work, ensure you are in uniform at your scheduled start time.

Our Uniform
A uniform is a simple vector that promotes a sense of unity for teams.
We believe that the uniform encourages collaborative effort and teamwork among our FBO staff. Team members can wear it with pride knowing that they look good. Looking good leads to feeling good, feeling good leads to empowerment. Looking good by wearing the uniform and applying the standards of appearance and grooming as described below, allows you to put your best face and uniform forward. It helps to elevate the customer service experience.
Looking good affects how you feel and feeling good affects how you look. We want our FBO team to always look and feel on top of their game.
You are provided with a uniform to reflect the brand. As a valued team member, the uniform purpose is for you to look at this uniform in a positive light and associate it with positive emotions. The uniform is intended to evoke an emotion of corporate pride and excellence for our FBO staff and ultimately to our customers.

The design of the uniform was selected by taking into account different body shapes, climate / culture, and individual feedback with the help of our Global Customer Service Community, meaning you!
It is our goal to surpass our customer expectations at every turn! The way we present ourselves to our patronage invites a lasting impression regarding our brand. As part of your commitment to our clients, it is important that we make sure our clothes are clean, neat, ironed and our outfit is not too short, tight, or revealing. Altering the uniform to best fit your features is supported by the company but it requires prior approval from your manager.

All team members are expected to represent Jet Aviation in a professional manner and dress appropriately for each occasion.

Look & Feel the part from top to bottom
• Uniform Top
— Our shirt is neatly tucked in and our collar turned down
— The sleeves on our shirts are not to be rolled up
— If we wear an undershirt, we match its color to the uniform shirt color
— Our shirt is to be kept buttoned; however, the top button can be left unbuttoned to display the red accent
— Our blazer and jacket pockets are to be kept free of bulging items. Full pockets spoil appearances
Pin / Name Tag / Pocket Square
The name tag (or pin) provided is to be worn on your right of our outfit to put customers at ease when addressing us, so the eye falls on the name tag when shaking hands
— The relevant pocket square is to be worn depending on your role in the FBO
A belt is to be worn on all uniform items that have belt loops
Pant / Trousers / Skirts / Dress
— Our front (e.g.: mobile phone) and back (e.g.: wallet) trouser pockets are kept free from bulky objects
— The correct length of our skirt / dress is knee length
— Our uniform is tailored to fit and full length
Socks / Tights
— In summertime, skin tone tights up to 15 denier are to be worn with skirt/dress items of the uniform collection
— In wintertime, navy opaque tights up to 100 denier are to be worn with skirt/dress items of the uniform collection
— The color of our socks matches the color of the trousers of our uniform
— Navy blue trousers = navy blue
— Khaki trousers for the resort look = brown socks paired with brown shoes
— Male employees are to wear lace up or slip on brown leather or leather-like closed-toe dress shoes. This includes Oxford, loafer, Derby, Monk Strap and boot style dress shoes
— Female employees are to wear lace up or slip on navy blue leather or leather-like closed-toe shoes. This includes ballerinas, boots, slip on, Scarpins, Oxfords and loafers for example
— Steel toed shoes are to be worn when required in safety sensitive roles
— We make sure that our shoes are always neat, clean and in good repair
— Heels should not be higher than 3 inches tall
— Sneakers are not authorized to be worn with the uniform
Safety and PPE
— We only wear the high-vis vest, hearing protection and safety glasses when performing ramp / apron / hangar duties and when passing through our facility
— Safety vests should be replaced / cleaned at appropriate intervals
Did you know?
Jet Aviation will reimburse up to a maximum of CHF 70 / SGD 120 / USD 50 (USD 100 for Line Service) per year for employees for shoes.
• General Advice
— Whenever possible, we air the uniforms after they have been worn if they do not need to be laundered before the next use
— In addition to regular steam pressing / ironing our trousers and skirts, we remember to also press the trousers’ creases
— As soon as we notice stains or tears in our uniform, we replace it
— Our jackets are hung on a proper hanger so that the shoulders remain shaped
— Whenever possible, we always have an extra uniform part available on site in case the need to replace an item arises during our shift
— Please refer to the garment care from our supplier ICO: https://icouniforms.com/pages/garment-care
Did you know?
Certain exceptions to these standards can be made by your manager to accommodate special circumstances and can be reviewed on an individual basis.
Make sure to check our Global CX Look and Feel Guide located on the Global Customer Service Intranet Page.

