February 2020

Page 44

WORK Startup

Daily Harvest’s boxes let customers choose the number of items (nine to 26) and how often to receive them (weekly or monthly).

This frozen food company makes meals (and snacks) easy, healthy, and delicious. Here’s how founder Rachel Drori describes the food delivery startup: I started Daily Harvest out of personal need. I had a busy schedule at my job, and instead of lunch, I would grab a bar or trail mix and move on to my next meeting. After a few months, I thought, What am I doing to myself? I wanted to make it easy to eat more fruits and vegetables, and I started researching frozen food. Daily Harvest started with smoothies but expanded to soups, harvest bowls, overnight oats, chia parfaits, lattes, and bites. You open the cup and see the unrefined ingredients, and then it’s one-step prep. You add water or your choice of milk, or if it’s a harvest bowl, you can add a protein. Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine,” but we’ve gotten bad at that. We’re all incredibly busy, and we stop taking care of ourselves. We’re trying to let food be thy medicine by helping people eat more fruits and vegetables in a convenient format.


$6.99 / starting price per item

95% / organic



/ chefcrafted products

100% / vegan


Daily Harvest

36 Southwest February 2020

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1/3/20 12:58 PM

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