Peak Performance
Issue 21, Fall 2021
Physical Emotional Intelligence
By Sylvia Marina
hree times in my “K” career time moved on, life as it was stood still. The first time is insignificant now, I picked myself up, called on resilience, uttered prayers to Universe and refocused.
1997 was more difficult. My physical body was damaged. With a shattered sternum, broken collarbones, smashed ribs, misaligned vertebrae, shallow breathing, and many more bits of my body broken bruised and aching, I didn’t like the prognosis for the future. Dependant on others to clean-up after I’d attempt to feed myself, my arms had no power to lift a full cup of liquid and the food fell off my spoon. I needed people to dress and care for me. My Wheelchair became my friend. I couldn’t turn the wheels and seriously thought about a motorised chair. Surrogate kinesiology brought relief from pain and discomfort. Sadness was fast becoming a dominant emotion. I began a mantra, “I contribute to the healthy growth of my relationships”. I was grateful for everyone who helped me, but I noticed I was saying thank you with my lips but not with my heart.
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