Appearance and Grooming
From Head to Toe
— Personal hygiene
— All our FBO staff maintains proper personal hygiene at all times when on the job. Improper personal hygiene includes, but is not limited to, dirty fingernails, bad breath, body odor and dirty and unkempt hair
— Cosmetics and scents
— All our FBO staff are permitted to wear cosmetics of conservative color and amount. In consideration and concern for the comfort of our team members and customers, scents such as perfumes, colognes, hair/body spray and lotions are used in moderation
— Body art (tattoos & piercings)
— We do not display any form of body art while on duty. If we do have body art of some sort, it is covered accordingly by items of the provided uniform
— Hair
— We are expected to maintain appropriate and professional hairstyles. Hair, beards, sideburns, and mustaches are clean and neatly groomed
— Our hair is properly restrained for its length and job assignment by keeping safety and hygiene in mind when interacting with our customers. Our hair color is within the range of natural hair colors
— Face (Make up, Contact lenses, Facial hair)
— We shave our face every day where applicable
— Our beards and mustaches are trimmed and neatly groomed when fully grown
— When wearing contact lenses, only those in the range of natural eye colors are accepted
— Nails
— We trim our fingernails to the point that it does not pose any safety threat to us performing our work
— Nail polish is kept in office appropriate colors (no neon colors, no nail jewelry)
— Accessories
— All jewelry that we wear is appropriate so that it does not represent a safety hazard or detract from a professional appearance
— When wearing bracelets, we limit the number to avoid representing a safety hazard or detracting from a professional appearance
— Airport Badge
— We wear our Airport ID and company badges attached to breakaway lanyards when required but in any case, according to what has been established by airport security regulations
— Eating & Drinking & Smoking
— We do not eat or drink or smoke in front of the customer and use the available staff break rooms to do this if available
Cleaning and Upkeep
Our facilities must always have a professional appearance and an appropriate level of comfort. The Jet Aviation brand is on portrayed when the customer approaches our facility, and it begins at the entrance and goes until the ramp.
— We abide by the standards set forth for branding by our Marketing team. The guide to our facility standards can be found here: https://intranet.jetaviation.com/templates/Pages/default.aspx
— We are aware of the areas our customers are and are not allowed to access. We are mindful of our customers and teams’ safety at all times
— At a minimum of every two hours, a team member does a general facility cleanliness check of all areas according to a check list. It is each location’s responsibility to determine if a frequency more than every two hours is needed for these checks based on the number of aircraft movements
— Most areas that we see as FBO staff are also seen by the customer
— Our goal is to keep every area clean and clutter-free for the customer’s eyes to enjoy
— Ensure the front desk is free of clutter to the customer eye and that items such as team member beverages and stacks of papers are not visible
All counters and workspaces must be kept uncluttered, well organized and cleaned daily. Think of a 5-star hotel counter looks like; that’s the standard for counters and work areas at Jet Aviation.

The FBO Atmosphere
General cleanliness
As you walk through and work within our FBOs, always be looking out for general cleanliness needs, watch for trip or falls and safety hazards, and keep all fire exits clear. It is the responsibility of all team members to keep our facilities presentable, clean and safe. When you see something that does not look right, take responsibility to resolve the situation.
— All our facilities shall always remain clean and tidy
— Furniture and carpeting shall be cleaned on a regular basis to meet the needs of the location traffic
— Work areas and offices should be neat and orderly
— Equipment shall be put away when not in use
— Our lounges shall be fully stocked with our amenities and equipment should work at all times

Best practice: cleaning checklist
Cleanliness is always expected by our customers. Maintaining a clean facility is yet another way of demonstrating that we care for our customers. Cleanliness in the following areas need proper oversight: customer smoking area, parking area (including buzzer if applicable), outside the entrance, gym, snooze room, etc.
Each morning the FBO agent signs on and sets up the facility. This includes ensuring bathrooms are clean and towels replaced, lounge fridge is restocked, VIP lounge is clean, coffee machine on and serviceable, refreshments stocked up, all bins empty and the overall general tidiness of the facility is guaranteed.
It is up to each and every location to create their own clearly visible and easily available checklists considering the locally mandated measures to maintain cleanliness throughout the day. Each base is responsible for creating their own location’s checklist that best meets the needs of their business.
At any given moment our customers walk through the door and expect us to be to deliver them an outstanding customer experience. The moment the customer walks in, we want to have created an atmosphere that makes our customer feel welcomed, taken care of and in good hands.
— Amenities
— Luggage trolleys branded Jet Aviation (rain covers branded in some locations)
— Entrance signage “Jet Aviation” according to branding guidelines
— Hand sanitizer
— Cleanliness
— Entrance to be checked at least once a day for cleanliness (Signage, building, parking lot, smoking area, trash bins, benches, front doors)
Our team in Teterboro have a doorman to welcome our customers upon entering and exiting our facility.
Front Desk
The FBO front desk area of any facility is the focal point of interactions with our customers. The “Go To” place for our customers where they ask questions and request additional services. Always be organized, looking the part in a wellpresented uniform and ready to provide service with JETitude. Our front desk staff are responsible for answering enquiries, arranging services, and directing queries to correct personnel. Communication skills, professionalism and personal appearance are all influencing factors for our customer’s brand experience.
We make sure the front desk counter has space to interact with the customer, by removing barriers, unnecessary clutter that could hinder the ability to communicate and build relationships with the customers. This central point of contact is where information is kept about our services and also the services at other Jet Aviation locations. We also keep information and marketing materials related to catering, transportation, hotels, and local events for our customers.
— Amenities
— Hand sanitizer
— Individually wrapped candy / mints
— First Aid Kits
— Umbrellas
— Pens
— Basic amenities box (items available upon request: deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, razor, shaving foam, hair gel, hair spray)
Across our FBO locations, we ensure that all our comfort stations (restroom, bathroom, shower facilities, changing rooms, etc…) present a harmony of colors to create a relaxing atmosphere.
In some locations, it can be that the comfort stations are owned and managed by the airport authorities, where personalization is not possible. In other locations however, we can standardize the amenities we provide to our customers.
— Amenities
— Always available, stocked and single-use wrapped where possible: mouthwash, hand sanitizer, soap, hand cream, shower gel, shampoo, female hygiene products (items available upon request: deodorant, tooth brush and tooth paste, razor, shaving foam, hair gel, hair spray)
— Cleanliness
— Comfort stations must be checked throughout the day and be cleaned at least once per day
— Each FBO location must have a process for ensuring cleanliness and that adequate supplies are available in our comfort stations
It is the responsibility of each and every FBO to ensure a checklist is made available in the customer comfort stations for FBO agents to put their initials, the date and time the check has been performed.
— Amenities
— Facility mat
— Treats for pets
— Toys for children
— Hand sanitizer
— Cleanliness
— Lobby and other general passenger areas must be cleaned daily
— Each FBO location should consider more frequent cleaning for high traffic areas
Our team in Burbank offer hot towels to customers for drying their hands in their comfort stations. Think what would elevate your customer’s experience in your location!
Passenger Lounge
Each of our passenger lounges across Jet Aviation locations are unique. It is our mission to make sure that our customers feel comfortable when waiting, resting, snacking, reading, etc... in our lounges. Each lounge is to be equipped with coffee and tea making facilities for self-service. Items are always to be fully stocked. A regular check of the passenger lounge is to be undertaken after the lounge has been vacated to reposition cushions, sofas, refill the fridge.
— Amenities
— Facility mat
— Branded items can include: teacups, mugs, coasters, napkins, glasses
— Food items should include both sweet and savory items as well as items suited for those with dietary restrictions (e.g.: nut-free options, vegan or gluten-free)
— Beverages appealing to a variety of tastes, including both alcoholic (beer, wine, spirits) and non-alcoholic options (water, sodas, juices, coffee, teas)
— Hand sanitizer
Crew Lounge
— Amenities
— Facility mat
— Branded items can include: teacups, mugs, coasters, napkins, glasses
— Food items should include both sweet and savory items as well as items suited for those with dietary restrictions (e.g.: nut-free options, vegan or gluten-free)
— Beverages appealing to a variety of tastes, including both alcoholic (beer, wine, spirits) and non-alcoholic options (water, sodas, juices, coffee, teas)
— Hand sanitizer
Meeting Room Facilities
Our meeting rooms are always set up ready even if not booked for the day.
— Amenities
— Notepad, pen branded
— Refreshments (signature item or snack per location)
— Beverages appealing to a variety of tastes, including both alcoholic (beer, wine, spirits) and non-alcoholic options (water, sodas, juices, coffee, teas)
— Jet Aviation desk pad
— Sign “free / occupied” at the right eye height
— Hand sanitizer
— Cleanliness
— Meeting rooms must be cleaned between uses
Regardless of the fact that our meeting rooms are booked or not, we always set them up.
Snooze Room
The snooze room is a highly appreciated room for crews to use between flights. We must reassure our crews and provide the snooze rooms with disinfection and cleaning between uses.
A checklist, that is location specific, with sign off will be displayed in each of the rest areas for additional reassurance. This includes replacing the masks, ear plugs (with gloves) and putting the blankets to be cleaned.
— Amenities
— Disposable ear plugs
— Water bottles
— Blankets
— Sign do not disturb / occupied
— Cleanliness
— Clean linens should be available and neatly folded
— Designated area for used linens
Our team in Palm Beach provide zero gravity chairs in the pilot snooze room and state of the art massage chairs. Think about what would make the crew’s experience restful before flying out.
Staff Operations Center / Line Services Areas
— Cleanliness
— Clean, clutter free and organized
— Refrigerators routinely cleaned and disinfected
Briefing and flight planning area
— Amenities
— Pens and notepads
— Printer is always fully operational and stocked with paper
— Cleanliness
— Clean, clutter free and organized
— Amenities
— Aircraft walk off mat when feasible
— Cleanliness
— Ground and auxiliary equipment is clean and organized
Carpool / Crew cars
— Amenities
— Hand sanitizer
— Water bottles
— Mints
— Tissues
— Umbrellas
— Cleanliness
— Carpool / Crew cars are cleaned and detailed regularly
— Branding of the cars should be per Marketing signage guidelines
— Car fuel level should be checked and filled as needed
Food Service / Catering / Kitchen
Each FBO location should consider separate refrigerators for customer catering and storage of team member food. In some locations this is a Food Safety mandate. For further details, please refer to your local management & operations manual (MOM).

— Ice machine and delivery: our FBO ice machines should be cleaned at a frequency specified by the manufacturer. The ice scoop must not be stored in the ice machine in contact with the ice
— Individual-use plastic bags / buckets must be used for transporting ice to our customers
— Garbage: when dealing with garbage after an arrival of a customer, team members must wear appropriate PPE including gloves and face covering when disposing of or carrying
Branding is conveyed through the appearance of our people and our facilities.
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Aircraft Managed Customer
Is defined as having their aircraft managed by Jet Aviation Aircraft Management
Based Customer
Refers to a customer having their aircraft being based at our FBO location
Customer Service
Is the attitude displayed when dealing with requests, delivering services and executing tasks. It is a reactive function focusing on completing requests for products and adhering to internal and external processes
Customer Experience
Is the cumulative impact of multiple touchpoints over the course of an interaction between us and our customer. It is being proactive, anticipating needs, and creating a personalized experience that is memorable
Customer Engagement
Is the result of great customer service, and a memorable customer experience at each touchpoint along the customer journey that creates an emotional connection between our customers and the Jet Aviation brand
The Jet Aviation Attitude of being ready, able and willing to deliver SAM
Are the top 50 global customers of Jet Aviation. The term is for internal use only
Network Customer
Is considered a customer who uses multiple Jet Aviation locations and may have contractual benefits throughout our network
Tool used in FBOs to print daily newspapers
Best practice scenario of delivering SAM
Tenant Customer
Is a customer that rents out either a hangar space or an office space
SAM Seamless, Authentic and Memorable
Customer Satisfaction Score
General Dynamics
Maintenance Repair and Overhaul facility
Our go to tool
Customer Relationship Management GPU
Ground Power Unit TEAM
Tactful, Energetic & Effective, Accurate and Motivating
Aircraft Operator Certificate
Value-Added Tax POC Point of Contact ICO
Uniform supplier EHS
Environment, Health and Safety PPE
Personal Protective Equipment
Europe, Middle East, Africa
United States
Asia Pacific
Commitment to Delivering our Jet Aviation Customer Experience
Global Customer Service, Experience & Engagement Commitment Statement
I, commit to delivering a Seamless, Authentic and Memorable customer experience to all of Jet Aviation’s customers throughout their journey in our global network.
I will uphold the Jet Aviation values of Trust, Honesty, Alignment and Transparency in my day-to-day job.
I will play my part of being in a team of 4000+ brand ambassadors, representing 80+ nationalities, in 400 different job types in some 50 facilities across 4 continents and represent the Jet Aviation brand across the globe.
I agree that I will adhere to the best of my ability in my position at Jet Aviation the Global Customer Experience Standards, and that I will practice positive customer experience techniques during my employment.
I am Jet Aviation.
By signing at the bottom of the page:
I acknowledge that I have read and reviewed the contents of this handbook and I understand the Global Customer Experience Standards contained herein.
My journey along the extra mile